package caplin1 import ( "context" "os" "path" "time" proto_downloader "" "" "" "" "" "" "" freezer2 "" "" "" "" persistence2 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func OpenCaplinDatabase(ctx context.Context, databaseConfig db_config.DatabaseConfiguration, beaconConfig *clparams.BeaconChainConfig, rawBeaconChain persistence2.RawBeaconBlockChain, dbPath string, engine execution_client.ExecutionEngine, wipeout bool, ) (persistence.BeaconChainDatabase, kv.RwDB, error) { dataDirIndexer := path.Join(dbPath, "beacon_indicies") if wipeout { os.RemoveAll(dataDirIndexer) } os.MkdirAll(dbPath, 0700) db := mdbx.MustOpen(dataDirIndexer) tx, err := db.BeginRw(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } defer tx.Rollback() if err := db_config.WriteConfigurationIfNotExist(ctx, tx, databaseConfig); err != nil { return nil, nil, err } if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil { return nil, nil, err } { // start ticking forkChoice go func() { <-ctx.Done() db.Close() // close sql database here }() } return persistence2.NewBeaconChainDatabaseFilesystem(rawBeaconChain, engine, beaconConfig), db, nil } func RunCaplinPhase1(ctx context.Context, sentinel sentinel.SentinelClient, engine execution_client.ExecutionEngine, beaconConfig *clparams.BeaconChainConfig, genesisConfig *clparams.GenesisConfig, state *state.CachingBeaconState, caplinFreezer freezer.Freezer, dirs datadir.Dirs, cfg beacon_router_configuration.RouterConfiguration, eth1Getter snapshot_format.ExecutionBlockReaderByNumber, snDownloader proto_downloader.DownloaderClient, backfilling bool) error { rawDB := persistence.AferoRawBeaconBlockChainFromOsPath(beaconConfig, dirs.CaplinHistory) beaconDB, db, err := OpenCaplinDatabase(ctx, db_config.DefaultDatabaseConfiguration, beaconConfig, rawDB, dirs.CaplinIndexing, engine, false) if err != nil { return err } ctx, cn := context.WithCancel(ctx) defer cn() beaconRpc := rpc.NewBeaconRpcP2P(ctx, sentinel, beaconConfig, genesisConfig) logger := log.New("app", "caplin") csn := freezeblocks.NewCaplinSnapshots(ethconfig.BlocksFreezing{}, dirs.Snap, logger) rcsn := freezeblocks.NewBeaconSnapshotReader(csn, eth1Getter, beaconDB, beaconConfig) if caplinFreezer != nil { if err := freezer2.PutObjectSSZIntoFreezer("beaconState", "caplin_core", 0, state, caplinFreezer); err != nil { return err } } antiq := antiquary.NewAntiquary(ctx, beaconConfig, dirs, snDownloader, db, csn, rcsn, beaconDB, logger) // Create the antiquary if snDownloader != nil { go func() { if err := antiq.Loop(); err != nil { logger.Error("Antiquary failed", "err", err) } }() } pool := pool.NewOperationsPool(beaconConfig) caplinFcuPath := path.Join(dirs.Tmp, "caplin-forkchoice") os.RemoveAll(caplinFcuPath) err = os.MkdirAll(caplinFcuPath, 0o755) if err != nil { return err } fcuFs := afero.NewBasePathFs(afero.NewOsFs(), caplinFcuPath) forkChoice, err := forkchoice.NewForkChoiceStore(ctx, state, engine, caplinFreezer, pool, fork_graph.NewForkGraphDisk(state, fcuFs)) if err != nil { logger.Error("Could not create forkchoice", "err", err) return err } bls.SetEnabledCaching(true) state.ForEachValidator(func(v solid.Validator, idx, total int) bool { pk := v.PublicKey() if err := bls.LoadPublicKeyIntoCache(pk[:], false); err != nil { panic(err) } return true }) gossipManager := network.NewGossipReceiver(sentinel, forkChoice, beaconConfig, genesisConfig, caplinFreezer) { // start ticking forkChoice go func() { tickInterval := time.NewTicker(50 * time.Millisecond) for { select { case <-tickInterval.C: forkChoice.OnTick(uint64(time.Now().Unix())) case <-ctx.Done(): return } } }() } if cfg.Active { apiHandler := handler.NewApiHandler(genesisConfig, beaconConfig, rawDB, db, forkChoice, pool, rcsn) go beacon.ListenAndServe(apiHandler, cfg) log.Info("Beacon API started", "addr", cfg.Address) } { // start the gossip manager go gossipManager.Start(ctx) logger.Info("Started Ethereum 2.0 Gossip Service") } { // start logging peers go func() { logIntervalPeers := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Minute) for { select { case <-logIntervalPeers.C: if peerCount, err := beaconRpc.Peers(); err == nil { logger.Info("P2P", "peers", peerCount) } case <-ctx.Done(): return } } }() } tx, err := db.BeginRo(ctx) if err != nil { return err } defer tx.Rollback() dbConfig, err := db_config.ReadConfiguration(ctx, tx) if err != nil { return err } tx.Rollback() stageCfg := stages.ClStagesCfg(beaconRpc, antiq, genesisConfig, beaconConfig, state, engine, gossipManager, forkChoice, beaconDB, db, csn, dirs.Tmp, dbConfig, backfilling) sync := stages.ConsensusClStages(ctx, stageCfg) logger.Info("[Caplin] starting clstages loop") err = sync.StartWithStage(ctx, "WaitForPeers", logger, stageCfg) logger.Info("[Caplin] exiting clstages loop") if err != nil { return err } return err }