syntax = "proto3"; import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; import "types/types.proto"; option go_package = "./downloader;downloader"; package downloader; service Downloader { rpc Download (DownloadRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {} rpc Stats (StatsRequest) returns (StatsReply) {} } message DownloadItem { string path = 1; types.H160 torrent_hash = 2; // single hash will be resolved as magnet link } message DownloadRequest { repeated DownloadItem items = 1; // single hash will be resolved as magnet link } message StatsRequest { } message StatsReply { bool completed = 1; int32 progress = 2; int32 peers = 3; int32 torrents = 4; uint64 bytesCompleted = 5; uint64 bytesTotal = 6; uint64 bytesUploadPerSec = 7; uint64 bytesDownloadPerSec = 8; uint64 connections = 9; }