syntax = "proto3"; import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; import "types/types.proto"; package txpool; option go_package = "./txpool;txpool"; message TxHashes { repeated types.H256 hashes = 1; } message AddRequest { repeated bytes rlpTxs = 1; } enum ImportResult { SUCCESS = 0; ALREADY_EXISTS = 1; FEE_TOO_LOW = 2; STALE = 3; INVALID = 4; INTERNAL_ERROR = 5; } message AddReply { repeated ImportResult imported = 1; repeated string errors = 2; } message TransactionsRequest { repeated types.H256 hashes = 1; } message TransactionsReply { repeated bytes rlpTxs = 1; } message OnAddRequest {} message OnAddReply { repeated bytes rplTxs = 1; } service Txpool { // Version returns the service version number rpc Version(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (types.VersionReply); // preserves incoming order, changes amount, unknown hashes will be omitted rpc FindUnknown(TxHashes) returns (TxHashes); // Expecting signed transactions. Preserves incoming order and amount // Adding txs as local (use P2P to add remote txs) rpc Add(AddRequest) returns (AddReply); // preserves incoming order and amount, if some transaction doesn't exists in pool - returns nil in this slot rpc Transactions(TransactionsRequest) returns (TransactionsReply); // subscribe to new transactions add event rpc OnAdd(OnAddRequest) returns (stream OnAddReply); }