Run Grafana and Prometheus: `docker-compose up prometheus grafana` Go to: [localhost:3000](localhost:3000), admin/admin List of hosts and ports to collecting metrics is in: `./cmd/prometheus/prometheus.yml` Env variables: - `XDG_DATA_HOME` re-defines default prometheus and grafana databases folder. - `TG_PROMETHEUS_CONFIG` path to custom `prometheus.yml` file. Default is: `./cmd/prometheus/prometheus.yml` - `TG_GRAFANA_CONFIG` path to custom `grafana.ini file`. Default is: `./cmd/prometheus/grafana.ini` To add custom TG host: copy `./cmd/prometheus/prometheus.yml`, modify, pass new location by: `TG_PROMETHEUS_CONFIG=/new/location/prometheus.yml docker-compose up prometheus grafana` ## For developers #### How to update dashboards 1. Edit dashboard right in Grafana UI as you need. Save. 2. Go to "Dashboard Settings" -> "JSON Model" -> Copy json representation of dashboard. 3. Go to file `./cmd/prometheus/dashboards/turbo_geth.json` and past json there. 4. Commit and push. Done. #### How to add new metrics See example: `ethdb/object_db.go:dbGetTimer` For gRPC metrics search in code: `grpc_prometheus.Register`