Håvard Anda Estensen 5a1726b107
Avoid leaking the popped item (#760)
Set the deleted item to its zero val so it can be garbage collected.
2022-12-04 16:19:09 +07:00

979 lines
28 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

Copyright 2021 Erigon contributors
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package compress
import (
atomic2 ""
// MinPatternScore is minimum score (per superstring) required to consider including pattern into the dictionary
const MinPatternScore = 1024
func optimiseCluster(trace bool, input []byte, mf2 *patricia.MatchFinder2, output []byte, uncovered []int, patterns []int, cellRing *Ring, posMap map[uint64]uint64) ([]byte, []int, []int) {
matches := mf2.FindLongestMatches(input)
if len(matches) == 0 {
output = append(output, 0) // Encoding of 0 in VarUint is 1 zero byte
output = append(output, input...)
return output, patterns, uncovered
if trace {
fmt.Printf("Cluster | input = %x\n", input)
for _, match := range matches {
fmt.Printf(" [%x %d-%d]", input[match.Start:match.End], match.Start, match.End)
patterns = append(patterns[:0], 0, 0) // Sentinel entry - no meaning
lastF := matches[len(matches)-1]
for j := lastF.Start; j < lastF.End; j++ {
d := cellRing.PushBack()
d.optimStart = j + 1
d.coverStart = len(input)
d.compression = 0
d.patternIdx = 0
d.score = 0
// Starting from the last match
for i := len(matches); i > 0; i-- {
f := matches[i-1]
p := f.Val.(*Pattern)
firstCell := cellRing.Get(0)
maxCompression := firstCell.compression
maxScore := firstCell.score
maxCell := firstCell
var maxInclude bool
for e := 0; e < cellRing.Len(); e++ {
cell := cellRing.Get(e)
comp := cell.compression - 4
if cell.coverStart >= f.End {
comp += f.End - f.Start
} else {
comp += cell.coverStart - f.Start
score := cell.score + p.score
if comp > maxCompression || (comp == maxCompression && score > maxScore) {
maxCompression = comp
maxScore = score
maxInclude = true
maxCell = cell
} else if cell.optimStart > f.End {
d := cellRing.PushFront()
d.optimStart = f.Start
d.score = maxScore
d.compression = maxCompression
if maxInclude {
if trace {
fmt.Printf("[include] cell for %d: with patterns", f.Start)
fmt.Printf(" [%x %d-%d]", input[f.Start:f.End], f.Start, f.End)
patternIdx := maxCell.patternIdx
for patternIdx != 0 {
pattern := patterns[patternIdx]
fmt.Printf(" [%x %d-%d]", input[matches[pattern].Start:matches[pattern].End], matches[pattern].Start, matches[pattern].End)
patternIdx = patterns[patternIdx+1]
d.coverStart = f.Start
d.patternIdx = len(patterns)
patterns = append(patterns, i-1, maxCell.patternIdx)
} else {
if trace {
fmt.Printf("cell for %d: with patterns", f.Start)
patternIdx := maxCell.patternIdx
for patternIdx != 0 {
pattern := patterns[patternIdx]
fmt.Printf(" [%x %d-%d]", input[matches[pattern].Start:matches[pattern].End], matches[pattern].Start, matches[pattern].End)
patternIdx = patterns[patternIdx+1]
d.coverStart = maxCell.coverStart
d.patternIdx = maxCell.patternIdx
optimCell := cellRing.Get(0)
if trace {
fmt.Printf("optimal =")
// Count number of patterns
var patternCount uint64
patternIdx := optimCell.patternIdx
for patternIdx != 0 {
patternIdx = patterns[patternIdx+1]
var numBuf [binary.MaxVarintLen64]byte
p := binary.PutUvarint(numBuf[:], patternCount)
output = append(output, numBuf[:p]...)
patternIdx = optimCell.patternIdx
lastStart := 0
var lastUncovered int
uncovered = uncovered[:0]
for patternIdx != 0 {
pattern := patterns[patternIdx]
p := matches[pattern].Val.(*Pattern)
if trace {
fmt.Printf(" [%x %d-%d]", input[matches[pattern].Start:matches[pattern].End], matches[pattern].Start, matches[pattern].End)
if matches[pattern].Start > lastUncovered {
uncovered = append(uncovered, lastUncovered, matches[pattern].Start)
lastUncovered = matches[pattern].End
// Starting position
lastStart = matches[pattern].Start
n := binary.PutUvarint(numBuf[:], uint64(matches[pattern].Start))
output = append(output, numBuf[:n]...)
// Code
n = binary.PutUvarint(numBuf[:], p.code)
output = append(output, numBuf[:n]...)
atomic.AddUint64(&p.uses, 1)
patternIdx = patterns[patternIdx+1]
if len(input) > lastUncovered {
uncovered = append(uncovered, lastUncovered, len(input))
if trace {
// Add uncoded input
for i := 0; i < len(uncovered); i += 2 {
output = append(output, input[uncovered[i]:uncovered[i+1]]...)
return output, patterns, uncovered
func reduceDictWorker(trace bool, inputCh chan *CompressionWord, outCh chan *CompressionWord, completion *sync.WaitGroup, trie *patricia.PatriciaTree, inputSize, outputSize *atomic2.Uint64, posMap map[uint64]uint64) {
defer completion.Done()
var output = make([]byte, 0, 256)
var uncovered = make([]int, 256)
var patterns = make([]int, 0, 256)
cellRing := NewRing()
mf2 := patricia.NewMatchFinder2(trie)
var numBuf [binary.MaxVarintLen64]byte
for compW := range inputCh {
wordLen := uint64(len(compW.word))
n := binary.PutUvarint(numBuf[:], wordLen)
output = append(output[:0], numBuf[:n]...) // Prepend with the encoding of length
output, patterns, uncovered = optimiseCluster(trace, compW.word, mf2, output, uncovered, patterns, cellRing, posMap)
compW.word = append(compW.word[:0], output...)
outCh <- compW
inputSize.Add(1 + wordLen)
// CompressionWord hold a word to be compressed (if flag is set), and the result of compression
// To allow multiple words to be processed concurrently, order field is used to collect all
// the words after processing without disrupting their order
type CompressionWord struct {
word []byte
order uint64
type CompressionQueue []*CompressionWord
func (cq CompressionQueue) Len() int {
return len(cq)
func (cq CompressionQueue) Less(i, j int) bool {
return cq[i].order < cq[j].order
func (cq *CompressionQueue) Swap(i, j int) {
(*cq)[i], (*cq)[j] = (*cq)[j], (*cq)[i]
func (cq *CompressionQueue) Push(x interface{}) {
*cq = append(*cq, x.(*CompressionWord))
func (cq *CompressionQueue) Pop() interface{} {
old := *cq
n := len(old)
x := old[n-1]
old[n-1] = nil
*cq = old[0 : n-1]
return x
// reduceDict reduces the dictionary by trying the substitutions and counting frequency for each word
func reducedict(ctx context.Context, trace bool, logPrefix, segmentFilePath string, datFile *DecompressedFile, workers int, dictBuilder *DictionaryBuilder, lvl log.Lvl) error {
logEvery := time.NewTicker(60 * time.Second)
defer logEvery.Stop()
// DictionaryBuilder is for sorting words by their freuency (to assign codes)
var pt patricia.PatriciaTree
code2pattern := make([]*Pattern, 0, 256)
dictBuilder.ForEach(func(score uint64, word []byte) {
p := &Pattern{
score: score,
uses: 0,
code: uint64(len(code2pattern)),
codeBits: 0,
word: word,
pt.Insert(word, p)
code2pattern = append(code2pattern, p)
log.Log(lvl, fmt.Sprintf("[%s] dictionary file parsed", logPrefix), "entries", len(code2pattern))
ch := make(chan *CompressionWord, 10_000)
inputSize, outputSize := atomic2.NewUint64(0), atomic2.NewUint64(0)
var collectors []*etl.Collector
defer func() {
for _, c := range collectors {
out := make(chan *CompressionWord, 1024)
var compressionQueue CompressionQueue
queueLimit := 128 * 1024
// For the case of workers == 1
var output = make([]byte, 0, 256)
var uncovered = make([]int, 256)
var patterns = make([]int, 0, 256)
cellRing := NewRing()
mf2 := patricia.NewMatchFinder2(&pt)
var posMaps []map[uint64]uint64
uncompPosMap := make(map[uint64]uint64) // For the uncompressed words
posMaps = append(posMaps, uncompPosMap)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
if workers > 1 {
for i := 0; i < workers; i++ {
posMap := make(map[uint64]uint64)
posMaps = append(posMaps, posMap)
go reduceDictWorker(trace, ch, out, &wg, &pt, inputSize, outputSize, posMap)
t := time.Now()
var err error
intermediatePath := segmentFilePath + ".tmp"
defer os.Remove(intermediatePath)
var intermediateFile *os.File
if intermediateFile, err = os.Create(intermediatePath); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("create intermediate file: %w", err)
defer intermediateFile.Close()
intermediateW := bufio.NewWriterSize(intermediateFile, 8*etl.BufIOSize)
var inCount, outCount, emptyWordsCount uint64 // Counters words sent to compression and returned for compression
var numBuf [binary.MaxVarintLen64]byte
totalWords := datFile.count
if err = datFile.ForEach(func(v []byte, compression bool) error {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
if workers > 1 {
// take processed words in non-blocking way and push them to the queue
for {
select {
case compW := <-out:
heap.Push(&compressionQueue, compW)
break outer
// take processed words in blocking way until either:
// 1. compressionQueue is below the limit so that new words can be allocated
// 2. there is word in order on top of the queue which can be written down and reused
for compressionQueue.Len() >= queueLimit && compressionQueue[0].order < outCount {
// Blocking wait to receive some outputs until the top of queue can be processed
compW := <-out
heap.Push(&compressionQueue, compW)
var compW *CompressionWord
// Either take the word from the top, write it down and reuse for the next unprocessed word
// Or allocate new word
if compressionQueue.Len() > 0 && compressionQueue[0].order == outCount {
compW = heap.Pop(&compressionQueue).(*CompressionWord)
// Write to intermediate file
if _, e := intermediateW.Write(compW.word); e != nil {
return e
// Reuse compW for the next word
} else {
compW = &CompressionWord{}
compW.order = inCount
if len(v) == 0 {
// Empty word, cannot be compressed
compW.word = append(compW.word[:0], 0)
heap.Push(&compressionQueue, compW) // Push to the queue directly, bypassing compression
} else if compression {
compW.word = append(compW.word[:0], v...)
ch <- compW // Send for compression
} else {
// Prepend word with encoding of length + zero byte, which indicates no patterns to be found in this word
wordLen := uint64(len(v))
n := binary.PutUvarint(numBuf[:], wordLen)
compW.word = append(append(append(compW.word[:0], numBuf[:n]...), 0), v...)
heap.Push(&compressionQueue, compW) // Push to the queue directly, bypassing compression
} else {
wordLen := uint64(len(v))
n := binary.PutUvarint(numBuf[:], wordLen)
if _, e := intermediateW.Write(numBuf[:n]); e != nil {
return e
if wordLen > 0 {
if compression {
output, patterns, uncovered = optimiseCluster(trace, v, mf2, output[:0], uncovered, patterns, cellRing, uncompPosMap)
if _, e := intermediateW.Write(output); e != nil {
return e
} else {
if e := intermediateW.WriteByte(0); e != nil {
return e
if _, e := intermediateW.Write(v); e != nil {
return e
outputSize.Add(1 + uint64(len(v)))
inputSize.Add(1 + wordLen)
if len(v) == 0 {
select {
case <-logEvery.C:
log.Log(lvl, fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Replacement preprocessing", logPrefix), "processed", fmt.Sprintf("%.2f%%", 100*float64(outCount)/float64(totalWords)), "ch", len(ch), "workers", workers)
return nil
}); err != nil {
return err
// Drain the out queue if necessary
if inCount > outCount {
for compressionQueue.Len() > 0 && compressionQueue[0].order == outCount {
compW := heap.Pop(&compressionQueue).(*CompressionWord)
if outCount == inCount {
// Write to intermediate file
if _, e := intermediateW.Write(compW.word); e != nil {
return e
for compW := range out {
heap.Push(&compressionQueue, compW)
for compressionQueue.Len() > 0 && compressionQueue[0].order == outCount {
compW = heap.Pop(&compressionQueue).(*CompressionWord)
if outCount == inCount {
// Write to intermediate file
if _, e := intermediateW.Write(compW.word); e != nil {
return e
if err = intermediateW.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
log.Log(lvl, fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Replacement preprocessing", logPrefix), "took", time.Since(t))
if _, err = intermediateFile.Seek(0, 0); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("return to the start of intermediate file: %w", err)
//var m runtime.MemStats
//log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Dictionary build done", logPrefix), "input", common.ByteCount(inputSize.Load()), "output", common.ByteCount(outputSize.Load()), "alloc", common.ByteCount(m.Alloc), "sys", common.ByteCount(m.Sys))
posMap := make(map[uint64]uint64)
for _, m := range posMaps {
for l, c := range m {
posMap[l] += c
//fmt.Printf("posMap = %v\n", posMap)
var patternList PatternList
distribution := make([]int, maxPatternLen+1)
for _, p := range code2pattern {
if p.uses > 0 {
patternList = append(patternList, p)
slices.SortFunc(patternList, patternListLess)
logCtx := make([]interface{}, 0, 8)
logCtx = append(logCtx, "patternList.Len", patternList.Len())
i := 0
// Build Huffman tree for codes
var codeHeap PatternHeap
tieBreaker := uint64(0)
for codeHeap.Len()+(patternList.Len()-i) > 1 {
// New node
h := &PatternHuff{
tieBreaker: tieBreaker,
if codeHeap.Len() > 0 && (i >= patternList.Len() || codeHeap[0].uses < patternList[i].uses) {
// Take h0 from the heap
h.h0 = heap.Pop(&codeHeap).(*PatternHuff)
h.uses += h.h0.uses
} else {
// Take p0 from the list
h.p0 = patternList[i]
h.p0.code = 0
h.p0.codeBits = 1
h.uses += h.p0.uses
if codeHeap.Len() > 0 && (i >= patternList.Len() || codeHeap[0].uses < patternList[i].uses) {
// Take h1 from the heap
h.h1 = heap.Pop(&codeHeap).(*PatternHuff)
h.uses += h.h1.uses
} else {
// Take p1 from the list
h.p1 = patternList[i]
h.p1.code = 1
h.p1.codeBits = 1
h.uses += h.p1.uses
heap.Push(&codeHeap, h)
if codeHeap.Len() > 0 {
root := heap.Pop(&codeHeap).(*PatternHuff)
// Calculate total size of the dictionary
var patternsSize uint64
for _, p := range patternList {
ns := binary.PutUvarint(numBuf[:], uint64(p.depth)) // Length of the word's depth
n := binary.PutUvarint(numBuf[:], uint64(len(p.word))) // Length of the word's length
patternsSize += uint64(ns + n + len(p.word))
logCtx = append(logCtx, "patternsSize", common.ByteCount(patternsSize))
for i, n := range distribution {
if n == 0 {
logCtx = append(logCtx, fmt.Sprintf("%d", i), fmt.Sprintf("%d", n))
log.Log(lvl, fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Effective dictionary", logPrefix), logCtx...)
var cf *os.File
if cf, err = os.Create(segmentFilePath); err != nil {
return err
cw := bufio.NewWriterSize(cf, 2*etl.BufIOSize)
// 1-st, output amount of words - just a useful metadata
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(numBuf[:], inCount) // Dictionary size
if _, err = cw.Write(numBuf[:8]); err != nil {
return err
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(numBuf[:], emptyWordsCount)
if _, err = cw.Write(numBuf[:8]); err != nil {
return err
// 2-nd, output dictionary size
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(numBuf[:], patternsSize) // Dictionary size
if _, err = cw.Write(numBuf[:8]); err != nil {
return err
//fmt.Printf("patternsSize = %d\n", patternsSize)
// Write all the pattens
slices.SortFunc(patternList, patternListLess)
for _, p := range patternList {
ns := binary.PutUvarint(numBuf[:], uint64(p.depth))
if _, err = cw.Write(numBuf[:ns]); err != nil {
return err
n := binary.PutUvarint(numBuf[:], uint64(len(p.word)))
if _, err = cw.Write(numBuf[:n]); err != nil {
return err
if _, err = cw.Write(p.word); err != nil {
return err
//fmt.Printf("[comp] depth=%d, code=[%b], codeLen=%d pattern=[%x]\n", p.depth, p.code, p.codeBits, p.word)
var positionList PositionList
pos2code := make(map[uint64]*Position)
for pos, uses := range posMap {
p := &Position{pos: pos, uses: uses, code: pos, codeBits: 0}
positionList = append(positionList, p)
pos2code[pos] = p
slices.SortFunc(positionList, positionListLess)
i = 0
// Build Huffman tree for codes
var posHeap PositionHeap
tieBreaker = uint64(0)
for posHeap.Len()+(positionList.Len()-i) > 1 {
// New node
h := &PositionHuff{
tieBreaker: tieBreaker,
if posHeap.Len() > 0 && (i >= positionList.Len() || posHeap[0].uses < positionList[i].uses) {
// Take h0 from the heap
h.h0 = heap.Pop(&posHeap).(*PositionHuff)
h.uses += h.h0.uses
} else {
// Take p0 from the list
h.p0 = positionList[i]
h.p0.code = 0
h.p0.codeBits = 1
h.uses += h.p0.uses
if posHeap.Len() > 0 && (i >= positionList.Len() || posHeap[0].uses < positionList[i].uses) {
// Take h1 from the heap
h.h1 = heap.Pop(&posHeap).(*PositionHuff)
h.uses += h.h1.uses
} else {
// Take p1 from the list
h.p1 = positionList[i]
h.p1.code = 1
h.p1.codeBits = 1
h.uses += h.p1.uses
heap.Push(&posHeap, h)
if posHeap.Len() > 0 {
posRoot := heap.Pop(&posHeap).(*PositionHuff)
// Calculate the size of pos dictionary
var posSize uint64
for _, p := range positionList {
ns := binary.PutUvarint(numBuf[:], uint64(p.depth)) // Length of the position's depth
n := binary.PutUvarint(numBuf[:], p.pos)
posSize += uint64(ns + n)
// First, output dictionary size
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(numBuf[:], posSize) // Dictionary size
if _, err = cw.Write(numBuf[:8]); err != nil {
return err
//fmt.Printf("posSize = %d\n", posSize)
// Write all the positions
slices.SortFunc(positionList, positionListLess)
for _, p := range positionList {
ns := binary.PutUvarint(numBuf[:], uint64(p.depth))
if _, err = cw.Write(numBuf[:ns]); err != nil {
return err
n := binary.PutUvarint(numBuf[:], p.pos)
if _, err = cw.Write(numBuf[:n]); err != nil {
return err
//fmt.Printf("[comp] depth=%d, code=[%b], codeLen=%d pos=%d\n", p.depth, p.code, p.codeBits, p.pos)
log.Log(lvl, fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Positional dictionary", logPrefix), "positionList.len", positionList.Len(), "posSize", common.ByteCount(posSize))
// Re-encode all the words with the use of optimised (via Huffman coding) dictionaries
wc := 0
var hc HuffmanCoder
hc.w = cw
r := bufio.NewReaderSize(intermediateFile, 2*etl.BufIOSize)
var l uint64
var e error
for l, e = binary.ReadUvarint(r); e == nil; l, e = binary.ReadUvarint(r) {
posCode := pos2code[l+1]
if posCode != nil {
if e = hc.encode(posCode.code, posCode.codeBits); e != nil {
return e
if l == 0 {
if e = hc.flush(); e != nil {
return e
} else {
var pNum uint64 // Number of patterns
if pNum, e = binary.ReadUvarint(r); e != nil {
return e
// Now reading patterns one by one
var lastPos uint64
var lastUncovered int
var uncoveredCount int
for i := 0; i < int(pNum); i++ {
var pos uint64 // Starting position for pattern
if pos, e = binary.ReadUvarint(r); e != nil {
return e
posCode = pos2code[pos-lastPos+1]
lastPos = pos
if posCode != nil {
if e = hc.encode(posCode.code, posCode.codeBits); e != nil {
return e
var code uint64 // Code of the pattern
if code, e = binary.ReadUvarint(r); e != nil {
return e
patternCode := code2pattern[code]
if int(pos) > lastUncovered {
uncoveredCount += int(pos) - lastUncovered
lastUncovered = int(pos) + len(patternCode.word)
if patternCode != nil {
if e = hc.encode(patternCode.code, patternCode.codeBits); e != nil {
return e
if int(l) > lastUncovered {
uncoveredCount += int(l) - lastUncovered
// Terminating position and flush
posCode = pos2code[0]
if e = hc.encode(posCode.code, posCode.codeBits); e != nil {
return e
if e = hc.flush(); e != nil {
return e
// Copy uncovered characters
if uncoveredCount > 0 {
if _, e = io.CopyN(cw, r, int64(uncoveredCount)); e != nil {
return e
select {
case <-logEvery.C:
log.Log(lvl, fmt.Sprintf("[%s] Compressed", logPrefix), "processed", fmt.Sprintf("%.2f%%", 100*float64(wc)/float64(totalWords)))
if e != nil && !errors.Is(e, io.EOF) {
return e
if err = intermediateFile.Close(); err != nil {
return err
if err = cw.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
if err = cf.Close(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// processSuperstring is the worker that processes one superstring and puts results
// into the collector, using lock to mutual exclusion. At the end (when the input channel is closed),
// it notifies the waitgroup before exiting, so that the caller known when all work is done
// No error channels for now
func processSuperstring(superstringCh chan []byte, dictCollector *etl.Collector, minPatternScore uint64, completion *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer completion.Done()
dictVal := make([]byte, 8)
dictKey := make([]byte, maxPatternLen)
var lcp, sa, inv []int32
for superstring := range superstringCh {
if cap(sa) < len(superstring) {
sa = make([]int32, len(superstring))
} else {
sa = sa[:len(superstring)]
//log.Info("Superstring", "len", len(superstring))
//start := time.Now()
if err := sais.Sais(superstring, sa); err != nil {
//log.Info("Suffix array built", "in", time.Since(start))
// filter out suffixes that start with odd positions
n := len(sa) / 2
filtered := sa[:n]
//filtered := make([]int32, n)
var j int
for i := 0; i < len(sa); i++ {
if sa[i]&1 == 0 {
filtered[j] = sa[i] >> 1
// Now create an inverted array
if cap(inv) < n {
inv = make([]int32, n)
} else {
inv = inv[:n]
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
inv[filtered[i]] = int32(i)
//log.Info("Inverted array done")
var k int
// Process all suffixes one by one starting from
// first suffix in txt[]
if cap(lcp) < n {
lcp = make([]int32, n)
} else {
lcp = lcp[:n]
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
/* If the current suffix is at n-1, then we dont
have next substring to consider. So lcp is not
defined for this substring, we put zero. */
if inv[i] == int32(n-1) {
k = 0
/* j contains index of the next substring to
be considered to compare with the present
substring, i.e., next string in suffix array */
j := int(filtered[inv[i]+1])
// Directly start matching from k'th index as
// at-least k-1 characters will match
for i+k < n && j+k < n && superstring[(i+k)*2] != 0 && superstring[(j+k)*2] != 0 && superstring[(i+k)*2+1] == superstring[(j+k)*2+1] {
lcp[inv[i]] = int32(k) // lcp for the present suffix.
// Deleting the starting character from the string.
if k > 0 {
//log.Info("Kasai algorithm finished")
// Checking LCP array
for i := 0; i < n-1; i++ {
var prefixLen int
p1 := int(filtered[i])
p2 := int(filtered[i+1])
for p1+prefixLen < n &&
p2+prefixLen < n &&
superstring[(p1+prefixLen)*2] != 0 &&
superstring[(p2+prefixLen)*2] != 0 &&
superstring[(p1+prefixLen)*2+1] == superstring[(p2+prefixLen)*2+1] {
if prefixLen != int(lcp[i]) {
log.Error("Mismatch", "prefixLen", prefixLen, "lcp[i]", lcp[i], "i", i)
l := int(lcp[i]) // Length of potential dictionary word
if l < 2 {
//log.Info("LCP array checked")
// Walk over LCP array and compute the scores of the strings
var b = inv
j = 0
for i := 0; i < n-1; i++ {
// Only when there is a drop in LCP value
if lcp[i+1] >= lcp[i] {
j = i
prevSkipped := false
for l := int(lcp[i]); l > int(lcp[i+1]) && l >= minPatternLen; l-- {
if l > maxPatternLen ||
l > 20 && (l&(l-1)) != 0 { // is power of 2
prevSkipped = true
// Go back
var isNew bool
for j > 0 && int(lcp[j-1]) >= l {
isNew = true
if !isNew && !prevSkipped {
window := i - j + 2
copy(b, filtered[j:i+2])
repeats := 1
lastK := 0
for k := 1; k < window; k++ {
if b[k] >= b[lastK]+int32(l) {
lastK = k
if (l < 8 || l > 64) && repeats < int(minPatternScore) {
prevSkipped = true
score := uint64(repeats * (l))
if score < minPatternScore {
prevSkipped = true
dictKey = dictKey[:l]
for s := 0; s < l; s++ {
dictKey[s] = superstring[(int(filtered[i])+s)*2+1]
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(dictVal, score)
if err := dictCollector.Collect(dictKey, dictVal); err != nil {
log.Error("processSuperstring", "collect", err)
prevSkipped = false //nolint
func DictionaryBuilderFromCollectors(ctx context.Context, logPrefix, tmpDir string, collectors []*etl.Collector, lvl log.Lvl) (*DictionaryBuilder, error) {
dictCollector := etl.NewCollector(logPrefix+"_collectDict", tmpDir, etl.NewSortableBuffer(etl.BufferOptimalSize))
defer dictCollector.Close()
dictAggregator := &DictAggregator{collector: dictCollector, dist: map[int]int{}}
for _, collector := range collectors {
if err := collector.Load(nil, "", dictAggregator.aggLoadFunc, etl.TransformArgs{Quit: ctx.Done()}); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := dictAggregator.finish(); err != nil {
return nil, err
db := &DictionaryBuilder{limit: maxDictPatterns} // Only collect 1m words with highest scores
if err := dictCollector.Load(nil, "", db.loadFunc, etl.TransformArgs{Quit: ctx.Done()}); err != nil {
return nil, err
return db, nil
func PersistDictrionary(fileName string, db *DictionaryBuilder) error {
df, err := os.Create(fileName)
if err != nil {
return err
w := bufio.NewWriterSize(df, 2*etl.BufIOSize)
db.ForEach(func(score uint64, word []byte) { fmt.Fprintf(w, "%d %x\n", score, word) })
if err = w.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
if err := df.Sync(); err != nil {
return err
return df.Close()
func ReadSimpleFile(fileName string, walker func(v []byte) error) error {
// Read keys from the file and generate superstring (with extra byte 0x1 prepended to each character, and with 0x0 0x0 pair inserted between keys and values)
// We only consider values with length > 2, because smaller values are not compressible without going into bits
f, err := os.Open(fileName)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
r := bufio.NewReaderSize(f, etl.BufIOSize)
buf := make([]byte, 4096)
for l, e := binary.ReadUvarint(r); ; l, e = binary.ReadUvarint(r) {
if e != nil {
if errors.Is(e, io.EOF) {
return e
if len(buf) < int(l) {
buf = make([]byte, l)
if _, e = io.ReadFull(r, buf[:l]); e != nil {
return e
if err := walker(buf[:l]); err != nil {
return err
return nil