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Copyright 2022 Erigon contributors
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package txpool
import (
mapset "github.com/deckarep/golang-set/v2"
proto_txpool "github.com/ledgerwatch/erigon-lib/gointerfaces/txpool"
var (
processBatchTxsTimer = metrics.NewSummary(`pool_process_remote_txs`)
addRemoteTxsTimer = metrics.NewSummary(`pool_add_remote_txs`)
newBlockTimer = metrics.NewSummary(`pool_new_block`)
writeToDBTimer = metrics.NewSummary(`pool_write_to_db`)
propagateToNewPeerTimer = metrics.NewSummary(`pool_propagate_to_new_peer`)
propagateNewTxsTimer = metrics.NewSummary(`pool_propagate_new_txs`)
writeToDBBytesCounter = metrics.GetOrCreateCounter(`pool_write_to_db_bytes`)
pendingSubCounter = metrics.GetOrCreateCounter(`txpool_pending`)
queuedSubCounter = metrics.GetOrCreateCounter(`txpool_queued`)
basefeeSubCounter = metrics.GetOrCreateCounter(`txpool_basefee`)
// Pool is interface for the transaction pool
// This interface exists for the convenience of testing, and not yet because
// there are multiple implementations
type Pool interface {
ValidateSerializedTxn(serializedTxn []byte) error
// Handle 3 main events - new remote txs from p2p, new local txs from RPC, new blocks from execution layer
AddRemoteTxs(ctx context.Context, newTxs types.TxSlots)
AddLocalTxs(ctx context.Context, newTxs types.TxSlots, tx kv.Tx) ([]txpoolcfg.DiscardReason, error)
OnNewBlock(ctx context.Context, stateChanges *remote.StateChangeBatch, unwindTxs, minedTxs types.TxSlots, tx kv.Tx) error
// IdHashKnown check whether transaction with given Id hash is known to the pool
IdHashKnown(tx kv.Tx, hash []byte) (bool, error)
Started() bool
GetRlp(tx kv.Tx, hash []byte) ([]byte, error)
AddNewGoodPeer(peerID types.PeerID)
var _ Pool = (*TxPool)(nil) // compile-time interface check
// SubPoolMarker ordered bitset responsible to sort transactions by sub-pools. Bits meaning:
// 1. Minimum fee requirement. Set to 1 if feeCap of the transaction is no less than in-protocol parameter of minimal base fee. Set to 0 if feeCap is less than minimum base fee, which means this transaction will never be included into this particular chain.
// 2. Absence of nonce gaps. Set to 1 for transactions whose nonce is N, state nonce for the sender is M, and there are transactions for all nonces between M and N from the same sender. Set to 0 is the transaction's nonce is divided from the state nonce by one or more nonce gaps.
// 3. Sufficient balance for gas. Set to 1 if the balance of sender's account in the state is B, nonce of the sender in the state is M, nonce of the transaction is N, and the sum of feeCap x gasLimit + transferred_value of all transactions from this sender with nonces N+1 ... M is no more than B. Set to 0 otherwise. In other words, this bit is set if there is currently a guarantee that the transaction and all its required prior transactions will be able to pay for gas.
// 4. Dynamic fee requirement. Set to 1 if feeCap of the transaction is no less than baseFee of the currently pending block. Set to 0 otherwise.
// 5. Local transaction. Set to 1 if transaction is local.
type SubPoolMarker uint8
const (
EnoughFeeCapProtocol = 0b100000
NoNonceGaps = 0b010000
EnoughBalance = 0b001000
NotTooMuchGas = 0b000100
EnoughFeeCapBlock = 0b000010
IsLocal = 0b000001
BaseFeePoolBits = EnoughFeeCapProtocol + NoNonceGaps + EnoughBalance + NotTooMuchGas
QueuedPoolBits = EnoughFeeCapProtocol
// metaTx holds transaction and some metadata
type metaTx struct {
Tx *types.TxSlot
minFeeCap uint256.Int
nonceDistance uint64 // how far their nonces are from the state's nonce for the sender
cumulativeBalanceDistance uint64 // how far their cumulativeRequiredBalance are from the state's balance for the sender
minTip uint64
bestIndex int
worstIndex int
timestamp uint64 // when it was added to pool
subPool SubPoolMarker
currentSubPool SubPoolType
alreadyYielded bool
func newMetaTx(slot *types.TxSlot, isLocal bool, timestmap uint64) *metaTx {
mt := &metaTx{Tx: slot, worstIndex: -1, bestIndex: -1, timestamp: timestmap}
if isLocal {
mt.subPool = IsLocal
return mt
type SubPoolType uint8
const PendingSubPool SubPoolType = 1
const BaseFeeSubPool SubPoolType = 2
const QueuedSubPool SubPoolType = 3
func (sp SubPoolType) String() string {
switch sp {
case PendingSubPool:
return "Pending"
case BaseFeeSubPool:
return "BaseFee"
case QueuedSubPool:
return "Queued"
return fmt.Sprintf("Unknown:%d", sp)
// sender - immutable structure which stores only nonce and balance of account
type sender struct {
balance uint256.Int
nonce uint64
func newSender(nonce uint64, balance uint256.Int) *sender {
return &sender{nonce: nonce, balance: balance}
var emptySender = newSender(0, *uint256.NewInt(0))
func SortByNonceLess(a, b *metaTx) bool {
if a.Tx.SenderID != b.Tx.SenderID {
return a.Tx.SenderID < b.Tx.SenderID
return a.Tx.Nonce < b.Tx.Nonce
func calcProtocolBaseFee(baseFee uint64) uint64 {
return 7
// TxPool - holds all pool-related data structures and lock-based tiny methods
// most of logic implemented by pure tests-friendly functions
// txpool doesn't start any goroutines - "leave concurrency to user" design
// txpool has no DB or TX fields - "leave db transactions management to user" design
// txpool has _chainDB field - but it must maximize local state cache hit-rate - and perform minimum _chainDB transactions
// It preserve TxSlot objects immutable
type TxPool struct {
_chainDB kv.RoDB // remote db - use it wisely
_stateCache kvcache.Cache
lock *sync.Mutex
recentlyConnectedPeers *recentlyConnectedPeers // all txs will be propagated to this peers eventually, and clear list
senders *sendersBatch
// batch processing of remote transactions
// handling works fast without batching, but batching allow:
// - reduce amount of _chainDB transactions
// - batch notifications about new txs (reduce P2P spam to other nodes about txs propagation)
// - and as a result reducing lock contention
unprocessedRemoteTxs *types.TxSlots
unprocessedRemoteByHash map[string]int // to reject duplicates
byHash map[string]*metaTx // tx_hash => tx : only not committed to db yet records
discardReasonsLRU *simplelru.LRU[string, txpoolcfg.DiscardReason] // tx_hash => discard_reason : non-persisted
pending *PendingPool
baseFee *SubPool
queued *SubPool
isLocalLRU *simplelru.LRU[string, struct{}] // tx_hash => is_local : to restore isLocal flag of unwinded transactions
newPendingTxs chan types.Announcements // notifications about new txs in Pending sub-pool
all *BySenderAndNonce // senderID => (sorted map of tx nonce => *metaTx)
deletedTxs []*metaTx // list of discarded txs since last db commit
promoted types.Announcements
cfg txpoolcfg.Config
chainID uint256.Int
lastSeenBlock atomic.Uint64
started atomic.Bool
pendingBaseFee atomic.Uint64
blockGasLimit atomic.Uint64
shanghaiTime *big.Int
isPostShanghai atomic.Bool
logger log.Logger
func New(newTxs chan types.Announcements, coreDB kv.RoDB, cfg txpoolcfg.Config, cache kvcache.Cache, chainID uint256.Int, shanghaiTime *big.Int, logger log.Logger) (*TxPool, error) {
var err error
localsHistory, err := simplelru.NewLRU[string, struct{}](10_000, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
discardHistory, err := simplelru.NewLRU[string, txpoolcfg.DiscardReason](10_000, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
byNonce := &BySenderAndNonce{
tree: btree.NewG[*metaTx](32, SortByNonceLess),
search: &metaTx{Tx: &types.TxSlot{}},
senderIDTxnCount: map[uint64]int{},
tracedSenders := make(map[common.Address]struct{})
for _, sender := range cfg.TracedSenders {
tracedSenders[common.BytesToAddress([]byte(sender))] = struct{}{}
return &TxPool{
lock: &sync.Mutex{},
byHash: map[string]*metaTx{},
isLocalLRU: localsHistory,
discardReasonsLRU: discardHistory,
all: byNonce,
recentlyConnectedPeers: &recentlyConnectedPeers{},
pending: NewPendingSubPool(PendingSubPool, cfg.PendingSubPoolLimit),
baseFee: NewSubPool(BaseFeeSubPool, cfg.BaseFeeSubPoolLimit),
queued: NewSubPool(QueuedSubPool, cfg.QueuedSubPoolLimit),
newPendingTxs: newTxs,
_stateCache: cache,
senders: newSendersCache(tracedSenders),
_chainDB: coreDB,
cfg: cfg,
chainID: chainID,
unprocessedRemoteTxs: &types.TxSlots{},
unprocessedRemoteByHash: map[string]int{},
shanghaiTime: shanghaiTime,
logger: logger,
}, nil
func (p *TxPool) OnNewBlock(ctx context.Context, stateChanges *remote.StateChangeBatch, unwindTxs, minedTxs types.TxSlots, tx kv.Tx) error {
defer newBlockTimer.UpdateDuration(time.Now())
//t := time.Now()
cache := p.cache()
coreTx, err := p.coreDB().BeginRo(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
defer coreTx.Rollback()
defer p.lock.Unlock()
if !p.started.Load() {
if err := p.fromDB(ctx, tx, coreTx); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("loading txs from DB: %w", err)
cacheView, err := cache.View(ctx, coreTx)
if err != nil {
return err
if assert.Enable {
if _, err := kvcache.AssertCheckValues(ctx, coreTx, cache); err != nil {
p.logger.Error("AssertCheckValues", "err", err, "stack", stack.Trace().String())
if err := minedTxs.Valid(); err != nil {
return err
baseFee := stateChanges.PendingBlockBaseFee
pendingBaseFee, baseFeeChanged := p.setBaseFee(baseFee)
// Update pendingBase for all pool queues and slices
if baseFeeChanged {
p.pending.best.pendingBaseFee = pendingBaseFee
p.pending.worst.pendingBaseFee = pendingBaseFee
p.baseFee.best.pendingBastFee = pendingBaseFee
p.baseFee.worst.pendingBaseFee = pendingBaseFee
p.queued.best.pendingBastFee = pendingBaseFee
p.queued.worst.pendingBaseFee = pendingBaseFee
if err := p.senders.onNewBlock(stateChanges, unwindTxs, minedTxs, p.logger); err != nil {
return err
_, unwindTxs, err = p.validateTxs(&unwindTxs, cacheView)
if err != nil {
return err
if assert.Enable {
for _, txn := range unwindTxs.Txs {
if txn.SenderID == 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("onNewBlock.unwindTxs: senderID can't be zero"))
for _, txn := range minedTxs.Txs {
if txn.SenderID == 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("onNewBlock.minedTxs: senderID can't be zero"))
if err := removeMined(p.all, minedTxs.Txs, p.pending, p.baseFee, p.queued, p.discardLocked, p.logger); err != nil {
return err
//p.logger.Debug("[txpool] new block", "unwinded", len(unwindTxs.txs), "mined", len(minedTxs.txs), "baseFee", baseFee, "blockHeight", blockHeight)
announcements, err := addTxsOnNewBlock(p.lastSeenBlock.Load(), cacheView, stateChanges, p.senders, unwindTxs,
pendingBaseFee, stateChanges.BlockGasLimit,
p.pending, p.baseFee, p.queued, p.all, p.byHash, p.addLocked, p.discardLocked, p.logger)
if err != nil {
return err
promote(p.pending, p.baseFee, p.queued, pendingBaseFee, p.discardLocked, &announcements, p.logger)
if p.started.CompareAndSwap(false, true) {
p.logger.Info("[txpool] Started")
if p.promoted.Len() > 0 {
select {
case p.newPendingTxs <- p.promoted.Copy():
//p.logger.Info("[txpool] new block", "number", p.lastSeenBlock.Load(), "pendngBaseFee", pendingBaseFee, "in", time.Since(t))
return nil
func (p *TxPool) processRemoteTxs(ctx context.Context) error {
if !p.started.Load() {
return fmt.Errorf("txpool not started yet")
cache := p.cache()
defer processBatchTxsTimer.UpdateDuration(time.Now())
coreTx, err := p.coreDB().BeginRo(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
defer coreTx.Rollback()
cacheView, err := cache.View(ctx, coreTx)
if err != nil {
return err
//t := time.Now()
defer p.lock.Unlock()
l := len(p.unprocessedRemoteTxs.Txs)
if l == 0 {
return nil
err = p.senders.registerNewSenders(p.unprocessedRemoteTxs, p.logger)
if err != nil {
return err
_, newTxs, err := p.validateTxs(p.unprocessedRemoteTxs, cacheView)
if err != nil {
return err
announcements, _, err := addTxs(p.lastSeenBlock.Load(), cacheView, p.senders, newTxs,
p.pendingBaseFee.Load(), p.blockGasLimit.Load(), p.pending, p.baseFee, p.queued, p.all, p.byHash, p.addLocked, p.discardLocked, true, p.logger)
if err != nil {
return err
if p.promoted.Len() > 0 {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
case p.newPendingTxs <- p.promoted.Copy():
p.unprocessedRemoteByHash = map[string]int{}
//p.logger.Info("[txpool] on new txs", "amount", len(newPendingTxs.txs), "in", time.Since(t))
return nil
func (p *TxPool) getRlpLocked(tx kv.Tx, hash []byte) (rlpTxn []byte, sender common.Address, isLocal bool, err error) {
txn, ok := p.byHash[string(hash)]
if ok && txn.Tx.Rlp != nil {
return txn.Tx.Rlp, p.senders.senderID2Addr[txn.Tx.SenderID], txn.subPool&IsLocal > 0, nil
v, err := tx.GetOne(kv.PoolTransaction, hash)
if err != nil {
return nil, common.Address{}, false, err
if v == nil {
return nil, common.Address{}, false, nil
return v[20:], *(*[20]byte)(v[:20]), txn != nil && txn.subPool&IsLocal > 0, nil
func (p *TxPool) GetRlp(tx kv.Tx, hash []byte) ([]byte, error) {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
rlpTx, _, _, err := p.getRlpLocked(tx, hash)
return common.Copy(rlpTx), err
func (p *TxPool) AppendLocalAnnouncements(types []byte, sizes []uint32, hashes []byte) ([]byte, []uint32, []byte) {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
for hash, txn := range p.byHash {
if txn.subPool&IsLocal == 0 {
types = append(types, txn.Tx.Type)
sizes = append(sizes, txn.Tx.Size)
hashes = append(hashes, hash...)
return types, sizes, hashes
func (p *TxPool) AppendRemoteAnnouncements(types []byte, sizes []uint32, hashes []byte) ([]byte, []uint32, []byte) {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
for hash, txn := range p.byHash {
if txn.subPool&IsLocal != 0 {
types = append(types, txn.Tx.Type)
sizes = append(sizes, txn.Tx.Size)
hashes = append(hashes, hash...)
for hash, txIdx := range p.unprocessedRemoteByHash {
txSlot := p.unprocessedRemoteTxs.Txs[txIdx]
types = append(types, txSlot.Type)
sizes = append(sizes, txSlot.Size)
hashes = append(hashes, hash...)
return types, sizes, hashes
func (p *TxPool) AppendAllAnnouncements(types []byte, sizes []uint32, hashes []byte) ([]byte, []uint32, []byte) {
types, sizes, hashes = p.AppendLocalAnnouncements(types, sizes, hashes)
types, sizes, hashes = p.AppendRemoteAnnouncements(types, sizes, hashes)
return types, sizes, hashes
func (p *TxPool) IdHashKnown(tx kv.Tx, hash []byte) (bool, error) {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
if _, ok := p.discardReasonsLRU.Get(string(hash)); ok {
return true, nil
if _, ok := p.unprocessedRemoteByHash[string(hash)]; ok {
return true, nil
if _, ok := p.byHash[string(hash)]; ok {
return true, nil
return tx.Has(kv.PoolTransaction, hash)
func (p *TxPool) IsLocal(idHash []byte) bool {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
return p.isLocalLRU.Contains(string(idHash))
func (p *TxPool) AddNewGoodPeer(peerID types.PeerID) { p.recentlyConnectedPeers.AddPeer(peerID) }
func (p *TxPool) Started() bool { return p.started.Load() }
func (p *TxPool) best(n uint16, txs *types.TxsRlp, tx kv.Tx, onTopOf, availableGas uint64, toSkip mapset.Set[[32]byte]) (bool, int, error) {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
// First wait for the corresponding block to arrive
if p.lastSeenBlock.Load() < onTopOf {
return false, 0, nil // Too early
isShanghai := p.isShanghai()
best := p.pending.best
txs.Resize(uint(cmp.Min(int(n), len(best.ms))))
var toRemove []*metaTx
count := 0
for i := 0; count < int(n) && i < len(best.ms); i++ {
// if we wouldn't have enough gas for a standard transaction then quit out early
if availableGas < fixedgas.TxGas {
mt := best.ms[i]
if toSkip.Contains(mt.Tx.IDHash) {
if mt.Tx.Gas >= p.blockGasLimit.Load() {
// Skip transactions with very large gas limit
rlpTx, sender, isLocal, err := p.getRlpLocked(tx, mt.Tx.IDHash[:])
if err != nil {
return false, count, err
if len(rlpTx) == 0 {
toRemove = append(toRemove, mt)
// make sure we have enough gas in the caller to add this transaction.
// not an exact science using intrinsic gas but as close as we could hope for at
// this stage
intrinsicGas, _ := txpoolcfg.CalcIntrinsicGas(uint64(mt.Tx.DataLen), uint64(mt.Tx.DataNonZeroLen), nil, mt.Tx.Creation, true, true, isShanghai)
if intrinsicGas > availableGas {
// we might find another TX with a low enough intrinsic gas to include so carry on
if intrinsicGas <= availableGas { // check for potential underflow
availableGas -= intrinsicGas
txs.Txs[count] = rlpTx
copy(txs.Senders.At(count), sender.Bytes())
txs.IsLocal[count] = isLocal
if len(toRemove) > 0 {
for _, mt := range toRemove {
return true, count, nil
func (p *TxPool) ResetYieldedStatus() {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
best := p.pending.best
for i := 0; i < len(best.ms); i++ {
best.ms[i].alreadyYielded = false
func (p *TxPool) YieldBest(n uint16, txs *types.TxsRlp, tx kv.Tx, onTopOf, availableGas uint64, toSkip mapset.Set[[32]byte]) (bool, int, error) {
return p.best(n, txs, tx, onTopOf, availableGas, toSkip)
func (p *TxPool) PeekBest(n uint16, txs *types.TxsRlp, tx kv.Tx, onTopOf, availableGas uint64) (bool, error) {
set := mapset.NewThreadUnsafeSet[[32]byte]()
onTime, _, err := p.best(n, txs, tx, onTopOf, availableGas, set)
return onTime, err
func (p *TxPool) CountContent() (int, int, int) {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
return p.pending.Len(), p.baseFee.Len(), p.queued.Len()
func (p *TxPool) AddRemoteTxs(_ context.Context, newTxs types.TxSlots) {
defer addRemoteTxsTimer.UpdateDuration(time.Now())
defer p.lock.Unlock()
for i, txn := range newTxs.Txs {
_, ok := p.unprocessedRemoteByHash[string(txn.IDHash[:])]
if ok {
p.unprocessedRemoteByHash[string(txn.IDHash[:])] = len(p.unprocessedRemoteTxs.Txs)
p.unprocessedRemoteTxs.Append(txn, newTxs.Senders.At(i), false)
func (p *TxPool) validateTx(txn *types.TxSlot, isLocal bool, stateCache kvcache.CacheView) txpoolcfg.DiscardReason {
isShanghai := p.isShanghai()
if isShanghai {
if txn.DataLen > fixedgas.MaxInitCodeSize {
return txpoolcfg.InitCodeTooLarge
// Drop non-local transactions under our own minimal accepted gas price or tip
if !isLocal && uint256.NewInt(p.cfg.MinFeeCap).Cmp(&txn.FeeCap) == 1 {
if txn.Traced {
p.logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("TX TRACING: validateTx underpriced idHash=%x local=%t, feeCap=%d, cfg.MinFeeCap=%d", txn.IDHash, isLocal, txn.FeeCap, p.cfg.MinFeeCap))
return txpoolcfg.UnderPriced
gas, reason := txpoolcfg.CalcIntrinsicGas(uint64(txn.DataLen), uint64(txn.DataNonZeroLen), nil, txn.Creation, true, true, isShanghai)
if txn.Traced {
p.logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("TX TRACING: validateTx intrinsic gas idHash=%x gas=%d", txn.IDHash, gas))
if reason != txpoolcfg.Success {
if txn.Traced {
p.logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("TX TRACING: validateTx intrinsic gas calculated failed idHash=%x reason=%s", txn.IDHash, reason))
return reason
if gas > txn.Gas {
if txn.Traced {
p.logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("TX TRACING: validateTx intrinsic gas > txn.gas idHash=%x gas=%d, txn.gas=%d", txn.IDHash, gas, txn.Gas))
return txpoolcfg.IntrinsicGas
if !isLocal && uint64(p.all.count(txn.SenderID)) > p.cfg.AccountSlots {
if txn.Traced {
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("TX TRACING: validateTx marked as spamming idHash=%x slots=%d, limit=%d", txn.IDHash, p.all.count(txn.SenderID), p.cfg.AccountSlots))
return txpoolcfg.Spammer
// check nonce and balance
senderNonce, senderBalance, _ := p.senders.info(stateCache, txn.SenderID)
if senderNonce > txn.Nonce {
if txn.Traced {
p.logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("TX TRACING: validateTx nonce too low idHash=%x nonce in state=%d, txn.nonce=%d", txn.IDHash, senderNonce, txn.Nonce))
return txpoolcfg.NonceTooLow
// Transactor should have enough funds to cover the costs
total := uint256.NewInt(txn.Gas)
total.Mul(total, &txn.FeeCap)
total.Add(total, &txn.Value)
if senderBalance.Cmp(total) < 0 {
if txn.Traced {
p.logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("TX TRACING: validateTx insufficient funds idHash=%x balance in state=%d, txn.gas*txn.tip=%d", txn.IDHash, senderBalance, total))
return txpoolcfg.InsufficientFunds
return txpoolcfg.Success
func (p *TxPool) isShanghai() bool {
// once this flag has been set for the first time we no longer need to check the timestamp
set := p.isPostShanghai.Load()
if set {
return true
if p.shanghaiTime == nil {
return false
shanghaiTime := p.shanghaiTime.Uint64()
// a zero here means shanghai is always active
if shanghaiTime == 0 {
return true
now := big.NewInt(time.Now().Unix())
is := now.Uint64() >= shanghaiTime
if is {
return is
func (p *TxPool) ValidateSerializedTxn(serializedTxn []byte) error {
const (
// txSlotSize is used to calculate how many data slots a single transaction
// takes up based on its size. The slots are used as DoS protection, ensuring
// that validating a new transaction remains a constant operation (in reality
// O(maxslots), where max slots are 4 currently).
txSlotSize = 32 * 1024
// txMaxSize is the maximum size a single transaction can have. This field has
// non-trivial consequences: larger transactions are significantly harder and
// more expensive to propagate; larger transactions also take more resources
// to validate whether they fit into the pool or not.
txMaxSize = 4 * txSlotSize // 128KB
if len(serializedTxn) > txMaxSize {
return types.ErrRlpTooBig
return nil
func (p *TxPool) validateTxs(txs *types.TxSlots, stateCache kvcache.CacheView) (reasons []txpoolcfg.DiscardReason, goodTxs types.TxSlots, err error) {
// reasons is pre-sized for direct indexing, with the default zero
// value DiscardReason of NotSet
reasons = make([]txpoolcfg.DiscardReason, len(txs.Txs))
if err := txs.Valid(); err != nil {
return reasons, goodTxs, err
goodCount := 0
for i, txn := range txs.Txs {
reason := p.validateTx(txn, txs.IsLocal[i], stateCache)
if reason == txpoolcfg.Success {
// Success here means no DiscardReason yet, so leave it NotSet
if reason == txpoolcfg.Spammer {
reasons[i] = reason
j := 0
for i, txn := range txs.Txs {
if reasons[i] == txpoolcfg.NotSet {
goodTxs.Txs[j] = txn
goodTxs.IsLocal[j] = txs.IsLocal[i]
copy(goodTxs.Senders.At(j), txs.Senders.At(i))
return reasons, goodTxs, nil
// punishSpammer by drop half of it's transactions with high nonce
func (p *TxPool) punishSpammer(spammer uint64) {
count := p.all.count(spammer) / 2
if count > 0 {
txsToDelete := make([]*metaTx, 0, count)
p.all.descend(spammer, func(mt *metaTx) bool {
txsToDelete = append(txsToDelete, mt)
return count > 0
for _, mt := range txsToDelete {
p.discardLocked(mt, txpoolcfg.Spammer) // can't call it while iterating by all
func fillDiscardReasons(reasons []txpoolcfg.DiscardReason, newTxs types.TxSlots, discardReasonsLRU *simplelru.LRU[string, txpoolcfg.DiscardReason]) []txpoolcfg.DiscardReason {
for i := range reasons {
if reasons[i] != txpoolcfg.NotSet {
reason, ok := discardReasonsLRU.Get(string(newTxs.Txs[i].IDHash[:]))
if ok {
reasons[i] = reason
} else {
reasons[i] = txpoolcfg.Success
return reasons
func (p *TxPool) AddLocalTxs(ctx context.Context, newTransactions types.TxSlots, tx kv.Tx) ([]txpoolcfg.DiscardReason, error) {
coreTx, err := p.coreDB().BeginRo(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer coreTx.Rollback()
cacheView, err := p.cache().View(ctx, coreTx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer p.lock.Unlock()
if !p.Started() {
if err := p.fromDB(ctx, tx, coreTx); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("loading txs from DB: %w", err)
if p.started.CompareAndSwap(false, true) {
p.logger.Info("[txpool] Started")
if err = p.senders.registerNewSenders(&newTransactions, p.logger); err != nil {
return nil, err
reasons, newTxs, err := p.validateTxs(&newTransactions, cacheView)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
announcements, addReasons, err := addTxs(p.lastSeenBlock.Load(), cacheView, p.senders, newTxs,
p.pendingBaseFee.Load(), p.blockGasLimit.Load(), p.pending, p.baseFee, p.queued, p.all, p.byHash, p.addLocked, p.discardLocked, true, p.logger)
if err == nil {
for i, reason := range addReasons {
if reason != txpoolcfg.NotSet {
reasons[i] = reason
} else {
return nil, err
reasons = fillDiscardReasons(reasons, newTxs, p.discardReasonsLRU)
for i, reason := range reasons {
if reason == txpoolcfg.Success {
txn := newTxs.Txs[i]
if txn.Traced {
p.logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("TX TRACING: AddLocalTxs promotes idHash=%x, senderId=%d", txn.IDHash, txn.SenderID))
p.promoted.Append(txn.Type, txn.Size, txn.IDHash[:])
if p.promoted.Len() > 0 {
select {
case p.newPendingTxs <- p.promoted.Copy():
return reasons, nil
func (p *TxPool) coreDB() kv.RoDB {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
return p._chainDB
func (p *TxPool) cache() kvcache.Cache {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
return p._stateCache
func addTxs(blockNum uint64, cacheView kvcache.CacheView, senders *sendersBatch,
newTxs types.TxSlots, pendingBaseFee, blockGasLimit uint64,
pending *PendingPool, baseFee, queued *SubPool,
byNonce *BySenderAndNonce, byHash map[string]*metaTx, add func(*metaTx, *types.Announcements) txpoolcfg.DiscardReason, discard func(*metaTx, txpoolcfg.DiscardReason), collect bool,
logger log.Logger) (types.Announcements, []txpoolcfg.DiscardReason, error) {
protocolBaseFee := calcProtocolBaseFee(pendingBaseFee)
if assert.Enable {
for _, txn := range newTxs.Txs {
if txn.SenderID == 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("senderID can't be zero"))
// This can be thought of a reverse operation from the one described before.
// When a block that was deemed "the best" of its height, is no longer deemed "the best", the
// transactions contained in it, are now viable for inclusion in other blocks, and therefore should
// be returned into the transaction pool.
// An interesting note here is that if the block contained any transactions local to the node,
// by being first removed from the pool (from the "local" part of it), and then re-injected,
// they effective lose their priority over the "remote" transactions. In order to prevent that,
// somehow the fact that certain transactions were local, needs to be remembered for some
// time (up to some "immutability threshold").
sendersWithChangedState := map[uint64]struct{}{}
discardReasons := make([]txpoolcfg.DiscardReason, len(newTxs.Txs))
announcements := types.Announcements{}
for i, txn := range newTxs.Txs {
if found, ok := byHash[string(txn.IDHash[:])]; ok {
discardReasons[i] = txpoolcfg.DuplicateHash
// In case if the transation is stuck, "poke" it to rebroadcast
if collect && newTxs.IsLocal[i] && (found.currentSubPool == PendingSubPool || found.currentSubPool == BaseFeeSubPool) {
announcements.Append(found.Tx.Type, found.Tx.Size, found.Tx.IDHash[:])
mt := newMetaTx(txn, newTxs.IsLocal[i], blockNum)
if reason := add(mt, &announcements); reason != txpoolcfg.NotSet {
discardReasons[i] = reason
discardReasons[i] = txpoolcfg.NotSet
if txn.Traced {
logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("TX TRACING: schedule sendersWithChangedState idHash=%x senderId=%d", txn.IDHash, mt.Tx.SenderID))
sendersWithChangedState[mt.Tx.SenderID] = struct{}{}
for senderID := range sendersWithChangedState {
nonce, balance, err := senders.info(cacheView, senderID)
if err != nil {
return announcements, discardReasons, err
onSenderStateChange(senderID, nonce, balance, byNonce,
protocolBaseFee, blockGasLimit, pending, baseFee, queued, discard, logger)
promote(pending, baseFee, queued, pendingBaseFee, discard, &announcements, logger)
return announcements, discardReasons, nil
func addTxsOnNewBlock(blockNum uint64, cacheView kvcache.CacheView, stateChanges *remote.StateChangeBatch,
senders *sendersBatch, newTxs types.TxSlots, pendingBaseFee uint64, blockGasLimit uint64,
pending *PendingPool, baseFee, queued *SubPool,
byNonce *BySenderAndNonce, byHash map[string]*metaTx, add func(*metaTx, *types.Announcements) txpoolcfg.DiscardReason, discard func(*metaTx, txpoolcfg.DiscardReason),
logger log.Logger) (types.Announcements, error) {
protocolBaseFee := calcProtocolBaseFee(pendingBaseFee)
if assert.Enable {
for _, txn := range newTxs.Txs {
if txn.SenderID == 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("senderID can't be zero"))
// This can be thought of a reverse operation from the one described before.
// When a block that was deemed "the best" of its height, is no longer deemed "the best", the
// transactions contained in it, are now viable for inclusion in other blocks, and therefore should
// be returned into the transaction pool.
// An interesting note here is that if the block contained any transactions local to the node,
// by being first removed from the pool (from the "local" part of it), and then re-injected,
// they effective lose their priority over the "remote" transactions. In order to prevent that,
// somehow the fact that certain transactions were local, needs to be remembered for some
// time (up to some "immutability threshold").
sendersWithChangedState := map[uint64]struct{}{}
announcements := types.Announcements{}
for i, txn := range newTxs.Txs {
if _, ok := byHash[string(txn.IDHash[:])]; ok {
mt := newMetaTx(txn, newTxs.IsLocal[i], blockNum)
if reason := add(mt, &announcements); reason != txpoolcfg.NotSet {
discard(mt, reason)
sendersWithChangedState[mt.Tx.SenderID] = struct{}{}
// add senders changed in state to `sendersWithChangedState` list
for _, changesList := range stateChanges.ChangeBatch {
for _, change := range changesList.Changes {
switch change.Action {
case remote.Action_UPSERT, remote.Action_UPSERT_CODE:
if change.Incarnation > 0 {
addr := gointerfaces.ConvertH160toAddress(change.Address)
id, ok := senders.getID(addr)
if !ok {
sendersWithChangedState[id] = struct{}{}
for senderID := range sendersWithChangedState {
nonce, balance, err := senders.info(cacheView, senderID)
if err != nil {
return announcements, err
onSenderStateChange(senderID, nonce, balance, byNonce,
protocolBaseFee, blockGasLimit, pending, baseFee, queued, discard, logger)
return announcements, nil
func (p *TxPool) setBaseFee(baseFee uint64) (uint64, bool) {
changed := false
if baseFee > 0 {
changed = baseFee != p.pendingBaseFee.Load()
return p.pendingBaseFee.Load(), changed
func (p *TxPool) addLocked(mt *metaTx, announcements *types.Announcements) txpoolcfg.DiscardReason {
// Insert to pending pool, if pool doesn't have txn with same Nonce and bigger Tip
found := p.all.get(mt.Tx.SenderID, mt.Tx.Nonce)
if found != nil {
tipThreshold := uint256.NewInt(0)
tipThreshold = tipThreshold.Mul(&found.Tx.Tip, uint256.NewInt(100+p.cfg.PriceBump))
tipThreshold.Div(tipThreshold, u256.N100)
feecapThreshold := uint256.NewInt(0)
feecapThreshold.Mul(&found.Tx.FeeCap, uint256.NewInt(100+p.cfg.PriceBump))
feecapThreshold.Div(feecapThreshold, u256.N100)
if mt.Tx.Tip.Cmp(tipThreshold) < 0 || mt.Tx.FeeCap.Cmp(feecapThreshold) < 0 {
// Both tip and feecap need to be larger than previously to replace the transaction
// In case if the transation is stuck, "poke" it to rebroadcast
if mt.subPool&IsLocal != 0 && (found.currentSubPool == PendingSubPool || found.currentSubPool == BaseFeeSubPool) {
announcements.Append(found.Tx.Type, found.Tx.Size, found.Tx.IDHash[:])
if bytes.Equal(found.Tx.IDHash[:], mt.Tx.IDHash[:]) {
return txpoolcfg.NotSet
return txpoolcfg.NotReplaced
switch found.currentSubPool {
case PendingSubPool:
case BaseFeeSubPool:
case QueuedSubPool:
//already removed
p.discardLocked(found, txpoolcfg.ReplacedByHigherTip)
p.byHash[string(mt.Tx.IDHash[:])] = mt
if replaced := p.all.replaceOrInsert(mt); replaced != nil {
if assert.Enable {
panic("must never happen")
if mt.subPool&IsLocal != 0 {
p.isLocalLRU.Add(string(mt.Tx.IDHash[:]), struct{}{})
// All transactions are first added to the queued pool and then immediately promoted from there if required
p.queued.Add(mt, p.logger)
return txpoolcfg.NotSet
// dropping transaction from all sub-structures and from db
// Important: don't call it while iterating by all
func (p *TxPool) discardLocked(mt *metaTx, reason txpoolcfg.DiscardReason) {
delete(p.byHash, string(mt.Tx.IDHash[:]))
p.deletedTxs = append(p.deletedTxs, mt)
p.discardReasonsLRU.Add(string(mt.Tx.IDHash[:]), reason)
func (p *TxPool) NonceFromAddress(addr [20]byte) (nonce uint64, inPool bool) {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
senderID, found := p.senders.getID(addr)
if !found {
return 0, false
return p.all.nonce(senderID)
// removeMined - apply new highest block (or batch of blocks)
// 1. New best block arrives, which potentially changes the balance and the nonce of some senders.
// We use senderIds data structure to find relevant senderId values, and then use senders data structure to
// modify state_balance and state_nonce, potentially remove some elements (if transaction with some nonce is
// included into a block), and finally, walk over the transaction records and update SubPool fields depending on
// the actual presence of nonce gaps and what the balance is.
func removeMined(byNonce *BySenderAndNonce, minedTxs []*types.TxSlot, pending *PendingPool, baseFee, queued *SubPool, discard func(*metaTx, txpoolcfg.DiscardReason), logger log.Logger) error {
noncesToRemove := map[uint64]uint64{}
for _, txn := range minedTxs {
nonce, ok := noncesToRemove[txn.SenderID]
if !ok || txn.Nonce > nonce {
noncesToRemove[txn.SenderID] = txn.Nonce
var toDel []*metaTx // can't delete items while iterate them
for senderID, nonce := range noncesToRemove {
//if sender.all.Len() > 0 {
//logger.Debug("[txpool] removing mined", "senderID", tx.senderID, "sender.all.len()", sender.all.Len())
// delete mined transactions from everywhere
byNonce.ascend(senderID, func(mt *metaTx) bool {
//logger.Debug("[txpool] removing mined, cmp nonces", "tx.nonce", it.metaTx.Tx.nonce, "sender.nonce", sender.nonce)
if mt.Tx.Nonce > nonce {
return false
if mt.Tx.Traced {
logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("TX TRACING: removeMined idHash=%x senderId=%d, currentSubPool=%s", mt.Tx.IDHash, mt.Tx.SenderID, mt.currentSubPool))
toDel = append(toDel, mt)
// del from sub-pool
switch mt.currentSubPool {
case PendingSubPool:
case BaseFeeSubPool:
case QueuedSubPool:
//already removed
return true
for _, mt := range toDel {
discard(mt, txpoolcfg.Mined)
toDel = toDel[:0]
return nil
// onSenderStateChange is the function that recalculates ephemeral fields of transactions and determines
// which sub pool they will need to go to. Sice this depends on other transactions from the same sender by with lower
// nonces, and also affect other transactions from the same sender with higher nonce, it loops through all transactions
// for a given senderID
func onSenderStateChange(senderID uint64, senderNonce uint64, senderBalance uint256.Int, byNonce *BySenderAndNonce,
protocolBaseFee, blockGasLimit uint64, pending *PendingPool, baseFee, queued *SubPool, discard func(*metaTx, txpoolcfg.DiscardReason), logger log.Logger) {
noGapsNonce := senderNonce
cumulativeRequiredBalance := uint256.NewInt(0)
minFeeCap := uint256.NewInt(0).SetAllOne()
minTip := uint64(math.MaxUint64)
var toDel []*metaTx // can't delete items while iterate them
byNonce.ascend(senderID, func(mt *metaTx) bool {
if mt.Tx.Traced {
logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("TX TRACING: onSenderStateChange loop iteration idHash=%x senderID=%d, senderNonce=%d, txn.nonce=%d, currentSubPool=%s", mt.Tx.IDHash, senderID, senderNonce, mt.Tx.Nonce, mt.currentSubPool))
if senderNonce > mt.Tx.Nonce {
if mt.Tx.Traced {
logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("TX TRACING: removing due to low nonce for idHash=%x senderID=%d, senderNonce=%d, txn.nonce=%d, currentSubPool=%s", mt.Tx.IDHash, senderID, senderNonce, mt.Tx.Nonce, mt.currentSubPool))
// del from sub-pool
switch mt.currentSubPool {
case PendingSubPool:
case BaseFeeSubPool:
case QueuedSubPool:
//already removed
toDel = append(toDel, mt)
return true
if minFeeCap.Gt(&mt.Tx.FeeCap) {
*minFeeCap = mt.Tx.FeeCap
mt.minFeeCap = *minFeeCap
if mt.Tx.Tip.IsUint64() {
minTip = cmp.Min(minTip, mt.Tx.Tip.Uint64())
mt.minTip = minTip
mt.nonceDistance = 0
if mt.Tx.Nonce > senderNonce { // no uint underflow
mt.nonceDistance = mt.Tx.Nonce - senderNonce
// Sender has enough balance for: gasLimit x feeCap + transferred_value
needBalance := uint256.NewInt(mt.Tx.Gas)
needBalance.Mul(needBalance, &mt.Tx.FeeCap)
needBalance.Add(needBalance, &mt.Tx.Value)
// 1. Minimum fee requirement. Set to 1 if feeCap of the transaction is no less than in-protocol
// parameter of minimal base fee. Set to 0 if feeCap is less than minimum base fee, which means
// this transaction will never be included into this particular chain.
mt.subPool &^= EnoughFeeCapProtocol
if mt.minFeeCap.Cmp(uint256.NewInt(protocolBaseFee)) >= 0 {
mt.subPool |= EnoughFeeCapProtocol
} else {
mt.subPool = 0 // TODO: we immediately drop all transactions if they have no first bit - then maybe we don't need this bit at all? And don't add such transactions to queue?
return true
// 2. Absence of nonce gaps. Set to 1 for transactions whose nonce is N, state nonce for
// the sender is M, and there are transactions for all nonces between M and N from the same
// sender. Set to 0 is the transaction's nonce is divided from the state nonce by one or more nonce gaps.
mt.subPool &^= NoNonceGaps
if noGapsNonce == mt.Tx.Nonce {
mt.subPool |= NoNonceGaps
// 3. Sufficient balance for gas. Set to 1 if the balance of sender's account in the
// state is B, nonce of the sender in the state is M, nonce of the transaction is N, and the
// sum of feeCap x gasLimit + transferred_value of all transactions from this sender with
// nonces N+1 ... M is no more than B. Set to 0 otherwise. In other words, this bit is
// set if there is currently a guarantee that the transaction and all its required prior
// transactions will be able to pay for gas.
mt.subPool &^= EnoughBalance
mt.cumulativeBalanceDistance = math.MaxUint64
if mt.Tx.Nonce >= senderNonce {
cumulativeRequiredBalance = cumulativeRequiredBalance.Add(cumulativeRequiredBalance, needBalance) // already deleted all transactions with nonce <= sender.nonce
if senderBalance.Gt(cumulativeRequiredBalance) || senderBalance.Eq(cumulativeRequiredBalance) {
mt.subPool |= EnoughBalance
} else {
if cumulativeRequiredBalance.IsUint64() && senderBalance.IsUint64() {
mt.cumulativeBalanceDistance = cumulativeRequiredBalance.Uint64() - senderBalance.Uint64()
mt.subPool &^= NotTooMuchGas
if mt.Tx.Gas < blockGasLimit {
mt.subPool |= NotTooMuchGas
if mt.Tx.Traced {
logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("TX TRACING: onSenderStateChange loop iteration idHash=%x senderId=%d subPool=%b", mt.Tx.IDHash, mt.Tx.SenderID, mt.subPool))
// Some fields of mt might have changed, need to fix the invariants in the subpool best and worst queues
switch mt.currentSubPool {
case PendingSubPool:
case BaseFeeSubPool:
case QueuedSubPool:
return true
for _, mt := range toDel {
discard(mt, txpoolcfg.NonceTooLow)
// promote reasserts invariants of the subpool and returns the list of transactions that ended up
// being promoted to the pending or basefee pool, for re-broadcasting
func promote(pending *PendingPool, baseFee, queued *SubPool, pendingBaseFee uint64, discard func(*metaTx, txpoolcfg.DiscardReason), announcements *types.Announcements,
logger log.Logger) {
// Demote worst transactions that do not qualify for pending sub pool anymore, to other sub pools, or discard
for worst := pending.Worst(); pending.Len() > 0 && (worst.subPool < BaseFeePoolBits || worst.minFeeCap.Cmp(uint256.NewInt(pendingBaseFee)) < 0); worst = pending.Worst() {
if worst.subPool >= BaseFeePoolBits {
tx := pending.PopWorst()
announcements.Append(tx.Tx.Type, tx.Tx.Size, tx.Tx.IDHash[:])
baseFee.Add(tx, logger)
} else if worst.subPool >= QueuedPoolBits {
queued.Add(pending.PopWorst(), logger)
} else {
discard(pending.PopWorst(), txpoolcfg.FeeTooLow)
// Promote best transactions from base fee pool to pending pool while they qualify
for best := baseFee.Best(); baseFee.Len() > 0 && best.subPool >= BaseFeePoolBits && best.minFeeCap.Cmp(uint256.NewInt(pendingBaseFee)) >= 0; best = baseFee.Best() {
tx := baseFee.PopBest()
announcements.Append(tx.Tx.Type, tx.Tx.Size, tx.Tx.IDHash[:])
pending.Add(tx, logger)
// Demote worst transactions that do not qualify for base fee pool anymore, to queued sub pool, or discard
for worst := baseFee.Worst(); baseFee.Len() > 0 && worst.subPool < BaseFeePoolBits; worst = baseFee.Worst() {
if worst.subPool >= QueuedPoolBits {
queued.Add(baseFee.PopWorst(), logger)
} else {
discard(baseFee.PopWorst(), txpoolcfg.FeeTooLow)
// Promote best transactions from the queued pool to either pending or base fee pool, while they qualify
for best := queued.Best(); queued.Len() > 0 && best.subPool >= BaseFeePoolBits; best = queued.Best() {
if best.minFeeCap.Cmp(uint256.NewInt(pendingBaseFee)) >= 0 {
tx := queued.PopBest()
announcements.Append(tx.Tx.Type, tx.Tx.Size, tx.Tx.IDHash[:])
pending.Add(tx, logger)
} else {
baseFee.Add(queued.PopBest(), logger)
// Discard worst transactions from the queued sub pool if they do not qualify
for worst := queued.Worst(); queued.Len() > 0 && worst.subPool < QueuedPoolBits; worst = queued.Worst() {
discard(queued.PopWorst(), txpoolcfg.FeeTooLow)
// Discard worst transactions from pending pool until it is within capacity limit
for pending.Len() > pending.limit {
discard(pending.PopWorst(), txpoolcfg.PendingPoolOverflow)
// Discard worst transactions from pending sub pool until it is within capacity limits
for baseFee.Len() > baseFee.limit {
discard(baseFee.PopWorst(), txpoolcfg.BaseFeePoolOverflow)
// Discard worst transactions from the queued sub pool until it is within its capacity limits
for _ = queued.Worst(); queued.Len() > queued.limit; _ = queued.Worst() {
discard(queued.PopWorst(), txpoolcfg.QueuedPoolOverflow)
// MainLoop - does:
// send pending byHash to p2p:
// - new byHash
// - all pooled byHash to recently connected peers
// - all local pooled byHash to random peers periodically
// promote/demote transactions
// reorgs
func MainLoop(ctx context.Context, db kv.RwDB, coreDB kv.RoDB, p *TxPool, newTxs chan types.Announcements, send *Send, newSlotsStreams *NewSlotsStreams, notifyMiningAboutNewSlots func()) {
syncToNewPeersEvery := time.NewTicker(p.cfg.SyncToNewPeersEvery)
defer syncToNewPeersEvery.Stop()
processRemoteTxsEvery := time.NewTicker(p.cfg.ProcessRemoteTxsEvery)
defer processRemoteTxsEvery.Stop()
commitEvery := time.NewTicker(p.cfg.CommitEvery)
defer commitEvery.Stop()
logEvery := time.NewTicker(p.cfg.LogEvery)
defer logEvery.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
_, _ = p.flush(ctx, db)
case <-logEvery.C:
case <-processRemoteTxsEvery.C:
if !p.Started() {
if err := p.processRemoteTxs(ctx); err != nil {
if grpcutil.IsRetryLater(err) || grpcutil.IsEndOfStream(err) {
time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
p.logger.Error("[txpool] process batch remote txs", "err", err)
case <-commitEvery.C:
if db != nil && p.Started() {
t := time.Now()
written, err := p.flush(ctx, db)
if err != nil {
p.logger.Error("[txpool] flush is local history", "err", err)
p.logger.Debug("[txpool] Commit", "written_kb", written/1024, "in", time.Since(t))
case announcements := <-newTxs:
go func() {
for i := 0; i < 16; i++ { // drain more events from channel, then merge and dedup them
select {
case a := <-newTxs:
if announcements.Len() == 0 {
defer propagateNewTxsTimer.UpdateDuration(time.Now())
announcements = announcements.DedupCopy()
var localTxTypes []byte
var localTxSizes []uint32
var localTxHashes types.Hashes
var localTxRlps [][]byte
var remoteTxTypes []byte
var remoteTxSizes []uint32
var remoteTxHashes types.Hashes
var remoteTxRlps [][]byte
slotsRlp := make([][]byte, 0, announcements.Len())
if err := db.View(ctx, func(tx kv.Tx) error {
for i := 0; i < announcements.Len(); i++ {
t, size, hash := announcements.At(i)
slotRlp, err := p.GetRlp(tx, hash)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(slotRlp) == 0 {
// Empty rlp can happen if a transaction we want to broadcase has just been mined, for example
slotsRlp = append(slotsRlp, slotRlp)
if p.IsLocal(hash) {
localTxTypes = append(localTxTypes, t)
localTxSizes = append(localTxSizes, size)
localTxHashes = append(localTxHashes, hash...)
localTxRlps = append(localTxRlps, slotRlp)
} else {
remoteTxTypes = append(remoteTxTypes, t)
remoteTxSizes = append(remoteTxSizes, size)
remoteTxHashes = append(remoteTxHashes, hash...)
remoteTxRlps = append(remoteTxRlps, slotRlp)
return nil
}); err != nil {
p.logger.Error("[txpool] collect info to propagate", "err", err)
if newSlotsStreams != nil {
newSlotsStreams.Broadcast(&proto_txpool.OnAddReply{RplTxs: slotsRlp}, p.logger)
// first broadcast all local txs to all peers, then non-local to random sqrt(peersAmount) peers
txSentTo := send.BroadcastPooledTxs(localTxRlps)
hashSentTo := send.AnnouncePooledTxs(localTxTypes, localTxSizes, localTxHashes)
for i := 0; i < localTxHashes.Len(); i++ {
hash := localTxHashes.At(i)
p.logger.Info("local tx propagated", "tx_hash", hex.EncodeToString(hash), "announced to peers", hashSentTo[i], "broadcast to peers", txSentTo[i], "baseFee", p.pendingBaseFee.Load())
send.AnnouncePooledTxs(remoteTxTypes, remoteTxSizes, remoteTxHashes)
case <-syncToNewPeersEvery.C: // new peer
newPeers := p.recentlyConnectedPeers.GetAndClean()
if len(newPeers) == 0 {
t := time.Now()
var hashes types.Hashes
var types []byte
var sizes []uint32
types, sizes, hashes = p.AppendAllAnnouncements(types, sizes, hashes[:0])
go send.PropagatePooledTxsToPeersList(newPeers, types, sizes, hashes)
func (p *TxPool) flush(ctx context.Context, db kv.RwDB) (written uint64, err error) {
defer writeToDBTimer.UpdateDuration(time.Now())
defer p.lock.Unlock()
//it's important that write db tx is done inside lock, to make last writes visible for all read operations
if err := db.Update(ctx, func(tx kv.RwTx) error {
err = p.flushLocked(tx)
if err != nil {
return err
written, _, err = tx.(*mdbx.MdbxTx).SpaceDirty()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
}); err != nil {
return 0, err
return written, nil
func (p *TxPool) flushLocked(tx kv.RwTx) (err error) {
for i, mt := range p.deletedTxs {
id := mt.Tx.SenderID
idHash := mt.Tx.IDHash[:]
if !p.all.hasTxs(id) {
addr, ok := p.senders.senderID2Addr[id]
if ok {
delete(p.senders.senderID2Addr, id)
delete(p.senders.senderIDs, addr)
//fmt.Printf("del:%d,%d,%d\n", mt.Tx.senderID, mt.Tx.nonce, mt.Tx.tip)
has, err := tx.Has(kv.PoolTransaction, idHash)
if err != nil {
return err
if has {
if err := tx.Delete(kv.PoolTransaction, idHash); err != nil {
return err
p.deletedTxs[i] = nil // for gc
txHashes := p.isLocalLRU.Keys()
encID := make([]byte, 8)
if err := tx.ClearBucket(kv.RecentLocalTransaction); err != nil {
return err
for i, txHash := range txHashes {
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(encID, uint64(i))
if err := tx.Append(kv.RecentLocalTransaction, encID, []byte(txHash)); err != nil {
return err
v := make([]byte, 0, 1024)
for txHash, metaTx := range p.byHash {
if metaTx.Tx.Rlp == nil {
v = common.EnsureEnoughSize(v, 20+len(metaTx.Tx.Rlp))
addr, ok := p.senders.senderID2Addr[metaTx.Tx.SenderID]
if !ok {
p.logger.Warn("[txpool] flush: sender address not found by ID", "senderID", metaTx.Tx.SenderID)
copy(v[:20], addr.Bytes())
copy(v[20:], metaTx.Tx.Rlp)
has, err := tx.Has(kv.PoolTransaction, []byte(txHash))
if err != nil {
return err
if !has {
if err := tx.Put(kv.PoolTransaction, []byte(txHash), v); err != nil {
return err
metaTx.Tx.Rlp = nil
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(encID, p.pendingBaseFee.Load())
if err := tx.Put(kv.PoolInfo, PoolPendingBaseFeeKey, encID); err != nil {
return err
if err := PutLastSeenBlock(tx, p.lastSeenBlock.Load(), encID); err != nil {
return err
// clean - in-memory data structure as later as possible - because if during this Tx will happen error,
// DB will stay consistent but some in-memory structures may be already cleaned, and retry will not work
// failed write transaction must not create side-effects
p.deletedTxs = p.deletedTxs[:0]
return nil
func (p *TxPool) fromDB(ctx context.Context, tx kv.Tx, coreTx kv.Tx) error {
if p.lastSeenBlock.Load() == 0 {
lastSeenBlock, err := LastSeenBlock(tx)
if err != nil {
return err
cacheView, err := p._stateCache.View(ctx, coreTx)
if err != nil {
return err
it, err := tx.Range(kv.RecentLocalTransaction, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
for it.HasNext() {
_, v, err := it.Next()
if err != nil {
return err
p.isLocalLRU.Add(string(v), struct{}{})
txs := types.TxSlots{}
parseCtx := types.NewTxParseContext(p.chainID)
i := 0
it, err = tx.Range(kv.PoolTransaction, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
for it.HasNext() {
k, v, err := it.Next()
if err != nil {
return err
addr, txRlp := *(*[20]byte)(v[:20]), v[20:]
txn := &types.TxSlot{}
_, err = parseCtx.ParseTransaction(txRlp, 0, txn, nil, false /* hasEnvelope */, nil)
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("err: %w, rlp: %x", err, txRlp)
p.logger.Warn("[txpool] fromDB: parseTransaction", "err", err)
txn.Rlp = nil // means that we don't need store it in db anymore
txn.SenderID, txn.Traced = p.senders.getOrCreateID(addr, p.logger)
isLocalTx := p.isLocalLRU.Contains(string(k))
if reason := p.validateTx(txn, isLocalTx, cacheView); reason != txpoolcfg.NotSet && reason != txpoolcfg.Success {
return nil
txs.Resize(uint(i + 1))
txs.Txs[i] = txn
txs.IsLocal[i] = isLocalTx
copy(txs.Senders.At(i), addr[:])
var pendingBaseFee uint64
v, err := tx.GetOne(kv.PoolInfo, PoolPendingBaseFeeKey)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(v) > 0 {
pendingBaseFee = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(v)
err = p.senders.registerNewSenders(&txs, p.logger)
if err != nil {
return err
if _, _, err := addTxs(p.lastSeenBlock.Load(), cacheView, p.senders, txs,
pendingBaseFee, math.MaxUint64 /* blockGasLimit */, p.pending, p.baseFee, p.queued, p.all, p.byHash, p.addLocked, p.discardLocked, false, p.logger); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func LastSeenBlock(tx kv.Getter) (uint64, error) {
v, err := tx.GetOne(kv.PoolInfo, PoolLastSeenBlockKey)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if len(v) == 0 {
return 0, nil
return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(v), nil
func PutLastSeenBlock(tx kv.Putter, n uint64, buf []byte) error {
buf = common.EnsureEnoughSize(buf, 8)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(buf, n)
err := tx.Put(kv.PoolInfo, PoolLastSeenBlockKey, buf)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func ChainConfig(tx kv.Getter) (*chain.Config, error) {
v, err := tx.GetOne(kv.PoolInfo, PoolChainConfigKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(v) == 0 {
return nil, nil
var config chain.Config
if err := json.Unmarshal(v, &config); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid chain config JSON in pool db: %w", err)
return &config, nil
func PutChainConfig(tx kv.Putter, cc *chain.Config, buf []byte) error {
wr := bytes.NewBuffer(buf)
if err := json.NewEncoder(wr).Encode(cc); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid chain config JSON in pool db: %w", err)
if err := tx.Put(kv.PoolInfo, PoolChainConfigKey, wr.Bytes()); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// nolint
func (p *TxPool) printDebug(prefix string) {
fmt.Printf("%s.pool.byHash\n", prefix)
for _, j := range p.byHash {
fmt.Printf("\tsenderID=%d, nonce=%d, tip=%d\n", j.Tx.SenderID, j.Tx.Nonce, j.Tx.Tip)
fmt.Printf("%s.pool.queues.len: %d,%d,%d\n", prefix, p.pending.Len(), p.baseFee.Len(), p.queued.Len())
for _, mt := range p.pending.best.ms {
mt.Tx.PrintDebug(fmt.Sprintf("%s.pending: %b,%d,%d,%d", prefix, mt.subPool, mt.Tx.SenderID, mt.Tx.Nonce, mt.Tx.Tip))
for _, mt := range p.baseFee.best.ms {
mt.Tx.PrintDebug(fmt.Sprintf("%s.baseFee : %b,%d,%d,%d", prefix, mt.subPool, mt.Tx.SenderID, mt.Tx.Nonce, mt.Tx.Tip))
for _, mt := range p.queued.best.ms {
mt.Tx.PrintDebug(fmt.Sprintf("%s.queued : %b,%d,%d,%d", prefix, mt.subPool, mt.Tx.SenderID, mt.Tx.Nonce, mt.Tx.Tip))
func (p *TxPool) logStats() {
if !p.started.Load() {
//p.logger.Info("[txpool] Not started yet, waiting for new blocks...")
defer p.lock.Unlock()
var m runtime.MemStats
ctx := []interface{}{
//"block", p.lastSeenBlock.Load(),
"pending", p.pending.Len(),
"baseFee", p.baseFee.Len(),
"queued", p.queued.Len(),
cacheKeys := p._stateCache.Len()
if cacheKeys > 0 {
ctx = append(ctx, "cache_keys", cacheKeys)
ctx = append(ctx, "alloc", common.ByteCount(m.Alloc), "sys", common.ByteCount(m.Sys))
p.logger.Info("[txpool] stat", ctx...)
// Deprecated need switch to streaming-like
func (p *TxPool) deprecatedForEach(_ context.Context, f func(rlp []byte, sender common.Address, t SubPoolType), tx kv.Tx) {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
p.all.ascendAll(func(mt *metaTx) bool {
slot := mt.Tx
slotRlp := slot.Rlp
if slot.Rlp == nil {
v, err := tx.GetOne(kv.PoolTransaction, slot.IDHash[:])
if err != nil {
p.logger.Warn("[txpool] foreach: get tx from db", "err", err)
return true
if v == nil {
p.logger.Warn("[txpool] foreach: tx not found in db")
return true
slotRlp = v[20:]
if sender, found := p.senders.senderID2Addr[slot.SenderID]; found {
f(slotRlp, sender, mt.currentSubPool)
return true
var PoolChainConfigKey = []byte("chain_config")
var PoolLastSeenBlockKey = []byte("last_seen_block")
var PoolPendingBaseFeeKey = []byte("pending_base_fee")
// recentlyConnectedPeers does buffer IDs of recently connected good peers
// then sync of pooled Transaction can happen to all of then at once
// DoS protection and performance saving
// it doesn't track if peer disconnected, it's fine
type recentlyConnectedPeers struct {
peers []types.PeerID
lock sync.Mutex
func (l *recentlyConnectedPeers) AddPeer(p types.PeerID) {
defer l.lock.Unlock()
l.peers = append(l.peers, p)
func (l *recentlyConnectedPeers) GetAndClean() []types.PeerID {
defer l.lock.Unlock()
peers := l.peers
l.peers = nil
return peers
// nolint
func (sc *sendersBatch) printDebug(prefix string) {
fmt.Printf("%s.sendersBatch.sender\n", prefix)
//for i, j := range sc.senderInfo {
// fmt.Printf("\tid=%d,nonce=%d,balance=%d\n", i, j.nonce, j.balance.Uint64())
// sendersBatch stores in-memory senders-related objects - which are different from DB (updated/dirty)
// flushing to db periodicaly. it doesn't play as read-cache (because db is small and memory-mapped - doesn't need cache)
// non thread-safe
type sendersBatch struct {
senderIDs map[common.Address]uint64
senderID2Addr map[uint64]common.Address
tracedSenders map[common.Address]struct{}
senderID uint64
func newSendersCache(tracedSenders map[common.Address]struct{}) *sendersBatch {
return &sendersBatch{senderIDs: map[common.Address]uint64{}, senderID2Addr: map[uint64]common.Address{}, tracedSenders: tracedSenders}
func (sc *sendersBatch) getID(addr common.Address) (uint64, bool) {
id, ok := sc.senderIDs[addr]
return id, ok
func (sc *sendersBatch) getOrCreateID(addr common.Address, logger log.Logger) (uint64, bool) {
_, traced := sc.tracedSenders[addr]
id, ok := sc.senderIDs[addr]
if !ok {
id = sc.senderID
sc.senderIDs[addr] = id
sc.senderID2Addr[id] = addr
if traced {
logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("TX TRACING: allocated senderID %d to sender %x", id, addr))
return id, traced
func (sc *sendersBatch) info(cacheView kvcache.CacheView, id uint64) (nonce uint64, balance uint256.Int, err error) {
addr, ok := sc.senderID2Addr[id]
if !ok {
panic("must not happen")
encoded, err := cacheView.Get(addr.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return 0, emptySender.balance, err
if len(encoded) == 0 {
return emptySender.nonce, emptySender.balance, nil
nonce, balance, err = types.DecodeSender(encoded)
if err != nil {
return 0, emptySender.balance, err
return nonce, balance, nil
func (sc *sendersBatch) registerNewSenders(newTxs *types.TxSlots, logger log.Logger) (err error) {
for i, txn := range newTxs.Txs {
txn.SenderID, txn.Traced = sc.getOrCreateID(newTxs.Senders.AddressAt(i), logger)
return nil
func (sc *sendersBatch) onNewBlock(stateChanges *remote.StateChangeBatch, unwindTxs, minedTxs types.TxSlots, logger log.Logger) error {
for _, diff := range stateChanges.ChangeBatch {
for _, change := range diff.Changes { // merge state changes
addrB := gointerfaces.ConvertH160toAddress(change.Address)
sc.getOrCreateID(addrB, logger)
for i, txn := range unwindTxs.Txs {
txn.SenderID, txn.Traced = sc.getOrCreateID(unwindTxs.Senders.AddressAt(i), logger)
for i, txn := range minedTxs.Txs {
txn.SenderID, txn.Traced = sc.getOrCreateID(minedTxs.Senders.AddressAt(i), logger)
return nil
// BySenderAndNonce - designed to perform most expensive operation in TxPool:
// "recalculate all ephemeral fields of all transactions" by algo
// - for all senders - iterate over all transactions in nonce growing order
// Performane decisions:
// - All senders stored inside 1 large BTree - because iterate over 1 BTree is faster than over map[senderId]BTree
// - sortByNonce used as non-pointer wrapper - because iterate over BTree of pointers is 2x slower
type BySenderAndNonce struct {
tree *btree.BTreeG[*metaTx]
search *metaTx
senderIDTxnCount map[uint64]int // count of sender's txns in the pool - may differ from nonce
func (b *BySenderAndNonce) nonce(senderID uint64) (nonce uint64, ok bool) {
s := b.search
s.Tx.SenderID = senderID
s.Tx.Nonce = math.MaxUint64
b.tree.DescendLessOrEqual(s, func(mt *metaTx) bool {
if mt.Tx.SenderID == senderID {
nonce = mt.Tx.Nonce
ok = true
return false
return nonce, ok
func (b *BySenderAndNonce) ascendAll(f func(*metaTx) bool) {
b.tree.Ascend(func(mt *metaTx) bool {
return f(mt)
func (b *BySenderAndNonce) ascend(senderID uint64, f func(*metaTx) bool) {
s := b.search
s.Tx.SenderID = senderID
s.Tx.Nonce = 0
b.tree.AscendGreaterOrEqual(s, func(mt *metaTx) bool {
if mt.Tx.SenderID != senderID {
return false
return f(mt)
func (b *BySenderAndNonce) descend(senderID uint64, f func(*metaTx) bool) {
s := b.search
s.Tx.SenderID = senderID
s.Tx.Nonce = math.MaxUint64
b.tree.DescendLessOrEqual(s, func(mt *metaTx) bool {
if mt.Tx.SenderID != senderID {
return false
return f(mt)
func (b *BySenderAndNonce) count(senderID uint64) int {
return b.senderIDTxnCount[senderID]
func (b *BySenderAndNonce) hasTxs(senderID uint64) bool {
has := false
b.ascend(senderID, func(*metaTx) bool {
has = true
return false
return has
func (b *BySenderAndNonce) get(senderID, txNonce uint64) *metaTx {
s := b.search
s.Tx.SenderID = senderID
s.Tx.Nonce = txNonce
if found, ok := b.tree.Get(s); ok {
return found
return nil
// nolint
func (b *BySenderAndNonce) has(mt *metaTx) bool {
return b.tree.Has(mt)
func (b *BySenderAndNonce) delete(mt *metaTx) {
if _, ok := b.tree.Delete(mt); ok {
senderID := mt.Tx.SenderID
count := b.senderIDTxnCount[senderID]
if count > 1 {
b.senderIDTxnCount[senderID] = count - 1
} else {
delete(b.senderIDTxnCount, senderID)
func (b *BySenderAndNonce) replaceOrInsert(mt *metaTx) *metaTx {
it, ok := b.tree.ReplaceOrInsert(mt)
if ok {
return it
return nil
// PendingPool - is different from other pools - it's best is Slice instead of Heap
// It's more expensive to maintain "slice sort" invariant, but it allow do cheap copy of
// pending.best slice for mining (because we consider txs and metaTx are immutable)
type PendingPool struct {
best *bestSlice
worst *WorstQueue
limit int
t SubPoolType
func NewPendingSubPool(t SubPoolType, limit int) *PendingPool {
return &PendingPool{limit: limit, t: t, best: &bestSlice{ms: []*metaTx{}}, worst: &WorstQueue{ms: []*metaTx{}}}
// bestSlice - is similar to best queue, but with O(n log n) complexity and
// it maintains element.bestIndex field
type bestSlice struct {
ms []*metaTx
pendingBaseFee uint64
func (s *bestSlice) Len() int { return len(s.ms) }
func (s *bestSlice) Swap(i, j int) {
s.ms[i], s.ms[j] = s.ms[j], s.ms[i]
s.ms[i].bestIndex, s.ms[j].bestIndex = i, j
func (s *bestSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
return s.ms[i].better(s.ms[j], *uint256.NewInt(s.pendingBaseFee))
func (s *bestSlice) UnsafeRemove(i *metaTx) {
s.Swap(i.bestIndex, len(s.ms)-1)
s.ms[len(s.ms)-1].bestIndex = -1
s.ms[len(s.ms)-1] = nil
s.ms = s.ms[:len(s.ms)-1]
func (s *bestSlice) UnsafeAdd(i *metaTx) {
i.bestIndex = len(s.ms)
s.ms = append(s.ms, i)
func (p *PendingPool) EnforceWorstInvariants() {
func (p *PendingPool) EnforceBestInvariants() {
func (p *PendingPool) Best() *metaTx { //nolint
if len(p.best.ms) == 0 {
return nil
return p.best.ms[0]
func (p *PendingPool) Worst() *metaTx { //nolint
if len(p.worst.ms) == 0 {
return nil
return (p.worst.ms)[0]
func (p *PendingPool) PopWorst() *metaTx { //nolint
i := heap.Pop(p.worst).(*metaTx)
if i.bestIndex >= 0 {
return i
func (p *PendingPool) Updated(mt *metaTx) {
heap.Fix(p.worst, mt.worstIndex)
func (p *PendingPool) Len() int { return len(p.best.ms) }
func (p *PendingPool) Remove(i *metaTx) {
if i.worstIndex >= 0 {
heap.Remove(p.worst, i.worstIndex)
if i.bestIndex >= 0 {
i.currentSubPool = 0
func (p *PendingPool) Add(i *metaTx, logger log.Logger) {
if i.Tx.Traced {
logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("TX TRACING: moved to subpool %s, IdHash=%x, sender=%d", p.t, i.Tx.IDHash, i.Tx.SenderID))
i.currentSubPool = p.t
heap.Push(p.worst, i)
func (p *PendingPool) DebugPrint(prefix string) {
for i, it := range p.best.ms {
fmt.Printf("%s.best: %d, %d, %d,%d\n", prefix, i, it.subPool, it.bestIndex, it.Tx.Nonce)
for i, it := range p.worst.ms {
fmt.Printf("%s.worst: %d, %d, %d,%d\n", prefix, i, it.subPool, it.worstIndex, it.Tx.Nonce)
type SubPool struct {
best *BestQueue
worst *WorstQueue
limit int
t SubPoolType
func NewSubPool(t SubPoolType, limit int) *SubPool {
return &SubPool{limit: limit, t: t, best: &BestQueue{}, worst: &WorstQueue{}}
func (p *SubPool) EnforceInvariants() {
func (p *SubPool) Best() *metaTx { //nolint
if len(p.best.ms) == 0 {
return nil
return p.best.ms[0]
func (p *SubPool) Worst() *metaTx { //nolint
if len(p.worst.ms) == 0 {
return nil
return p.worst.ms[0]
func (p *SubPool) PopBest() *metaTx { //nolint
i := heap.Pop(p.best).(*metaTx)
heap.Remove(p.worst, i.worstIndex)
return i
func (p *SubPool) PopWorst() *metaTx { //nolint
i := heap.Pop(p.worst).(*metaTx)
heap.Remove(p.best, i.bestIndex)
return i
func (p *SubPool) Len() int { return p.best.Len() }
func (p *SubPool) Add(i *metaTx, logger log.Logger) {
if i.Tx.Traced {
logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("TX TRACING: moved to subpool %s, IdHash=%x, sender=%d", p.t, i.Tx.IDHash, i.Tx.SenderID))
i.currentSubPool = p.t
heap.Push(p.best, i)
heap.Push(p.worst, i)
func (p *SubPool) Remove(i *metaTx) {
heap.Remove(p.best, i.bestIndex)
heap.Remove(p.worst, i.worstIndex)
i.currentSubPool = 0
func (p *SubPool) Updated(i *metaTx) {
heap.Fix(p.best, i.bestIndex)
heap.Fix(p.worst, i.worstIndex)
func (p *SubPool) DebugPrint(prefix string) {
for i, it := range p.best.ms {
fmt.Printf("%s.best: %d, %d, %d\n", prefix, i, it.subPool, it.bestIndex)
for i, it := range p.worst.ms {
fmt.Printf("%s.worst: %d, %d, %d\n", prefix, i, it.subPool, it.worstIndex)
type BestQueue struct {
ms []*metaTx
pendingBastFee uint64
func (mt *metaTx) better(than *metaTx, pendingBaseFee uint256.Int) bool {
subPool := mt.subPool
thanSubPool := than.subPool
if mt.minFeeCap.Cmp(&pendingBaseFee) >= 0 {
subPool |= EnoughFeeCapBlock
if than.minFeeCap.Cmp(&pendingBaseFee) >= 0 {
thanSubPool |= EnoughFeeCapBlock
if subPool != thanSubPool {
return subPool > thanSubPool
switch mt.currentSubPool {
case PendingSubPool:
var effectiveTip, thanEffectiveTip uint256.Int
if mt.minFeeCap.Cmp(&pendingBaseFee) >= 0 {
difference := uint256.NewInt(0)
difference.Sub(&mt.minFeeCap, &pendingBaseFee)
if difference.Cmp(uint256.NewInt(mt.minTip)) <= 0 {
effectiveTip = *difference
} else {
effectiveTip = *uint256.NewInt(mt.minTip)
if than.minFeeCap.Cmp(&pendingBaseFee) >= 0 {
difference := uint256.NewInt(0)
difference.Sub(&than.minFeeCap, &pendingBaseFee)
if difference.Cmp(uint256.NewInt(than.minTip)) <= 0 {
thanEffectiveTip = *difference
} else {
thanEffectiveTip = *uint256.NewInt(than.minTip)
if effectiveTip.Cmp(&thanEffectiveTip) != 0 {
return effectiveTip.Cmp(&thanEffectiveTip) > 0
// Compare nonce and cumulative balance. Just as a side note, it doesn't
// matter if they're from same sender or not because we're comparing
// nonce distance of the sender from state's nonce and not the actual
// value of nonce.
if mt.nonceDistance != than.nonceDistance {
return mt.nonceDistance < than.nonceDistance
if mt.cumulativeBalanceDistance != than.cumulativeBalanceDistance {
return mt.cumulativeBalanceDistance < than.cumulativeBalanceDistance
case BaseFeeSubPool:
if mt.minFeeCap.Cmp(&than.minFeeCap) != 0 {
return mt.minFeeCap.Cmp(&than.minFeeCap) > 0
case QueuedSubPool:
if mt.nonceDistance != than.nonceDistance {
return mt.nonceDistance < than.nonceDistance
if mt.cumulativeBalanceDistance != than.cumulativeBalanceDistance {
return mt.cumulativeBalanceDistance < than.cumulativeBalanceDistance
return mt.timestamp < than.timestamp
func (mt *metaTx) worse(than *metaTx, pendingBaseFee uint256.Int) bool {
subPool := mt.subPool
thanSubPool := than.subPool
if mt.minFeeCap.Cmp(&pendingBaseFee) >= 0 {
subPool |= EnoughFeeCapBlock
if than.minFeeCap.Cmp(&pendingBaseFee) >= 0 {
thanSubPool |= EnoughFeeCapBlock
if subPool != thanSubPool {
return subPool < thanSubPool
switch mt.currentSubPool {
case PendingSubPool:
if mt.minFeeCap != than.minFeeCap {
return mt.minFeeCap.Cmp(&than.minFeeCap) < 0
if mt.nonceDistance != than.nonceDistance {
return mt.nonceDistance > than.nonceDistance
if mt.cumulativeBalanceDistance != than.cumulativeBalanceDistance {
return mt.cumulativeBalanceDistance > than.cumulativeBalanceDistance
case BaseFeeSubPool, QueuedSubPool:
if mt.nonceDistance != than.nonceDistance {
return mt.nonceDistance > than.nonceDistance
if mt.cumulativeBalanceDistance != than.cumulativeBalanceDistance {
return mt.cumulativeBalanceDistance > than.cumulativeBalanceDistance
return mt.timestamp > than.timestamp
func (p BestQueue) Len() int { return len(p.ms) }
func (p BestQueue) Less(i, j int) bool {
return p.ms[i].better(p.ms[j], *uint256.NewInt(p.pendingBastFee))
func (p BestQueue) Swap(i, j int) {
p.ms[i], p.ms[j] = p.ms[j], p.ms[i]
p.ms[i].bestIndex = i
p.ms[j].bestIndex = j
func (p *BestQueue) Push(x interface{}) {
n := len(p.ms)
item := x.(*metaTx)
item.bestIndex = n
p.ms = append(p.ms, item)
func (p *BestQueue) Pop() interface{} {
old := p.ms
n := len(old)
item := old[n-1]
old[n-1] = nil // avoid memory leak
item.bestIndex = -1 // for safety
item.currentSubPool = 0 // for safety
p.ms = old[0 : n-1]
return item
type WorstQueue struct {
ms []*metaTx
pendingBaseFee uint64
func (p WorstQueue) Len() int { return len(p.ms) }
func (p WorstQueue) Less(i, j int) bool {
return p.ms[i].worse(p.ms[j], *uint256.NewInt(p.pendingBaseFee))
func (p WorstQueue) Swap(i, j int) {
p.ms[i], p.ms[j] = p.ms[j], p.ms[i]
p.ms[i].worstIndex = i
p.ms[j].worstIndex = j
func (p *WorstQueue) Push(x interface{}) {
n := len(p.ms)
item := x.(*metaTx)
item.worstIndex = n
p.ms = append(p.ms, x.(*metaTx))
func (p *WorstQueue) Pop() interface{} {
old := p.ms
n := len(old)
item := old[n-1]
old[n-1] = nil // avoid memory leak
item.worstIndex = -1 // for safety
item.currentSubPool = 0 // for safety
p.ms = old[0 : n-1]
return item