package caplinflags import ( "" "" ) var CliFlags = []cli.Flag{ &NoBeaconApi, &BeaconApiReadTimeout, &BeaconApiWriteTimeout, &BeaconApiPort, &BeaconApiAddr, &ChaindataFlag, &BeaconDBModeFlag, &CheckpointSyncUrlFlag, &TransitionChainFlag, &InitSyncFlag, &RecordModeDir, &RecordModeFlag, &RunEngineAPI, &EngineApiHostFlag, &EngineApiPortFlag, &JwtSecret, &utils.DataDirFlag, &utils.BeaconApiAllowCredentialsFlag, &utils.BeaconApiAllowMethodsFlag, &utils.BeaconApiAllowOriginsFlag, } var ( ChaindataFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "chaindata", Usage: "chaindata of database", Value: "", } NoBeaconApi = cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "no-beacon-api", Usage: "turn off the beacon api", Value: false, } BeaconApiReadTimeout = cli.Uint64Flag{ Name: "", Usage: "Sets the seconds for a read time out in the beacon api", Value: 60, } BeaconApiWriteTimeout = cli.Uint64Flag{ Name: "beacon.api.write.timeout", Usage: "Sets the seconds for a write time out in the beacon api", Value: 60, } BeaconApiAddr = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "beacon.api.addr", Usage: "sets the host to listen for beacon api requests", Value: "localhost", } BeaconApiPort = cli.UintFlag{ Name: "beacon.api.port", Usage: "sets the port to listen for beacon api requests", Value: 5555, } BeaconDBModeFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "beacon-db-mode", Usage: "level of storing on beacon chain, minimal(only 500k blocks stored), full (all blocks stored), light (no blocks stored)", Value: "full", } CheckpointSyncUrlFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "checkpoint-sync-url", Usage: "checkpoint sync endpoint", Value: "", } TransitionChainFlag = cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "transition-chain", Usage: "enable chain transition", } InitSyncFlag = cli.BoolFlag{ Value: false, Name: "initial-sync", Usage: "use initial-sync", } RecordModeFlag = cli.BoolFlag{ Value: false, Name: "record-mode", Usage: "enable/disable record mode", } RecordModeDir = cli.StringFlag{ Value: "caplin-recordings", Name: "record-dir", Usage: "directory for states and block recordings", } ErigonPrivateApiFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "private.api.addr", Usage: "connect to existing erigon instance", Value: "", } RunEngineAPI = cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "engine.api", Usage: "Turns on engine communication (Needed for none Erigon ELs)", Value: false, } EngineApiPortFlag = cli.UintFlag{ Name: "engine.api.port", Usage: "Sets engine API port", Value: 8551, } EngineApiHostFlag = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "", Usage: "Sets the engine API host", Value: "http://localhost", } JwtSecret = cli.StringFlag{ Name: "engine.api.jwtsecret", Usage: "Path to the token that ensures safe connection between CL and EL", Value: "", } )