/* * sais.c for sais-lite * Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Yuta Mori All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following * conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "sais.h" #include #include #ifndef UCHAR_SIZE #define UCHAR_SIZE 256 #endif #ifndef MINBUCKETSIZE #define MINBUCKETSIZE 256 #endif #define sais_index_type int #define sais_bool_type int #define SAIS_LMSSORT2_LIMIT 0x3fffffff #define SAIS_MYMALLOC(_num, _type) ((_type *)malloc((_num) * sizeof(_type))) #define SAIS_MYFREE(_ptr, _num, _type) free((_ptr)) #define chr(_a) (cs == sizeof(sais_index_type) ? ((sais_index_type *)T)[(_a)] : ((unsigned char *)T)[(_a)]) /* find the start or end of each bucket */ static void getCounts(const void *T, sais_index_type *C, sais_index_type n, sais_index_type k, int cs) { sais_index_type i; for (i = 0; i < k; ++i) { C[i] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { ++C[chr(i)]; } } static void getBuckets(const sais_index_type *C, sais_index_type *B, sais_index_type k, sais_bool_type end) { sais_index_type i, sum = 0; if (end) { for (i = 0; i < k; ++i) { sum += C[i]; B[i] = sum; } } else { for (i = 0; i < k; ++i) { sum += C[i]; B[i] = sum - C[i]; } } } /* sort all type LMS suffixes */ static void LMSsort1(const void *T, sais_index_type *SA, sais_index_type *C, sais_index_type *B, sais_index_type n, sais_index_type k, int cs) { sais_index_type *b, i, j; sais_index_type c0, c1; /* compute SAl */ if (C == B) { getCounts(T, C, n, k, cs); } getBuckets(C, B, k, 0); /* find starts of buckets */ j = n - 1; b = SA + B[c1 = chr(j)]; --j; *b++ = (chr(j) < c1) ? ~j : j; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (0 < (j = SA[i])) { assert(chr(j) >= chr(j + 1)); if ((c0 = chr(j)) != c1) { B[c1] = b - SA; b = SA + B[c1 = c0]; } assert(i < (b - SA)); --j; *b++ = (chr(j) < c1) ? ~j : j; SA[i] = 0; } else if (j < 0) { SA[i] = ~j; } } /* compute SAs */ if (C == B) { getCounts(T, C, n, k, cs); } getBuckets(C, B, k, 1); /* find ends of buckets */ for (i = n - 1, b = SA + B[c1 = 0]; 0 <= i; --i) { if (0 < (j = SA[i])) { assert(chr(j) <= chr(j + 1)); if ((c0 = chr(j)) != c1) { B[c1] = b - SA; b = SA + B[c1 = c0]; } assert((b - SA) <= i); --j; *--b = (chr(j) > c1) ? ~(j + 1) : j; SA[i] = 0; } } } static sais_index_type LMSpostproc1(const void *T, sais_index_type *SA, sais_index_type n, sais_index_type m, int cs) { sais_index_type i, j, p, q, plen, qlen, name; sais_index_type c0, c1; sais_bool_type diff; /* compact all the sorted substrings into the first m items of SA 2*m must be not larger than n (proveable) */ assert(0 < n); for (i = 0; (p = SA[i]) < 0; ++i) { SA[i] = ~p; assert((i + 1) < n); } if (i < m) { for (j = i, ++i;; ++i) { assert(i < n); if ((p = SA[i]) < 0) { SA[j++] = ~p; SA[i] = 0; if (j == m) { break; } } } } /* store the length of all substrings */ i = n - 1; j = n - 1; c0 = chr(n - 1); do { c1 = c0; } while ((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = chr(i)) >= c1)); for (; 0 <= i;) { do { c1 = c0; } while ((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = chr(i)) <= c1)); if (0 <= i) { SA[m + ((i + 1) >> 1)] = j - i; j = i + 1; do { c1 = c0; } while ((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = chr(i)) >= c1)); } } /* find the lexicographic names of all substrings */ for (i = 0, name = 0, q = n, qlen = 0; i < m; ++i) { p = SA[i], plen = SA[m + (p >> 1)], diff = 1; if ((plen == qlen) && ((q + plen) < n)) { for (j = 0; (j < plen) && (chr(p + j) == chr(q + j)); ++j) { } if (j == plen) { diff = 0; } } if (diff != 0) { ++name, q = p, qlen = plen; } SA[m + (p >> 1)] = name; } return name; } static void LMSsort2(const void *T, sais_index_type *SA, sais_index_type *C, sais_index_type *B, sais_index_type *D, sais_index_type n, sais_index_type k, int cs) { sais_index_type *b, i, j, t, d; sais_index_type c0, c1; assert(C != B); /* compute SAl */ getBuckets(C, B, k, 0); /* find starts of buckets */ j = n - 1; b = SA + B[c1 = chr(j)]; --j; t = (chr(j) < c1); j += n; *b++ = (t & 1) ? ~j : j; for (i = 0, d = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (0 < (j = SA[i])) { if (n <= j) { d += 1; j -= n; } assert(chr(j) >= chr(j + 1)); if ((c0 = chr(j)) != c1) { B[c1] = b - SA; b = SA + B[c1 = c0]; } assert(i < (b - SA)); --j; t = c0; t = (t << 1) | (chr(j) < c1); if (D[t] != d) { j += n; D[t] = d; } *b++ = (t & 1) ? ~j : j; SA[i] = 0; } else if (j < 0) { SA[i] = ~j; } } for (i = n - 1; 0 <= i; --i) { if (0 < SA[i]) { if (SA[i] < n) { SA[i] += n; for (j = i - 1; SA[j] < n; --j) { } SA[j] -= n; i = j; } } } /* compute SAs */ getBuckets(C, B, k, 1); /* find ends of buckets */ for (i = n - 1, d += 1, b = SA + B[c1 = 0]; 0 <= i; --i) { if (0 < (j = SA[i])) { if (n <= j) { d += 1; j -= n; } assert(chr(j) <= chr(j + 1)); if ((c0 = chr(j)) != c1) { B[c1] = b - SA; b = SA + B[c1 = c0]; } assert((b - SA) <= i); --j; t = c0; t = (t << 1) | (chr(j) > c1); if (D[t] != d) { j += n; D[t] = d; } *--b = (t & 1) ? ~(j + 1) : j; SA[i] = 0; } } } static sais_index_type LMSpostproc2(sais_index_type *SA, sais_index_type n, sais_index_type m) { sais_index_type i, j, d, name; /* compact all the sorted LMS substrings into the first m items of SA */ assert(0 < n); for (i = 0, name = 0; (j = SA[i]) < 0; ++i) { j = ~j; if (n <= j) { name += 1; } SA[i] = j; assert((i + 1) < n); } if (i < m) { for (d = i, ++i;; ++i) { assert(i < n); if ((j = SA[i]) < 0) { j = ~j; if (n <= j) { name += 1; } SA[d++] = j; SA[i] = 0; if (d == m) { break; } } } } if (name < m) { /* store the lexicographic names */ for (i = m - 1, d = name + 1; 0 <= i; --i) { if (n <= (j = SA[i])) { j -= n; --d; } SA[m + (j >> 1)] = d; } } else { /* unset flags */ for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) { if (n <= (j = SA[i])) { j -= n; SA[i] = j; } } } return name; } /* compute SA and BWT */ static void induceSA(const void *T, sais_index_type *SA, sais_index_type *C, sais_index_type *B, sais_index_type n, sais_index_type k, int cs) { sais_index_type *b, i, j; sais_index_type c0, c1; /* compute SAl */ if (C == B) { getCounts(T, C, n, k, cs); } getBuckets(C, B, k, 0); /* find starts of buckets */ j = n - 1; b = SA + B[c1 = chr(j)]; *b++ = ((0 < j) && (chr(j - 1) < c1)) ? ~j : j; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { j = SA[i], SA[i] = ~j; if (0 < j) { --j; assert(chr(j) >= chr(j + 1)); if ((c0 = chr(j)) != c1) { B[c1] = b - SA; b = SA + B[c1 = c0]; } assert(i < (b - SA)); *b++ = ((0 < j) && (chr(j - 1) < c1)) ? ~j : j; } } /* compute SAs */ if (C == B) { getCounts(T, C, n, k, cs); } getBuckets(C, B, k, 1); /* find ends of buckets */ for (i = n - 1, b = SA + B[c1 = 0]; 0 <= i; --i) { if (0 < (j = SA[i])) { --j; assert(chr(j) <= chr(j + 1)); if ((c0 = chr(j)) != c1) { B[c1] = b - SA; b = SA + B[c1 = c0]; } assert((b - SA) <= i); *--b = ((j == 0) || (chr(j - 1) > c1)) ? ~j : j; } else { SA[i] = ~j; } } } static sais_index_type computeBWT(const void *T, sais_index_type *SA, sais_index_type *C, sais_index_type *B, sais_index_type n, sais_index_type k, int cs) { sais_index_type *b, i, j, pidx = -1; sais_index_type c0, c1; /* compute SAl */ if (C == B) { getCounts(T, C, n, k, cs); } getBuckets(C, B, k, 0); /* find starts of buckets */ j = n - 1; b = SA + B[c1 = chr(j)]; *b++ = ((0 < j) && (chr(j - 1) < c1)) ? ~j : j; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (0 < (j = SA[i])) { --j; assert(chr(j) >= chr(j + 1)); SA[i] = ~((sais_index_type)(c0 = chr(j))); if (c0 != c1) { B[c1] = b - SA; b = SA + B[c1 = c0]; } assert(i < (b - SA)); *b++ = ((0 < j) && (chr(j - 1) < c1)) ? ~j : j; } else if (j != 0) { SA[i] = ~j; } } /* compute SAs */ if (C == B) { getCounts(T, C, n, k, cs); } getBuckets(C, B, k, 1); /* find ends of buckets */ for (i = n - 1, b = SA + B[c1 = 0]; 0 <= i; --i) { if (0 < (j = SA[i])) { --j; assert(chr(j) <= chr(j + 1)); SA[i] = (c0 = chr(j)); if (c0 != c1) { B[c1] = b - SA; b = SA + B[c1 = c0]; } assert((b - SA) <= i); *--b = ((0 < j) && (chr(j - 1) > c1)) ? ~((sais_index_type)chr(j - 1)) : j; } else if (j != 0) { SA[i] = ~j; } else { pidx = i; } } return pidx; } /* find the suffix array SA of T[0..n-1] in {0..255}^n */ static sais_index_type sais_main(const void *T, sais_index_type *SA, sais_index_type fs, sais_index_type n, sais_index_type k, int cs, sais_bool_type isbwt) { sais_index_type *C, *B, *D, *RA, *b; sais_index_type i, j, m, p, q, t, name, pidx = 0, newfs; sais_index_type c0, c1; unsigned int flags; assert((T != NULL) && (SA != NULL)); assert((0 <= fs) && (0 < n) && (1 <= k)); if (k <= MINBUCKETSIZE) { if ((C = SAIS_MYMALLOC(k, sais_index_type)) == NULL) { return -2; } if (k <= fs) { B = SA + (n + fs - k); flags = 1; } else { if ((B = SAIS_MYMALLOC(k, sais_index_type)) == NULL) { SAIS_MYFREE(C, k, sais_index_type); return -2; } flags = 3; } } else if (k <= fs) { C = SA + (n + fs - k); if (k <= (fs - k)) { B = C - k; flags = 0; } else if (k <= (MINBUCKETSIZE * 4)) { if ((B = SAIS_MYMALLOC(k, sais_index_type)) == NULL) { return -2; } flags = 2; } else { B = C; flags = 8; } } else { if ((C = B = SAIS_MYMALLOC(k, sais_index_type)) == NULL) { return -2; } flags = 4 | 8; } if ((n <= SAIS_LMSSORT2_LIMIT) && (2 <= (n / k))) { if (flags & 1) { flags |= ((k * 2) <= (fs - k)) ? 32 : 16; } else if ((flags == 0) && ((k * 2) <= (fs - k * 2))) { flags |= 32; } } /* stage 1: reduce the problem by at least 1/2 sort all the LMS-substrings */ getCounts(T, C, n, k, cs); getBuckets(C, B, k, 1); /* find ends of buckets */ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { SA[i] = 0; } b = &t; i = n - 1; j = n; m = 0; c0 = chr(n - 1); do { c1 = c0; } while ((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = chr(i)) >= c1)); for (; 0 <= i;) { do { c1 = c0; } while ((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = chr(i)) <= c1)); if (0 <= i) { *b = j; b = SA + --B[c1]; j = i; ++m; do { c1 = c0; } while ((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = chr(i)) >= c1)); } } if (1 < m) { if (flags & (16 | 32)) { if (flags & 16) { if ((D = SAIS_MYMALLOC(k * 2, sais_index_type)) == NULL) { if (flags & (1 | 4)) { SAIS_MYFREE(C, k, sais_index_type); } if (flags & 2) { SAIS_MYFREE(B, k, sais_index_type); } return -2; } } else { D = B - k * 2; } assert((j + 1) < n); ++B[chr(j + 1)]; for (i = 0, j = 0; i < k; ++i) { j += C[i]; if (B[i] != j) { assert(SA[B[i]] != 0); SA[B[i]] += n; } D[i] = D[i + k] = 0; } LMSsort2(T, SA, C, B, D, n, k, cs); name = LMSpostproc2(SA, n, m); if (flags & 16) { SAIS_MYFREE(D, k * 2, sais_index_type); } } else { LMSsort1(T, SA, C, B, n, k, cs); name = LMSpostproc1(T, SA, n, m, cs); } } else if (m == 1) { *b = j + 1; name = 1; } else { name = 0; } /* stage 2: solve the reduced problem recurse if names are not yet unique */ if (name < m) { if (flags & 4) { SAIS_MYFREE(C, k, sais_index_type); } if (flags & 2) { SAIS_MYFREE(B, k, sais_index_type); } newfs = (n + fs) - (m * 2); if ((flags & (1 | 4 | 8)) == 0) { if ((k + name) <= newfs) { newfs -= k; } else { flags |= 8; } } assert((n >> 1) <= (newfs + m)); RA = SA + m + newfs; for (i = m + (n >> 1) - 1, j = m - 1; m <= i; --i) { if (SA[i] != 0) { RA[j--] = SA[i] - 1; } } if (sais_main(RA, SA, newfs, m, name, sizeof(sais_index_type), 0) != 0) { if (flags & 1) { SAIS_MYFREE(C, k, sais_index_type); } return -2; } i = n - 1; j = m - 1; c0 = chr(n - 1); do { c1 = c0; } while ((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = chr(i)) >= c1)); for (; 0 <= i;) { do { c1 = c0; } while ((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = chr(i)) <= c1)); if (0 <= i) { RA[j--] = i + 1; do { c1 = c0; } while ((0 <= --i) && ((c0 = chr(i)) >= c1)); } } for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) { SA[i] = RA[SA[i]]; } if (flags & 4) { if ((C = B = SAIS_MYMALLOC(k, int)) == NULL) { return -2; } } if (flags & 2) { if ((B = SAIS_MYMALLOC(k, int)) == NULL) { if (flags & 1) { SAIS_MYFREE(C, k, sais_index_type); } return -2; } } } /* stage 3: induce the result for the original problem */ if (flags & 8) { getCounts(T, C, n, k, cs); } /* put all left-most S characters into their buckets */ if (1 < m) { getBuckets(C, B, k, 1); /* find ends of buckets */ i = m - 1, j = n, p = SA[m - 1], c1 = chr(p); do { q = B[c0 = c1]; while (q < j) { SA[--j] = 0; } do { SA[--j] = p; if (--i < 0) { break; } p = SA[i]; } while ((c1 = chr(p)) == c0); } while (0 <= i); while (0 < j) { SA[--j] = 0; } } if (isbwt == 0) { induceSA(T, SA, C, B, n, k, cs); } else { pidx = computeBWT(T, SA, C, B, n, k, cs); } if (flags & (1 | 4)) { SAIS_MYFREE(C, k, sais_index_type); } if (flags & 2) { SAIS_MYFREE(B, k, sais_index_type); } return pidx; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int sais(const unsigned char *T, int *SA, int n) { if ((T == NULL) || (SA == NULL) || (n < 0)) { return -1; } if (n <= 1) { if (n == 1) { SA[0] = 0; } return 0; } int result = sais_main(T, SA, 0, n, UCHAR_SIZE, sizeof(unsigned char), 0); // for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) // printf("%d ", SA[i]); // printf("\n"); return result; } int sais_int(const int *T, int *SA, int n, int k) { if ((T == NULL) || (SA == NULL) || (n < 0) || (k <= 0)) { return -1; } if (n <= 1) { if (n == 1) { SA[0] = 0; } return 0; } return sais_main(T, SA, 0, n, k, sizeof(int), 0); } int sais_bwt(const unsigned char *T, unsigned char *U, int *A, int n) { int i, pidx; if ((T == NULL) || (U == NULL) || (A == NULL) || (n < 0)) { return -1; } if (n <= 1) { if (n == 1) { U[0] = T[0]; } return n; } pidx = sais_main(T, A, 0, n, UCHAR_SIZE, sizeof(unsigned char), 1); if (pidx < 0) { return pidx; } U[0] = T[n - 1]; for (i = 0; i < pidx; ++i) { U[i + 1] = (unsigned char)A[i]; } for (i += 1; i < n; ++i) { U[i] = (unsigned char)A[i]; } pidx += 1; return pidx; } int sais_int_bwt(const int *T, int *U, int *A, int n, int k) { int i, pidx; if ((T == NULL) || (U == NULL) || (A == NULL) || (n < 0) || (k <= 0)) { return -1; } if (n <= 1) { if (n == 1) { U[0] = T[0]; } return n; } pidx = sais_main(T, A, 0, n, k, sizeof(int), 1); if (pidx < 0) { return pidx; } U[0] = T[n - 1]; for (i = 0; i < pidx; ++i) { U[i + 1] = A[i]; } for (i += 1; i < n; ++i) { U[i] = A[i]; } pidx += 1; return pidx; }