package main import ( "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // Build snapshot indexes for given snapshot files. // Sample usage: // build_idx --datadir erigon-1 --snapshot_path /snapshots/v1-000000-000500-headers.seg,/snapshots/v1-000500-001000-headers.seg func main() { app := &cli.App{ Flags: []cli.Flag{ &cli.StringFlag{ Name: "datadir", Value: "./dev", Usage: "node data directory", }, &cli.StringSliceFlag{ Name: "snapshot_path", Usage: "pathname of the snapshot file", }, }, Action: func(cCtx *cli.Context) error { return buildIndex(cCtx, cCtx.String("datadir"), cCtx.StringSlice("snapshot_path")) }, } if err := app.Run(os.Args); err != nil { log.Crit(err.Error()) } } func FindIf(segments []snaptype.FileInfo, predicate func(snaptype.FileInfo) bool) (snaptype.FileInfo, bool) { for _, segment := range segments { if predicate(segment) { return segment, true } } return snaptype.FileInfo{}, false // Return zero value and false if not found } func buildIndex(cliCtx *cli.Context, dataDir string, snapshotPaths []string) error { logger, _, err := debug.Setup(cliCtx, true /* rootLogger */) if err != nil { return err } logLevel := log.LvlInfo ps := background.NewProgressSet() workers := 4 g, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(cliCtx.Context) g.SetLimit(workers) dirs := datadir.New(dataDir) chainDB := mdbx.NewMDBX(logger).Path(dirs.Chaindata).MustOpen() defer chainDB.Close() chainConfig := fromdb.ChainConfig(chainDB) segments, _, err := freezeblocks.Segments(dirs.Snap) if err != nil { return err } fmt.Printf("Building indexes:\n- dataDir: %s\n- snapshots: %s\n", dataDir, snapshotPaths) start := time.Now() for _, snapshotPath := range snapshotPaths { segment, found := FindIf(segments, func(s snaptype.FileInfo) bool { return s.Path == snapshotPath }) if !found { return fmt.Errorf("segment %s not found", snapshotPath) } switch segment.T { case snaptype.Headers: g.Go(func() error { jobProgress := &background.Progress{} ps.Add(jobProgress) defer ps.Delete(jobProgress) return freezeblocks.HeadersIdx(ctx, chainConfig, segment.Path, segment.From, dirs.Tmp, jobProgress, logLevel, logger) }) case snaptype.Bodies: g.Go(func() error { jobProgress := &background.Progress{} ps.Add(jobProgress) defer ps.Delete(jobProgress) return freezeblocks.BodiesIdx(ctx, segment.Path, segment.From, dirs.Tmp, jobProgress, logLevel, logger) }) case snaptype.Transactions: g.Go(func() error { jobProgress := &background.Progress{} ps.Add(jobProgress) defer ps.Delete(jobProgress) dir, _ := filepath.Split(segment.Path) return freezeblocks.TransactionsIdx(ctx, chainConfig, segment.From, segment.To, dir, dirs.Tmp, jobProgress, logLevel, logger) }) } } if err := g.Wait(); err != nil { return err } elapsed := time.Since(start) fmt.Printf("Indexes for %d snapshots built in %d ms\n", len(snapshotPaths), elapsed.Milliseconds()) return nil }