syntax = "proto3"; import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; import "types/types.proto"; package sentry; option go_package = "./sentry;sentry"; enum MessageId { // ======= eth 65 protocol =========== STATUS_65 = 0; GET_BLOCK_HEADERS_65 = 1; BLOCK_HEADERS_65 = 2; BLOCK_HASHES_65 = 3; GET_BLOCK_BODIES_65 = 4; BLOCK_BODIES_65 = 5; GET_NODE_DATA_65 = 6; NODE_DATA_65 = 7; GET_RECEIPTS_65 = 8; RECEIPTS_65 = 9; NEW_BLOCK_HASHES_65 = 10; NEW_BLOCK_65 = 11; TRANSACTIONS_65 = 12; NEW_POOLED_TRANSACTION_HASHES_65 = 13; GET_POOLED_TRANSACTIONS_65 = 14; POOLED_TRANSACTIONS_65 = 15; // ======= eth 66 protocol =========== // eth64 announcement messages (no id) STATUS_66 = 17; NEW_BLOCK_HASHES_66 = 18; NEW_BLOCK_66 = 19; TRANSACTIONS_66 = 20; // eth65 announcement messages (no id) NEW_POOLED_TRANSACTION_HASHES_66 = 21; // eth66 messages with request-id GET_BLOCK_HEADERS_66 = 22; GET_BLOCK_BODIES_66 = 23; GET_NODE_DATA_66 = 24; GET_RECEIPTS_66 = 25; GET_POOLED_TRANSACTIONS_66 = 26; BLOCK_HEADERS_66 = 27; BLOCK_BODIES_66 = 28; NODE_DATA_66 = 29; RECEIPTS_66 = 30; POOLED_TRANSACTIONS_66 = 31; // ======= eth 67 protocol =========== // Version 67 removed the GetNodeData and NodeData messages. } message OutboundMessageData { MessageId id = 1; bytes data = 2; } message SendMessageByMinBlockRequest { OutboundMessageData data = 1; uint64 min_block = 2; } message SendMessageByIdRequest { OutboundMessageData data = 1; types.H512 peer_id = 2; } message SendMessageToRandomPeersRequest { OutboundMessageData data = 1; uint64 max_peers = 2; } message SentPeers {repeated types.H512 peers = 1;} enum PenaltyKind {Kick = 0;} message PenalizePeerRequest { types.H512 peer_id = 1; PenaltyKind penalty = 2; } message PeerMinBlockRequest { types.H512 peer_id = 1; uint64 min_block = 2; } message InboundMessage { MessageId id = 1; bytes data = 2; types.H512 peer_id = 3; } message Forks { types.H256 genesis = 1; repeated uint64 forks = 2; } message StatusData { uint64 network_id = 1; types.H256 total_difficulty = 2; types.H256 best_hash = 3; Forks fork_data = 4; uint64 max_block = 5; } enum Protocol { ETH65 = 0; ETH66 = 1; ETH67 = 2; } message SetStatusReply {} message HandShakeReply {Protocol protocol = 1;} message MessagesRequest { repeated MessageId ids = 1; } message PeersReply { repeated types.PeerInfo peers = 1; } message PeerCountRequest {} message PeerCountReply {uint64 count = 1;} message PeerByIdRequest {types.H512 peer_id = 1;} message PeerByIdReply {optional types.PeerInfo peer = 1;} message PeerEventsRequest {} message PeerEvent { enum PeerEventId { // Happens after after a successful sub-protocol handshake. Connect = 0; Disconnect = 1; } types.H512 peer_id = 1; PeerEventId event_id = 2; } service Sentry { // SetStatus - force new ETH client state of sentry - network_id, max_block, etc... rpc SetStatus(StatusData) returns (SetStatusReply); rpc PenalizePeer(PenalizePeerRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty); rpc PeerMinBlock(PeerMinBlockRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty); // HandShake - pre-requirement for all Send* methods - returns ETH protocol version, // without knowledge of protocol - impossible encode correct P2P message rpc HandShake(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (HandShakeReply); rpc SendMessageByMinBlock(SendMessageByMinBlockRequest) returns (SentPeers); rpc SendMessageById(SendMessageByIdRequest) returns (SentPeers); rpc SendMessageToRandomPeers(SendMessageToRandomPeersRequest) returns (SentPeers); rpc SendMessageToAll(OutboundMessageData) returns (SentPeers); // Subscribe to receive messages. // Calling multiple times with a different set of ids starts separate streams. // It is possible to subscribe to the same set if ids more than once. rpc Messages(MessagesRequest) returns (stream InboundMessage); rpc Peers(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (PeersReply); rpc PeerCount(PeerCountRequest) returns (PeerCountReply); rpc PeerById(PeerByIdRequest) returns (PeerByIdReply); // Subscribe to notifications about connected or lost peers. rpc PeerEvents(PeerEventsRequest) returns (stream PeerEvent); // NodeInfo returns a collection of metadata known about the host. rpc NodeInfo(google.protobuf.Empty) returns(types.NodeInfoReply); }