ledgerwatch 7bb9cb4274
Remove BloomStatus from the API (#1155)
* Remove BloomStatus from the API

* Trying to find missing space

* Fix lint
2020-09-29 15:09:29 +01:00

36 lines
622 B
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package remote;
option go_package = "./remote;remote";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "io.turbo-geth.db";
option java_outer_classname = "ETHBACKEND";
service ETHBACKEND {
rpc Add(TxRequest) returns (AddReply);
rpc Etherbase(EtherbaseRequest) returns (EtherbaseReply);
rpc NetVersion(NetVersionRequest) returns (NetVersionReply);
message TxRequest {
bytes signedtx = 1;
message AddReply {
bytes hash = 1;
message EtherbaseRequest {
message EtherbaseReply {
bytes hash = 1;
message NetVersionRequest {
message NetVersionReply {
uint64 id = 1;