# Turbo-Geth [GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/ledgerwatch/turbo-geth) [![CircleCI](https://circleci.com/gh/ledgerwatch/turbo-geth.svg?style=svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/ledgerwatch/turbo-geth) **Disclaimer: this software is currenly a tech preview. We will do our best to keep it stable and make no breaking changes but we don't guarantee anything. Things can and will break.** Turbo-Geth is a fork of [Go-Ethereum](https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum) with focus on performance. The current version is currently based on Go-Ethereum 1.9.15. The current version requires about 630 GB of free disk space for the state storage (more info [here](https://ledgerwatch.github.io/turbo_geth_release.html#Disk-space)) and about 200GB for temp files during the initial sync with default settings. Usage: ```sh > git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 git@github.com:ledgerwatch/turbo-geth.git && cd turbo-geth > make tg > ./build/bin/tg ``` ## Key features See more detailed [overview of functionality and current limitations](https://ledgerwatch.github.io/turbo_geth_release.html). It is being updated on recurring basis. #### 1. More Efficient State Storage **Flat KV storage.** Turbo-Geth uses a key-value database and storing accounts and storage in a simple way. **See our detailed DB walkthrough [here](./docs/programmers_guide/db_walkthrough.MD).** **Preprocessing**. For some operations, turbo-geth uses temporary files to preprocess data before inserting it into the main DB. That reduces write amplification and DB inserts sometimes are orders of magnitude quicker. **Plain state**. **Single accounts/state trie**. Turbo-Geth uses a single Merkle trie for both accounts and the storage. #### 2. Faster Initial Sync Turbo-Geth uses a rearchitected full sync algorithm from [Go-Ethereum](https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum) that is split into "stages". It uses the same network primitives and is compatible with regular go-ethereum nodes that are using full sync, you do not need any special sync capabilities for turbo-geth to sync. When reimagining the full sync, we focused on batching data together and minimize DB overwrites. That makes it possible to sync Ethereum mainnet in under 2 days if you have a fast enough network connection and an SSD drive. Examples of stages are: * Downloading headers; * Downloading block bodies; * Executing blocks; * Validating root hashes and building intermediate hashes for the state Merkle trie; * And more... #### 3. JSON-RPC daemon In turbo-geth RPC calls are extracted out of the main binary into a separate daemon. This daemon can use both local or remote DBs. That means, that this RPC daemon doesn't have to be running on the same machine as the main turbo-geth binary or it can run from a snapshot of a database for read-only calls. [Docs](./cmd/rpcdaemon/Readme.md) **For local DB** ``` > make rpcdaemon > ./build/bin/rpcdaemon --chaindata ~/Library/TurboGeth/tg/chaindata --http.api=eth,debug ``` **For remote DB** Run turbo-geth in one terminal window ``` > ./build/bin/tg --private.api.addr=localhost:9090 ``` Run RPC daemon ``` > ./build/bin/rpcdaemon --private.api.addr=localhost:9090 ``` --- Currently supported JSON-RPC calls ([eth](./cmd/rpcdaemon/eth_api.go), [debug](./cmd/rpcdaemon/debug_api.go)): ``` eth_call eth_getBlockByHash eth_getBlock eth_blockNumber eth_getBalance eth_getLogs eth_estimateGas debug_storageRangeAt debug_traceTransaction debug_accountRange debug_getModifiedAccountsByNumber debug_getModifiedAccountsByHash ``` #### 4. REST API Daemon Apart from JSON-RPC daemon, Turbo-Geth also contains REST API daemon. It uses turbo-geth remote DB functionality. [Docs](./cmd/rpcdaemon/Readme.md) Run turbo-geth in one terminal window ``` > ./build/bin/tg --private.api.addr=localhost:9090 ``` Run REST daemon ``` > make restapi > ./build/bin/restapi --private.api.addr=localhost:9090 ``` This API is very limited at the moment too: ``` GET /api/v1/accounts/ GET /api/v1/storage/?prefix=PREFIX ``` #### 5. Run all components by docker-compose Next command starts: turbo-geth on port 30303, rpcdaemon 8545, restapi 8080, debug-web-ui 3001, prometheus 9090, grafana 3000 ``` docker-compose build XDG_DATA_HOME=/preferred/data/folder docker-compose up ``` ## Getting in touch #### Turbo-Geth Discord Server The main discussions are happening on our Discord server. To get an invite, send an email to `tg [at] torquem.ch` with your name, occupation, a brief explanation of why you want to join the Discord, and how you heard about Turbo-Geth. #### Reporting security issues/concerns Send an email to `security [at] torquem.ch`. ## Team Core contributors: * Alexey Akhunov ([@realLedgerwatch](https://twitter.com/realLedgerwatch)) * Alex Sharov ([AskAlexSharov](https://github.com/AskAlexSharov)) * Andrew Ashikhmin ([yperbasis](https://github.com/yperbasis)) * Boris Petrov ([b00ris](https://github.com/b00ris)) * Eugene Danilenko ([JekaMas](https://github.com/JekaMas)) * Igor Mandrigin ([@mandrigin](https://twitter.com/mandrigin)) * Giulio Rebuffo Thanks to: * All contributors of Turbo-Geth * All contributors of Go-Ethereum * Our special respect and graditude is to the core team of [Go-Ethereum](https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum). Keep up the great job! --- Happy testing! 🥤