* fix "genesis hash does not match" when dev nodes connect
The "dev" nodes need to have the same --miner.etherbase in order to
generate the same genesis ExtraData by DeveloperGenesisBlock(). Override
DevnetEtherbase global var that's used if --miner.etherbase is not
passed. (for NonBlockProducer case)
* fix missing private key for the hardcoded DevnetEtherbase
Fixes panic if SigKey is not found. Bor non-producers will use a default
`DevnetEtherbase` while Dev nodes modify it. Save hardcoded
DevnetEtherbase/DevnetSignPrivateKey into accounts so that SigKey can
recover it.
* refactor devnet.node to contain Node config
This avoids interface{} type casts and fixes an error with
Heimdall.validatorSet == nil
* add connection retries to rpcCall and Subscribe of requestGenerator
Fixes "connection refused" errors due to node not ready to handle early
RPC requests.
* fix deadlock in Heimdall.NodeStarted
* fix GetBlockByNumber
Fixes "cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field body.transactions of
type jsonrpc.RPCTransaction"
* demote "no of blocks on childchain is less than confirmations
required" to Info (#8626)
* demote "mismatched pending subpool size" to Debug (#8615)
* revert wiggle testing code
This request is extending the devnet functionality to more fully handle
contract processing by adding support for the following calls:
* trace_call,
* trace_transaction
* debug_accountAt,
* eth_getCode
* eth_estimateGas
* eth_gasPrice
It also contains an initial rationalization of the devnet subscription
code to use the erigon client code directly rather than using its own
intermediate subscription management.
This is used to implement a general purpose block waiter - which can be
used in any scenario step - rather than being specific to transaction
This pull also contains an end to end tested sync processor for bor and
associated support services:
* Heimdall (supports sync event transfer)
* Faucet - allows the creation and funding of arbitary test specific
accounts (cross chain)
Notes and Caveats:
* Code generation for contracts requires `--evm-version paris`. For
chains which don't support push0 for solc over 0.8.19
* The bor log processing post the application of sync events causes a
panic - this will be the subject of a seperate smaller push as it is not
devnet specific
* The bor code seems to make repeated calls for the same sync events and
also reverts requests - this needs further investigation. This is the
behaviour of the current implementation and may be required - although
it does seem to generate repeat processing - which could be avoided.
This request implements an end to end Polygon state sync in the devnet.
It does this by deploying smart contracts ont the L2 & L2 chain which
follow the polygon fx portal model with security checks removed to
simplify the code. The sync events generated are routed through a local
mock heimdal - to avoid the consensus process for testing purposes.
The commit also includes support code to help the delivery of additional
contract based scenratios.