package stateless import ( "bytes" "context" "fmt" "image" "image/color" "math" "math/big" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" //"sort" ) type KeyItem struct { key common.Hash } func (a *KeyItem) Less(b llrb.Item) bool { bi := b.(*KeyItem) return bytes.Compare(a.key[:], bi.key[:]) < 0 } //nolint func storageRoot(db ethdb.KV, contract common.Address) (common.Hash, error) { var storageRoot common.Hash if err := db.View(context.Background(), func(tx ethdb.Tx) error { enc, err := tx.GetOne(dbutils.TrieOfStorageBucket, crypto.Keccak256(contract[:])) if err != nil { return err } if enc == nil { return fmt.Errorf("could find account %x", contract) } storageRoot = common.BytesToHash(common.CopyBytes(enc)) return nil }); err != nil { return storageRoot, err } return storageRoot, nil } //nolint func actualContractSize(db ethdb.KV, contract common.Address) (int, error) { var fk [52]byte copy(fk[:], contract[:]) actual := 0 if err := db.View(context.Background(), func(tx ethdb.Tx) error { c := tx.Cursor(dbutils.HashedStorageBucket) for k, _, err := c.Seek(fk[:]); k != nil && bytes.HasPrefix(k, contract[:]); k, _, err = c.Next() { if err != nil { return err } actual++ } return nil }); err != nil { return 0, err } return actual, nil } func estimateContractSize(seed common.Hash, current *llrb.LLRB, probes int, probeWidth int, trace bool) (int, error) { if trace { fmt.Printf("-----------------------------\n") } var seekkey KeyItem var large [33]byte large[0] = 1 largeInt := big.NewInt(0).SetBytes(large[:]) sectorSize := big.NewInt(0).Div(largeInt, big.NewInt(int64(probes))) probeKeyHash := seed[:] probe := big.NewInt(0).SetBytes(seed[:]) samples := make(map[[32]byte]*big.Int) curr := big.NewInt(0) prev := big.NewInt(0) allSteps := big.NewInt(0) for i := 0; i < probes; i++ { if trace { fmt.Printf("i==%d\n", i) } prev.SetBytes(probeKeyHash) allSteps.SetUint64(0) for ci := 0; ci < 32-len(probeKeyHash); ci++ { seekkey.key[ci] = 0 } copy(seekkey.key[32-len(probeKeyHash):], probeKeyHash) if trace { fmt.Printf("seekkey: %x\n", seekkey.key) } var firstK *KeyItem for j := 0; j <= probeWidth; { if trace { fmt.Printf("Start with j == %d\n", j) } current.AscendGreaterOrEqual(&seekkey, func(item llrb.Item) bool { if j > probeWidth { return false } k := item.(*KeyItem) if trace { fmt.Printf("j == %d, %x\n", j, k.key) } curr.SetBytes(k.key[:]) diff := big.NewInt(0) if prev.Cmp(curr) < 0 { diff.Sub(curr, prev) } else { diff.Sub(prev, curr) diff.Sub(largeInt, diff) } allSteps.Add(allSteps, diff) if _, ok := samples[k.key]; !ok || j > 0 { samples[k.key] = diff } prev.SetBytes(k.key[:]) j++ if firstK == nil { firstK = k } else if k == firstK { j = probeWidth + 1 } return true }) if j <= probeWidth { for ci := 0; ci < 32; ci++ { seekkey.key[ci] = 0 } if trace { fmt.Printf("Looping at j == %d\n", j) } } } if allSteps.Cmp(sectorSize) < 0 { probe.Add(probe, sectorSize) } else { if trace { fmt.Printf("Move by allSteps\n") } probe.Add(probe, allSteps) } for probe.Cmp(largeInt) >= 0 { probe.Sub(probe, largeInt) } probeKeyHash = probe.Bytes() } total := big.NewInt(0) for _, sample := range samples { total.Add(total, sample) } sampleCount := len(samples) estimatedInt := big.NewInt(0) if sampleCount > 0 { estimatedInt.Mul(largeInt, big.NewInt(int64(sampleCount))) estimatedInt.Div(estimatedInt, total) } if trace { fmt.Printf("probes: %d, probeWidth: %d, sampleCount: %d, estimate: %d\n", probes, probeWidth, sampleCount, estimatedInt) } return int(estimatedInt.Int64()), nil } func getHeatMapColor(value float64) (red, green, blue float64) { const NUM_COLORS int = 4 color := [NUM_COLORS][3]float64{ {0, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 0}, {1, 1, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, } // A static array of 4 colors: (blue, green, yellow, red) using {r,g,b} for each. var idx1 int // |-- Our desired color will be between these two indexes in "color". var idx2 int // | var fractBetween float64 // Fraction between "idx1" and "idx2" where our value is. if value <= 0 { idx1 = 0 idx2 = 0 } else if value >= 1 { idx1 = NUM_COLORS - 1 idx2 = NUM_COLORS - 1 } else { value = value * float64(NUM_COLORS-1) // Will multiply value by 3. idx1 = int(value) // Our desired color will be after this index. idx2 = idx1 + 1 // ... and before this index (inclusive). fractBetween = value - float64(idx1) // Distance between the two indexes (0-1). } if idx1 >= len(color) || idx1 < 0 { fmt.Printf("value: %f, idx1: %d\n", value, idx1) } if idx2 >= len(color) || idx2 < 0 { fmt.Printf("value: %f, idx2: %d\n", value, idx2) } red = (color[idx2][0]-color[idx1][0])*fractBetween + color[idx1][0] green = (color[idx2][1]-color[idx1][1])*fractBetween + color[idx1][1] blue = (color[idx2][2]-color[idx1][2])*fractBetween + color[idx1][2] return } func estimateContract( idx int, current *llrb.LLRB, seed common.Hash, valMap map[int][][]float64, maxValMap map[int][][]float64, valCount map[int]int, maxi, maxj int, trace bool, ) bool { maxAllVals := maxValMap[0] allVals := valMap[0] actual := current.Len() if trace { fmt.Printf("Actual size: %d\n", actual) } if actual < 2 { return false } category := int(math.Log2(float64(actual))) if category != 1 { //return false } //fmt.Printf("%d\n", idx) maxVals, ok := maxValMap[category] if !ok { maxVals = make([][]float64, maxi) for i := 1; i < maxi; i++ { maxVals[i] = make([]float64, maxj) } maxValMap[category] = maxVals } vals, ok := valMap[category] if !ok { vals = make([][]float64, maxi) for i := 1; i < maxi; i++ { vals[i] = make([]float64, maxj) } valMap[category] = vals } for i := 1; i < maxi; i++ { for j := 1; j < maxj; j++ { estimated, err := estimateContractSize(seed, current, i, j, trace) check(err) e := (float64(actual) - float64(estimated)) / float64(actual) eAbs := math.Abs(e) if eAbs > maxVals[i][j] { maxVals[i][j] = eAbs } if eAbs > maxAllVals[i][j] { maxAllVals[i][j] = eAbs } vals[i][j] += e allVals[i][j] += e } } valCount[category]++ valCount[0]++ return true } func estimate() { startTime := time.Now() db := ethdb.MustOpen("/Volumes/tb4/turbo-geth-10/geth/chaindata") //db := ethdb.MustOpen("/Users/alexeyakhunov/Library/Ethereum/geth/chaindata") //db := ethdb.MustOpen("/home/akhounov/.ethereum/geth/chaindata") defer db.Close() maxi := 20 maxj := 50 //maxi := 2 //maxj := 10 trace := false maxValMap := make(map[int][][]float64) maxAllVals := make([][]float64, maxi) for i := 1; i < maxi; i++ { maxAllVals[i] = make([]float64, maxj) } maxValMap[0] = maxAllVals valMap := make(map[int][][]float64) allVals := make([][]float64, maxi) for i := 1; i < maxi; i++ { allVals[i] = make([]float64, maxj) } valMap[0] = allVals valCount := make(map[int]int) // Go through the current state var addr common.Address itemsByAddress := make(map[common.Address]int) deleted := make(map[common.Address]bool) // Deleted contracts numDeleted := 0 var current *llrb.LLRB count := 0 contractCount := 0 if err := db.KV().View(context.Background(), func(tx ethdb.Tx) error { c := tx.Cursor(dbutils.HashedAccountsBucket) for k, _, err := c.First(); k != nil; k, _, err = c.Next() { if err != nil { return err } copy(addr[:], k[:20]) del, ok := deleted[addr] if !ok { v, err := tx.GetOne(dbutils.HashedAccountsBucket, crypto.Keccak256(addr[:])) if err != nil { return err } del = v == nil deleted[addr] = del if del { numDeleted++ } } if del { continue } if _, ok := itemsByAddress[addr]; !ok { if current != nil { seed, err := storageRoot(db.KV(), addr) check(err) //if contractCount == 4 { done := estimateContract(contractCount, current, seed, valMap, maxValMap, valCount, maxi, maxj, trace) if done && trace { return nil } //} contractCount++ if contractCount%1000 == 0 { fmt.Printf("Processed contracts: %d\n", contractCount) } } current = llrb.New() } ki := &KeyItem{} copy(ki.key[:], k[20:]) current.InsertNoReplace(ki) itemsByAddress[addr]++ count++ if count%100000 == 0 { fmt.Printf("Processed %d storage records, deleted contracts: %d\n", count, numDeleted) } } return nil }); err != nil { panic(err) } for category, vals := range valMap { for i := 1; i < maxi; i++ { for j := 1; j < maxj; j++ { vals[i][j] /= float64(valCount[category]) } } } fmt.Printf("Generating images...\n") for category, vals := range valMap { var maxe float64 var mine float64 = 100000000.0 for i := 1; i < maxi; i++ { for j := 1; j < maxj; j++ { a := math.Abs(vals[i][j]) if a > maxe { maxe = a } if a < mine { mine = a } } } if maxe > 1.0 { maxe = 1.0 } if maxe == mine { maxe = mine + 1.0 } // Initialize the graphic context on an RGBA image imageWidth := 2000 imageHeight := 480 dest := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight)) gc := draw2dimg.NewGraphicContext(dest) // Set some properties gc.SetFillColor(color.RGBA{0x44, 0xff, 0x44, 0xff}) gc.SetStrokeColor(color.RGBA{0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0xff}) gc.SetLineWidth(1) cellWidth := float64(imageWidth) / float64(maxj+1) cellHeight := float64(imageHeight) / float64(maxi+1) for i := 1; i < maxi; i++ { fi := float64(i) gc.SetFontData(draw2d.FontData{Name: "luxi", Family: draw2d.FontFamilyMono}) gc.SetFillColor(image.Black) gc.SetFontSize(12) gc.FillStringAt(fmt.Sprintf("%d", i), 5, (fi+0.5)*cellHeight) } for j := 1; j < maxj; j++ { fj := float64(j) gc.SetFontData(draw2d.FontData{Name: "luxi", Family: draw2d.FontFamilyMono}) gc.SetFillColor(image.Black) gc.SetFontSize(12) gc.FillStringAt(fmt.Sprintf("%d", j), fj*cellWidth+5, 0.5*cellHeight) } for i := 1; i < maxi; i++ { for j := 1; j < maxj; j++ { e := vals[i][j] heat := math.Abs(e) if heat > 1.0 { heat = 1.0 } heat = (heat - mine) / (maxe - mine) red, green, blue := getHeatMapColor(heat) txt := fmt.Sprintf("%.1f%%", e*100.0) fi := float64(i) fj := float64(j) gc.BeginPath() // Initialize a new path gc.MoveTo(fj*cellWidth, fi*cellHeight) gc.LineTo(fj*cellWidth, (fi+1)*cellHeight) gc.LineTo((fj+1)*cellWidth, (fi+1)*cellHeight) gc.LineTo((fj+1)*cellWidth, fi*cellHeight) gc.LineTo(fj*cellWidth, fi*cellHeight) gc.Close() gc.SetFillColor(color.RGBA{byte(255.0 * red), byte(255.0 * green), byte(255.0 * blue), 0xff}) gc.FillStroke() gc.SetFontData(draw2d.FontData{Name: "luxi", Family: draw2d.FontFamilyMono}) gc.SetFillColor(image.Black) gc.SetFontSize(8) gc.FillStringAt(txt, fj*cellWidth+5, (fi+0.5)*cellHeight) } } // Save to file draw2dimg.SaveToPngFile(fmt.Sprintf("heat_%d.png", category), dest) } fmt.Printf("Estimation took %s\n", time.Since(startTime)) }