package main import ( "context" "fmt" "math" "net/url" "os" "strings" "time" "" "" libcommon "" lg "" "" downloader3 "" "" state2 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" persistence2 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" state_accessors "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var CLI struct { Migrate Migrate `cmd:"" help:"migrate from one state to another"` Blocks Blocks `cmd:"" help:"download blocks from reqresp network"` Epochs Epochs `cmd:"" help:"download epochs from reqresp network"` Chain Chain `cmd:"" help:"download the entire chain from reqresp network"` DumpSnapshots DumpSnapshots `cmd:"" help:"generate caplin snapshots"` CheckSnapshots CheckSnapshots `cmd:"" help:"check snapshot folder against content of chain data"` DownloadSnapshots DownloadSnapshots `cmd:"" help:"download snapshots from webseed"` LoopSnapshots LoopSnapshots `cmd:"" help:"loop over snapshots"` RetrieveHistoricalState RetrieveHistoricalState `cmd:"" help:"retrieve historical state from db"` ChainEndpoint ChainEndpoint `cmd:"" help:"chain endpoint"` } type chainCfg struct { Chain string `help:"chain" default:"mainnet"` } func (c *chainCfg) configs() (beaconConfig *clparams.BeaconChainConfig, genesisConfig *clparams.GenesisConfig, err error) { genesisConfig, _, beaconConfig, _, err = clparams.GetConfigsByNetworkName(c.Chain) return } type outputFolder struct { Datadir string `help:"datadir" default:"~/.local/share/erigon" type:"existingdir"` } type withSentinel struct { Sentinel string `help:"sentinel url" default:"localhost:7777"` } type withPPROF struct { Pprof bool `help:"enable pprof" default:"false"` } func (w *withPPROF) withProfile() { if w.Pprof { debug.StartPProf("localhost:6060", metrics.Setup("localhost:6060", log.Root())) } } func (w *withSentinel) connectSentinel() (sentinel.SentinelClient, error) { // YOLO message size gconn, err := grpc.Dial(w.Sentinel, grpc.WithInsecure(), grpc.WithDefaultCallOptions(grpc.MaxCallRecvMsgSize(math.MaxInt))) if err != nil { return nil, err } return sentinel.NewSentinelClient(gconn), nil } func openFs(fsName string, path string) (afero.Fs, error) { return afero.NewBasePathFs(afero.NewBasePathFs(afero.NewOsFs(), fsName), path), nil } type Blocks struct { chainCfg outputFolder withSentinel FromBlock int `arg:"" name:"from" default:"0"` ToBlock int `arg:"" name:"to" default:"-1"` } func (b *Blocks) Run(ctx *Context) error { s, err := b.withSentinel.connectSentinel() if err != nil { return err } beaconConfig, genesisConfig, err := b.configs() if err != nil { return err } beacon := rpc.NewBeaconRpcP2P(ctx, s, beaconConfig, genesisConfig) err = beacon.SetStatus( genesisConfig.GenesisValidatorRoot, beaconConfig.GenesisEpoch, genesisConfig.GenesisValidatorRoot, beaconConfig.GenesisSlot) if err != nil { return err } if b.ToBlock < 0 { b.ToBlock = int(utils.GetCurrentSlot(genesisConfig.GenesisTime, beaconConfig.SecondsPerSlot)) } resp, _, err := beacon.SendBeaconBlocksByRangeReq(ctx, uint64(b.FromBlock), uint64(b.ToBlock)) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error get beacon blocks: %w", err) } aferoFS, err := openFs(b.Datadir, "caplin/beacon") if err != nil { return err } db := mdbx.MustOpen("caplin/db") if err != nil { return err } defer db.Close() tx, err := db.BeginRw(ctx) if err != nil { return err } defer tx.Rollback() beaconDB := persistence2.NewBeaconChainDatabaseFilesystem(persistence2.NewAferoRawBlockSaver(aferoFS, beaconConfig), nil, beaconConfig) for _, vv := range resp { err := beaconDB.WriteBlock(ctx, tx, vv, true) if err != nil { return err } } return nil } type Epochs struct { chainCfg outputFolder withSentinel Concurrency int `help:"number of epochs to ask concurrently for" name:"concurrency" short:"c" default:"4"` FromEpoch int `arg:"" name:"from" default:"0"` ToEpoch int `arg:"" name:"to" default:"-1"` } func (b *Epochs) Run(cctx *Context) error { ctx := cctx.Context s, err := b.withSentinel.connectSentinel() if err != nil { return err } beaconConfig, genesisConfig, err := b.configs() if err != nil { return err } aferoFS, err := openFs(b.Datadir, "caplin/beacon") if err != nil { return err } beaconDB := persistence.NewBeaconChainDatabaseFilesystem(persistence.NewAferoRawBlockSaver(aferoFS, beaconConfig), nil, beaconConfig) beacon := rpc.NewBeaconRpcP2P(ctx, s, beaconConfig, genesisConfig) rpcSource := persistence2.NewBeaconRpcSource(beacon) err = beacon.SetStatus( genesisConfig.GenesisValidatorRoot, beaconConfig.GenesisEpoch, genesisConfig.GenesisValidatorRoot, beaconConfig.GenesisSlot) if err != nil { return err } if b.ToEpoch < 0 { b.ToEpoch = int(utils.GetCurrentEpoch(genesisConfig.GenesisTime, beaconConfig.SecondsPerSlot, beaconConfig.SlotsPerEpoch)) } ctx, cn := context.WithCancel(ctx) defer cn() egg, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx) totalEpochs := (b.ToEpoch - b.FromEpoch + 1) pw := progress.NewWriter() pw.SetTrackerLength(50) pw.SetMessageWidth(24) pw.SetStyle(progress.StyleDefault) pw.SetUpdateFrequency(time.Millisecond * 100) pw.SetTrackerPosition(progress.PositionRight) pw.Style().Visibility.Percentage = true pw.Style().Visibility.Speed = true pw.Style().Visibility.Value = true pw.Style().Visibility.ETA = true pw.Style().Visibility.ETAOverall = false pw.Style().Visibility.Tracker = true pw.Style().Visibility.TrackerOverall = false pw.Style().Visibility.SpeedOverall = true pw.Style().Options.Separator = "" go pw.Render() total := int64(uint64(totalEpochs) * beaconConfig.SlotsPerEpoch) tk := &progress.Tracker{ Message: fmt.Sprintf("downloading %d blocks", total), Total: total, Units: progress.UnitsDefault, } pw.AppendTracker(tk) tk.UpdateTotal(total) egg.SetLimit(b.Concurrency) db := mdbx.MustOpen("caplin/db") if err != nil { return err } defer db.Close() tx, err := db.BeginRw(ctx) if err != nil { return err } defer tx.Rollback() defer cn() for i := b.FromEpoch; i <= b.ToEpoch; i = i + 1 { ii := i egg.Go(func() error { var blocks *peers.PeeredObject[[]*cltypes.SignedBeaconBlock] for { blocks, err = rpcSource.GetRange(ctx, tx, uint64(ii)*beaconConfig.SlotsPerEpoch, beaconConfig.SlotsPerEpoch) if err != nil { log.Error("dl error", "err", err, "epoch", ii) } else { break } } for _, v := range blocks.Data { tk.Increment(1) _, _ = beaconDB, v err := beaconDB.WriteBlock(ctx, tx, v, true) if err != nil { return err } } return nil }) } err = egg.Wait() if err != nil { return err } tk.MarkAsDone() return tx.Commit() } type Migrate struct { outputFolder chainCfg State string `arg:"" help:"state to start from (file or later url to checkpoint)"` Blocks []string `arg:"" name:"blocks" help:"blocks to migrate, in order" type:"path"` } func resolveState(source string, chain chainCfg) (abstract.BeaconState, error) { beaconConfig, _, err := chain.configs() if err != nil { return nil, err } s := state.New(beaconConfig) switch { default: var stateByte []byte if _, stateByte, err = clparams.ParseGenesisSSZToGenesisConfig( source, beaconConfig.GetCurrentStateVersion(0)); err != nil { return nil, err } if s.DecodeSSZ(stateByte, int(beaconConfig.GetCurrentStateVersion(0))); err != nil { return nil, err } return s, nil case strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(source), "http://"), strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(source), "https://"): } return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown state format: '%s'", source) } func (m *Migrate) getBlock(ctx *Context, block string) (*cltypes.SignedBeaconBlock, error) { afs := afero.NewOsFs() bts, err := afero.ReadFile(afs, block) if err != nil { return nil, err } b, _, err := m.chainCfg.configs() if err != nil { return nil, err } blk := cltypes.NewSignedBeaconBlock(b) err = blk.DecodeSSZ(bts, 0) if err != nil { return nil, err } return blk, nil } func (m *Migrate) Run(ctx *Context) error { state, err := resolveState(m.State, m.chainCfg) if err != nil { return err } // get the machine cl := ð2.Impl{} // TODO: two queues for download and transition for _, v := range m.Blocks { blk, err := m.getBlock(ctx, v) if err != nil { return err } err = machine.TransitionState(cl, state, blk) if err != nil { return err } } return nil } type Chain struct { chainCfg withSentinel outputFolder } func (c *Chain) Run(ctx *Context) error { s, err := c.withSentinel.connectSentinel() if err != nil { return err } genesisConfig, _, beaconConfig, networkType, err := clparams.GetConfigsByNetworkName(c.Chain) if err != nil { return err } log.Root().SetHandler(log.LvlFilterHandler(log.LvlInfo, log.StderrHandler)) log.Info("Started chain download", "chain", c.Chain) dirs := datadir.New(c.Datadir) snapshotVersion := snapcfg.KnownCfg(c.Chain, 0).Version csn := freezeblocks.NewCaplinSnapshots(ethconfig.BlocksFreezing{}, beaconConfig, dirs.Snap, snapshotVersion, log.Root()) rawDB, _ := persistence.AferoRawBeaconBlockChainFromOsPath(beaconConfig, dirs.CaplinHistory) beaconDB, db, err := caplin1.OpenCaplinDatabase(ctx, db_config.DatabaseConfiguration{PruneDepth: math.MaxUint64}, beaconConfig, rawDB, dirs.CaplinIndexing, nil, false) if err != nil { return err } defer db.Close() beacon := rpc.NewBeaconRpcP2P(ctx, s, beaconConfig, genesisConfig) bs, err := core.RetrieveBeaconState(ctx, beaconConfig, genesisConfig, clparams.GetCheckpointSyncEndpoint(networkType)) if err != nil { return err } bRoot, err := bs.BlockRoot() if err != nil { return err } if err := db.Update(ctx, func(tx kv.RwTx) error { return beacon_indicies.WriteHighestFinalized(tx, bs.Slot()) }); err != nil { return err } err = beacon.SetStatus( genesisConfig.GenesisValidatorRoot, beaconConfig.GenesisEpoch, genesisConfig.GenesisValidatorRoot, beaconConfig.GenesisSlot) if err != nil { return err } downloader := network.NewBackwardBeaconDownloader(ctx, beacon, db) cfg := stages.StageHistoryReconstruction(downloader, antiquary.NewAntiquary(ctx, nil, nil, nil, dirs, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, false, false, nil), csn, beaconDB, db, nil, genesisConfig, beaconConfig, true, true, bRoot, bs.Slot(), "/tmp", 300*time.Millisecond, log.Root()) return stages.SpawnStageHistoryDownload(cfg, ctx, log.Root()) } type ChainEndpoint struct { Endpoint string `help:"endpoint" default:""` chainCfg outputFolder } func (c *ChainEndpoint) Run(ctx *Context) error { genesisConfig, _, beaconConfig, _, err := clparams.GetConfigsByNetworkName(c.Chain) if err != nil { return err } log.Root().SetHandler(log.LvlFilterHandler(log.LvlInfo, log.StderrHandler)) dirs := datadir.New(c.Datadir) rawDB, _ := persistence.AferoRawBeaconBlockChainFromOsPath(beaconConfig, dirs.CaplinHistory) beaconDB, db, err := caplin1.OpenCaplinDatabase(ctx, db_config.DatabaseConfiguration{PruneDepth: math.MaxUint64}, beaconConfig, rawDB, dirs.CaplinIndexing, nil, false) if err != nil { return err } defer db.Close() baseUri, err := url.JoinPath(c.Endpoint, "eth/v2/beacon/blocks") if err != nil { return err } log.Info("Hooked", "uri", baseUri) // Let's fetch the head first currentBlock, err := core.RetrieveBlock(ctx, beaconConfig, genesisConfig, fmt.Sprintf("%s/head", baseUri), nil) if err != nil { return err } currentRoot, err := currentBlock.Block.HashSSZ() if err != nil { return err } tx, err := db.BeginRw(ctx) if err != nil { return err } defer tx.Rollback() log.Info("Starting with", "root", libcommon.Hash(currentRoot), "slot", currentBlock.Block.Slot) currentRoot = currentBlock.Block.ParentRoot if err := beaconDB.WriteBlock(ctx, tx, currentBlock, true); err != nil { return err } if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil { return err } previousLogBlock := currentBlock.Block.Slot logInterval := time.NewTicker(30 * time.Second) defer logInterval.Stop() loopStep := func() (bool, error) { tx, err := db.BeginRw(ctx) if err != nil { return false, err } defer tx.Rollback() stringifiedRoot := common.Bytes2Hex(currentRoot[:]) // Let's fetch the head first currentBlock, err := core.RetrieveBlock(ctx, beaconConfig, genesisConfig, fmt.Sprintf("%s/0x%s", baseUri, stringifiedRoot), (*libcommon.Hash)(¤tRoot)) if err != nil { return false, err } currentRoot, err = currentBlock.Block.HashSSZ() if err != nil { return false, err } if err := beaconDB.WriteBlock(ctx, tx, currentBlock, true); err != nil { return false, err } currentRoot = currentBlock.Block.ParentRoot currentSlot := currentBlock.Block.Slot // it will stop if we end finding a gap or if we reach the maxIterations for { // check if the expected root is in db slot, err := beacon_indicies.ReadBlockSlotByBlockRoot(tx, currentRoot) if err != nil { return false, err } if slot == nil || *slot == 0 { break } if err := beacon_indicies.MarkRootCanonical(ctx, tx, *slot, currentRoot); err != nil { return false, err } currentRoot, err = beacon_indicies.ReadParentBlockRoot(ctx, tx, currentRoot) if err != nil { return false, err } } if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil { return false, err } select { case <-logInterval.C: // up to 2 decimal places rate := float64(previousLogBlock-currentSlot) / 30 log.Info("Successfully processed", "slot", currentSlot, "blk/sec", fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", rate)) previousLogBlock = currentBlock.Block.Slot case <-ctx.Done(): default: } return currentSlot != 0, nil } var keepGoing bool for keepGoing, err = loopStep(); keepGoing && err == nil; keepGoing, err = loopStep() { if !keepGoing { break } } return err } type DumpSnapshots struct { chainCfg outputFolder To uint64 `name:"to" help:"slot to dump"` } func (c *DumpSnapshots) Run(ctx *Context) error { _, _, beaconConfig, _, err := clparams.GetConfigsByNetworkName(c.Chain) if err != nil { return err } log.Root().SetHandler(log.LvlFilterHandler(log.LvlDebug, log.StderrHandler)) log.Info("Started chain download", "chain", c.Chain) dirs := datadir.New(c.Datadir) log.Root().SetHandler(log.LvlFilterHandler(log.LvlInfo, log.StderrHandler)) rawDB, _ := persistence.AferoRawBeaconBlockChainFromOsPath(beaconConfig, dirs.CaplinHistory) beaconDB, db, err := caplin1.OpenCaplinDatabase(ctx, db_config.DatabaseConfiguration{PruneDepth: math.MaxUint64}, beaconConfig, rawDB, dirs.CaplinIndexing, nil, false) if err != nil { return err } var to uint64 db.View(ctx, func(tx kv.Tx) (err error) { if c.To == 0 { to, err = beacon_indicies.ReadHighestFinalized(tx) return } to = c.To return }) snapshotVersion := snapcfg.KnownCfg(c.Chain, 0).Version return freezeblocks.DumpBeaconBlocks(ctx, db, beaconDB, snapshotVersion, 0, to, snaptype.Erigon2MergeLimit, dirs.Tmp, dirs.Snap, estimate.CompressSnapshot.Workers(), log.LvlInfo, log.Root()) } type CheckSnapshots struct { chainCfg outputFolder withPPROF } func (c *CheckSnapshots) Run(ctx *Context) error { _, _, beaconConfig, _, err := clparams.GetConfigsByNetworkName(c.Chain) if err != nil { return err } c.withProfile() log.Root().SetHandler(log.LvlFilterHandler(log.LvlDebug, log.StderrHandler)) log.Info("Started the checking process", "chain", c.Chain) dirs := datadir.New(c.Datadir) log.Root().SetHandler(log.LvlFilterHandler(log.LvlInfo, log.StderrHandler)) rawDB, _ := persistence.AferoRawBeaconBlockChainFromOsPath(beaconConfig, dirs.CaplinHistory) _, db, err := caplin1.OpenCaplinDatabase(ctx, db_config.DatabaseConfiguration{PruneDepth: math.MaxUint64}, beaconConfig, rawDB, dirs.CaplinIndexing, nil, false) if err != nil { return err } var to uint64 tx, err := db.BeginRo(ctx) if err != nil { return err } defer tx.Rollback() to, err = beacon_indicies.ReadHighestFinalized(tx) if err != nil { return err } to = (to / snaptype.Erigon2MergeLimit) * snaptype.Erigon2MergeLimit snapshotVersion := snapcfg.KnownCfg(c.Chain, 0).Version csn := freezeblocks.NewCaplinSnapshots(ethconfig.BlocksFreezing{}, beaconConfig, dirs.Snap, snapshotVersion, log.Root()) if err := csn.ReopenFolder(); err != nil { return err } genesisHeader, _, _, err := csn.ReadHeader(0) if err != nil { return err } previousBlockRoot, err := genesisHeader.Header.HashSSZ() if err != nil { return err } previousBlockSlot := genesisHeader.Header.Slot for i := uint64(1); i < to; i++ { if utils.Min64(0, i-320) > previousBlockSlot { return fmt.Errorf("snapshot %d has invalid slot", i) } // Checking of snapshots is a chain contiguity problem currentHeader, _, _, err := csn.ReadHeader(i) if err != nil { return err } if currentHeader == nil { continue } if currentHeader.Header.ParentRoot != previousBlockRoot { return fmt.Errorf("snapshot %d has invalid parent root", i) } previousBlockRoot, err = currentHeader.Header.HashSSZ() if err != nil { return err } previousBlockSlot = currentHeader.Header.Slot if i%2000 == 0 { log.Info("Successfully checked", "slot", i) } } return nil } type LoopSnapshots struct { chainCfg outputFolder withPPROF Slot uint64 `name:"slot" help:"slot to check"` } func (c *LoopSnapshots) Run(ctx *Context) error { c.withProfile() _, _, beaconConfig, _, err := clparams.GetConfigsByNetworkName(c.Chain) if err != nil { return err } log.Root().SetHandler(log.LvlFilterHandler(log.LvlDebug, log.StderrHandler)) log.Info("Started the checking process", "chain", c.Chain) dirs := datadir.New(c.Datadir) log.Root().SetHandler(log.LvlFilterHandler(log.LvlInfo, log.StderrHandler)) rawDB, _ := persistence.AferoRawBeaconBlockChainFromOsPath(beaconConfig, dirs.CaplinHistory) beaconDB, db, err := caplin1.OpenCaplinDatabase(ctx, db_config.DatabaseConfiguration{PruneDepth: math.MaxUint64}, beaconConfig, rawDB, dirs.CaplinIndexing, nil, false) if err != nil { return err } var to uint64 tx, err := db.BeginRo(ctx) if err != nil { return err } defer tx.Rollback() to, err = beacon_indicies.ReadHighestFinalized(tx) if err != nil { return err } to = (to / snaptype.Erigon2MergeLimit) * snaptype.Erigon2MergeLimit snapshotVersion := snapcfg.KnownCfg(c.Chain, 0).Version csn := freezeblocks.NewCaplinSnapshots(ethconfig.BlocksFreezing{}, beaconConfig, dirs.Snap, snapshotVersion, log.Root()) if err := csn.ReopenFolder(); err != nil { return err } br := &snapshot_format.MockBlockReader{} snReader := freezeblocks.NewBeaconSnapshotReader(csn, br, beaconDB, beaconConfig) start := time.Now() for i := c.Slot; i < to; i++ { snReader.ReadBlockBySlot(ctx, tx, i) } log.Info("Successfully checked", "slot", c.Slot, "time", time.Since(start)) return nil } type DownloadSnapshots struct { chainCfg outputFolder } func (d *DownloadSnapshots) Run(ctx *Context) error { webSeeds := snapcfg.KnownWebseeds[d.Chain] dirs := datadir.New(d.Datadir) _, _, beaconConfig, _, err := clparams.GetConfigsByNetworkName(d.Chain) if err != nil { return err } rawDB, _ := persistence.AferoRawBeaconBlockChainFromOsPath(beaconConfig, dirs.CaplinHistory) log.Root().SetHandler(log.LvlFilterHandler(log.LvlDebug, log.StderrHandler)) _, db, err := caplin1.OpenCaplinDatabase(ctx, db_config.DatabaseConfiguration{PruneDepth: math.MaxUint64}, beaconConfig, rawDB, dirs.CaplinIndexing, nil, false) if err != nil { return err } tx, err := db.BeginRw(ctx) if err != nil { return err } defer tx.Rollback() downloadRate, err := datasize.ParseString("16mb") if err != nil { return err } uploadRate, err := datasize.ParseString("0mb") if err != nil { return err } version := "erigon: " + params.VersionWithCommit(params.GitCommit) downloaderCfg, err := downloadercfg.New(dirs, version, lg.Info, downloadRate, uploadRate, 42069, 10, 3, nil, webSeeds, d.Chain) if err != nil { return err } downlo, err := downloader.New(ctx, downloaderCfg, dirs, log.Root(), log.LvlInfo, true) if err != nil { return err } s, err := state2.NewAggregatorV3(ctx, dirs.Tmp, dirs.Tmp, 200000, db, log.Root()) if err != nil { return err } downlo.MainLoopInBackground(false) bittorrentServer, err := downloader3.NewGrpcServer(downlo) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("new server: %w", err) } snapshotVersion := snapcfg.KnownCfg(d.Chain, 0).Version return snapshotsync.WaitForDownloader(ctx, "CapCliDownloader", false, snapshotsync.OnlyCaplin, s, tx, freezeblocks.NewBlockReader( freezeblocks.NewRoSnapshots(ethconfig.NewSnapCfg(false, false, false), dirs.Snap, snapshotVersion, log.Root()), freezeblocks.NewBorRoSnapshots(ethconfig.NewSnapCfg(false, false, false), dirs.Snap, snapshotVersion, log.Root())), params.ChainConfigByChainName(d.Chain), direct.NewDownloaderClient(bittorrentServer), []string{}) } type RetrieveHistoricalState struct { chainCfg outputFolder CompareFile string `help:"compare file" default:""` CompareSlot uint64 `help:"compare slot" default:"0"` } func (r *RetrieveHistoricalState) Run(ctx *Context) error { vt := state_accessors.NewStaticValidatorTable() _, _, beaconConfig, t, err := clparams.GetConfigsByNetworkName(r.Chain) if err != nil { return err } dirs := datadir.New(r.Datadir) rawDB, fs := persistence.AferoRawBeaconBlockChainFromOsPath(beaconConfig, dirs.CaplinHistory) beaconDB, db, err := caplin1.OpenCaplinDatabase(ctx, db_config.DatabaseConfiguration{PruneDepth: math.MaxUint64}, beaconConfig, rawDB, dirs.CaplinIndexing, nil, false) if err != nil { return err } log.Root().SetHandler(log.LvlFilterHandler(log.LvlDebug, log.StderrHandler)) tx, err := db.BeginRo(ctx) if err != nil { return err } defer tx.Rollback() snapshotVersion := snapcfg.KnownCfg(r.Chain, 0).Version allSnapshots := freezeblocks.NewRoSnapshots(ethconfig.BlocksFreezing{}, dirs.Snap, snapshotVersion, log.Root()) if err := allSnapshots.ReopenFolder(); err != nil { return err } if err := state_accessors.ReadValidatorsTable(tx, vt); err != nil { return err } var bor *freezeblocks.BorRoSnapshots blockReader := freezeblocks.NewBlockReader(allSnapshots, bor) eth1Getter := getters.NewExecutionSnapshotReader(ctx, beaconConfig, blockReader, db) csn := freezeblocks.NewCaplinSnapshots(ethconfig.BlocksFreezing{}, beaconConfig, dirs.Snap, snapshotVersion, log.Root()) if err := csn.ReopenFolder(); err != nil { return err } snr := freezeblocks.NewBeaconSnapshotReader(csn, eth1Getter, beaconDB, beaconConfig) gSpot, err := initial_state.GetGenesisState(t) if err != nil { return err } hr := historical_states_reader.NewHistoricalStatesReader(beaconConfig, snr, vt, fs, gSpot) start := time.Now() haveState, err := hr.ReadHistoricalState(ctx, tx, r.CompareSlot) if err != nil { return err } endTime := time.Since(start) hRoot, err := haveState.HashSSZ() if err != nil { return err } log.Info("Got state", "slot", haveState.Slot(), "root", libcommon.Hash(hRoot), "elapsed", endTime) if err := haveState.InitBeaconState(); err != nil { return err } v := haveState.Version() // encode and decode the state enc, err := haveState.EncodeSSZ(nil) if err != nil { return err } haveState = state.New(beaconConfig) if err := haveState.DecodeSSZ(enc, int(v)); err != nil { return err } hRoot, err = haveState.HashSSZ() if err != nil { return err } if r.CompareFile == "" { return nil } // Read the content of CompareFile in a []byte without afero rawBytes, err := os.ReadFile(r.CompareFile) if err != nil { return err } // Decode the []byte into a state wantState := state.New(beaconConfig) if err := wantState.DecodeSSZ(rawBytes, int(haveState.Version())); err != nil { return err } wRoot, err := wantState.HashSSZ() if err != nil { return err } if hRoot != wRoot { return fmt.Errorf("state mismatch: got %s, want %s", libcommon.Hash(hRoot), libcommon.Hash(wRoot)) } return nil }