mirror of
synced 2025-01-10 21:11:20 +00:00
Mainnet: ``` 447M accounts.0-544.l 45M accounts.0-544.li 133M code.0-544.l 14M code.0-544.li 2.0G storage.0-544.l 197M storage.0-544.li ``` Decided no to use Roaring - because it can only keep full bitmap in RAM (no way to stream into file). But it's more compact 2Gb -> 1.4Gb. Maybe can shard large bitmap - or do other trick (storage has 1B keys - sharding probably is cheap). Maybe in the future.
567 lines
20 KiB
567 lines
20 KiB
Copyright 2021 Erigon contributors
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package eliasfano16
import (
// EliasFano algo overview https://www.antoniomallia.it/sorted-integers-compression-with-elias-fano-encoding.html
// P. Elias. Efficient storage and retrieval by content and address of static files. J. ACM, 21(2):246–260, 1974.
// Partitioned Elias-Fano Indexes http://groups.di.unipi.it/~ottavian/files/elias_fano_sigir14.pdf
const (
log2q uint64 = 8
q uint64 = 1 << log2q
qMask = q - 1
superQ uint64 = 1 << 14
superQMask = superQ - 1
qPerSuperQ = superQ / q // 64
superQSize = 1 + qPerSuperQ/4 // 1 + 64/4 = 17
// EliasFano can be used to encode one monotone sequence
type EliasFano struct {
data []uint64
lowerBits []uint64
upperBits []uint64
jump []uint64
lowerBitsMask uint64
count uint64
u uint64
l uint64
maxOffset uint64
minDelta uint64
i uint64
delta uint64
wordsUpperBits int
func NewEliasFano(count uint64, maxOffset, minDelta uint64) *EliasFano {
//fmt.Printf("count=%d,maxOffset=%d,minDelta=%d\n", count, maxOffset, minDelta)
ef := &EliasFano{
count: count - 1,
maxOffset: maxOffset,
minDelta: minDelta,
ef.u = maxOffset - ef.count*ef.minDelta + 1
ef.wordsUpperBits = ef.deriveFields()
return ef
func (ef *EliasFano) AddOffset(offset uint64) {
//fmt.Printf("0x%x,\n", offset)
if ef.l != 0 {
setBits(ef.lowerBits, ef.i*ef.l, int(ef.l), (offset-ef.delta)&ef.lowerBitsMask)
//pos := ((offset - ef.delta) >> ef.l) + ef.i
set(ef.upperBits, ((offset-ef.delta)>>ef.l)+ef.i)
//fmt.Printf("add:%x, pos=%x, set=%x, res=%x\n", offset, pos, pos/64, uint64(1)<<(pos%64))
ef.delta += ef.minDelta
func (ef *EliasFano) jumpSizeWords() int {
size := ((ef.count + 1) / superQ) * superQSize // Whole blocks
if (ef.count+1)%superQ != 0 {
size += 1 + (((ef.count+1)%superQ+q-1)/q+3)/4 // Partial block
return int(size)
func (ef *EliasFano) deriveFields() int {
if ef.u/(ef.count+1) == 0 {
ef.l = 0
} else {
ef.l = 63 ^ uint64(bits.LeadingZeros64(ef.u/(ef.count+1))) // pos of first non-zero bit
//fmt.Printf("lllllllll: %d, %d\n", 63^uint64(bits.LeadingZeros64(24/7)), msb(ef.u/(ef.count+1)))
ef.lowerBitsMask = (uint64(1) << ef.l) - 1
wordsLowerBits := int(((ef.count+1)*ef.l+63)/64 + 1)
wordsUpperBits := int((ef.count + 1 + (ef.u >> ef.l) + 63) / 64)
jumpWords := ef.jumpSizeWords()
totalWords := wordsLowerBits + wordsUpperBits + jumpWords
if ef.data == nil {
ef.data = make([]uint64, totalWords)
} else {
ef.data = ef.data[:totalWords]
ef.lowerBits = ef.data[:wordsLowerBits]
ef.upperBits = ef.data[wordsLowerBits : wordsLowerBits+wordsUpperBits]
ef.jump = ef.data[wordsLowerBits+wordsUpperBits:]
return wordsUpperBits
// Build construct Elias Fano index for a given sequences
func (ef *EliasFano) Build() {
for i, c, lastSuperQ := uint64(0), uint64(0), uint64(0); i < uint64(ef.wordsUpperBits); i++ {
for b := uint64(0); b < 64; b++ {
if ef.upperBits[i]&(uint64(1)<<b) != 0 {
if (c & superQMask) == 0 {
// When c is multiple of 2^14 (4096)
lastSuperQ = i*64 + b
ef.jump[(c/superQ)*superQSize] = lastSuperQ
if (c & qMask) == 0 {
// When c is multiple of 2^8 (256)
var offset = i*64 + b - lastSuperQ // offset can be either 0, 256, 512, 768, ..., up to 4096-256
// offset needs to be encoded as 16-bit integer, therefore the following check
if offset >= (1 << 16) {
fmt.Printf("ef.l=%x,ef.u=%x\n", ef.l, ef.u)
fmt.Printf("offset=%x,lastSuperQ=%x,i=%x,b=%x,c=%x\n", offset, lastSuperQ, i, b, c)
fmt.Printf("ef.minDelta=%x\n", ef.minDelta)
//fmt.Printf("ef.upperBits=%x\n", ef.upperBits)
//fmt.Printf("ef.lowerBits=%x\n", ef.lowerBits)
//fmt.Printf("ef.wordsUpperBits=%b\n", ef.wordsUpperBits)
// c % superQ is the bit index inside the group of 4096 bits
jumpSuperQ := (c / superQ) * superQSize
jumpInsideSuperQ := (c % superQ) / q
idx64 := jumpSuperQ + 1 + (jumpInsideSuperQ >> 2)
shift := 16 * (jumpInsideSuperQ % 4)
mask := uint64(0xffff) << shift
ef.jump[idx64] = (ef.jump[idx64] &^ mask) | (offset << shift)
func (ef *EliasFano) get(i uint64) (val, window uint64, sel int, currWord, lower, delta uint64) {
lower = i * ef.l
idx64 := lower / 64
shift := lower % 64
lower = ef.lowerBits[idx64] >> shift
if shift > 0 {
lower |= ef.lowerBits[idx64+1] << (64 - shift)
jumpSuperQ := (i / superQ) * superQSize
jumpInsideSuperQ := (i % superQ) / q
idx64 = jumpSuperQ + 1 + (jumpInsideSuperQ >> 2)
shift = 16 * (jumpInsideSuperQ % 4)
mask := uint64(0xffff) << shift
jump := ef.jump[jumpSuperQ] + (ef.jump[idx64]&mask)>>shift
currWord = jump / 64
window = ef.upperBits[currWord] & (uint64(0xffffffffffffffff) << (jump % 64))
d := int(i & qMask)
for bitCount := bits.OnesCount64(window); bitCount <= d; bitCount = bits.OnesCount64(window) {
window = ef.upperBits[currWord]
d -= bitCount
sel = bitutil.Select64(window, d)
delta = i * ef.minDelta
val = ((currWord*64+uint64(sel)-i)<<ef.l | (lower & ef.lowerBitsMask)) + delta
func (ef *EliasFano) Get(i uint64) uint64 {
val, _, _, _, _, _ := ef.get(i)
return val
func (ef *EliasFano) Get2(i uint64) (val, valNext uint64) {
var window uint64
var sel int
var currWord uint64
var lower uint64
var delta uint64
val, window, sel, currWord, lower, delta = ef.get(i)
window &= (uint64(0xffffffffffffffff) << sel) << 1
for window == 0 {
window = ef.upperBits[currWord]
lower >>= ef.l
valNext = ((currWord*64+uint64(bits.TrailingZeros64(window))-i-1)<<ef.l | (lower & ef.lowerBitsMask)) + delta + ef.minDelta
// Write outputs the state of golomb rice encoding into a writer, which can be recovered later by Read
func (ef *EliasFano) Write(w io.Writer) error {
var numBuf [8]byte
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(numBuf[:], ef.count)
if _, e := w.Write(numBuf[:]); e != nil {
return e
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(numBuf[:], ef.u)
if _, e := w.Write(numBuf[:]); e != nil {
return e
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(numBuf[:], ef.minDelta)
if _, e := w.Write(numBuf[:]); e != nil {
return e
p := (*[maxDataSize]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&ef.data[0]))
b := (*p)[:]
if _, e := w.Write(b[:len(ef.data)*8]); e != nil {
return e
return nil
// Read inputs the state of golomb rice encoding from a reader s
func ReadEliasFano(r []byte) (*EliasFano, int) {
ef := &EliasFano{}
ef.count = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(r[:8])
ef.u = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(r[8:16])
ef.minDelta = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(r[16:24])
p := (*[maxDataSize / 8]uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&r[24]))
ef.data = p[:]
return ef, 24 + 8*len(ef.data)
const maxDataSize = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF
// DoubleEliasFano can be used to encode two monotone sequences
// it is called "double" because the lower bits array contains two sequences interleaved
type DoubleEliasFano struct {
data []uint64
lowerBits []uint64
upperBitsPosition []uint64
upperBitsCumKeys []uint64
jump []uint64
lowerBitsMaskCumKeys uint64
lowerBitsMaskPosition uint64
numBuckets uint64
uCumKeys uint64
uPosition uint64
lPosition uint64
lCumKeys uint64
cumKeysMinDelta uint64
posMinDelta uint64
func (ef *DoubleEliasFano) deriveFields() (int, int) {
if ef.uPosition/(ef.numBuckets+1) == 0 {
ef.lPosition = 0
} else {
ef.lPosition = 63 ^ uint64(bits.LeadingZeros64(ef.uPosition/(ef.numBuckets+1)))
if ef.uCumKeys/(ef.numBuckets+1) == 0 {
ef.lCumKeys = 0
} else {
ef.lCumKeys = 63 ^ uint64(bits.LeadingZeros64(ef.uCumKeys/(ef.numBuckets+1)))
//fmt.Printf("uPosition = %d, lPosition = %d, uCumKeys = %d, lCumKeys = %d\n", ef.uPosition, ef.lPosition, ef.uCumKeys, ef.lCumKeys)
if ef.lCumKeys*2+ef.lPosition > 56 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("ef.lCumKeys (%d) * 2 + ef.lPosition (%d) > 56", ef.lCumKeys, ef.lPosition))
ef.lowerBitsMaskCumKeys = (uint64(1) << ef.lCumKeys) - 1
ef.lowerBitsMaskPosition = (uint64(1) << ef.lPosition) - 1
wordsLowerBits := int(((ef.numBuckets+1)*(ef.lCumKeys+ef.lPosition)+63)/64 + 1)
wordsCumKeys := int((ef.numBuckets + 1 + (ef.uCumKeys >> ef.lCumKeys) + 63) / 64)
wordsPosition := int((ef.numBuckets + 1 + (ef.uPosition >> ef.lPosition) + 63) / 64)
jumpWords := ef.jumpSizeWords()
totalWords := wordsLowerBits + wordsCumKeys + wordsPosition + jumpWords
if ef.data == nil {
ef.data = make([]uint64, totalWords)
} else {
ef.data = ef.data[:totalWords]
ef.lowerBits = ef.data[:wordsLowerBits]
ef.upperBitsCumKeys = ef.data[wordsLowerBits : wordsLowerBits+wordsCumKeys]
ef.upperBitsPosition = ef.data[wordsLowerBits+wordsCumKeys : wordsLowerBits+wordsCumKeys+wordsPosition]
ef.jump = ef.data[wordsLowerBits+wordsCumKeys+wordsPosition:]
return wordsCumKeys, wordsPosition
// Build construct double Elias Fano index for two given sequences
func (ef *DoubleEliasFano) Build(cumKeys []uint64, position []uint64) {
//fmt.Printf("cumKeys = %d\nposition = %d\n", cumKeys, position)
if len(cumKeys) != len(position) {
panic("len(cumKeys) != len(position)")
ef.numBuckets = uint64(len(cumKeys) - 1)
ef.posMinDelta = math.MaxUint64
ef.cumKeysMinDelta = math.MaxUint64
for i := uint64(1); i <= ef.numBuckets; i++ {
if cumKeys[i] < cumKeys[i-1] {
panic("cumKeys[i] <= cumKeys[i-1]")
nkeysDelta := cumKeys[i] - cumKeys[i-1]
if nkeysDelta < ef.cumKeysMinDelta {
ef.cumKeysMinDelta = nkeysDelta
if position[i] < position[i-1] {
panic("position[i] < position[i-1]")
bucketBits := position[i] - position[i-1]
if bucketBits < ef.posMinDelta {
ef.posMinDelta = bucketBits
//fmt.Printf("cumKeysMinDelta = %d, posMinDelta = %d\n", ef.cumKeysMinDelta, ef.posMinDelta)
ef.uPosition = position[ef.numBuckets] - ef.numBuckets*ef.posMinDelta + 1
ef.uCumKeys = cumKeys[ef.numBuckets] - ef.numBuckets*ef.cumKeysMinDelta + 1 // Largest possible encoding of the cumKeys
wordsCumKeys, wordsPosition := ef.deriveFields()
for i, cumDelta, bitDelta := uint64(0), uint64(0), uint64(0); i <= ef.numBuckets; i, cumDelta, bitDelta = i+1, cumDelta+ef.cumKeysMinDelta, bitDelta+ef.posMinDelta {
if ef.lCumKeys != 0 {
//fmt.Printf("i=%d, set_bits cum for %d = %b\n", i, cumKeys[i]-cumDelta, (cumKeys[i]-cumDelta)&ef.lowerBitsMaskCumKeys)
setBits(ef.lowerBits, i*(ef.lCumKeys+ef.lPosition), int(ef.lCumKeys), (cumKeys[i]-cumDelta)&ef.lowerBitsMaskCumKeys)
//fmt.Printf("loweBits %b\n", ef.lowerBits)
set(ef.upperBitsCumKeys, ((cumKeys[i]-cumDelta)>>ef.lCumKeys)+i)
//fmt.Printf("i=%d, set cum for %d = %d\n", i, cumKeys[i]-cumDelta, (cumKeys[i]-cumDelta)>>ef.lCumKeys+i)
if ef.lPosition != 0 {
//fmt.Printf("i=%d, set_bits pos for %d = %b\n", i, position[i]-bitDelta, (position[i]-bitDelta)&ef.lowerBitsMaskPosition)
setBits(ef.lowerBits, i*(ef.lCumKeys+ef.lPosition)+ef.lCumKeys, int(ef.lPosition), (position[i]-bitDelta)&ef.lowerBitsMaskPosition)
//fmt.Printf("lowerBits %b\n", ef.lowerBits)
set(ef.upperBitsPosition, ((position[i]-bitDelta)>>ef.lPosition)+i)
//fmt.Printf("i=%d, set pos for %d = %d\n", i, position[i]-bitDelta, (position[i]-bitDelta)>>ef.lPosition+i)
//fmt.Printf("loweBits %b\n", ef.lowerBits)
//fmt.Printf("upperBitsCumKeys %b\n", ef.upperBitsCumKeys)
//fmt.Printf("upperBitsPosition %b\n", ef.upperBitsPosition)
// i iterates over the 64-bit words in the wordCumKeys vector
// c iterates over bits in the wordCumKeys
// lastSuperQ is the largest multiple of 2^14 (4096) which is no larger than c
// c/superQ is the index of the current 4096 block of bits
// superQSize is how many words is required to encode one block of 4096 bits. It is 17 words which is 1088 bits
for i, c, lastSuperQ := uint64(0), uint64(0), uint64(0); i < uint64(wordsCumKeys); i++ {
for b := uint64(0); b < 64; b++ {
if ef.upperBitsCumKeys[i]&(uint64(1)<<b) != 0 {
if (c & superQMask) == 0 {
// When c is multiple of 2^14 (4096)
lastSuperQ = i*64 + b
ef.jump[(c/superQ)*(superQSize*2)] = lastSuperQ
if (c & qMask) == 0 {
// When c is multiple of 2^8 (256)
var offset = i*64 + b - lastSuperQ // offset can be either 0, 256, 512, 768, ..., up to 4096-256
// offset needs to be encoded as 16-bit integer, therefore the following check
if offset >= (1 << 16) {
// c % superQ is the bit index inside the group of 4096 bits
jumpSuperQ := (c / superQ) * (superQSize * 2)
jumpInsideSuperQ := 2 * (c % superQ) / q
idx64 := jumpSuperQ + 2 + (jumpInsideSuperQ >> 2)
shift := 16 * (jumpInsideSuperQ % 4)
mask := uint64(0xffff) << shift
ef.jump[idx64] = (ef.jump[idx64] &^ mask) | (offset << shift)
for i, c, lastSuperQ := uint64(0), uint64(0), uint64(0); i < uint64(wordsPosition); i++ {
for b := uint64(0); b < 64; b++ {
if ef.upperBitsPosition[i]&(uint64(1)<<b) != 0 {
if (c & superQMask) == 0 {
lastSuperQ = i*64 + b
ef.jump[(c/superQ)*(superQSize*2)+1] = lastSuperQ
if (c & qMask) == 0 {
var offset = i*64 + b - lastSuperQ
if offset >= (1 << 16) {
jumpSuperQ := (c / superQ) * (superQSize * 2)
jumpInsideSuperQ := 2*((c%superQ)/q) + 1
idx64 := jumpSuperQ + 2 + (jumpInsideSuperQ >> 2)
shift := 16 * (jumpInsideSuperQ % 4)
mask := uint64(0xffff) << shift
ef.jump[idx64] = (ef.jump[idx64] &^ mask) | (offset << shift)
//fmt.Printf("jump: %x\n", ef.jump)
// setBits assumes that bits are set in monotonic order, so that
// we can skip the masking for the second word
func setBits(bits []uint64, start uint64, width int, value uint64) {
shift := int(start & 63)
idx64 := start >> 6
mask := (uint64(1)<<width - 1) << shift
//fmt.Printf("mask = %b, idx64 = %d\n", mask, idx64)
bits[idx64] = (bits[idx64] &^ mask) | (value << shift)
//fmt.Printf("start = %d, width = %d, shift + width = %d\n", start, width, shift+width)
if shift+width > 64 {
// changes two 64-bit words
bits[idx64+1] = value >> (64 - shift)
func set(bits []uint64, pos uint64) {
//bits[pos>>6] |= uint64(1) << (pos & 63)
bits[pos/64] |= uint64(1) << (pos % 64)
func (ef *DoubleEliasFano) jumpSizeWords() int {
size := ((ef.numBuckets + 1) / superQ) * superQSize * 2 // Whole blocks
if (ef.numBuckets+1)%superQ != 0 {
size += (1 + (((ef.numBuckets+1)%superQ+q-1)/q+3)/4) * 2 // Partial block
return int(size)
// Data returns binary representation of double Ellias-Fano index that has been built
func (ef *DoubleEliasFano) Data() []uint64 {
return ef.data
func (ef *DoubleEliasFano) get2(i uint64) (cumKeys, position uint64,
windowCumKeys uint64, selectCumKeys int, currWordCumKeys, lower, cumDelta uint64) {
posLower := i * (ef.lCumKeys + ef.lPosition)
idx64 := posLower / 64
shift := posLower % 64
lower = ef.lowerBits[idx64] >> shift
if shift > 0 {
lower |= ef.lowerBits[idx64+1] << (64 - shift)
//fmt.Printf("i = %d, posLower = %d, lower = %b\n", i, posLower, lower)
jumpSuperQ := (i / superQ) * superQSize * 2
jumpInsideSuperQ := (i % superQ) / q
idx16 := 4*(jumpSuperQ+2) + 2*jumpInsideSuperQ
idx64 = idx16 / 4
shift = 16 * (idx16 % 4)
mask := uint64(0xffff) << shift
jumpCumKeys := ef.jump[jumpSuperQ] + (ef.jump[idx64]&mask)>>shift
idx64 = idx16 / 4
shift = 16 * (idx16 % 4)
mask = uint64(0xffff) << shift
jumpPosition := ef.jump[jumpSuperQ+1] + (ef.jump[idx64]&mask)>>shift
//fmt.Printf("i = %d, jumpCumKeys = %d, jumpPosition = %d\n", i, jumpCumKeys, jumpPosition)
currWordCumKeys = jumpCumKeys / 64
currWordPosition := jumpPosition / 64
windowCumKeys = ef.upperBitsCumKeys[currWordCumKeys] & (uint64(0xffffffffffffffff) << (jumpCumKeys % 64))
windowPosition := ef.upperBitsPosition[currWordPosition] & (uint64(0xffffffffffffffff) << (jumpPosition % 64))
deltaCumKeys := int(i & qMask)
deltaPosition := int(i & qMask)
for bitCount := bits.OnesCount64(windowCumKeys); bitCount <= deltaCumKeys; bitCount = bits.OnesCount64(windowCumKeys) {
//fmt.Printf("i = %d, bitCount cum = %d\n", i, bitCount)
windowCumKeys = ef.upperBitsCumKeys[currWordCumKeys]
deltaCumKeys -= bitCount
for bitCount := bits.OnesCount64(windowPosition); bitCount <= deltaPosition; bitCount = bits.OnesCount64(windowPosition) {
//fmt.Printf("i = %d, bitCount pos = %d\n", i, bitCount)
windowPosition = ef.upperBitsPosition[currWordPosition]
deltaPosition -= bitCount
selectCumKeys = bitutil.Select64(windowCumKeys, deltaCumKeys)
//fmt.Printf("i = %d, select cum in %b for %d = %d\n", i, windowCumKeys, deltaCumKeys, selectCumKeys)
cumDelta = i * ef.cumKeysMinDelta
cumKeys = ((currWordCumKeys*64+uint64(selectCumKeys)-i)<<ef.lCumKeys | (lower & ef.lowerBitsMaskCumKeys)) + cumDelta
lower >>= ef.lCumKeys
//fmt.Printf("i = %d, lower = %b\n", i, lower)
selectPosition := bitutil.Select64(windowPosition, deltaPosition)
//fmt.Printf("i = %d, select pos in %b for %d = %d\n", i, windowPosition, deltaPosition, selectPosition)
bitDelta := i * ef.posMinDelta
position = ((currWordPosition*64+uint64(selectPosition)-i)<<ef.lPosition | (lower & ef.lowerBitsMaskPosition)) + bitDelta
func (ef *DoubleEliasFano) Get2(i uint64) (cumKeys, position uint64) {
cumKeys, position, _, _, _, _, _ = ef.get2(i)
func (ef *DoubleEliasFano) Get3(i uint64) (cumKeys, cumKeysNext, position uint64) {
var windowCumKeys uint64
var selectCumKeys int
var currWordCumKeys uint64
var lower uint64
var cumDelta uint64
cumKeys, position, windowCumKeys, selectCumKeys, currWordCumKeys, lower, cumDelta = ef.get2(i)
windowCumKeys &= (uint64(0xffffffffffffffff) << selectCumKeys) << 1
for windowCumKeys == 0 {
windowCumKeys = ef.upperBitsCumKeys[currWordCumKeys]
lower >>= ef.lPosition
cumKeysNext = ((currWordCumKeys*64+uint64(bits.TrailingZeros64(windowCumKeys))-i-1)<<ef.lCumKeys | (lower & ef.lowerBitsMaskCumKeys)) + cumDelta + ef.cumKeysMinDelta
// Write outputs the state of golomb rice encoding into a writer, which can be recovered later by Read
func (ef *DoubleEliasFano) Write(w io.Writer) error {
var numBuf [8]byte
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(numBuf[:], ef.numBuckets)
if _, e := w.Write(numBuf[:]); e != nil {
return e
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(numBuf[:], ef.uCumKeys)
if _, e := w.Write(numBuf[:]); e != nil {
return e
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(numBuf[:], ef.uPosition)
if _, e := w.Write(numBuf[:]); e != nil {
return e
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(numBuf[:], ef.cumKeysMinDelta)
if _, e := w.Write(numBuf[:]); e != nil {
return e
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(numBuf[:], ef.posMinDelta)
if _, e := w.Write(numBuf[:]); e != nil {
return e
p := (*[maxDataSize]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&ef.data[0]))
b := (*p)[:]
if _, e := w.Write(b[:len(ef.data)*8]); e != nil {
return e
return nil
// Read inputs the state of golomb rice encoding from a reader s
func (ef *DoubleEliasFano) Read(r []byte) int {
ef.numBuckets = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(r[:8])
ef.uCumKeys = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(r[8:16])
ef.uPosition = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(r[16:24])
ef.cumKeysMinDelta = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(r[24:32])
ef.posMinDelta = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(r[32:40])
p := (*[maxDataSize / 8]uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&r[40]))
ef.data = p[:]
return 40 + 8*len(ef.data)