#!/usr/bin/env bash datadir=$1 network=$2 if [ -z "$datadir" ]; then echo "arguments: " exit 1 fi if [ -z "$network" ]; then echo "arguments: " exit 1 fi #git reset --hard #git checkout devel #git pull # clean cd ./../erigon-snapshot git reset --hard git checkout auto git pull --ff-only origin auto cd ../erigon # it will return only .seg of 500K (because Erigon send to Downloader only such files) go run -trimpath ./cmd/downloader torrent_hashes --datadir="$datadir" --targetfile=./../erigon-snapshot/"$network".toml cd ./../erigon-snapshot git add "$network".toml git commit -m "[ci]: $network, [from]: $HOSTNAME" GH_TOKEN="" GH_TOKEN_FILE="" if ! gcloud -v &> /dev/null then GH_TOKEN=$(gcloud secrets versions access 1 --secret="github-snapshot-push") GH_TOKEN_FILE="~/.ssh/gh_rsa" fi # /dev/null to avoid logging of insecure git output #SSH_CMD='echo ${GH_TOKEN} | ssh -i /dev/stdin -o IdentitiesOnly=yes' SSH_CMD="ssh -i ${GH_TOKEN_FILE} -o IdentitiesOnly=yes" GIT_SSH_COMMAND=${SSH_CMD} git push git@github.com:ledgerwatch/erigon-snapshot.git auto > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "Done"