package trie_test

import (

	libcommon ""

// initialFlatDBTrieBuild leverages the stagedsync code to perform the initial
// trie computation while also collecting the assorted hashes and loading them
// into the TrieOfAccounts and TrieOfStorage tables
func initialFlatDBTrieBuild(t *testing.T, db kv.RwDB) libcommon.Hash {
	//startTime := time.Now()
	tx, err := db.BeginRw(context.Background())
	require.NoError(t, err)
	defer tx.Rollback()
	stageTrieCfg := stagedsync.StageTrieCfg(db, false, false, false, t.TempDir(), nil, nil, false, nil)
	hash, err := stagedsync.RegenerateIntermediateHashes("test", tx, stageTrieCfg, libcommon.Hash{}, context.Background(), log.New())
	require.NoError(t, err)
	//t.Logf("Initial hash is %s and took %v", hash, time.Since(startTime))
	return hash

// seedInitialAccounts uses the provided hashes to commit simpleAccountValBytes
// at each corresponding key in the HashedAccounts table.
func seedInitialAccounts(t *testing.T, db kv.RwDB, hashes []libcommon.Hash) {
	tx, err := db.BeginRw(context.Background())
	require.NoError(t, err)
	defer tx.Rollback()
	for _, hash := range hashes {
		//t.Logf("Seeding initial account with hash %s", hash)
		err = tx.Put(kv.HashedAccounts, hash[:], simpleAccountValBytes)
		require.NoError(t, err)

	err = tx.Commit()
	require.NoError(t, err)

// seedModifiedAccounts uses the provided hashes to commit
// simpleModifiedAccountValBytes at each corresponding key in the HashedAccounts
// table.  It returns a slice of keys to be used when constructing the retain
// list for the FlatDBTrie computations.
func seedModifiedAccounts(t *testing.T, db kv.RwDB, hashes []libcommon.Hash) [][]byte {
	toRetain := make([][]byte, 0, len(hashes))
	tx, err := db.BeginRw(context.Background())
	require.NoError(t, err)
	defer tx.Rollback()
	for _, hash := range hashes {
		//t.Logf("Seeding modified account with hash %s", hash)
		err = tx.Put(kv.HashedAccounts, hash[:], simpleModifiedAccountValBytes)
		require.NoError(t, err)
		toRetain = append(toRetain, append([]byte{}, hash[:]...))
	err = tx.Commit()
	require.NoError(t, err)
	return toRetain

// seedInitialStorage creates a single account with hash storageAccountHash in
// the HashedAccounts table, as well as a storage entry in HashedStorage for
// this account with value storageInitialValue for each provided hash.  A slice
// of the constructed storage keys is returned.
func seedInitialStorage(t *testing.T, db kv.RwDB, hashes []libcommon.Hash) [][]byte {
	// We seed a single account, and all storage keys belong to this account.
	keys := make([][]byte, 0, len(hashes))
	tx, err := db.BeginRw(context.Background())
	require.NoError(t, err)
	defer tx.Rollback()
	err = tx.Put(kv.HashedAccounts, storageAccountHash[:], simpleContractAccountValBytes)
	require.NoError(t, err)
	var storageKey [72]byte
	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(storageKey[32:40], 1)
	for _, hash := range hashes {
		copy(storageKey[:32], storageAccountHash[:])
		copy(storageKey[40:], hash[:])
		//t.Logf("Seeding storage with key 0x%x", storageKey)
		err = tx.Put(kv.HashedStorage, storageKey[:], storageInitialValue[:])
		require.NoError(t, err)
		keys = append(keys, append([]byte{}, storageKey[:]...))
	err = tx.Commit()
	require.NoError(t, err)
	return keys

// seedModifedStorage writes a storage entry in HashedStorage for
// storageAccountHash with value storageModifiedValue for each provided hash.  A
// slice containing the modified keys is returned to help the caller construct
// the retain list necessary for the FlatDBTrie computations.
func seedModifiedStorage(t *testing.T, db kv.RwDB, hashes []libcommon.Hash) [][]byte {
	// Modify this same account's storage entries.  For now, this test only
	// validates modifying existing or adding new keys (no deletions).
	toRetain := make([][]byte, 0, len(hashes))
	var storageKey [72]byte
	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(storageKey[32:40], 1)
	tx, err := db.BeginRw(context.Background())
	require.NoError(t, err)
	defer tx.Rollback()
	for _, hash := range hashes {
		copy(storageKey[:32], storageAccountHash[:])
		copy(storageKey[40:], hash[:])
		//t.Logf("Seeding storage with modified hash 0x%x", storageKey)
		err = tx.Put(kv.HashedStorage, storageKey[:], storageModifiedValue[:])
		require.NoError(t, err)
		toRetain = append(toRetain, append([]byte{}, storageKey[:]...))
	err = tx.Commit()
	require.NoError(t, err)
	return toRetain

// rebuildFlatDBTrieHash will re-compute the root hash using the given retain
// list.  Even without a retain list, this is not a no-op in the accounts case,
// as the root of the trie is not actually stored and must be re-computed
// regardless.  However, for storage entries at least one element must be in the
// retain list or the root is simply returned.
func rebuildFlatDBTrieHash(t *testing.T, rl *trie.RetainList, db kv.RoDB) libcommon.Hash {
	//startTime := time.Now()
	loader := trie.NewFlatDBTrieLoader("test", rl, nil, nil, false)
	tx, err := db.BeginRo(context.Background())
	defer tx.Rollback()
	require.NoError(t, err)
	hash, err := loader.CalcTrieRoot(tx, nil)
	require.NoError(t, err)
	//t.Logf("Rebuilt hash is %s and took %v", hash, time.Since(startTime))
	return hash

// proveFlatDB will generate an account proof result utilizing the FlatDBTrie
// hashing mechanism.  The proofKeys cannot span more than one account (ie, an
// account and its storage nodes is acceptable).  It returns the root hash for
// the computation as well as the proof result.
func proveFlatDB(t *testing.T, db kv.RoDB, accountMissing bool, retainKeys, proofKeys [][]byte) (libcommon.Hash, *accounts.AccProofResult) {
	//startTime := time.Now()
	rl := trie.NewRetainList(0)
	for _, retainKey := range retainKeys {
		rl.AddKeyWithMarker(retainKey, true)
	loader := trie.NewFlatDBTrieLoader("test", rl, nil, nil, false)
	acc := &accounts.Account{}
	if !accountMissing {
		acc.Incarnation = 1
		acc.Initialised = true
	pr := trie.NewManualProofRetainer(t, acc, rl, proofKeys)
	tx, err := db.BeginRo(context.Background())
	defer tx.Rollback()
	require.NoError(t, err)
	hash, err := loader.CalcTrieRoot(tx, nil)
	require.NoError(t, err)
	//t.Logf("Proof root hash is %s and took %v", hash, time.Since(startTime))
	res, err := pr.ProofResult()
	require.NoError(t, err)
	return hash, res

// logTrieTables simply writes the TrieOfAccounts and TrieOfStorage to the test
// output.  It can be very helpful when debugging failed fuzzing cases.
func logTrieTables(t *testing.T, db kv.RoDB) { //nolint
	tx, err := db.BeginRo(context.Background())
	require.NoError(t, err)
	defer tx.Rollback()
	trieAccC, err := tx.Cursor(kv.TrieOfAccounts)
	require.NoError(t, err)
	defer trieAccC.Close()
	var k, v []byte
	t.Logf("TrieOfAccounts iteration begin")
	for k, v, err = trieAccC.First(); err == nil && k != nil; k, v, err = trieAccC.Next() {
		t.Logf("\t%x=%x", k, v)
	require.NoError(t, err)
	t.Logf("TrieOfAccounts iteration end")
	trieStorageC, err := tx.CursorDupSort(kv.TrieOfStorage)
	require.NoError(t, err)
	defer trieStorageC.Close()
	t.Logf("TrieOfStorage iteration begin")
	for k, v, err = trieStorageC.First(); err == nil && k != nil; k, v, err = trieStorageC.Next() {
		t.Logf("\t%x=%x", k, v)
	require.NoError(t, err)
	t.Logf("TrieStorage iteration end")

var (
	// simpleAccountValBytes is a simple marshaled EoA without storage or balance
	simpleAccountValBytes = func() []byte {
		accVal := accounts.Account{Nonce: 1, Initialised: true}
		encodedAccVal := make([]byte, accVal.EncodingLengthForStorage())
		return encodedAccVal

	simpleModifiedAccountValBytes = func() []byte {
		accVal := accounts.Account{Nonce: 2, Initialised: true}
		encodedAccVal := make([]byte, accVal.EncodingLengthForStorage())
		return encodedAccVal

	// simpleContractAccountValBytes is a simple marshaled account with storage and code
	simpleContractAccountValBytes = func() []byte {
		accVal := accounts.Account{Nonce: 1, Initialised: true, Incarnation: 1, CodeHash: libcommon.Hash{9}}
		encodedAccVal := make([]byte, accVal.EncodingLengthForStorage())
		return encodedAccVal

	storageAccountHash     = libcommon.Hash{1}
	storageAccountCodeHash = libcommon.Hash{9}
	storageInitialValue    = libcommon.Hash{2}
	storageModifiedValue   = libcommon.Hash{3}

	// missingHash is a constant value that is impossible for the fuzzers to
	// generate (since the last 26 bytes of all fuzzing keys must be 0).  The
	// tests know that when this value is encountered the expected result should
	// be 'missing', ie in the storage proof the value should be 0, and in the
	// account proof the nonce/codeHash/storageHash/balance should be empty.
	missingHash = libcommon.HexToHash("0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa")

// naiveTriesAndHashFromDB constructs the naive trie implementation by simply adding
// all of the accounts and storage keys linearly.  It also returns a map of
// storage tries
func naiveTriesAndHashFromDB(t *testing.T, db kv.RoDB) (*trie.Trie, *trie.Trie, libcommon.Hash) {
	startTime := time.Now()
	testTrie := trie.NewTestRLPTrie(libcommon.Hash{})
	tx, err := db.BeginRo(context.Background())
	require.NoError(t, err)
	defer tx.Rollback()
	ac, err := tx.Cursor(kv.HashedAccounts)
	require.NoError(t, err)
	defer ac.Close()
	var k, v []byte
	var storageTrie *trie.Trie
	for k, v, err = ac.First(); k != nil; k, v, err = ac.Next() {
		accHash := k[:32]
		var acc accounts.Account
		err := acc.DecodeForStorage(v)
		require.NoError(t, err)
		sc, err := tx.Cursor(kv.HashedStorage)
		require.NoError(t, err)
		defer sc.Close()
		startStorageKey := dbutils.GenerateCompositeStorageKey(libcommon.BytesToHash(k), acc.Incarnation, libcommon.Hash{})
		endStorageKey := dbutils.GenerateCompositeStorageKey(libcommon.BytesToHash(k), acc.Incarnation+1, libcommon.Hash{})
		storageTrie = trie.NewTestRLPTrie(libcommon.Hash{})
		for k, v, err = sc.Seek(startStorageKey); k != nil; k, v, err = sc.Next() {
			if bytes.Compare(k, endStorageKey) >= 0 {
			sk := k[32+8:]
			sv := append([]byte{}, v...)
			esv, err := trie.EncodeAsValue(sv)
			require.NoError(t, err)
			storageTrie.Update(sk, esv)
		require.NoError(t, err)
		acc.Root = storageTrie.Hash()
		accBytes := make([]byte, acc.EncodingLengthForHashing())
		testTrie.Update(accHash, accBytes)
	require.NoError(t, err)

	naiveHash := testTrie.Hash()
	t.Logf("Naive hash is %s and took %v", naiveHash, time.Since(startTime))
	return testTrie, storageTrie, naiveHash

// addFuzzTrieSeeds adds a common set of trie hashes which are problematic for
// the flatDB trie hash construction.  Because there is a code path for account
// tries and a slightly separate one for storage tries, we use this common set
// for both.  These seeeds were constructed by executing the fuzzing until a
// failing case was detected, then refining to the minimal set of keys (and
// re-naming nibbles to be more readable if possible").
func addFuzzTrieSeeds(f *testing.F) {
	noModificationTests := [][]string{
		{"0x0a00", "0x0bc0", "0x0bd0"},
		{"0xff00", "0xfff0", "0xffff"},
		{"0xa000", "0xaa00", "0xaaa0", "0xb000", "0xcc00", "0xccc0", "0xcdd0"},
		{"0xa000", "0xaa00", "0xbb00", "0xbbb0", "0xbbbb"},
		{"0xa00000", "0xaaa000", "0xaaaa00", "0xaaaaa0", "0xb00000", "0xccc000", "0xccc0c0", "0xcccc00"},
		{"a000", "b000", "b0b0", "bbb0"},
		{"a00000", "bbbb00", "bbbb0b", "bbbbb0", "c00000", "cc0000", "ccc000"},

	for _, tt := range noModificationTests {
		var buffer bytes.Buffer
		fragLen := len(tt[0])
		require.Equal(f, 0, fragLen%2, "Fragments must be even in length")
		for _, fragment := range tt {
			require.Len(f, fragment, fragLen, "All fragments must be the same length")
		f.Add(len(tt), 0, buffer.Bytes())

	modificationTests := []struct {
		initial  []string
		modified []string
		{initial: []string{"0xaa"}, modified: []string{"0xbb"}},
		{initial: []string{"0xa000", "0xa0aa", "0xaaaa"}, modified: []string{"0xa00a"}},
		{initial: []string{"0xa000", "0xa0a0", "0xab00", "0xabb0"}, modified: []string{"0xaa00"}},
		{initial: []string{"0xaaa0", "0xaaaa", "0xaaba", "0xaba0", "0xabb0"}, modified: []string{"0xaaa0", "0xaba0"}},
	for _, tt := range modificationTests {
		var buffer bytes.Buffer
		fragLen := len(tt.initial[0])
		require.Equal(f, 0, fragLen%2, "Fragments must be even in length")
		for _, fragment := range tt.initial {
			require.Len(f, fragment, fragLen, "All fragments must be the same length")
		for _, fragment := range tt.modified {
			require.Len(f, fragment, fragLen, "All fragments must be the same length")
		f.Add(len(tt.initial), len(tt.modified), buffer.Bytes())

// validateFuzzInputs ensures that the raw fuzzing inputs can be mapped into the
// actual required fuzzing structure of a series of hashes.  For the purpose of
// narrowing the search space, we require that all hashes are between 1 and 6
// bytes long.
func validateFuzzInputs(t *testing.T, initialCount, modifiedCount int, hashFragments []byte) ([]libcommon.Hash, []libcommon.Hash) {
	if initialCount <= 0 || modifiedCount < 0 || len(hashFragments) == 0 {
		t.Skip("account count must be positive and hashFragments cannot be empty")
	count := initialCount + modifiedCount
	if count > 100 {
		t.Skip("all failures thusfar can be reproduced within 10 keys, so 100 seems like a reasonable cutoff to balance speed of fuzzing with coverage")
	if len(hashFragments)%count != 0 {
		t.Skip("hash fragments must be divisible by accountCount")
	fragmentSize := len(hashFragments) / count
	if fragmentSize > 6 {
		t.Skip("hash fragments cannot exceed 6 bytes")

	uniqueInitialKeys := map[libcommon.Hash]struct{}{}
	uniqueModifiedKeys := map[libcommon.Hash]struct{}{}
	var inititalKeys, modifiedKeys []libcommon.Hash
	for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
		var hash libcommon.Hash
		copy(hash[:], hashFragments[i*fragmentSize:(i+1)*fragmentSize])
		if i < initialCount {
			if _, ok := uniqueInitialKeys[hash]; ok {
				t.Skip("hash fragments must be unique")
			uniqueInitialKeys[hash] = struct{}{}
			inititalKeys = append(inititalKeys, hash)
		} else {
			if _, ok := uniqueModifiedKeys[hash]; ok {
				t.Skip("hash fragments must be unique")
			uniqueModifiedKeys[hash] = struct{}{}
			modifiedKeys = append(modifiedKeys, hash)
	return inititalKeys, modifiedKeys

// FuzzTrieRootStorage will fuzz assorted storage hash tables.  First, it will
// build an initial hash, adding the storage keys to a single account entry.
// Then, if the set of modifications was empty, it will verify that the same
// hash is re-computed.  Then, it will compute the naive trie hash and compare it
// with the flat db hash.  In the event that the modfiications are empty, this
// check additionally confirms that the initial trie hashing was correct.
// See the validateFuzzInputs function for details on how the paramaters are
// translated to initial and modified hashes.
func FuzzTrieRootStorage(f *testing.F) {

	f.Fuzz(func(t *testing.T, initialCount, modifiedCount int, hashFragments []byte) {
		initialKeys, modifiedKeys := validateFuzzInputs(t, initialCount, modifiedCount, hashFragments)

		db := memdb.NewTestDB(t)
		defer db.Close()

		storageKeys := seedInitialStorage(t, db, initialKeys)
		initialHash := initialFlatDBTrieBuild(t, db)
		//logTrieTables(t, db)
		retainKeys := seedModifiedStorage(t, db, modifiedKeys)

		rl := trie.NewRetainList(0)
		if len(retainKeys) == 0 {
			// If there are no modifications, we add the first storage key to the
			// retain list, because the inputs are random, this is not necessarily
			// the actual lexicographically first key, but without some retained key
			// then the root hash is simply returned.
		for _, retainKey := range retainKeys {
			rl.AddKeyWithMarker(retainKey, true)

		reHash := rebuildFlatDBTrieHash(t, rl, db)
		if len(modifiedKeys) == 0 {
			require.Equal(t, initialHash, reHash)
		_, _, naiveHash := naiveTriesAndHashFromDB(t, db)
		require.Equal(t, reHash, naiveHash)

// FuzzTrieRootAccounts will fuzz assorted account hash tables.  First, it will
// build an initial hash, then modify the account hash table and re-compute the
// hash.  If the set of modifications was empty, it will verify that the same
// hash is re-computed.  Then, it will compute the naive trie hash and compare
// it with the flat db hash.  In the event that the modfiications are empty,
// this check additionally confirms that the initial trie hashing was correct.
// See the validateFuzzInputs function for details on how the paramaters are
// translated to initial and modified hashes.
func FuzzTrieRootAccounts(f *testing.F) {

	f.Fuzz(func(t *testing.T, initialCount, modifiedCount int, hashFragments []byte) {
		initialKeys, modifiedKeys := validateFuzzInputs(t, initialCount, modifiedCount, hashFragments)

		db := memdb.NewTestDB(t)
		defer db.Close()

		seedInitialAccounts(t, db, initialKeys)
		initialHash := initialFlatDBTrieBuild(t, db)
		//logTrieTables(t, db)
		retainKeys := seedModifiedAccounts(t, db, modifiedKeys)

		rl := trie.NewRetainList(0)
		for _, retainKey := range retainKeys {
			rl.AddKeyWithMarker(retainKey, true)
		reHash := rebuildFlatDBTrieHash(t, rl, db)
		if len(modifiedKeys) == 0 {
			require.Equal(t, initialHash, reHash)
		_, _, naiveHash := naiveTriesAndHashFromDB(t, db)
		require.Equal(t, reHash, naiveHash)

// FuzzTrieRootAccountProofs seeds the database with an initial set of accounts and
// populates the trie tables. Then, it modifies the database of accounts but
// does not update the trie tables.  Finally, for every seeded account (modified
// and not), it computes a proof for that key and verifies that the proof
// matches the one as computed by the naive trie implementation and that that
// proof is valid.
func FuzzTrieRootAccountProofs(f *testing.F) {

	f.Fuzz(func(t *testing.T, initialCount, modifiedCount int, hashFragments []byte) {
		initialKeys, modifiedKeys := validateFuzzInputs(t, initialCount, modifiedCount, hashFragments)

		db := memdb.NewTestDB(t)
		defer db.Close()

		seedInitialAccounts(t, db, initialKeys)
		initialFlatDBTrieBuild(t, db)
		retainKeys := seedModifiedAccounts(t, db, modifiedKeys)

		naiveTrie, _, naiveHash := naiveTriesAndHashFromDB(t, db)

		allKeys := make([]libcommon.Hash, 1, initialCount+modifiedCount+1)
		allKeys[0] = missingHash
		wasModified := map[libcommon.Hash]struct{}{}
		for _, hash := range modifiedKeys {
			allKeys = append(allKeys, hash)
			wasModified[hash] = struct{}{}
		for _, hash := range initialKeys {
			if _, ok := wasModified[hash]; ok {
			allKeys = append(allKeys, hash)

		for _, hash := range allKeys {
			t.Logf("Processing account key %x", hash)
			// First compute the naive proof and verify that the proof is correct.
			naiveProofBytes, err := naiveTrie.Prove(hash[:], 0, false)
			require.NoError(t, err)
			naiveAccountProof := make([]hexutility.Bytes, len(naiveProofBytes))
			for i, part := range naiveProofBytes {
				naiveAccountProof[i] = hexutility.Bytes(part)
			var nonce uint64
			var codeHash, storageHash libcommon.Hash
			if hash != missingHash {
				nonce = uint64(1)
				if _, ok := wasModified[hash]; ok {
				storageHash = trie.EmptyRoot
				codeHash = trie.EmptyCodeHash
			naiveProof := &accounts.AccProofResult{
				Nonce:        hexutil.Uint64(nonce),
				AccountProof: naiveAccountProof,
				StorageHash:  storageHash,
				Balance:      (*hexutil.Big)(new(uint256.Int).ToBig()),
				StorageProof: []accounts.StorProofResult{},
				CodeHash:     codeHash,
			err = trie.VerifyAccountProofByHash(naiveHash, hash, naiveProof)
			require.NoError(t, err, "Invalid naive proof")

			// Now do the same but with the 'real' flat implementation and verify
			// that the result matches byte for byte.
			flatHash, flatProof := proveFlatDB(t, db, hash == missingHash, retainKeys, [][]byte{hash[:]})
			require.Equal(t, naiveHash, flatHash)
			require.Equal(t, len(naiveProof.AccountProof), len(flatProof.AccountProof))
			for i, proof := range naiveProof.AccountProof {
				require.Equal(t, proof, flatProof.AccountProof[i], "mismatch at index %d", i)
			flatProof.Nonce = hexutil.Uint64(nonce)
			flatProof.CodeHash = codeHash
			require.Equal(t, flatProof, naiveProof, "for key %s", hash)

// FuzzTrieRootStorageProofs seeds the database with an initial account and set
// of storage nodes for that account and populates the trie tables. Then, it
// modifies the database of storage but does not update the trie tables.
// Finally, for every seeded storage key (modified and not), it computes a proof for
// that key and verifies that the proof matches the one as computed by the naive
// trie implementation and that that proof is valid.
func FuzzTrieRootStorageProofs(f *testing.F) {

	f.Fuzz(func(t *testing.T, initialCount, modifiedCount int, hashFragments []byte) {
		initialKeys, modifiedKeys := validateFuzzInputs(t, initialCount, modifiedCount, hashFragments)

		db := memdb.NewTestDB(t)
		defer db.Close()

		initialStorageKeys := seedInitialStorage(t, db, initialKeys)
		initialFlatDBTrieBuild(t, db)
		retainKeys := seedModifiedStorage(t, db, modifiedKeys)

		naiveTrie, naiveStorageTrie, naiveHash := naiveTriesAndHashFromDB(t, db)

		allKeys := make([][]byte, 1, initialCount+modifiedCount+1)
		allKeys[0] = dbutils.GenerateCompositeStorageKey(storageAccountHash, 1, missingHash)
		wasModified := map[string]struct{}{}
		for _, key := range retainKeys {
			allKeys = append(allKeys, key)
			wasModified[string(key)] = struct{}{}
		for _, key := range initialStorageKeys {
			if _, ok := wasModified[string(key)]; ok {
			allKeys = append(allKeys, key)

		// omniProof constructs a proof for the account and all of the keys to be
		// tested.  We later check that this composite proof matches the individual
		// proofs on an element basis.
		_, omniProof := proveFlatDB(t, db, false, retainKeys, allKeys)

		for i, storageKey := range allKeys {
			//t.Logf("Processing storage key %x", storageKey)
			// First compute the naive proof and verify that the proof is correct.
			naiveAccountProofBytes, err := naiveTrie.Prove(storageAccountHash[:], 0, false)
			require.NoError(t, err)
			naiveAccountProof := make([]hexutility.Bytes, len(naiveAccountProofBytes))
			for i, part := range naiveAccountProofBytes {
				naiveAccountProof[i] = hexutility.Bytes(part)
			naiveStorageProofBytes, err := naiveStorageTrie.Prove(storageKey[40:], 0, true)
			require.NoError(t, err)
			naiveStorageProof := make([]hexutility.Bytes, len(naiveStorageProofBytes))
			for i, part := range naiveStorageProofBytes {
				naiveStorageProof[i] = hexutility.Bytes(part)
			var storageKeyHash libcommon.Hash
			copy(storageKeyHash[:], storageKey[40:])
			var storageValue big.Int
			if storageKeyHash != missingHash {
				if _, ok := wasModified[string(storageKey)]; !ok {
				} else {
			naiveProof := &accounts.AccProofResult{
				Nonce:        1,
				AccountProof: naiveAccountProof,
				StorageHash:  crypto.Keccak256Hash(naiveStorageProof[0]),
				Balance:      (*hexutil.Big)(new(uint256.Int).ToBig()),
				StorageProof: []accounts.StorProofResult{
						Key:   trie.FakePreimage(storageKeyHash),
						Value: (*hexutil.Big)(&storageValue),
						Proof: naiveStorageProof,
				CodeHash: storageAccountCodeHash,
			err = trie.VerifyAccountProofByHash(naiveHash, storageAccountHash, naiveProof)
			require.NoError(t, err, "Invalid naive account proof")
			err = trie.VerifyStorageProofByHash(naiveProof.StorageHash, storageKeyHash, naiveProof.StorageProof[0])
			require.NoError(t, err, "Invalid naive storage proof")

			// Now do the same but with the 'real' flat implementation and verify
			// that the result matches byte for byte.
			flatHash, flatProof := proveFlatDB(t, db, false, retainKeys, [][]byte{storageAccountHash[:], storageKey})
			require.Equal(t, naiveHash, flatHash)
			for i, proof := range naiveProof.AccountProof {
				require.Equal(t, proof, flatProof.AccountProof[i], "mismatch at index %d", i)
			flatProof.Nonce = 1
			flatProof.CodeHash = storageAccountCodeHash
			require.Equal(t, flatProof, naiveProof, "failed for hash %s", storageKeyHash)

			require.Equal(t, flatProof.StorageProof[0], omniProof.StorageProof[i])