mirror of
synced 2024-12-21 19:20:39 +00:00
Clean up DEBUG category logs (#2776)
- move many DEBUG logs into TRACE category
This commit is contained in:
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ func (api *APIImpl) CallBundle(ctx context.Context, txHashes []common.Hash, stat
txs = append(txs, txn)
defer func(start time.Time) { log.Debug("Executing EVM call finished", "runtime", time.Since(start)) }(time.Now())
defer func(start time.Time) { log.Trace("Executing EVM call finished", "runtime", time.Since(start)) }(time.Now())
stateBlockNumber, hash, err := rpchelper.GetBlockNumber(stateBlockNumberOrHash, tx, api.filters)
if err != nil {
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ func (api *APIImpl) GetUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex(ctx context.Context, number rp
uncles := block.Uncles()
if index >= hexutil.Uint(len(uncles)) {
log.Debug("Requested uncle not found", "number", block.Number(), "hash", hash, "index", index)
log.Trace("Requested uncle not found", "number", block.Number(), "hash", hash, "index", index)
return nil, nil
uncle := types.NewBlockWithHeader(uncles[index])
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ func (api *APIImpl) GetUncleByBlockHashAndIndex(ctx context.Context, hash common
uncles := block.Uncles()
if index >= hexutil.Uint(len(uncles)) {
log.Debug("Requested uncle not found", "number", block.Number(), "hash", hash, "index", index)
log.Trace("Requested uncle not found", "number", block.Number(), "hash", hash, "index", index)
return nil, nil
uncle := types.NewBlockWithHeader(uncles[index])
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ func RecvUploadHeadersMessage(ctx context.Context,
if rlp.IsDecodeError(err) {
log.Debug("[RecvUploadHeadersMessage] Handling incoming message", "error", err)
} else {
log.Error("[RecvUploadHeadersMessage] Handling incoming message", "error", err)
log.Warn("[RecvUploadHeadersMessage] Handling incoming message", "error", err)
if wg != nil {
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ func RecvMessage(
if rlp.IsDecodeError(err) {
log.Debug("[RecvMessage] Handling incoming message", "error", err)
} else {
log.Error("[RecvMessage] Handling incoming message", "error", err)
log.Warn("[RecvMessage] Handling incoming message", "error", err)
@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ func (cs *ControlServerImpl) blockHeaders66(ctx context.Context, in *proto_sentr
if req != nil {
if peer := cs.SendHeaderRequest(ctx, req); peer != nil {
cs.Hd.SentRequest(req, currentTime, 5 /* timeout */)
log.Debug("Sent request", "height", req.Number)
log.Trace("Sent request", "height", req.Number)
cs.Penalize(ctx, penalties)
@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ func (cs *ControlServerImpl) blockHeaders65(ctx context.Context, in *proto_sentr
if req != nil {
if peer := cs.SendHeaderRequest(ctx, req); peer != nil {
cs.Hd.SentRequest(req, currentTime, 5 /* timeout */)
log.Debug("Sent request", "height", req.Number)
log.Trace("Sent request", "height", req.Number)
cs.Penalize(ctx, penalties)
@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ func (cs *ControlServerImpl) newBlock65(ctx context.Context, inreq *proto_sentry
if _, err1 := sentry.PeerMinBlock(ctx, &outreq, &grpc.EmptyCallOption{}); err1 != nil {
log.Error("Could not send min block for peer", "err", err1)
log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("NewBlockMsg{blockNumber: %d} from [%s]", request.Block.NumberU64(), gointerfaces.ConvertH512ToBytes(inreq.PeerId)))
log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("NewBlockMsg{blockNumber: %d} from [%s]", request.Block.NumberU64(), gointerfaces.ConvertH512ToBytes(inreq.PeerId)))
return nil
@ -267,13 +267,13 @@ func runPeer(
if peerPrinted {
log.Debug("Peer disconnected", "id", peerID, "name", peerInfo.peer.Fullname())
log.Trace("Peer disconnected", "id", peerID, "name", peerInfo.peer.Fullname())
for {
if !peerPrinted {
if time.Now().After(printTime) {
log.Debug("Peer stable", "id", peerID, "name", peerInfo.peer.Fullname())
log.Trace("Peer stable", "id", peerID, "name", peerInfo.peer.Fullname())
peerPrinted = true
@ -469,10 +469,10 @@ func NewSentryServer(ctx context.Context, dialCandidates enode.Iterator, readNod
Run: func(peer *p2p.Peer, rw p2p.MsgReadWriter) error {
peerID := peer.ID().String()
if _, ok := ss.GoodPeers.Load(peerID); ok {
log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Peer already has connection", peerID))
log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Peer already has connection", peerID))
return nil
log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Start with peer", peerID))
log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Start with peer", peerID))
peerInfo := &PeerInfo{
peer: peer,
@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ func NewSentryServer(ctx context.Context, dialCandidates enode.Iterator, readNod
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("handshake to peer %s: %w", peerID, err)
log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Received status message OK", peerID), "name", peer.Name())
log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Received status message OK", peerID), "name", peer.Name())
if err := runPeer(
@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ func NewSentryServer(ctx context.Context, dialCandidates enode.Iterator, readNod
); err != nil {
log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Error while running peer: %v", peerID, err))
log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Error while running peer: %v", peerID, err))
return nil
@ -889,7 +889,7 @@ func (ss *SentryServerImpl) send(msgID proto_sentry.MessageId, peerID string, b
ch := ss.messageStreams[msgID][i]
ch <- req
if len(ch) > MessagesQueueSize/2 {
log.Debug("[sentry] consuming is slow", "msgID", msgID.String())
log.Warn("[sentry] consuming is slow", "msgID", msgID.String())
// evict old messages from channel
for j := 0; j < MessagesQueueSize/4; j++ {
select {
@ -937,7 +937,7 @@ func (ss *SentryServerImpl) addMessagesStream(ids []proto_sentry.MessageId, ch c
const MessagesQueueSize = 1024 // one such queue per client of .Messages stream
func (ss *SentryServerImpl) Messages(req *proto_sentry.MessagesRequest, server proto_sentry.Sentry_MessagesServer) error {
log.Debug("[Messages] new subscriber", "to", req.Ids)
log.Trace("[Messages] new subscriber", "to", req.Ids)
ch := make(chan *proto_sentry.InboundMessage, MessagesQueueSize)
defer close(ch)
clean := ss.addMessagesStream(req.Ids, ch)
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
return true, nil
if time.Since(a.UpdatedAt) > 24*time.Hour {
log.Debug("Skipped", "k", common.Bytes2Hex(k), "last updated", a.UpdatedAt)
log.Trace("Skipped", "k", common.Bytes2Hex(k), "last updated", a.UpdatedAt)
return true, nil
if a.Left == 0 {
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ func (t *Tracker) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
return nil
if time.Since(a.UpdatedAt) > 5*DisconnectInterval {
log.Debug("Skipped requset", "peer", common.Bytes2Hex(a.PeerID), "last updated", a.UpdatedAt, "now", time.Now())
log.Trace("Skipped requset", "peer", common.Bytes2Hex(a.PeerID), "last updated", a.UpdatedAt, "now", time.Now())
return nil
if a.Left == 0 {
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ func (e *EpochManager) zoomToAfter(chain consensus.ChainHeaderReader, er consens
panic(fmt.Errorf("proof produced by this engine is invalid: %w", err))
epochSet := list.validators
log.Debug("[aura] Updating finality checker with new validator set extracted from epoch", "num", lastTransition.BlockNumber)
log.Trace("[aura] Updating finality checker with new validator set extracted from epoch", "num", lastTransition.BlockNumber)
e.finalityChecker = NewRollingFinality(epochSet)
if proof.SignalNumber >= DEBUG_LOG_FROM {
fmt.Printf("new rolling finality: %d\n", proof.SignalNumber)
@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ func (c *AuRa) verifyFamily(chain consensus.ChainHeaderReader, e consensus.Epoch
if step == parentStep ||
(header.Number.Uint64() >= c.cfg.ValidateStepTransition && step <= parentStep) {
log.Debug("[engine] Multiple blocks proposed for step", "num", parentStep)
log.Trace("[aura] Multiple blocks proposed for step", "num", parentStep)
_ = setNumber
@ -1096,7 +1096,7 @@ func (c *AuRa) GenerateSeal(chain consensus.ChainHeaderReader, current, parent *
// first check to avoid generating signature most of the time
// (but there's still a race to the `compare_exchange`)
if !c.step.canPropose.Load() {
log.Trace("[engine] Aborting seal generation. Can't propose.")
log.Trace("[aura] Aborting seal generation. Can't propose.")
return nil
parentStep, err := headerStep(parent)
@ -1108,24 +1108,24 @@ func (c *AuRa) GenerateSeal(chain consensus.ChainHeaderReader, current, parent *
// filter messages from old and future steps and different parents
expectedDiff := calculateScore(parentStep, step, 0)
if current.Difficulty.Cmp(expectedDiff.ToBig()) != 0 {
log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("[engine] Aborting seal generation. The step or empty_steps have changed in the meantime. %d != %d", current.Difficulty, expectedDiff))
log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("[aura] Aborting seal generation. The step or empty_steps have changed in the meantime. %d != %d", current.Difficulty, expectedDiff))
return nil
if parentStep > step {
log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("[engine] Aborting seal generation for invalid step: %d > %d", parentStep, step))
log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("[aura] Aborting seal generation for invalid step: %d > %d", parentStep, step))
return nil
validators, setNumber, err := c.epochSet(chain, nil, current, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("[engine] Unable to generate seal", "err", err)
log.Warn("[aura] Unable to generate seal", "err", err)
return nil
stepProposerAddr, err := stepProposer(validators, current.ParentHash, step, call)
if err != nil {
log.Warn("[engine] Unable to get stepProposer", "err", err)
log.Warn("[aura] Unable to get stepProposer", "err", err)
return nil
if stepProposerAddr != current.Coinbase {
@ -1143,7 +1143,7 @@ func (c *AuRa) GenerateSeal(chain consensus.ChainHeaderReader, current, parent *
signature, err := c.sign(current.bareHash())
if err != nil {
log.Warn("[engine] generate_seal: FAIL: Accounts secret key unavailable.", "err", err)
log.Warn("[aura] generate_seal: FAIL: Accounts secret key unavailable.", "err", err)
return nil
@ -168,8 +168,8 @@ func generateCache(dest []uint32, epoch uint64, seed []byte) {
defer func() {
elapsed := time.Since(start)
logFn := logger.Debug
if elapsed > 3*time.Second {
logFn := logger.Trace
if elapsed > 5*time.Second {
logFn = logger.Info
logFn("Generated ethash verification cache", "elapsed", common.PrettyDuration(elapsed))
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ func (s *remoteSealer) sendNotification(ctx context.Context, url string, json []
// any other error, like no pending work or stale mining result).
func (s *remoteSealer) submitWork(nonce types.BlockNonce, mixDigest common.Hash, sealhash common.Hash) bool {
if s.currentBlock == nil {
s.ethash.config.Log.Error("Pending work without block", "sealhash", sealhash)
s.ethash.config.Log.Warn("Pending work without block", "sealhash", sealhash)
return false
// Make sure the work submitted is present
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ func (s *remoteSealer) submitWork(nonce types.BlockNonce, mixDigest common.Hash,
if solution.NumberU64()+staleThreshold > s.currentBlock.NumberU64() {
select {
case s.results <- solution:
s.ethash.config.Log.Debug("Work submitted is acceptable", "number", solution.NumberU64(), "sealhash", sealhash, "hash", solution.Hash())
s.ethash.config.Log.Trace("Work submitted is acceptable", "number", solution.NumberU64(), "sealhash", sealhash, "hash", solution.Hash())
return true
s.ethash.config.Log.Warn("Sealing result is not read by miner", "mode", "remote", "sealhash", sealhash)
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ type Cancel struct {
func (c *Cancel) CancelFunc() {
log.Debug("cancel mining task", "callers", debug.Callers(10))
log.Trace("Cancel mining task", "callers", debug.Callers(10))
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ func (journal *txJournal) load(add func([]types.Transaction) []error) error {
loadBatch := func(txs types.Transactions) {
for _, err := range add(txs) {
if err != nil {
log.Debug("Failed to add journaled transaction", "err", err)
log.Trace("Failed to add journaled transaction", "err", err)
@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ func (pool *TxPool) loop() {
if pending != prevPending || queued != prevQueued || stales != prevStales {
log.Debug("Transaction pool status report", "executable", pending, "queued", queued, "stales", stales)
log.Trace("Transaction pool status report", "executable", pending, "queued", queued, "stales", stales)
prevPending, prevQueued, prevStales = pending, queued, stales
@ -381,14 +381,14 @@ func (f *BlockFetcher) loop() {
count := f.announces[notification.origin] + 1
if count > hashLimit {
log.Debug("Peer exceeded outstanding announces", "peer", notification.origin, "limit", hashLimit)
log.Trace("Peer exceeded outstanding announces", "peer", notification.origin, "limit", hashLimit)
// If we have a valid block number, check that it's potentially useful
if notification.number > 0 {
if dist := int64(notification.number) - int64(f.chainHeight()); dist < -maxUncleDist || dist > maxQueueDist {
log.Debug("Peer discarded announcement", "peer", notification.origin, "number", notification.number, "hash", notification.hash, "distance", dist)
log.Trace("Peer discarded announcement", "peer", notification.origin, "number", notification.number, "hash", notification.hash, "distance", dist)
@ -689,14 +689,14 @@ func (f *BlockFetcher) enqueue(peer string, header *types.Header, block *types.B
// Ensure the peer isn't DOSing us
count := f.queues[peer] + 1
if count > blockLimit {
log.Debug("Discarded delivered header or block, exceeded allowance", "peer", peer, "number", number, "hash", hash, "limit", blockLimit)
log.Trace("Discarded delivered header or block, exceeded allowance", "peer", peer, "number", number, "hash", hash, "limit", blockLimit)
// Discard any past or too distant blocks
if dist := int64(number) - int64(f.chainHeight()); dist < -maxUncleDist || dist > maxQueueDist {
log.Debug("Discarded delivered header or block, too far away", "peer", peer, "number", number, "hash", hash, "distance", dist)
log.Trace("Discarded delivered header or block, too far away", "peer", peer, "number", number, "hash", hash, "distance", dist)
@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ func (f *BlockFetcher) enqueue(peer string, header *types.Header, block *types.B
if f.queueChangeHook != nil {
f.queueChangeHook(hash, true)
log.Debug("Queued delivered header or block", "peer", peer, "number", number, "hash", hash, "queued", f.queue.Size())
log.Trace("Queued delivered header or block", "peer", peer, "number", number, "hash", hash, "queued", f.queue.Size())
@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ func (f *BlockFetcher) importBlocks(peer string, block *types.Block) {
hash := block.Hash()
// Run the import on a new thread
log.Debug("Importing propagated block", "peer", peer, "number", block.Number(), "hash", hash)
log.Trace("Importing propagated block", "peer", peer, "number", block.Number(), "hash", hash)
defer func() {
@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ func (f *BlockFetcher) importBlocks(peer string, block *types.Block) {
// If the parent's unknown, abort insertion
parent := f.getBlock(block.ParentHash())
if parent == nil {
log.Debug("Unknown parent of propagated block", "peer", peer, "number", block.Number(), "hash", hash, "parent", block.ParentHash())
log.Trace("Unknown parent of propagated block", "peer", peer, "number", block.Number(), "hash", hash, "parent", block.ParentHash())
// Quickly validate the header and propagate the block if it passes
@ -750,13 +750,13 @@ func (f *BlockFetcher) importBlocks(peer string, block *types.Block) {
// Something went very wrong, drop the peer
log.Debug("Propagated block verification failed", "peer", peer, "number", block.Number(), "hash", hash, "err", err)
log.Trace("Propagated block verification failed", "peer", peer, "number", block.Number(), "hash", hash, "err", err)
// Run the actual import and log any issues
if _, err := f.insertChain(types.Blocks{block}); err != nil {
log.Debug("Propagated block import failed", "peer", peer, "number", block.Number(), "hash", hash, "err", err)
log.Trace("Propagated block import failed", "peer", peer, "number", block.Number(), "hash", hash, "err", err)
// If import succeeded, broadcast the block
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ func (p *Peer) AsyncSendTransactions(hashes []common.Hash) {
case <-p.term:
p.Log().Debug("Dropping transaction propagation", "count", len(hashes))
p.Log().Trace("Dropping transaction propagation", "count", len(hashes))
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ func (p *Peer) AsyncSendPooledTransactionHashes(hashes []common.Hash) {
case <-p.term:
p.Log().Debug("Dropping transaction announcement", "count", len(hashes))
p.Log().Trace("Dropping transaction announcement", "count", len(hashes))
@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ func (p *Peer) AsyncSendNewBlockHash(block *types.Block) {
p.Log().Debug("Dropping block announcement", "number", block.NumberU64(), "hash", block.Hash())
p.Log().Trace("Dropping block announcement", "number", block.NumberU64(), "hash", block.Hash())
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ func (p *Peer) AsyncSendNewBlock(block *types.Block, td *big.Int) {
p.Log().Debug("Dropping block propagation", "number", block.NumberU64(), "hash", block.Hash())
p.Log().Trace("Dropping block propagation", "number", block.NumberU64(), "hash", block.Hash())
@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ func (p *Peer) ReplyReceiptsRLP(id uint64, receipts []rlp.RawValue) error {
// RequestOneHeader is a wrapper around the header query functions to fetch a
// single header. It is used solely by the fetcher.
func (p *Peer) RequestOneHeader(hash common.Hash) error {
p.Log().Debug("Fetching single header", "hash", hash)
p.Log().Trace("Fetching single header", "hash", hash)
query := GetBlockHeadersPacket{
Origin: HashOrNumber{Hash: hash},
Amount: uint64(1),
@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ func (p *Peer) RequestOneHeader(hash common.Hash) error {
// RequestHeadersByHash fetches a batch of blocks' headers corresponding to the
// specified header query, based on the hash of an origin block.
func (p *Peer) RequestHeadersByHash(origin common.Hash, amount int, skip int, reverse bool) error {
p.Log().Debug("Fetching batch of headers", "count", amount, "fromhash", origin, "skip", skip, "reverse", reverse)
p.Log().Trace("Fetching batch of headers", "count", amount, "fromhash", origin, "skip", skip, "reverse", reverse)
query := GetBlockHeadersPacket{
Origin: HashOrNumber{Hash: origin},
Amount: uint64(amount),
@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ func (p *Peer) RequestHeadersByHash(origin common.Hash, amount int, skip int, re
// RequestHeadersByNumber fetches a batch of blocks' headers corresponding to the
// specified header query, based on the number of an origin block.
func (p *Peer) RequestHeadersByNumber(origin uint64, amount int, skip int, reverse bool) error {
p.Log().Debug("Fetching batch of headers", "count", amount, "fromnum", origin, "skip", skip, "reverse", reverse)
p.Log().Trace("Fetching batch of headers", "count", amount, "fromnum", origin, "skip", skip, "reverse", reverse)
query := GetBlockHeadersPacket{
Origin: HashOrNumber{Number: origin},
Amount: uint64(amount),
@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ func (p *Peer) ExpectRequestHeadersByNumber(origin uint64, amount int, skip int,
// RequestBodies fetches a batch of blocks' bodies corresponding to the hashes
// specified.
func (p *Peer) RequestBodies(hashes []common.Hash) error {
p.Log().Debug("Fetching batch of block bodies", "count", len(hashes))
p.Log().Trace("Fetching batch of block bodies", "count", len(hashes))
if p.Version() >= ETH66 {
return p2p.Send(p.rw, GetBlockBodiesMsg, &GetBlockBodiesPacket66{
RequestId: rand.Uint64(), //nolint:gosec
@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ func (p *Peer) RequestBodies(hashes []common.Hash) error {
// RequestNodeData fetches a batch of arbitrary data from a node's known state
// data, corresponding to the specified hashes.
func (p *Peer) RequestNodeData(hashes []common.Hash) error {
p.Log().Debug("Fetching batch of state data", "count", len(hashes))
p.Log().Trace("Fetching batch of state data", "count", len(hashes))
if p.Version() >= ETH66 {
return p2p.Send(p.rw, GetNodeDataMsg, &GetNodeDataPacket66{
RequestId: rand.Uint64(), //nolint:gosec
@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ func (p *Peer) RequestNodeData(hashes []common.Hash) error {
// RequestReceipts fetches a batch of transaction receipts from a remote node.
func (p *Peer) RequestReceipts(hashes []common.Hash) error {
p.Log().Debug("Fetching batch of receipts", "count", len(hashes))
p.Log().Trace("Fetching batch of receipts", "count", len(hashes))
if p.Version() >= ETH66 {
return p2p.Send(p.rw, GetReceiptsMsg, &GetReceiptsPacket66{
RequestId: rand.Uint64(), //nolint:gosec
@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ func (p *Peer) RequestReceipts(hashes []common.Hash) error {
// RequestTxs fetches a batch of transactions from a remote node.
func (p *Peer) RequestTxs(hashes []common.Hash) error {
p.Log().Debug("Fetching batch of transactions", "count", len(hashes))
p.Log().Trace("Fetching batch of transactions", "count", len(hashes))
if p.Version() >= ETH66 {
return p2p.Send(p.rw, GetPooledTransactionsMsg, &GetPooledTransactionsPacket66{
RequestId: rand.Uint64(), //nolint:gosec
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ Loop:
case <-timer.C:
log.Trace("RequestQueueTime (bodies) ticked")
case <-cfg.bd.DeliveryNotify:
log.Debug("bodyLoop woken up by the incoming request")
log.Trace("bodyLoop woken up by the incoming request")
d6 += time.Since(start)
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ Loop:
peer = cfg.headerReqSend(ctx, req)
if peer != nil {
cfg.hd.SentRequest(req, currentTime, 5 /* timeout */)
log.Debug("Sent request", "height", req.Number)
log.Trace("Sent request", "height", req.Number)
cfg.penalize(ctx, penalties)
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ Loop:
peer = cfg.headerReqSend(ctx, req)
if peer != nil {
cfg.hd.SentRequest(req, currentTime, 5 /*timeout */)
log.Debug("Sent request", "height", req.Number)
log.Trace("Sent request", "height", req.Number)
cfg.penalize(ctx, penalties)
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ Loop:
if req != nil {
peer = cfg.headerReqSend(ctx, req)
if peer != nil {
log.Debug("Sent skeleton request", "height", req.Number)
log.Trace("Sent skeleton request", "height", req.Number)
// Load headers into the database
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ Loop:
case <-timer.C:
log.Trace("RequestQueueTime (header) ticked")
case <-cfg.hd.DeliveryNotify:
log.Debug("headerLoop woken up by the incoming request")
log.Trace("headerLoop woken up by the incoming request")
case <-cfg.hd.SkipCycleHack:
break Loop
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ func (p *HashPromoter) Promote(logPrefix string, s *StageState, from, to uint64,
} else {
changeSetBucket = kv.AccountChangeSet
log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Incremental state promotion of intermediate hashes", logPrefix), "from", from, "to", to, "csbucket", changeSetBucket)
log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Incremental state promotion of intermediate hashes", logPrefix), "from", from, "to", to, "csbucket", changeSetBucket)
startkey := dbutils.EncodeBlockNumber(from + 1)
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ func SpawnMiningCreateBlockStage(s *StageState, tx kv.RwTx, cfg MiningCreateBloc
if err = commitUncle(env, uncle); err != nil {
log.Trace("Possible uncle rejected", "hash", hash, "reason", err)
} else {
log.Debug("Committing new uncle to block", "hash", hash)
log.Trace("Committing new uncle to block", "hash", hash)
uncles = append(uncles, uncle)
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ func addTransactionsToMiningBlock(current *MiningBlock, chainConfig params.Chain
// Strange error, discard the transaction and get the next in line (note, the
// nonce-too-high clause will prevent us from executing in vain).
log.Debug("Transaction failed, account skipped", "hash", txn.Hash(), "err", err)
log.Trace("Transaction failed, account skipped", "hash", txn.Hash(), "err", err)
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ func SpawnRecoverSendersStage(cfg SendersCfg, s *StageState, u Unwinder, tx kv.R
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Preload headers", logPrefix), "block_number", binary.BigEndian.Uint64(k))
log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Read canonical hashes", logPrefix), "amount", len(canonical))
log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Read canonical hashes", logPrefix), "amount", len(canonical))
jobs := make(chan *senderRecoveryJob, cfg.batchSize)
out := make(chan *senderRecoveryJob, cfg.batchSize)
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ func incrementalTxPoolUpdate(logPrefix string, from, to uint64, pool *core.TxPoo
log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Read canonical hashes", logPrefix), "hashes", len(canonical))
log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Read canonical hashes", logPrefix), "hashes", len(canonical))
bodies, err := tx.Cursor(kv.BlockBody)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ func unwindTxPoolUpdate(logPrefix string, from, to uint64, pool *core.TxPool, tx
copy(canonical[blockNumber-from-1][:], v)
log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Read canonical hashes", logPrefix), "hashes", len(canonical))
log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Read canonical hashes", logPrefix), "hashes", len(canonical))
senders := make([][]common.Address, to-from+1)
sendersC, err := tx.Cursor(kv.Senders)
if err != nil {
@ -219,12 +219,12 @@ func (s *Sync) Run(db kv.RwDB, tx kv.RwTx, firstCycle bool) error {
stage := s.stages[s.currentStage]
if string(stage.ID) == debug.StopBeforeStage() { // stop process for debugging reasons
log.Error("STOP_BEFORE_STAGE env flag forced to stop app")
log.Warn("STOP_BEFORE_STAGE env flag forced to stop app")
if stage.Disabled || stage.Forward == nil {
log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("%s disabled. %s", stage.ID, stage.DisabledDescription))
log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("%s disabled. %s", stage.ID, stage.DisabledDescription))
@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ func (s *Sync) runStage(stage *Stage, db kv.RwDB, tx kv.RwTx, firstCycle bool, b
func (s *Sync) unwindStage(firstCycle bool, stage *Stage, db kv.RwDB, tx kv.RwTx) error {
t := time.Now()
log.Debug("Unwind...", "stage", stage.ID)
log.Trace("Unwind...", "stage", stage.ID)
stageState, err := s.StageState(stage.ID, tx, db)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ func (s *Sync) unwindStage(firstCycle bool, stage *Stage, db kv.RwDB, tx kv.RwTx
func (s *Sync) pruneStage(firstCycle bool, stage *Stage, db kv.RwDB, tx kv.RwTx) error {
t := time.Now()
log.Debug("Prune...", "stage", stage.ID)
log.Trace("Prune...", "stage", stage.ID)
stageState, err := s.StageState(stage.ID, tx, db)
if err != nil {
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ func (s *EthBackendServer) NetPeerCount(_ context.Context, _ *remote.NetPeerCoun
func (s *EthBackendServer) Subscribe(r *remote.SubscribeRequest, subscribeServer remote.ETHBACKEND_SubscribeServer) error {
log.Debug("establishing event subscription channel with the RPC daemon")
log.Trace("Establishing event subscription channel with the RPC daemon ...")
s.events.AddHeaderSubscription(func(h *types.Header) error {
select {
case <-s.ctx.Done():
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ func (s *MinedBlockStreams) Broadcast(reply *proto_txpool.OnMinedBlockReply) {
for id, stream := range s.chans {
err := stream.Send(reply)
if err != nil {
log.Debug("failed send to mined block stream", "err", err)
log.Trace("failed send to mined block stream", "err", err)
select {
case <-stream.Context().Done():
delete(s.chans, id)
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ func (s *PendingBlockStreams) Broadcast(reply *proto_txpool.OnPendingBlockReply)
for id, stream := range s.chans {
err := stream.Send(reply)
if err != nil {
log.Debug("failed send to mined block stream", "err", err)
log.Trace("failed send to mined block stream", "err", err)
select {
case <-stream.Context().Done():
delete(s.chans, id)
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ func (s *PendingLogsStreams) Broadcast(reply *proto_txpool.OnPendingLogsReply) {
for id, stream := range s.chans {
err := stream.Send(reply)
if err != nil {
log.Debug("failed send to mined block stream", "err", err)
log.Trace("failed send to mined block stream", "err", err)
select {
case <-stream.Context().Done():
delete(s.chans, id)
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ func (s *PublicBlockChainAPI) GetUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex(ctx context.Context,
if block != nil {
uncles := block.Uncles()
if index >= hexutil.Uint(len(uncles)) {
log.Debug("Requested uncle not found", "number", blockNr, "hash", block.Hash(), "index", index)
log.Trace("Requested uncle not found", "number", blockNr, "hash", block.Hash(), "index", index)
return nil, nil
block = types.NewBlockWithHeader(uncles[index])
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ func (s *PublicBlockChainAPI) GetUncleByBlockHashAndIndex(ctx context.Context, b
if block != nil {
uncles := block.Uncles()
if index >= hexutil.Uint(len(uncles)) {
log.Debug("Requested uncle not found", "number", block.Number(), "hash", blockHash, "index", index)
log.Trace("Requested uncle not found", "number", block.Number(), "hash", blockHash, "index", index)
return nil, nil
block = types.NewBlockWithHeader(uncles[index])
@ -534,13 +534,13 @@ func (t *dialTask) resolve(d *dialScheduler) bool {
if t.resolveDelay > maxResolveDelay {
t.resolveDelay = maxResolveDelay
d.log.Debug("Resolving node failed", "id", t.dest.ID(), "newdelay", t.resolveDelay)
d.log.Warn("Resolving node failed", "id", t.dest.ID(), "newdelay", t.resolveDelay)
return false
// The node was found.
t.resolveDelay = initialResolveDelay
t.dest = resolved
d.log.Debug("Resolved node", "id", t.dest.ID(), "addr", &net.TCPAddr{IP: t.dest.IP(), Port: t.dest.TCP()})
d.log.Trace("Resolved node", "id", t.dest.ID(), "addr", &net.TCPAddr{IP: t.dest.IP(), Port: t.dest.TCP()})
return true
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ func checkClockDrift() {
log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("System clock seems off by %v, which can prevent network connectivity", drift))
log.Warn("Please enable network time synchronisation in system settings.")
} else {
log.Debug("NTP sanity check done", "drift", drift)
log.Trace("NTP sanity check done", "drift", drift)
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ func (tab *Table) doRevalidate(done chan<- struct{}) {
// Also fetch record if the node replied and returned a higher sequence number.
if last.Seq() < remoteSeq {
if n, err := tab.net.RequestENR(unwrapNode(last)); err != nil {
tab.log.Debug("ENR request failed", "id", last.ID(), "addr", last.addr(), "err", err)
tab.log.Trace("ENR request failed", "id", last.ID(), "addr", last.addr(), "err", err)
} else {
last = &node{Node: *n, addedAt: last.addedAt, livenessChecks: last.livenessChecks}
@ -344,16 +344,16 @@ func (tab *Table) doRevalidate(done chan<- struct{}) {
if rErr == nil {
// The node responded, move it to the front.
tab.log.Debug("Revalidated node", "b", bi, "id", last.ID(), "checks", last.livenessChecks)
tab.log.Trace("Revalidated node", "b", bi, "id", last.ID(), "checks", last.livenessChecks)
tab.bumpInBucket(b, last)
// No reply received, pick a replacement or delete the node if there aren't
// any replacements.
if r := tab.replace(b, last); r != nil {
tab.log.Debug("Replaced dead node", "b", bi, "id", last.ID(), "ip", last.IP(), "checks", last.livenessChecks, "r", r.ID(), "rip", r.IP())
tab.log.Trace("Replaced dead node", "b", bi, "id", last.ID(), "ip", last.IP(), "checks", last.livenessChecks, "r", r.ID(), "rip", r.IP())
} else {
tab.log.Debug("Removed dead node", "b", bi, "id", last.ID(), "ip", last.IP(), "checks", last.livenessChecks)
tab.log.Trace("Removed dead node", "b", bi, "id", last.ID(), "ip", last.IP(), "checks", last.livenessChecks)
@ -552,11 +552,11 @@ func (tab *Table) addIP(b *bucket, ip net.IP) bool {
return true
if !tab.ips.Add(ip) {
tab.log.Debug("IP exceeds table limit", "ip", ip)
tab.log.Trace("IP exceeds table limit", "ip", ip)
return false
if !b.ips.Add(ip) {
tab.log.Debug("IP exceeds bucket limit", "ip", ip)
tab.log.Trace("IP exceeds bucket limit", "ip", ip)
return false
@ -540,12 +540,12 @@ func (t *UDPv4) readLoop(unhandled chan<- ReadPacket) {
nbytes, from, err := t.conn.ReadFromUDP(buf)
if netutil.IsTemporaryError(err) {
// Ignore temporary read errors.
t.log.Debug("Temporary UDP read error", "err", err)
t.log.Trace("Temporary UDP read error", "err", err)
} else if err != nil {
// Shut down the loop for permament errors.
if err != io.EOF {
t.log.Debug("UDP read error", "err", err)
t.log.Trace("UDP read error", "err", err)
@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ func (t *UDPv4) readLoop(unhandled chan<- ReadPacket) {
func (t *UDPv4) handlePacket(from *net.UDPAddr, buf []byte) error {
rawpacket, fromKey, hash, err := v4wire.Decode(buf)
if err != nil {
t.log.Debug("Bad discv4 packet", "addr", from, "err", err)
t.log.Trace("Bad discv4 packet", "addr", from, "err", err)
return err
packet := t.wrapPacket(rawpacket)
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ func (t *UDPv5) waitForNodes(c *callV5, distances []uint) ([]*enode.Node, error)
for _, record := range response.Nodes {
node, err := t.verifyResponseNode(c, record, distances, seen)
if err != nil {
t.log.Debug("Invalid record in "+response.Name(), "id", c.node.ID(), "err", err)
t.log.Trace("Invalid record in "+response.Name(), "id", c.node.ID(), "err", err)
nodes = append(nodes, node)
@ -622,12 +622,12 @@ func (t *UDPv5) readLoop() {
nbytes, from, err := t.conn.ReadFromUDP(buf)
if netutil.IsTemporaryError(err) {
// Ignore temporary read errors.
t.log.Debug("Temporary UDP read error", "err", err)
t.log.Trace("Temporary UDP read error", "err", err)
} else if err != nil {
// Shut down the loop for permament errors.
if err != io.EOF {
t.log.Debug("UDP read error", "err", err)
t.log.Trace("UDP read error", "err", err)
@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ func (t *UDPv5) handlePacket(rawpacket []byte, fromAddr *net.UDPAddr) error {
addr := fromAddr.String()
fromID, fromNode, packet, err := t.codec.Decode(rawpacket, addr)
if err != nil {
t.log.Debug("Bad discv5 packet", "id", fromID, "addr", addr, "err", err)
t.log.Trace("Bad discv5 packet", "id", fromID, "addr", addr, "err", err)
return err
if fromNode != nil {
@ -669,15 +669,15 @@ func (t *UDPv5) handlePacket(rawpacket []byte, fromAddr *net.UDPAddr) error {
func (t *UDPv5) handleCallResponse(fromID enode.ID, fromAddr *net.UDPAddr, p v5wire.Packet) bool {
ac := t.activeCallByNode[fromID]
if ac == nil || !bytes.Equal(p.RequestID(), ac.reqid) {
t.log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Unsolicited/late %s response", p.Name()), "id", fromID, "addr", fromAddr)
t.log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("Unsolicited/late %s response", p.Name()), "id", fromID, "addr", fromAddr)
return false
if !fromAddr.IP.Equal(ac.node.IP()) || fromAddr.Port != ac.node.UDP() {
t.log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("%s from wrong endpoint", p.Name()), "id", fromID, "addr", fromAddr)
t.log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("%s from wrong endpoint", p.Name()), "id", fromID, "addr", fromAddr)
return false
if p.Kind() != ac.responseType {
t.log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Wrong discv5 response type %s", p.Name()), "id", fromID, "addr", fromAddr)
t.log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("Wrong discv5 response type %s", p.Name()), "id", fromID, "addr", fromAddr)
return false
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ func (it *randomIterator) nextNode() *enode.Node {
if err == it.ctx.Err() {
return nil // context canceled.
it.c.cfg.Logger.Debug("Error in DNS random node sync", "tree", ct.loc.domain, "err", err)
it.c.cfg.Logger.Trace("Error in DNS random node sync", "tree", ct.loc.domain, "err", err)
if n != nil {
@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ func (it *randomIterator) waitForRootUpdates(trees []*clientTree) bool {
sleep := nextCheck.Sub(it.c.clock.Now())
it.c.cfg.Logger.Debug("DNS iterator waiting for root updates", "sleep", sleep, "tree", minTree.loc.domain)
it.c.cfg.Logger.Trace("DNS iterator waiting for root updates", "sleep", sleep, "tree", minTree.loc.domain)
timeout := it.c.clock.NewTimer(sleep)
defer timeout.Stop()
select {
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ func (ln *LocalNode) sign() {
panic(fmt.Errorf("enode: can't verify local record: %w", err))
log.Debug("New local node record", "seq", ln.seq, "id", n.ID(), "ip", n.IP(), "udp", n.UDP(), "tcp", n.TCP())
log.Trace("New local node record", "seq", ln.seq, "id", n.ID(), "ip", n.IP(), "udp", n.UDP(), "tcp", n.TCP())
func (ln *LocalNode) bumpSeq() {
@ -102,11 +102,11 @@ func Map(m Interface, c <-chan struct{}, protocol string, extport, intport int,
refresh := time.NewTimer(mapTimeout)
defer func() {
log.Debug("Deleting port mapping")
log.Trace("Deleting port mapping")
m.DeleteMapping(protocol, extport, intport)
if err := m.AddMapping(protocol, extport, intport, name, mapTimeout); err != nil {
log.Debug("Couldn't add port mapping", "err", err)
log.Warn("Couldn't add port mapping", "err", err)
} else {
log.Info("Mapped network port")
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ func Map(m Interface, c <-chan struct{}, protocol string, extport, intport int,
case <-refresh.C:
log.Trace("Refreshing port mapping")
if err := m.AddMapping(protocol, extport, intport, name, mapTimeout); err != nil {
log.Debug("Couldn't add port mapping", "err", err)
log.Warn("Couldn't add port mapping", "err", err)
@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ func (srv *Server) setupDiscovery() error {
return err
realaddr := conn.LocalAddr().(*net.UDPAddr)
srv.log.Debug("UDP listener up", "addr", realaddr)
srv.log.Trace("UDP listener up", "addr", realaddr)
if srv.NAT != nil {
if !realaddr.IP.IsLoopback() {
@ -789,7 +789,7 @@ running:
// The handshakes are done and it passed all checks.
p := srv.launchPeer(c)
peers[c.node.ID()] = p
srv.log.Debug("Adding p2p peer", "peercount", len(peers), "id", p.ID(), "conn", c.flags, "addr", p.RemoteAddr(), "name", p.Name())
srv.log.Trace("Adding p2p peer", "peercount", len(peers), "id", p.ID(), "conn", c.flags, "addr", p.RemoteAddr(), "name", p.Name())
if p.Inbound() {
@ -801,7 +801,7 @@ running:
// A peer disconnected.
d := common.PrettyDuration(mclock.Now() - pd.created)
delete(peers, pd.ID())
srv.log.Debug("Removing p2p peer", "peercount", len(peers), "id", pd.ID(), "duration", d, "req", pd.requested, "err", pd.err)
srv.log.Trace("Removing p2p peer", "peercount", len(peers), "id", pd.ID(), "duration", d, "req", pd.requested, "err", pd.err)
if pd.Inbound() {
@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ func (srv *Server) addPeerChecks(peers map[enode.ID]*Peer, inboundCount int, c *
// inbound connections.
func (srv *Server) listenLoop() {
defer debug.LogPanic()
srv.log.Debug("TCP listener up", "addr", srv.listener.Addr())
srv.log.Trace("TCP listener up", "addr", srv.listener.Addr())
// The slots channel limits accepts of new connections.
tokens := defaultMaxPendingPeers
@ -895,13 +895,13 @@ func (srv *Server) listenLoop() {
fd, err = srv.listener.Accept()
if netutil.IsTemporaryError(err) {
if time.Since(lastLog) > 1*time.Second {
srv.log.Debug("Temporary read error", "err", err)
srv.log.Trace("Temporary read error", "err", err)
lastLog = time.Now()
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 200)
} else if err != nil {
srv.log.Debug("Read error", "err", err)
srv.log.Trace("Read error", "err", err)
slots <- struct{}{}
@ -910,7 +910,7 @@ func (srv *Server) listenLoop() {
remoteIP := netutil.AddrIP(fd.RemoteAddr())
if err := srv.checkInboundConn(fd, remoteIP); err != nil {
srv.log.Debug("Rejected inbound connnection", "addr", fd.RemoteAddr(), "err", err)
srv.log.Trace("Rejected inbound connnection", "addr", fd.RemoteAddr(), "err", err)
slots <- struct{}{}
@ -76,18 +76,18 @@ func startStop(net *Network, quit chan struct{}, nodeCount int) {
id := nodes[rand.Intn(len(nodes))]
log.Info("stopping node", "id", id)
if err := net.Stop(id); err != nil {
log.Error("error stopping node", "id", id, "err", err)
log.Error("Error stopping node", "id", id, "err", err)
select {
case <-quit:
log.Info("Terminating simulation loop")
log.Info("Terminating simulation loop ...")
case <-time.After(3 * time.Second):
log.Debug("starting node", "id", id)
log.Trace("Starting node ...", "id", id)
if err := net.Start(id); err != nil {
log.Error("error starting node", "id", id, "err", err)
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ func probabilistic(net *Network, quit chan struct{}, nodeCount int) {
case <-time.After(randWait):
log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("node %v shutting down", nodes[i]))
log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("Node %v shutting down ...", nodes[i]))
err := net.Stop(nodes[i])
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error stopping node", "node", nodes[i])
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ func connectNodesInRing(net *Network, nodeCount int) ([]enode.ID, error) {
log.Error("Error starting a node!", "err", err)
return nil, err
log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("node %v starting up", id))
log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("Node %v starting up", id))
for i, id := range ids {
peerID := ids[(i+1)%len(ids)]
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ func (net *Network) Connect(oneID, otherID enode.ID) error {
func (net *Network) connect(oneID, otherID enode.ID) error {
log.Debug("Connecting nodes with addPeer", "id", oneID, "other", otherID)
log.Trace("Connecting nodes with addPeer", "id", oneID, "other", otherID)
conn, err := net.initConn(oneID, otherID)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -683,7 +683,7 @@ func (net *Network) initConn(oneID, otherID enode.ID) (*Conn, error) {
log.Trace("Nodes not up", "err", err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("nodes not up: %v", err)
log.Debug("Connection initiated", "id", oneID, "other", otherID)
log.Trace("Connection initiated", "id", oneID, "other", otherID)
conn.initiated = time.Now()
return conn, nil
@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ func (net *Network) initConn(oneID, otherID enode.ID) (*Conn, error) {
// Shutdown stops all nodes in the network and closes the quit channel
func (net *Network) Shutdown() {
for _, node := range net.Nodes {
log.Debug("Stopping node", "id", node.ID())
log.Trace("Stopping node", "id", node.ID())
if err := node.Stop(); err != nil {
log.Warn("Can't stop node", "id", node.ID(), "err", err)
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ OUTER:
checkIds[ev.Conn.One] = append(checkIds[ev.Conn.One], ev.Conn.Other)
checkIds[ev.Conn.Other] = append(checkIds[ev.Conn.Other], ev.Conn.One)
log.Debug("ev", "count", connEventCount)
log.Trace("ev", "count", connEventCount)
if connEventCount == 0 {
break OUTER
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ OUTER:
if err != nil {
log.Debug("snapshot taken", "nodes", len(snap.Nodes), "conns", len(snap.Conns), "json", string(j))
log.Trace("snapshot taken", "nodes", len(snap.Nodes), "conns", len(snap.Conns), "json", string(j))
// verify that the snap element numbers check out
if len(checkIds) != len(snap.Conns) || len(checkIds) != len(snap.Nodes) {
@ -214,11 +214,11 @@ OuterTwo:
if !ev.Conn.Up {
t.Fatalf("unexpected disconnect: %v -> %v", ev.Conn.One, ev.Conn.Other)
log.Debug("conn", "on", ev.Conn.One, "other", ev.Conn.Other)
log.Trace("conn", "on", ev.Conn.One, "other", ev.Conn.Other)
checkIds[ev.Conn.One] = append(checkIds[ev.Conn.One], ev.Conn.Other)
checkIds[ev.Conn.Other] = append(checkIds[ev.Conn.Other], ev.Conn.One)
log.Debug("ev", "count", connEventCount)
log.Trace("ev", "count", connEventCount)
if connEventCount == 0 {
break OuterTwo
@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ func benchmarkMinimalServiceTmp(b *testing.B) {
defer cancel()
for nodid, peers := range protoCMap {
for peerid, peerC := range peers {
log.Debug("getting ", "node", nodid, "peer", peerid)
log.Trace("getting ", "node", nodid, "peer", peerid)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
@ -564,13 +564,13 @@ func (c *Client) dispatch(codec ServerCodec) {
case err := <-c.readErr:
conn.handler.log.Debug("RPC connection read error", "err", err)
conn.handler.log.Trace("RPC connection read error", "err", err)
conn.close(err, lastOp)
reading = false
// Reconnect:
case newcodec := <-c.reconnected:
log.Debug("RPC client reconnected", "reading", reading, "conn", newcodec.remoteAddr())
log.Trace("RPC client reconnected", "reading", reading, "conn", newcodec.remoteAddr())
if reading {
// Wait for the previous read loop to exit. This is a rare case which
// happens if this loop isn't notified in time after the connection breaks.
@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ func (l *flakeyListener) Accept() (net.Conn, error) {
if err == nil {
timeout := time.Duration(rand.Int63n(int64(l.maxKillTimeout)))
time.AfterFunc(timeout, func() {
log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("killing conn %v after %v", c.LocalAddr(), timeout))
log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("killing conn %v after %v", c.LocalAddr(), timeout))
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ func (h *handler) handleImmediate(msg *jsonrpcMessage) bool {
func (h *handler) handleSubscriptionResult(msg *jsonrpcMessage) {
var result subscriptionResult
if err := json.Unmarshal(msg.Params, &result); err != nil {
h.log.Debug("Dropping invalid subscription message")
h.log.Trace("Dropping invalid subscription message")
if h.clientSubs[result.ID] != nil {
@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ func (h *handler) handleSubscriptionResult(msg *jsonrpcMessage) {
func (h *handler) handleResponse(msg *jsonrpcMessage) {
op := h.respWait[string(msg.ID)]
if op == nil {
h.log.Debug("Unsolicited RPC response", "reqid", idForLog{msg.ID})
h.log.Trace("Unsolicited RPC response", "reqid", idForLog{msg.ID})
delete(h.respWait, string(msg.ID))
@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ func (h *handler) handleCallMsg(ctx *callProc, msg *jsonrpcMessage, stream *json
switch {
case msg.isNotification():
h.handleCall(ctx, msg, stream)
h.log.Debug("Served", "t", time.Since(start), "method", msg.Method, "params", string(msg.Params))
h.log.Trace("Served", "t", time.Since(start), "method", msg.Method, "params", string(msg.Params))
return nil
case msg.isCall():
resp := h.handleCall(ctx, msg, stream)
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ func (h *handler) handleCallMsg(ctx *callProc, msg *jsonrpcMessage, stream *json
"err", resp.Error.Message)
h.log.Debug("Served", "t", time.Since(start), "method", msg.Method, "reqid", idForLog{msg.ID}, "params", string(msg.Params))
h.log.Trace("Served", "t", time.Since(start), "method", msg.Method, "reqid", idForLog{msg.ID}, "params", string(msg.Params))
return resp
case msg.hasValidID():
return msg.errorResponse(&invalidRequestError{"invalid request"})
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ func (s *Server) serveSingleRequest(ctx context.Context, codec ServerCodec, stre
// subscriptions.
func (s *Server) Stop() {
if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&s.run, 1, 0) {
log.Debug("RPC server shutting down")
log.Info("RPC server shutting down")
s.codecs.Each(func(c interface{}) bool {
return true
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ func (s *Server) WebsocketHandler(allowedOrigins []string, compression bool) htt
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Debug("WebSocket upgrade failed", "err", err)
log.Warn("WebSocket upgrade failed", "err", err)
codec := newWebsocketCodec(conn)
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ func wsHandshakeValidator(allowedOrigins []string) func(*http.Request) bool {
origins.Add("http://" + hostname)
log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Allowed origin(s) for WS RPC interface %v", origins.ToSlice()))
log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("Allowed origin(s) for WS RPC interface %v", origins.ToSlice()))
f := func(req *http.Request) bool {
// Skip origin verification if no Origin header is present. The origin check
@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ func (hd *HeaderDownload) RequestMoreHeaders(currentTime uint64) (*HeaderRequest
defer hd.lock.Unlock()
var penalties []PenaltyItem
if hd.anchorQueue.Len() == 0 {
log.Debug("Empty anchor queue")
log.Trace("Empty anchor queue")
return nil, penalties
for hd.anchorQueue.Len() > 0 {
@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ func (hd *HeaderDownload) SentRequest(req *HeaderRequest, currentTime, timeout u
func (hd *HeaderDownload) RequestSkeleton() *HeaderRequest {
defer hd.lock.RUnlock()
log.Debug("Request skeleton", "anchors", len(hd.anchors), "top seen height", hd.topSeenHeight, "highestInDb", hd.highestInDb)
log.Trace("Request skeleton", "anchors", len(hd.anchors), "top seen height", hd.topSeenHeight, "highestInDb", hd.highestInDb)
if len(hd.anchors) > 16 {
return nil // Need to be below anchor threshold to produce skeleton request
@ -841,13 +841,13 @@ func (hi *HeaderInserter) BestHeaderChanged() bool {
// speeds up visibility of new blocks
// It remember peerID - then later - if anchors created from segments will abandoned - this peerID gonna get Penalty
func (hd *HeaderDownload) ProcessSegment(segment *ChainSegment, newBlock bool, peerID string) (requestMore bool, penalties []PenaltyItem) {
log.Debug("processSegment", "from", segment.Headers[0].Number.Uint64(), "to", segment.Headers[len(segment.Headers)-1].Number.Uint64())
log.Trace("processSegment", "from", segment.Headers[0].Number.Uint64(), "to", segment.Headers[len(segment.Headers)-1].Number.Uint64())
defer hd.lock.Unlock()
foundAnchor, start := hd.findAnchors(segment)
foundTip, end := hd.findLink(segment, start) // We ignore penalty because we will check it as part of PoW check
if end == 0 {
log.Debug("Duplicate segment")
log.Trace("Duplicate segment")
height := segment.Headers[len(segment.Headers)-1].Number.Uint64()
@ -868,7 +868,7 @@ func (hd *HeaderDownload) ProcessSegment(segment *ChainSegment, newBlock bool, p
log.Debug("Connect failed", "error", err)
log.Debug("Connected", "start", startNum, "end", endNum)
log.Trace("Connected", "start", startNum, "end", endNum)
} else {
// ExtendDown
var err error
@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ func (hd *HeaderDownload) ProcessSegment(segment *ChainSegment, newBlock bool, p
log.Debug("ExtendDown failed", "error", err)
log.Debug("Extended Down", "start", startNum, "end", endNum)
log.Trace("Extended Down", "start", startNum, "end", endNum)
} else if foundTip {
if end > 0 {
@ -885,7 +885,7 @@ func (hd *HeaderDownload) ProcessSegment(segment *ChainSegment, newBlock bool, p
log.Debug("ExtendUp failed", "error", err)
log.Debug("Extended Up", "start", startNum, "end", endNum)
log.Trace("Extended Up", "start", startNum, "end", endNum)
} else {
// NewAnchor
@ -894,12 +894,12 @@ func (hd *HeaderDownload) ProcessSegment(segment *ChainSegment, newBlock bool, p
log.Debug("NewAnchor failed", "error", err)
log.Debug("NewAnchor", "start", startNum, "end", endNum)
log.Trace("NewAnchor", "start", startNum, "end", endNum)
log.Debug("Link queue", "size", hd.linkQueue.Len())
log.Trace("Link queue", "size", hd.linkQueue.Len())
if hd.linkQueue.Len() > hd.linkLimit {
log.Debug("Too many links, cutting down", "count", hd.linkQueue.Len(), "tried to add", end-start, "limit", hd.linkLimit)
log.Trace("Too many links, cutting down", "count", hd.linkQueue.Len(), "tried to add", end-start, "limit", hd.linkLimit)
for hd.linkQueue.Len() > hd.linkLimit {
link := heap.Pop(hd.linkQueue).(*Link)
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ func getHashGetter(requireCanonical bool, tx kv.Tx) func(uint64) common.Hash {
return func(n uint64) common.Hash {
hash, err := rawdb.ReadCanonicalHash(tx, n)
if err != nil {
log.Debug("can't get block hash by number", "number", n, "only-canonical", requireCanonical)
log.Debug("Can't get block hash by number", "number", n, "only-canonical", requireCanonical)
return hash
Reference in New Issue
Block a user