Max Revitt 07ffa36d44
File system logging (#5812)
- lives in internal/logging
- all log flags moved to internal/logging/flags
- allows continued use of root logger via log.Info etc.
- update logger to take change allowing string to lvl for 'trace'

Verbosity flag is overridden by log.console.verbosity. Logs will be
colocated if all run as one process, only split where progs are run as
separate processes, in a future update this will be addressed so for
example rpcdeamon will always log to it's own file
2022-10-20 19:25:06 +01:00

182 lines
7.0 KiB

package main
import (
proto_sentry ""
common2 ""
var (
sentryAddr []string // Address of the sentry <host>:<port>
traceSenders []string
privateApiAddr string
txpoolApiAddr string
datadirCli string // Path to td working dir
TLSCertfile string
TLSCACert string
TLSKeyFile string
pendingPoolLimit int
baseFeePoolLimit int
queuedPoolLimit int
priceLimit uint64
accountSlots uint64
priceBump uint64
func init() {
predefinedFlags := append(debug.Flags, utils.MetricFlags...)
predefinedFlags = append(predefinedFlags, logging.Flags...)
utils.CobraFlags(rootCmd, predefinedFlags)
rootCmd.Flags().StringSliceVar(&sentryAddr, "sentry.api.addr", []string{"localhost:9091"}, "comma separated sentry addresses '<host>:<port>,<host>:<port>'")
rootCmd.Flags().StringVar(&privateApiAddr, "private.api.addr", "localhost:9090", "execution service <host>:<port>")
rootCmd.Flags().StringVar(&txpoolApiAddr, "txpool.api.addr", "localhost:9094", "txpool service <host>:<port>")
rootCmd.Flags().StringVar(&datadirCli, utils.DataDirFlag.Name, paths.DefaultDataDir(), utils.DataDirFlag.Usage)
if err := rootCmd.MarkFlagDirname(utils.DataDirFlag.Name); err != nil {
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&TLSCertfile, "tls.cert", "", "certificate for client side TLS handshake")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&TLSKeyFile, "tls.key", "", "key file for client side TLS handshake")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&TLSCACert, "tls.cacert", "", "CA certificate for client side TLS handshake")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().IntVar(&pendingPoolLimit, "txpool.globalslots", txpool.DefaultConfig.PendingSubPoolLimit, "Maximum number of executable transaction slots for all accounts")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().IntVar(&baseFeePoolLimit, "txpool.globalbasefeeeslots", txpool.DefaultConfig.BaseFeeSubPoolLimit, "Maximum number of non-executable transactions where only not enough baseFee")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().IntVar(&queuedPoolLimit, "txpool.globalqueue", txpool.DefaultConfig.QueuedSubPoolLimit, "Maximum number of non-executable transaction slots for all accounts")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Uint64Var(&priceLimit, "txpool.pricelimit", txpool.DefaultConfig.MinFeeCap, "Minimum gas price (fee cap) limit to enforce for acceptance into the pool")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Uint64Var(&accountSlots, "txpool.accountslots", txpool.DefaultConfig.AccountSlots, "Minimum number of executable transaction slots guaranteed per account")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().Uint64Var(&priceBump, "txpool.pricebump", txpool.DefaultConfig.PriceBump, "Price bump percentage to replace an already existing transaction")
rootCmd.Flags().StringSliceVar(&traceSenders, utils.TxPoolTraceSendersFlag.Name, []string{}, utils.TxPoolTraceSendersFlag.Usage)
var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "txpool",
Short: "Launch externa Transaction Pool instance - same as built-into Erigon, but as independent Service",
PersistentPreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
return debug.SetupCobra(cmd)
PersistentPostRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
_ = logging.GetLoggerCmd("txpool", cmd)
ctx := cmd.Context()
creds, err := grpcutil.TLS(TLSCACert, TLSCertfile, TLSKeyFile)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not connect to remoteKv: %w", err)
coreConn, err := grpcutil.Connect(creds, privateApiAddr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not connect to remoteKv: %w", err)
kvClient := remote.NewKVClient(coreConn)
coreDB, err := remotedb.NewRemote(gointerfaces.VersionFromProto(remotedbserver.KvServiceAPIVersion), log.New(), kvClient).Open()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not connect to remoteKv: %w", err)
log.Info("TxPool started", "db", filepath.Join(datadirCli, "txpool"))
sentryClients := make([]direct.SentryClient, len(sentryAddr))
for i := range sentryAddr {
creds, err := grpcutil.TLS(TLSCACert, TLSCertfile, TLSKeyFile)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not connect to sentry: %w", err)
sentryConn, err := grpcutil.Connect(creds, sentryAddr[i])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not connect to sentry: %w", err)
sentryClients[i] = direct.NewSentryClientRemote(proto_sentry.NewSentryClient(sentryConn))
cfg := txpool.DefaultConfig
dirs := datadir.New(datadirCli)
cfg.DBDir = dirs.TxPool
cfg.CommitEvery = 30 * time.Second
cfg.PendingSubPoolLimit = pendingPoolLimit
cfg.BaseFeeSubPoolLimit = baseFeePoolLimit
cfg.QueuedSubPoolLimit = queuedPoolLimit
cfg.MinFeeCap = priceLimit
cfg.AccountSlots = accountSlots
cfg.PriceBump = priceBump
cacheConfig := kvcache.DefaultCoherentConfig
cacheConfig.MetricsLabel = "txpool"
cfg.TracedSenders = make([]string, len(traceSenders))
for i, senderHex := range traceSenders {
sender := common2.HexToAddress(senderHex)
cfg.TracedSenders[i] = string(sender[:])
newTxs := make(chan types.Hashes, 1024)
defer close(newTxs)
txPoolDB, txPool, fetch, send, txpoolGrpcServer, err := txpooluitl.AllComponents(ctx, cfg,
kvcache.New(cacheConfig), newTxs, coreDB, sentryClients, kvClient)
if err != nil {
return err
var ethashApi *ethash.API
sif casted, ok := backend.engine.(*ethash.Ethash); ok {
ethashApi = casted.APIs(nil)[1].Service.(*ethash.API)
miningGrpcServer := privateapi.NewMiningServer(cmd.Context(), &rpcdaemontest.IsMiningMock{}, nil)
grpcServer, err := txpool.StartGrpc(txpoolGrpcServer, miningGrpcServer, txpoolApiAddr, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
notifyMiner := func() {}
txpool.MainLoop(cmd.Context(), txPoolDB, coreDB, txPool, newTxs, send, txpoolGrpcServer.NewSlotsStreams, notifyMiner)
return nil
func main() {
ctx, cancel := common.RootContext()
defer cancel()
if err := rootCmd.ExecuteContext(ctx); err != nil {