syntax = "proto3"; import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto"; package types; option go_package = "./types;types"; /* Service-level versioning shall use a 3-part version number (M.m.p) following semver rules */ /* 1. MAJOR version (M): increment when you make incompatible changes */ /* 2. MINOR version (m): increment when you add functionality in backward compatible manner */ /* 3. PATCH version (p): increment when you make backward compatible bug fixes */ // Extensions of file-level options for service versioning: should *not* be modified extend google.protobuf.FileOptions { uint32 service_major_version = 50001; uint32 service_minor_version = 50002; uint32 service_patch_version = 50003; } message H128 { uint64 hi = 1; uint64 lo = 2; } message H160 { H128 hi = 1; uint32 lo = 2; } message H256 { H128 hi = 1; H128 lo = 2; } message H512 { H256 hi = 1; H256 lo = 2; } // Reply message containing the current service version on the service side message VersionReply { uint32 major = 1; uint32 minor = 2; uint32 patch = 3; }