# This Makefile is meant to be used by people that do not usually work # with Go source code. If you know what GOPATH is then you probably # don't need to bother with make. .PHONY: geth android ios geth-cross evm all test clean .PHONY: geth-linux geth-linux-386 geth-linux-amd64 geth-linux-mips64 geth-linux-mips64le .PHONY: geth-linux-arm geth-linux-arm-5 geth-linux-arm-6 geth-linux-arm-7 geth-linux-arm64 .PHONY: geth-darwin geth-darwin-386 geth-darwin-amd64 .PHONY: geth-windows geth-windows-386 geth-windows-amd64 GOBIN = ./build/bin GO ?= latest GORUN = env GO111MODULE=on go run LATEST_COMMIT ?= $(shell git log -n 1 origin/master --pretty=format:"%H") ifeq ($(LATEST_COMMIT),) LATEST_COMMIT := $(shell git log -n 1 HEAD~1 --pretty=format:"%H") endif geth: $(GORUN) build/ci.go install ./cmd/geth @echo "Done building." @echo "Run \"$(GOBIN)/geth\" to launch geth." hack: $(GORUN) build/ci.go install ./cmd/hack @echo "Done building." @echo "Run \"$(GOBIN)/hack\" to launch hack." migrate: $(GORUN) build/ci.go install ./cmd/migrate @echo "Done building." @echo "Run \"$(GOBIN)/migrate\" to launch migrate." tester: $(GORUN) build/ci.go install ./cmd/tester @echo "Done building." @echo "Run \"$(GOBIN)/tester\" to launch tester." rpctest: $(GORUN) build/ci.go install ./cmd/rpctest @echo "Done building." @echo "Run \"$(GOBIN)/rpctest\" to launch rpctest." state: $(GORUN) build/ci.go install ./cmd/state @echo "Done building." @echo "Run \"$(GOBIN)/state\" to launch state." restapi: $(GORUN) build/ci.go install ./cmd/restapi @echo "Done building." @echo "Run \"$(GOBIN)/restapi\" to launch restapi." run-web-ui: @echo 'Web: Turbo-Geth Debug Utility is launching...' @cd debug-web-ui && yarn start pics: $(GORUN) build/ci.go install ./cmd/pics @echo "Done building." @echo "Run \"$(GOBIN)/pics\" to launch pics." rpcdaemon: $(GORUN) build/ci.go install ./cmd/rpcdaemon @echo "Done building." @echo "Run \"$(GOBIN)/rpcdaemon\" to launch rpcdaemon." semantics: semantics/z3/build/libz3.a build/env.sh go run build/ci.go install ./cmd/semantics @echo "Done building." @echo "Run \"$(GOBIN)/semantics\" to launch semantics." semantics/z3/build/libz3.a: cd semantics/z3 && python scripts/mk_make.py --staticlib cd semantics/z3/build && ${MAKE} -j8 cp semantics/z3/build/libz3.a . all: $(GORUN) build/ci.go install -procs=1 android: $(GORUN) build/ci.go aar --local @echo "Done building." @echo "Import \"$(GOBIN)/geth.aar\" to use the library." ios: $(GORUN) build/ci.go xcode --local @echo "Done building." @echo "Import \"$(GOBIN)/Geth.framework\" to use the library." test: semantics/z3/build/libz3.a all $(GORUN) build/ci.go test lint: lintci lintci: @echo "--> Running linter for code diff versus commit $(LATEST_COMMIT)" @./build/bin/golangci-lint run \ --new-from-rev=$(LATEST_COMMIT) \ --config ./.golangci/step1.yml \ --exclude "which can be annoying to use" @./build/bin/golangci-lint run \ --new-from-rev=$(LATEST_COMMIT) \ --config ./.golangci/step2.yml @./build/bin/golangci-lint run \ --new-from-rev=$(LATEST_COMMIT) \ --config ./.golangci/step3.yml @./build/bin/golangci-lint run \ --new-from-rev=$(LATEST_COMMIT) \ --config ./.golangci/step4.yml lintci-deps: rm -f ./build/bin/golangci-lint curl -sfL https://install.goreleaser.com/github.com/golangci/golangci-lint.sh | sh -s -- -b ./build/bin v1.21.0 clean: env GO111MODULE=on go clean -cache rm -fr build/_workspace/pkg/ $(GOBIN)/* # The devtools target installs tools required for 'go generate'. # You need to put $GOBIN (or $GOPATH/bin) in your PATH to use 'go generate'. devtools: env GOBIN= go get -u golang.org/x/tools/cmd/stringer env GOBIN= go get -u github.com/kevinburke/go-bindata/go-bindata env GOBIN= go get -u github.com/fjl/gencodec env GOBIN= go get -u github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go env GOBIN= go install ./cmd/abigen @type "npm" 2> /dev/null || echo 'Please install node.js and npm' @type "solc" 2> /dev/null || echo 'Please install solc' @type "protoc" 2> /dev/null || echo 'Please install protoc' # Cross Compilation Targets (xgo) geth-cross: geth-linux geth-darwin geth-windows geth-android geth-ios @echo "Full cross compilation done:" @ls -ld $(GOBIN)/geth-* geth-linux: geth-linux-386 geth-linux-amd64 geth-linux-arm geth-linux-mips64 geth-linux-mips64le @echo "Linux cross compilation done:" @ls -ld $(GOBIN)/geth-linux-* geth-linux-386: $(GORUN) build/ci.go xgo -- --go=$(GO) --targets=linux/386 -v ./cmd/geth @echo "Linux 386 cross compilation done:" @ls -ld $(GOBIN)/geth-linux-* | grep 386 geth-linux-amd64: $(GORUN) build/ci.go xgo -- --go=$(GO) --targets=linux/amd64 -v ./cmd/geth @echo "Linux amd64 cross compilation done:" @ls -ld $(GOBIN)/geth-linux-* | grep amd64 geth-linux-arm: geth-linux-arm-5 geth-linux-arm-6 geth-linux-arm-7 geth-linux-arm64 @echo "Linux ARM cross compilation done:" @ls -ld $(GOBIN)/geth-linux-* | grep arm geth-linux-arm-5: $(GORUN) build/ci.go xgo -- --go=$(GO) --targets=linux/arm-5 -v ./cmd/geth @echo "Linux ARMv5 cross compilation done:" @ls -ld $(GOBIN)/geth-linux-* | grep arm-5 geth-linux-arm-6: $(GORUN) build/ci.go xgo -- --go=$(GO) --targets=linux/arm-6 -v ./cmd/geth @echo "Linux ARMv6 cross compilation done:" @ls -ld $(GOBIN)/geth-linux-* | grep arm-6 geth-linux-arm-7: $(GORUN) build/ci.go xgo -- --go=$(GO) --targets=linux/arm-7 -v ./cmd/geth @echo "Linux ARMv7 cross compilation done:" @ls -ld $(GOBIN)/geth-linux-* | grep arm-7 geth-linux-arm64: $(GORUN) build/ci.go xgo -- --go=$(GO) --targets=linux/arm64 -v ./cmd/geth @echo "Linux ARM64 cross compilation done:" @ls -ld $(GOBIN)/geth-linux-* | grep arm64 geth-linux-mips: $(GORUN) build/ci.go xgo -- --go=$(GO) --targets=linux/mips --ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -v ./cmd/geth @echo "Linux MIPS cross compilation done:" @ls -ld $(GOBIN)/geth-linux-* | grep mips geth-linux-mipsle: $(GORUN) build/ci.go xgo -- --go=$(GO) --targets=linux/mipsle --ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -v ./cmd/geth @echo "Linux MIPSle cross compilation done:" @ls -ld $(GOBIN)/geth-linux-* | grep mipsle geth-linux-mips64: $(GORUN) build/ci.go xgo -- --go=$(GO) --targets=linux/mips64 --ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -v ./cmd/geth @echo "Linux MIPS64 cross compilation done:" @ls -ld $(GOBIN)/geth-linux-* | grep mips64 geth-linux-mips64le: $(GORUN) build/ci.go xgo -- --go=$(GO) --targets=linux/mips64le --ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -v ./cmd/geth @echo "Linux MIPS64le cross compilation done:" @ls -ld $(GOBIN)/geth-linux-* | grep mips64le geth-darwin: geth-darwin-386 geth-darwin-amd64 @echo "Darwin cross compilation done:" @ls -ld $(GOBIN)/geth-darwin-* geth-darwin-386: $(GORUN) build/ci.go xgo -- --go=$(GO) --targets=darwin/386 -v ./cmd/geth @echo "Darwin 386 cross compilation done:" @ls -ld $(GOBIN)/geth-darwin-* | grep 386 geth-darwin-amd64: $(GORUN) build/ci.go xgo -- --go=$(GO) --targets=darwin/amd64 -v ./cmd/geth @echo "Darwin amd64 cross compilation done:" @ls -ld $(GOBIN)/geth-darwin-* | grep amd64 geth-windows: geth-windows-386 geth-windows-amd64 @echo "Windows cross compilation done:" @ls -ld $(GOBIN)/geth-windows-* geth-windows-386: $(GORUN) build/ci.go xgo -- --go=$(GO) --targets=windows/386 -v ./cmd/geth @echo "Windows 386 cross compilation done:" @ls -ld $(GOBIN)/geth-windows-* | grep 386 geth-windows-amd64: $(GORUN) build/ci.go xgo -- --go=$(GO) --targets=windows/amd64 -v ./cmd/geth @echo "Windows amd64 cross compilation done:" @ls -ld $(GOBIN)/geth-windows-* | grep amd64 bindings: go generate ./tests/contracts/