ledgerwatch f2d93b959b
Introduce separate logging for etl functions (#998)
Co-authored-by: Alex Sharp <alexsharp@Alexs-MacBook-Pro-2.local>
2023-05-18 19:55:02 +00:00

2445 lines
64 KiB

Copyright 2022 Erigon contributors
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package state
import (
btree2 ""
type History struct {
// Files:
// .v - list of values
// .vi - txNum+key -> offset in .v
files *btree2.BTreeG[*filesItem] // thread-safe, but maybe need 1 RWLock for all trees in AggregatorV3
// roFiles derivative from field `file`, but without garbage (canDelete=true, overlaps, etc...)
// MakeContext() using this field in zero-copy way
roFiles atomic.Pointer[[]ctxItem]
historyValsTable string // key1+key2+txnNum -> oldValue , stores values BEFORE change
compressWorkers int
compressVals bool
integrityFileExtensions []string
largeValues bool // can't use DupSort optimization (aka. prefix-compression) if values size > 4kb
garbageFiles []*filesItem // files that exist on disk, but ignored on opening folder - because they are garbage
wal *historyWAL
logger log.Logger
func NewHistory(dir, tmpdir string, aggregationStep uint64,
filenameBase, indexKeysTable, indexTable, historyValsTable string,
compressVals bool, integrityFileExtensions []string, largeValues bool, logger log.Logger) (*History, error) {
h := History{
files: btree2.NewBTreeGOptions[*filesItem](filesItemLess, btree2.Options{Degree: 128, NoLocks: false}),
historyValsTable: historyValsTable,
compressVals: compressVals,
compressWorkers: 1,
integrityFileExtensions: integrityFileExtensions,
largeValues: largeValues,
logger: logger,
var err error
h.InvertedIndex, err = NewInvertedIndex(dir, tmpdir, aggregationStep, filenameBase, indexKeysTable, indexTable, true, append(slices.Clone(h.integrityFileExtensions), "v"), logger)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("NewHistory: %s, %w", filenameBase, err)
return &h, nil
// OpenList - main method to open list of files.
// It's ok if some files was open earlier.
// If some file already open: noop.
// If some file already open but not in provided list: close and remove from `files` field.
func (h *History) OpenList(fNames []string) error {
if err := h.InvertedIndex.OpenList(fNames); err != nil {
return err
return h.openList(fNames)
func (h *History) openList(fNames []string) error {
h.garbageFiles = h.scanStateFiles(fNames)
if err := h.openFiles(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("History.OpenList: %s, %w", h.filenameBase, err)
return nil
func (h *History) OpenFolder() error {
files, err := h.fileNamesOnDisk()
if err != nil {
return err
return h.OpenList(files)
// scanStateFiles
// returns `uselessFiles` where file "is useless" means: it's subset of frozen file. such files can be safely deleted. subset of non-frozen file may be useful
func (h *History) scanStateFiles(fNames []string) (garbageFiles []*filesItem) {
re := regexp.MustCompile("^" + h.filenameBase + ".([0-9]+)-([0-9]+).v$")
var err error
for _, name := range fNames {
subs := re.FindStringSubmatch(name)
if len(subs) != 3 {
if len(subs) != 0 {
h.logger.Warn("[snapshots] file ignored by inverted index scan, more than 3 submatches", "name", name, "submatches", len(subs))
var startStep, endStep uint64
if startStep, err = strconv.ParseUint(subs[1], 10, 64); err != nil {
h.logger.Warn("[snapshots] file ignored by inverted index scan, parsing startTxNum", "error", err, "name", name)
if endStep, err = strconv.ParseUint(subs[2], 10, 64); err != nil {
h.logger.Warn("[snapshots] file ignored by inverted index scan, parsing endTxNum", "error", err, "name", name)
if startStep > endStep {
h.logger.Warn("[snapshots] file ignored by inverted index scan, startTxNum > endTxNum", "name", name)
startTxNum, endTxNum := startStep*h.aggregationStep, endStep*h.aggregationStep
var newFile = newFilesItem(startTxNum, endTxNum, h.aggregationStep)
for _, ext := range h.integrityFileExtensions {
requiredFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d-%d.%s", h.filenameBase, startStep, endStep, ext)
if !dir.FileExist(filepath.Join(h.dir, requiredFile)) {
h.logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("[snapshots] skip %s because %s doesn't exists", name, requiredFile))
garbageFiles = append(garbageFiles, newFile)
continue Loop
if _, has := h.files.Get(newFile); has {
addNewFile := true
var subSets []*filesItem
h.files.Walk(func(items []*filesItem) bool {
for _, item := range items {
if item.isSubsetOf(newFile) {
subSets = append(subSets, item)
if newFile.isSubsetOf(item) {
if item.frozen {
addNewFile = false
garbageFiles = append(garbageFiles, newFile)
return true
if addNewFile {
return garbageFiles
func (h *History) openFiles() error {
var totalKeys uint64
var err error
invalidFileItems := make([]*filesItem, 0)
h.files.Walk(func(items []*filesItem) bool {
for _, item := range items {
if item.decompressor != nil {
fromStep, toStep := item.startTxNum/h.aggregationStep, item.endTxNum/h.aggregationStep
datPath := filepath.Join(h.dir, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d-%d.v", h.filenameBase, fromStep, toStep))
if !dir.FileExist(datPath) {
invalidFileItems = append(invalidFileItems, item)
if item.decompressor, err = compress.NewDecompressor(datPath); err != nil {
h.logger.Debug("Hisrory.openFiles: %w, %s", err, datPath)
return false
if item.index != nil {
idxPath := filepath.Join(h.dir, fmt.Sprintf("", h.filenameBase, fromStep, toStep))
if dir.FileExist(idxPath) {
if item.index, err = recsplit.OpenIndex(idxPath); err != nil {
h.logger.Debug(fmt.Errorf("Hisrory.openFiles: %w, %s", err, idxPath).Error())
return false
totalKeys += item.index.KeyCount()
return true
if err != nil {
return err
for _, item := range invalidFileItems {
return nil
func (h *History) closeWhatNotInList(fNames []string) {
var toDelete []*filesItem
h.files.Walk(func(items []*filesItem) bool {
for _, item := range items {
for _, protectName := range fNames {
if item.decompressor != nil && item.decompressor.FileName() == protectName {
continue Loop1
toDelete = append(toDelete, item)
return true
for _, item := range toDelete {
if item.decompressor != nil {
if err := item.decompressor.Close(); err != nil {
h.logger.Trace("close", "err", err, "file", item.index.FileName())
item.decompressor = nil
if item.index != nil {
if err := item.index.Close(); err != nil {
h.logger.Trace("close", "err", err, "file", item.index.FileName())
item.index = nil
func (h *History) Close() {
func (h *History) Files() (res []string) {
h.files.Walk(func(items []*filesItem) bool {
for _, item := range items {
if item.decompressor != nil {
res = append(res, item.decompressor.FileName())
return true
res = append(res, h.InvertedIndex.Files()...)
return res
func (h *History) missedIdxFiles() (l []*filesItem) {
h.files.Walk(func(items []*filesItem) bool { // don't run slow logic while iterating on btree
for _, item := range items {
fromStep, toStep := item.startTxNum/h.aggregationStep, item.endTxNum/h.aggregationStep
if !dir.FileExist(filepath.Join(h.dir, fmt.Sprintf("", h.filenameBase, fromStep, toStep))) {
l = append(l, item)
return true
return l
// BuildMissedIndices - produce .efi/.vi/.kvi from .ef/.v/.kv
func (hc *HistoryContext) BuildOptionalMissedIndices(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
return hc.h.localityIndex.BuildMissedIndices(ctx, hc.ic)
func (h *History) buildVi(ctx context.Context, item *filesItem, p *background.Progress) (err error) {
search := &filesItem{startTxNum: item.startTxNum, endTxNum: item.endTxNum}
iiItem, ok := h.InvertedIndex.files.Get(search)
if !ok {
return nil
fromStep, toStep := item.startTxNum/h.aggregationStep, item.endTxNum/h.aggregationStep
fName := fmt.Sprintf("", h.filenameBase, fromStep, toStep)
idxPath := filepath.Join(h.dir, fName)
//h.logger.Info("[snapshots] build idx", "file", fName)
p.Total.Store(uint64(iiItem.decompressor.Count()) * 2)
count, err := iterateForVi(item, iiItem, p, h.compressVals, func(v []byte) error { return nil })
if err != nil {
return err
return buildVi(ctx, item, iiItem, idxPath, h.tmpdir, count, p, h.compressVals, h.logger)
func (h *History) BuildMissedIndices(ctx context.Context, g *errgroup.Group, ps *background.ProgressSet) {
h.InvertedIndex.BuildMissedIndices(ctx, g, ps)
missedFiles := h.missedIdxFiles()
for _, item := range missedFiles {
item := item
g.Go(func() error {
p := &background.Progress{}
defer ps.Delete(p)
return h.buildVi(ctx, item, p)
func iterateForVi(historyItem, iiItem *filesItem, p *background.Progress, compressVals bool, f func(v []byte) error) (count int, err error) {
var cp CursorHeap
g := iiItem.decompressor.MakeGetter()
if g.HasNext() {
g2 := historyItem.decompressor.MakeGetter()
key, _ := g.NextUncompressed()
val, _ := g.NextUncompressed()
heap.Push(&cp, &CursorItem{
dg: g,
dg2: g2,
key: key,
val: val,
endTxNum: iiItem.endTxNum,
reverse: false,
// In the loop below, the pair `keyBuf=>valBuf` is always 1 item behind `lastKey=>lastVal`.
// `lastKey` and `lastVal` are taken from the top of the multi-way merge (assisted by the CursorHeap cp), but not processed right away
// instead, the pair from the previous iteration is processed first - `keyBuf=>valBuf`. After that, `keyBuf` and `valBuf` are assigned
// to `lastKey` and `lastVal` correspondingly, and the next step of multi-way merge happens. Therefore, after the multi-way merge loop
// (when CursorHeap cp is empty), there is a need to process the last pair `keyBuf=>valBuf`, because it was one step behind
var valBuf []byte
for cp.Len() > 0 {
lastKey := common.Copy(cp[0].key)
// Advance all the items that have this key (including the top)
//var mergeOnce bool
for cp.Len() > 0 && bytes.Equal(cp[0].key, lastKey) {
ci1 := cp[0]
keysCount := eliasfano32.Count(ci1.val)
for i := uint64(0); i < keysCount; i++ {
if compressVals {
valBuf, _ = ci1.dg2.Next(valBuf[:0])
} else {
valBuf, _ = ci1.dg2.NextUncompressed()
if err = f(valBuf); err != nil {
return count, err
count += int(keysCount)
if ci1.dg.HasNext() {
ci1.key, _ = ci1.dg.NextUncompressed()
ci1.val, _ = ci1.dg.NextUncompressed()
heap.Fix(&cp, 0)
} else {
heap.Remove(&cp, 0)
return count, nil
func buildVi(ctx context.Context, historyItem, iiItem *filesItem, historyIdxPath, tmpdir string, count int, p *background.Progress, compressVals bool, logger log.Logger) error {
rs, err := recsplit.NewRecSplit(recsplit.RecSplitArgs{
KeyCount: count,
Enums: false,
BucketSize: 2000,
LeafSize: 8,
TmpDir: tmpdir,
IndexFile: historyIdxPath,
EtlBufLimit: etl.BufferOptimalSize / 2,
}, logger)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("create recsplit: %w", err)
defer rs.Close()
var historyKey []byte
var txKey [8]byte
var valOffset uint64
defer iiItem.decompressor.EnableMadvNormal().DisableReadAhead()
defer historyItem.decompressor.EnableMadvNormal().DisableReadAhead()
g := iiItem.decompressor.MakeGetter()
g2 := historyItem.decompressor.MakeGetter()
var keyBuf, valBuf []byte
for {
valOffset = 0
for g.HasNext() {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
keyBuf, _ = g.NextUncompressed()
valBuf, _ = g.NextUncompressed()
ef, _ := eliasfano32.ReadEliasFano(valBuf)
efIt := ef.Iterator()
for efIt.HasNext() {
txNum, _ := efIt.Next()
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(txKey[:], txNum)
historyKey = append(append(historyKey[:0], txKey[:]...), keyBuf...)
if err = rs.AddKey(historyKey, valOffset); err != nil {
return err
if compressVals {
valOffset = g2.Skip()
} else {
valOffset = g2.SkipUncompressed()
if err = rs.Build(); err != nil {
if rs.Collision() {
logger.Info("Building recsplit. Collision happened. It's ok. Restarting...")
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("build %s idx: %w", historyIdxPath, err)
} else {
return nil
func (h *History) AddPrevValue(key1, key2, original []byte) (err error) {
if original == nil {
original = []byte{}
return h.wal.addPrevValue(key1, key2, original)
func (h *History) DiscardHistory() {
h.wal = h.newWriter(h.tmpdir, false, true)
func (h *History) StartWrites() {
h.wal = h.newWriter(h.tmpdir, true, false)
func (h *History) FinishWrites() {
h.wal = nil
func (h *History) Rotate() historyFlusher {
w := h.wal
h.wal = h.newWriter(h.wal.tmpdir, h.wal.buffered, h.wal.discard)
return historyFlusher{w, h.InvertedIndex.Rotate()}
type historyFlusher struct {
h *historyWAL
i *invertedIndexWAL
func (f historyFlusher) Flush(ctx context.Context, tx kv.RwTx) error {
if err := f.i.Flush(ctx, tx); err != nil {
return err
if err := f.h.flush(ctx, tx); err != nil {
return err
return nil
type historyWAL struct {
h *History
historyVals *etl.Collector
tmpdir string
autoIncrementBuf []byte
historyKey []byte
buffered bool
discard bool
largeValues bool
func (h *historyWAL) close() {
if h == nil { // allow dobule-close
if h.historyVals != nil {
func (h *History) newWriter(tmpdir string, buffered, discard bool) *historyWAL {
w := &historyWAL{h: h,
tmpdir: tmpdir,
buffered: buffered,
discard: discard,
autoIncrementBuf: make([]byte, 8),
historyKey: make([]byte, 0, 128),
largeValues: h.largeValues,
if buffered {
w.historyVals = etl.NewCollector(h.historyValsTable, tmpdir, etl.NewSortableBuffer(WALCollectorRAM), h.logger)
return w
func (h *historyWAL) flush(ctx context.Context, tx kv.RwTx) error {
if h.discard {
return nil
if err := h.historyVals.Load(tx, h.h.historyValsTable, loadFunc, etl.TransformArgs{Quit: ctx.Done()}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (h *historyWAL) addPrevValue(key1, key2, original []byte) error {
if h.discard {
return nil
ii := h.h.InvertedIndex
if h.largeValues {
lk := len(key1) + len(key2)
historyKey := h.historyKey[:lk+8]
copy(historyKey, key1)
if len(key2) > 0 {
copy(historyKey[len(key1):], key2)
copy(historyKey[lk:], h.h.InvertedIndex.txNumBytes[:])
if !h.buffered {
if err := h.h.tx.Put(h.h.historyValsTable, historyKey, original); err != nil {
return err
if err := ii.tx.Put(ii.indexKeysTable, ii.txNumBytes[:], historyKey[:lk]); err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err := h.historyVals.Collect(historyKey, original); err != nil {
return err
if err := ii.wal.indexKeys.Collect(ii.txNumBytes[:], historyKey[:lk]); err != nil {
return err
return nil
lk := len(key1) + len(key2)
historyKey := h.historyKey[:lk+8+len(original)]
copy(historyKey, key1)
copy(historyKey[len(key1):], key2)
copy(historyKey[lk:], h.h.InvertedIndex.txNumBytes[:])
copy(historyKey[lk+8:], original)
historyKey1 := historyKey[:lk]
historyVal := historyKey[lk:]
invIdxVal := historyKey[:lk]
if err := h.historyVals.Collect(historyKey1, historyVal); err != nil {
return err
if err := ii.wal.indexKeys.Collect(ii.txNumBytes[:], invIdxVal); err != nil {
return err
return nil
type HistoryCollation struct {
historyComp *compress.Compressor
indexBitmaps map[string]*roaring64.Bitmap
historyPath string
historyCount int
func (c HistoryCollation) Close() {
if c.historyComp != nil {
for _, b := range c.indexBitmaps {
func (h *History) collate(step, txFrom, txTo uint64, roTx kv.Tx) (HistoryCollation, error) {
var historyComp *compress.Compressor
var err error
closeComp := true
defer func() {
if closeComp {
if historyComp != nil {
historyPath := filepath.Join(h.dir, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d-%d.v", h.filenameBase, step, step+1))
if historyComp, err = compress.NewCompressor(context.Background(), "collate history", historyPath, h.tmpdir, compress.MinPatternScore, h.compressWorkers, log.LvlTrace, h.logger); err != nil {
return HistoryCollation{}, fmt.Errorf("create %s history compressor: %w", h.filenameBase, err)
keysCursor, err := roTx.CursorDupSort(h.indexKeysTable)
if err != nil {
return HistoryCollation{}, fmt.Errorf("create %s history cursor: %w", h.filenameBase, err)
defer keysCursor.Close()
indexBitmaps := map[string]*roaring64.Bitmap{}
var txKey [8]byte
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(txKey[:], txFrom)
var k, v []byte
for k, v, err = keysCursor.Seek(txKey[:]); err == nil && k != nil; k, v, err = keysCursor.Next() {
txNum := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(k)
if txNum >= txTo {
var bitmap *roaring64.Bitmap
var ok bool
if bitmap, ok = indexBitmaps[string(v)]; !ok {
bitmap = bitmapdb.NewBitmap64()
indexBitmaps[string(v)] = bitmap
if err != nil {
return HistoryCollation{}, fmt.Errorf("iterate over %s history cursor: %w", h.filenameBase, err)
keys := make([]string, 0, len(indexBitmaps))
for key := range indexBitmaps {
keys = append(keys, key)
historyCount := 0
keyBuf := make([]byte, 256)
var c kv.Cursor
var cd kv.CursorDupSort
if h.largeValues {
c, err = roTx.Cursor(h.historyValsTable)
if err != nil {
return HistoryCollation{}, err
defer c.Close()
} else {
cd, err = roTx.CursorDupSort(h.historyValsTable)
if err != nil {
return HistoryCollation{}, err
defer cd.Close()
for _, key := range keys {
bitmap := indexBitmaps[key]
it := bitmap.Iterator()
copy(keyBuf, key)
keyBuf = keyBuf[:len(key)+8]
for it.HasNext() {
txNum := it.Next()
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(keyBuf[len(key):], txNum)
//TODO: use cursor range
if h.largeValues {
val, err := roTx.GetOne(h.historyValsTable, keyBuf)
if err != nil {
return HistoryCollation{}, fmt.Errorf("get %s history val [%x]: %w", h.filenameBase, k, err)
if len(val) == 0 {
val = nil
if err = historyComp.AddUncompressedWord(val); err != nil {
return HistoryCollation{}, fmt.Errorf("add %s history val [%x]=>[%x]: %w", h.filenameBase, k, val, err)
} else {
val, err := cd.SeekBothRange(keyBuf[:len(key)], keyBuf[len(key):])
if err != nil {
return HistoryCollation{}, err
if val != nil && binary.BigEndian.Uint64(val) == txNum {
val = val[8:]
} else {
val = nil
if err = historyComp.AddUncompressedWord(val); err != nil {
return HistoryCollation{}, fmt.Errorf("add %s history val [%x]=>[%x]: %w", h.filenameBase, k, val, err)
closeComp = false
return HistoryCollation{
historyPath: historyPath,
historyComp: historyComp,
historyCount: historyCount,
indexBitmaps: indexBitmaps,
}, nil
type HistoryFiles struct {
historyDecomp *compress.Decompressor
historyIdx *recsplit.Index
efHistoryDecomp *compress.Decompressor
efHistoryIdx *recsplit.Index
func (sf HistoryFiles) Close() {
if sf.historyDecomp != nil {
if sf.historyIdx != nil {
if sf.efHistoryDecomp != nil {
if sf.efHistoryIdx != nil {
func (h *History) reCalcRoFiles() {
roFiles := ctxFiles(h.files)
// buildFiles performs potentially resource intensive operations of creating
// static files and their indices
func (h *History) buildFiles(ctx context.Context, step uint64, collation HistoryCollation, ps *background.ProgressSet) (HistoryFiles, error) {
historyComp := collation.historyComp
var historyDecomp, efHistoryDecomp *compress.Decompressor
var historyIdx, efHistoryIdx *recsplit.Index
var efHistoryComp *compress.Compressor
var rs *recsplit.RecSplit
closeComp := true
defer func() {
if closeComp {
if historyComp != nil {
if historyDecomp != nil {
if historyIdx != nil {
if efHistoryComp != nil {
if efHistoryDecomp != nil {
if efHistoryIdx != nil {
if rs != nil {
var historyIdxPath, efHistoryPath string
historyIdxFileName := fmt.Sprintf("", h.filenameBase, step, step+1)
p := ps.AddNew(historyIdxFileName, 1)
defer ps.Delete(p)
historyIdxPath = filepath.Join(h.dir, historyIdxFileName)
if err := historyComp.Compress(); err != nil {
return HistoryFiles{}, fmt.Errorf("compress %s history: %w", h.filenameBase, err)
historyComp = nil
keys := make([]string, 0, len(collation.indexBitmaps))
for key := range collation.indexBitmaps {
keys = append(keys, key)
var err error
if historyDecomp, err = compress.NewDecompressor(collation.historyPath); err != nil {
return HistoryFiles{}, fmt.Errorf("open %s history decompressor: %w", h.filenameBase, err)
// Build history ef
efHistoryFileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d-%d.ef", h.filenameBase, step, step+1)
p := ps.AddNew(efHistoryFileName, 1)
defer ps.Delete(p)
efHistoryPath = filepath.Join(h.dir, efHistoryFileName)
efHistoryComp, err = compress.NewCompressor(ctx, "ef history", efHistoryPath, h.tmpdir, compress.MinPatternScore, h.compressWorkers, log.LvlTrace, h.logger)
if err != nil {
return HistoryFiles{}, fmt.Errorf("create %s ef history compressor: %w", h.filenameBase, err)
var buf []byte
for _, key := range keys {
if err = efHistoryComp.AddUncompressedWord([]byte(key)); err != nil {
return HistoryFiles{}, fmt.Errorf("add %s ef history key [%x]: %w", h.InvertedIndex.filenameBase, key, err)
bitmap := collation.indexBitmaps[key]
ef := eliasfano32.NewEliasFano(bitmap.GetCardinality(), bitmap.Maximum())
it := bitmap.Iterator()
for it.HasNext() {
txNum := it.Next()
buf = ef.AppendBytes(buf[:0])
if err = efHistoryComp.AddUncompressedWord(buf); err != nil {
return HistoryFiles{}, fmt.Errorf("add %s ef history val: %w", h.filenameBase, err)
if err = efHistoryComp.Compress(); err != nil {
return HistoryFiles{}, fmt.Errorf("compress %s ef history: %w", h.filenameBase, err)
efHistoryComp = nil
var err error
if efHistoryDecomp, err = compress.NewDecompressor(efHistoryPath); err != nil {
return HistoryFiles{}, fmt.Errorf("open %s ef history decompressor: %w", h.filenameBase, err)
efHistoryIdxFileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d-%d.efi", h.filenameBase, step, step+1)
efHistoryIdxPath := filepath.Join(h.dir, efHistoryIdxFileName)
p := ps.AddNew(efHistoryIdxFileName, uint64(len(keys)*2))
defer ps.Delete(p)
if efHistoryIdx, err = buildIndexThenOpen(ctx, efHistoryDecomp, efHistoryIdxPath, h.tmpdir, len(keys), false /* values */, p, h.logger); err != nil {
return HistoryFiles{}, fmt.Errorf("build %s ef history idx: %w", h.filenameBase, err)
if rs, err = recsplit.NewRecSplit(recsplit.RecSplitArgs{
KeyCount: collation.historyCount,
Enums: false,
BucketSize: 2000,
LeafSize: 8,
TmpDir: h.tmpdir,
IndexFile: historyIdxPath,
}, h.logger); err != nil {
return HistoryFiles{}, fmt.Errorf("create recsplit: %w", err)
var historyKey []byte
var txKey [8]byte
var valOffset uint64
g := historyDecomp.MakeGetter()
for {
valOffset = 0
for _, key := range keys {
bitmap := collation.indexBitmaps[key]
it := bitmap.Iterator()
for it.HasNext() {
txNum := it.Next()
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(txKey[:], txNum)
historyKey = append(append(historyKey[:0], txKey[:]...), key...)
if err = rs.AddKey(historyKey, valOffset); err != nil {
return HistoryFiles{}, fmt.Errorf("add %s history idx [%x]: %w", h.filenameBase, historyKey, err)
valOffset = g.Skip()
if err = rs.Build(); err != nil {
if rs.Collision() {
log.Info("Building recsplit. Collision happened. It's ok. Restarting...")
} else {
return HistoryFiles{}, fmt.Errorf("build idx: %w", err)
} else {
rs = nil
if historyIdx, err = recsplit.OpenIndex(historyIdxPath); err != nil {
return HistoryFiles{}, fmt.Errorf("open idx: %w", err)
closeComp = false
return HistoryFiles{
historyDecomp: historyDecomp,
historyIdx: historyIdx,
efHistoryDecomp: efHistoryDecomp,
efHistoryIdx: efHistoryIdx,
}, nil
func (h *History) integrateFiles(sf HistoryFiles, txNumFrom, txNumTo uint64) {
decomp: sf.efHistoryDecomp,
index: sf.efHistoryIdx,
}, txNumFrom, txNumTo)
fi := newFilesItem(txNumFrom, txNumTo, h.aggregationStep)
fi.decompressor = sf.historyDecomp
fi.index = sf.historyIdx
func (h *History) warmup(ctx context.Context, txFrom, limit uint64, tx kv.Tx) error {
historyKeysCursor, err := tx.CursorDupSort(h.indexKeysTable)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("create %s history cursor: %w", h.filenameBase, err)
defer historyKeysCursor.Close()
var txKey [8]byte
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(txKey[:], txFrom)
valsC, err := tx.Cursor(h.historyValsTable)
if err != nil {
return err
defer valsC.Close()
k, v, err := historyKeysCursor.Seek(txKey[:])
if err != nil {
return err
if k == nil {
return nil
txFrom = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(k)
txTo := txFrom + h.aggregationStep
if limit != math.MaxUint64 && limit != 0 {
txTo = txFrom + limit
keyBuf := make([]byte, 256)
for ; err == nil && k != nil; k, v, err = historyKeysCursor.Next() {
if err != nil {
return err
txNum := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(k)
if txNum >= txTo {
copy(keyBuf, v)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(keyBuf[len(v):], txNum)
_, _, _ = valsC.Seek(keyBuf)
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("iterate over %s history keys: %w", h.filenameBase, err)
return nil
func (h *History) isEmpty(tx kv.Tx) (bool, error) {
if h.largeValues {
k, err := kv.FirstKey(tx, h.historyValsTable)
if err != nil {
return false, err
k2, err := kv.FirstKey(tx, h.indexKeysTable)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return k == nil && k2 == nil, nil
k, err := kv.FirstKey(tx, h.historyValsTable)
if err != nil {
return false, err
k2, err := kv.FirstKey(tx, h.indexKeysTable)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return k == nil && k2 == nil, nil
func (h *History) prune(ctx context.Context, txFrom, txTo, limit uint64, logEvery *time.Ticker) error {
historyKeysCursor, err := h.tx.RwCursorDupSort(h.indexKeysTable)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("create %s history cursor: %w", h.filenameBase, err)
defer historyKeysCursor.Close()
var txKey [8]byte
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(txKey[:], txFrom)
k, v, err := historyKeysCursor.Seek(txKey[:])
if err != nil {
return err
if k == nil {
return nil
txFrom = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(k)
if limit != math.MaxUint64 && limit != 0 {
txTo = cmp.Min(txTo, txFrom+limit)
if txFrom >= txTo {
return nil
collector := etl.NewCollector("snapshots", h.tmpdir, etl.NewOldestEntryBuffer(etl.BufferOptimalSize), h.logger)
defer collector.Close()
// Invariant: if some `txNum=N` pruned - it's pruned Fully
// Means: can use DeleteCurrentDuplicates all values of given `txNum`
for ; err == nil && k != nil; k, v, err = historyKeysCursor.NextNoDup() {
txNum := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(k)
if txNum >= txTo {
for ; err == nil && k != nil; k, v, err = historyKeysCursor.NextDup() {
if err := collector.Collect(v, nil); err != nil {
return err
// This DeleteCurrent needs to the last in the loop iteration, because it invalidates k and v
if err = historyKeysCursor.DeleteCurrentDuplicates(); err != nil {
return err
if h.largeValues {
valsC, err := h.tx.RwCursor(h.historyValsTable)
if err != nil {
return err
defer valsC.Close()
if err := collector.Load(h.tx, "", func(key, _ []byte, table etl.CurrentTableReader, next etl.LoadNextFunc) error {
for k, _, err := valsC.Seek(key); k != nil; k, _, err = valsC.Next() {
if err != nil {
return err
if !bytes.HasPrefix(k, key) {
txNum := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(k[len(k)-8:])
if txNum >= txTo {
if err = valsC.DeleteCurrent(); err != nil {
return err
select {
case <-logEvery.C:
log.Info("[snapshots] prune history", "name", h.filenameBase, "to_step", fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", float64(txTo)/float64(h.aggregationStep)), "prefix", fmt.Sprintf("%x", key[:8]))
return nil
}, etl.TransformArgs{Quit: ctx.Done()}); err != nil {
return err
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("iterate over %s history keys: %w", h.filenameBase, err)
} else {
valsC, err := h.tx.RwCursorDupSort(h.historyValsTable)
if err != nil {
return err
defer valsC.Close()
if err := collector.Load(h.tx, "", func(key, _ []byte, table etl.CurrentTableReader, next etl.LoadNextFunc) error {
for k, v, err := valsC.SeekExact(key); k != nil; k, v, err = valsC.NextDup() {
if err != nil {
return err
txNum := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(v)
if txNum >= txTo {
if err = valsC.DeleteCurrent(); err != nil {
return err
select {
case <-logEvery.C:
log.Info("[snapshots] prune history", "name", h.filenameBase, "to_step", fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", float64(txTo)/float64(h.aggregationStep)), "prefix", fmt.Sprintf("%x", key[:8]))
return nil
}, etl.TransformArgs{Quit: ctx.Done()}); err != nil {
return err
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("iterate over %s history keys: %w", h.filenameBase, err)
return nil
func (h *History) pruneF(txFrom, txTo uint64, f func(txNum uint64, k, v []byte) error) error {
historyKeysCursor, err := h.tx.RwCursorDupSort(h.indexKeysTable)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("create %s history cursor: %w", h.filenameBase, err)
defer historyKeysCursor.Close()
var txKey [8]byte
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(txKey[:], txFrom)
var k, v []byte
var valsC kv.RwCursor
var valsCDup kv.RwCursorDupSort
if h.largeValues {
valsC, err = h.tx.RwCursor(h.historyValsTable)
if err != nil {
return err
defer valsC.Close()
} else {
valsCDup, err = h.tx.RwCursorDupSort(h.historyValsTable)
if err != nil {
return err
defer valsCDup.Close()
for k, v, err = historyKeysCursor.Seek(txKey[:]); err == nil && k != nil; k, v, err = historyKeysCursor.Next() {
txNum := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(k)
if txNum >= txTo {
if h.largeValues {
seek := append(common.Copy(v), k...)
kk, vv, err := valsC.SeekExact(seek)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := f(txNum, kk[:len(kk)-8], vv); err != nil {
return err
if kk != nil {
if err = valsC.DeleteCurrent(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
vv, err := valsCDup.SeekBothRange(v, k)
if err != nil {
return err
if binary.BigEndian.Uint64(vv) != txNum {
if err := f(txNum, v, vv[8:]); err != nil {
return err
if err = valsCDup.DeleteCurrent(); err != nil {
return err
// This DeleteCurrent needs to the last in the loop iteration, because it invalidates k and v
if err = historyKeysCursor.DeleteCurrent(); err != nil {
return err
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("iterate over %s history keys: %w", h.filenameBase, err)
return nil
type HistoryContext struct {
h *History
ic *InvertedIndexContext
files []ctxItem // have no garbage (canDelete=true, overlaps, etc...)
getters []*compress.Getter
readers []*recsplit.IndexReader
trace bool
func (h *History) MakeContext() *HistoryContext {
var hc = HistoryContext{
h: h,
ic: h.InvertedIndex.MakeContext(),
files: *h.roFiles.Load(),
trace: false,
for _, item := range hc.files {
if !item.src.frozen {
return &hc
func (hc *HistoryContext) statelessGetter(i int) *compress.Getter {
if hc.getters == nil {
hc.getters = make([]*compress.Getter, len(hc.files))
r := hc.getters[i]
if r == nil {
r = hc.files[i].src.decompressor.MakeGetter()
hc.getters[i] = r
return r
func (hc *HistoryContext) statelessIdxReader(i int) *recsplit.IndexReader {
if hc.readers == nil {
hc.readers = make([]*recsplit.IndexReader, len(hc.files))
r := hc.readers[i]
if r == nil {
r = hc.files[i].src.index.GetReaderFromPool()
hc.readers[i] = r
return r
func (hc *HistoryContext) Close() {
for _, item := range hc.files {
if item.src.frozen {
refCnt := item.src.refcount.Add(-1)
//if hc.h.filenameBase == "accounts" && item.src.canDelete.Load() {
// log.Warn("[history] HistoryContext.Close: check file to remove", "refCnt", refCnt, "name", item.src.decompressor.FileName())
//GC: last reader responsible to remove useles files: close it and delete
if refCnt == 0 && item.src.canDelete.Load() {
for _, r := range hc.readers {
func (hc *HistoryContext) getFile(from, to uint64) (it ctxItem, ok bool) {
for _, item := range hc.files {
if item.startTxNum == from && item.endTxNum == to {
return item, true
return it, false
func (hc *HistoryContext) GetNoState(key []byte, txNum uint64) ([]byte, bool, error) {
exactStep1, exactStep2, lastIndexedTxNum, foundExactShard1, foundExactShard2 := hc.h.localityIndex.lookupIdxFiles(hc.ic.loc, key, txNum)
//fmt.Printf("GetNoState [%x] %d\n", key, txNum)
var foundTxNum uint64
var foundEndTxNum uint64
var foundStartTxNum uint64
var found bool
var findInFile = func(item ctxItem) bool {
reader := hc.ic.statelessIdxReader(item.i)
if reader.Empty() {
return true
offset := reader.Lookup(key)
g := hc.ic.statelessGetter(item.i)
k, _ := g.NextUncompressed()
if !bytes.Equal(k, key) {
//if bytes.Equal(key, hex.MustDecodeString("009ba32869045058a3f05d6f3dd2abb967e338f6")) {
// fmt.Printf("not in this shard: %x, %d, %d-%d\n", k, txNum, item.startTxNum/hc.h.aggregationStep, item.endTxNum/hc.h.aggregationStep)
return true
eliasVal, _ := g.NextUncompressed()
ef, _ := eliasfano32.ReadEliasFano(eliasVal)
n, ok := ef.Search(txNum)
if hc.trace {
n2, _ := ef.Search(n + 1)
n3, _ := ef.Search(n - 1)
fmt.Printf("hist: files: %s %d<-%d->%d->%d, %x\n", hc.h.filenameBase, n3, txNum, n, n2, key)
if ok {
foundTxNum = n
foundEndTxNum = item.endTxNum
foundStartTxNum = item.startTxNum
found = true
return false
return true
// -- LocaliyIndex opimization --
// check up to 2 exact files
if foundExactShard1 {
from, to := exactStep1*hc.h.aggregationStep, (exactStep1+StepsInBiggestFile)*hc.h.aggregationStep
item, ok := hc.ic.getFile(from, to)
if ok {
//for _, item := range hc.invIndexFiles {
// if item.startTxNum == from && item.endTxNum == to {
// findInFile(item)
// }
//exactShard1, ok := hc.invIndexFiles.Get(ctxItem{startTxNum: exactStep1 * hc.h.aggregationStep, endTxNum: (exactStep1 + StepsInBiggestFile) * hc.h.aggregationStep})
//if ok {
// findInFile(exactShard1)
if !found && foundExactShard2 {
from, to := exactStep2*hc.h.aggregationStep, (exactStep2+StepsInBiggestFile)*hc.h.aggregationStep
item, ok := hc.ic.getFile(from, to)
if ok {
//exactShard2, ok := hc.invIndexFiles.Get(ctxItem{startTxNum: exactStep2 * hc.h.aggregationStep, endTxNum: (exactStep2 + StepsInBiggestFile) * hc.h.aggregationStep})
//if ok {
// findInFile(exactShard2)
// otherwise search in recent non-fully-merged files (they are out of LocalityIndex scope)
// searchFrom - variable already set for this
// if there is no LocaliyIndex available
// -- LocaliyIndex opimization End --
if !found {
for _, item := range hc.ic.files {
if item.endTxNum <= lastIndexedTxNum {
if !findInFile(item) {
//hc.invIndexFiles.AscendGreaterOrEqual(ctxItem{startTxNum: lastIndexedTxNum, endTxNum: lastIndexedTxNum}, findInFile)
if found {
historyItem, ok := hc.getFile(foundStartTxNum, foundEndTxNum)
if !ok {
return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("hist file not found: key=%x, %s.%d-%d", key, hc.h.filenameBase, foundStartTxNum/hc.h.aggregationStep, foundEndTxNum/hc.h.aggregationStep)
var txKey [8]byte
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(txKey[:], foundTxNum)
reader := hc.statelessIdxReader(historyItem.i)
offset := reader.Lookup2(txKey[:], key)
//fmt.Printf("offset = %d, txKey=[%x], key=[%x]\n", offset, txKey[:], key)
g := hc.statelessGetter(historyItem.i)
if hc.h.compressVals {
v, _ := g.Next(nil)
return v, true, nil
v, _ := g.NextUncompressed()
return v, true, nil
return nil, false, nil
func (hs *HistoryStep) GetNoState(key []byte, txNum uint64) ([]byte, bool, uint64) {
//fmt.Printf("GetNoState [%x] %d\n", key, txNum)
if hs.indexFile.reader.Empty() {
return nil, false, txNum
offset := hs.indexFile.reader.Lookup(key)
g := hs.indexFile.getter
k, _ := g.NextUncompressed()
if !bytes.Equal(k, key) {
return nil, false, txNum
//fmt.Printf("Found key=%x\n", k)
eliasVal, _ := g.NextUncompressed()
ef, _ := eliasfano32.ReadEliasFano(eliasVal)
n, ok := ef.Search(txNum)
if !ok {
return nil, false, ef.Max()
var txKey [8]byte
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(txKey[:], n)
offset = hs.historyFile.reader.Lookup2(txKey[:], key)
//fmt.Printf("offset = %d, txKey=[%x], key=[%x]\n", offset, txKey[:], key)
g = hs.historyFile.getter
if hs.compressVals {
v, _ := g.Next(nil)
return v, true, txNum
v, _ := g.NextUncompressed()
return v, true, txNum
func (hs *HistoryStep) MaxTxNum(key []byte) (bool, uint64) {
if hs.indexFile.reader.Empty() {
return false, 0
offset := hs.indexFile.reader.Lookup(key)
g := hs.indexFile.getter
k, _ := g.NextUncompressed()
if !bytes.Equal(k, key) {
return false, 0
//fmt.Printf("Found key=%x\n", k)
eliasVal, _ := g.NextUncompressed()
return true, eliasfano32.Max(eliasVal)
// GetNoStateWithRecent searches history for a value of specified key before txNum
// second return value is true if the value is found in the history (even if it is nil)
func (hc *HistoryContext) GetNoStateWithRecent(key []byte, txNum uint64, roTx kv.Tx) ([]byte, bool, error) {
v, ok, err := hc.GetNoState(key, txNum)
if err != nil {
return nil, ok, err
if ok {
return v, true, nil
// Value not found in history files, look in the recent history
if roTx == nil {
return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("roTx is nil")
return hc.getNoStateFromDB(key, txNum, roTx)
func (hc *HistoryContext) getNoStateFromDB(key []byte, txNum uint64, tx kv.Tx) ([]byte, bool, error) {
if hc.h.largeValues {
c, err := tx.Cursor(hc.h.historyValsTable)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
defer c.Close()
seek := make([]byte, len(key)+8)
copy(seek, key)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(seek[len(key):], txNum)
kAndTxNum, val, err := c.Seek(seek)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
if kAndTxNum == nil || !bytes.Equal(kAndTxNum[:len(kAndTxNum)-8], key) {
return nil, false, nil
// val == []byte{},m eans key was created in this txNum and doesn't exists before.
return val, true, nil
c, err := tx.CursorDupSort(hc.h.historyValsTable)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
defer c.Close()
seek := make([]byte, len(key)+8)
copy(seek, key)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(seek[len(key):], txNum)
val, err := c.SeekBothRange(key, seek[len(key):])
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
if val == nil {
return nil, false, nil
// `val == []byte{}` means key was created in this txNum and doesn't exists before.
return val[8:], true, nil
func (hc *HistoryContext) WalkAsOf(startTxNum uint64, from, to []byte, roTx kv.Tx, limit int) iter.KV {
hi := &StateAsOfIterF{
from: from, to: to, limit: limit,
hc: hc,
compressVals: hc.h.compressVals,
startTxNum: startTxNum,
for _, item := range hc.ic.files {
if item.endTxNum <= startTxNum {
// TODO: seek(from)
g := item.src.decompressor.MakeGetter()
if g.HasNext() {
key, offset := g.NextUncompressed()
heap.Push(&hi.h, &ReconItem{g: g, key: key, startTxNum: item.startTxNum, endTxNum: item.endTxNum, txNum: item.endTxNum, startOffset: offset, lastOffset: offset})
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(hi.startTxKey[:], startTxNum)
if err := hi.advanceInFiles(); err != nil {
var dbit iter.KV
if hc.h.largeValues {
dbi := &StateAsOfIterDB{
roTx: roTx,
indexTable: hc.h.indexTable,
idxKeysTable: hc.h.indexKeysTable,
valsTable: hc.h.historyValsTable,
from: from, to: to, limit: limit,
hc: hc,
startTxNum: startTxNum,
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(dbi.startTxKey[:], startTxNum)
if err := dbi.advance(); err != nil {
dbit = dbi
} else {
dbi := &StateAsOfIterDbDup{
roTx: roTx,
indexTable: hc.h.indexTable,
idxKeysTable: hc.h.indexKeysTable,
valsTable: hc.h.historyValsTable,
from: from, to: to, limit: limit,
hc: hc,
startTxNum: startTxNum,
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(dbi.startTxKey[:], startTxNum)
if err := dbi.advanceInDb(); err != nil {
dbit = dbi
return iter.UnionKV(hi, dbit, limit)
// StateAsOfIter - returns state range at given time in history
type StateAsOfIterF struct {
hc *HistoryContext
limit int
from, to []byte
nextVal []byte
nextKey []byte
h ReconHeap
startTxNum uint64
startTxKey [8]byte
txnKey [8]byte
compressVals bool
k, v, kBackup, vBackup []byte
func (hi *StateAsOfIterF) Close() {
func (hi *StateAsOfIterF) advanceInFiles() error {
for hi.h.Len() > 0 {
top := heap.Pop(&hi.h).(*ReconItem)
key := top.key
var idxVal []byte
if hi.compressVals {
idxVal, _ = top.g.Next(nil)
} else {
idxVal, _ = top.g.NextUncompressed()
if top.g.HasNext() {
if hi.compressVals {
top.key, _ = top.g.Next(nil)
} else {
top.key, _ = top.g.NextUncompressed()
if == nil || bytes.Compare(top.key, < 0 {
heap.Push(&hi.h, top)
if hi.from != nil && bytes.Compare(key, hi.from) < 0 { //TODO: replace by Seek()
if bytes.Equal(key, hi.nextKey) {
ef, _ := eliasfano32.ReadEliasFano(idxVal)
n, ok := ef.Search(hi.startTxNum)
if !ok {
hi.nextKey = key
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(hi.txnKey[:], n)
historyItem, ok := hi.hc.getFile(top.startTxNum, top.endTxNum)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("no %s file found for [%x]", hi.hc.h.filenameBase, hi.nextKey)
reader := hi.hc.statelessIdxReader(historyItem.i)
offset := reader.Lookup2(hi.txnKey[:], hi.nextKey)
g := hi.hc.statelessGetter(historyItem.i)
if hi.compressVals {
hi.nextVal, _ = g.Next(nil)
} else {
hi.nextVal, _ = g.NextUncompressed()
return nil
hi.nextKey = nil
return nil
func (hi *StateAsOfIterF) HasNext() bool {
return hi.limit != 0 && hi.nextKey != nil
func (hi *StateAsOfIterF) Next() ([]byte, []byte, error) {
hi.k, hi.v = append(hi.k[:0], hi.nextKey...), append(hi.v[:0], hi.nextVal...)
// Satisfy iter.Dual Invariant 2
hi.k, hi.kBackup, hi.v, hi.vBackup = hi.kBackup, hi.k, hi.vBackup, hi.v
if err := hi.advanceInFiles(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return hi.kBackup, hi.vBackup, nil
// StateAsOfIterDB - returns state range at given time in history
type StateAsOfIterDB struct {
roTx kv.Tx
txNum2kCursor kv.CursorDupSort
valsC kv.Cursor
hc *HistoryContext
valsTable string
idxKeysTable string
indexTable string
from, to []byte
limit int
nextKey, nextVal []byte
startTxNum uint64
startTxKey [8]byte
k, v, kBackup, vBackup []byte
err error
func (hi *StateAsOfIterDB) Close() {
if hi.valsC != nil {
if hi.txNum2kCursor != nil {
func (hi *StateAsOfIterDB) advance() error {
var seek []byte
var err error
if hi.txNum2kCursor == nil {
if hi.valsC, err = hi.roTx.Cursor(hi.valsTable); err != nil {
return err
if hi.txNum2kCursor, err = hi.roTx.CursorDupSort(hi.idxKeysTable); err != nil {
return err
firstKey, _, err := hi.valsC.Seek(hi.from)
if err != nil {
return err
if firstKey == nil {
hi.nextKey = nil
return nil
seek = append(common.Copy(firstKey[:len(firstKey)-8]), hi.startTxKey[:]...)
} else {
next, ok := kv.NextSubtree(hi.nextKey)
if !ok {
hi.nextKey = nil
return nil
seek = append(next, hi.startTxKey[:]...)
for k, v, err := hi.valsC.Seek(seek); k != nil; k, v, err = hi.valsC.Seek(seek) {
if err != nil {
return err
if != nil && bytes.Compare(k[:len(k)-8], >= 0 {
if !bytes.Equal(seek[:len(k)-8], k[:len(k)-8]) {
copy(seek[:len(k)-8], k[:len(k)-8])
hi.nextKey = k[:len(k)-8]
hi.nextVal = v
return nil
hi.nextKey = nil
return nil
func (hi *StateAsOfIterDB) HasNext() bool {
if hi.err != nil {
return true
return hi.limit != 0 && hi.nextKey != nil
func (hi *StateAsOfIterDB) Next() ([]byte, []byte, error) {
if hi.err != nil {
return nil, nil, hi.err
hi.k, hi.v = hi.nextKey, hi.nextVal
// Satisfy iter.Dual Invariant 2
hi.k, hi.kBackup, hi.v, hi.vBackup = hi.kBackup, hi.k, hi.vBackup, hi.v
if err := hi.advance(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return hi.kBackup, hi.vBackup, nil
// StateAsOfIter - returns state range at given time in history
type StateAsOfIterDbDup struct {
roTx kv.Tx
txNum2kCursor kv.CursorDupSort
valsC kv.CursorDupSort
hc *HistoryContext
valsTable string
idxKeysTable string
indexTable string
from, to []byte
limit int
nextKey, nextVal []byte
startTxNum uint64
startTxKey [8]byte
k, v, kBackup, vBackup []byte
err error
func (hi *StateAsOfIterDbDup) Close() {
if hi.valsC != nil {
if hi.txNum2kCursor != nil {
func (hi *StateAsOfIterDbDup) advanceInDb() error {
var seek []byte
var err error
if hi.txNum2kCursor == nil {
if hi.valsC, err = hi.roTx.CursorDupSort(hi.valsTable); err != nil {
return err
if hi.txNum2kCursor, err = hi.roTx.CursorDupSort(hi.idxKeysTable); err != nil {
return err
seek = hi.from
} else {
next, ok := kv.NextSubtree(hi.nextKey)
if !ok {
hi.nextKey = nil
return nil
seek = next
for k, _, err := hi.valsC.Seek(seek); k != nil; k, _, err = hi.valsC.NextNoDup() {
if err != nil {
return err
if != nil && bytes.Compare(k, >= 0 {
v, err := hi.valsC.SeekBothRange(k, hi.startTxKey[:])
if err != nil {
return err
if v == nil {
hi.nextKey = k
hi.nextVal = v[8:]
return nil
hi.nextKey = nil
return nil
func (hi *StateAsOfIterDbDup) HasNext() bool {
if hi.err != nil {
return true
return hi.limit != 0 && hi.nextKey != nil
func (hi *StateAsOfIterDbDup) Next() ([]byte, []byte, error) {
if hi.err != nil {
return nil, nil, hi.err
hi.k, hi.v = hi.nextKey, hi.nextVal
// Satisfy iter.Dual Invariant 2
hi.k, hi.kBackup, hi.v, hi.vBackup = hi.kBackup, hi.k, hi.vBackup, hi.v
if err := hi.advanceInDb(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return hi.kBackup, hi.vBackup, nil
func (hc *HistoryContext) iterateChangedFrozen(fromTxNum, toTxNum int, asc order.By, limit int) (iter.KV, error) {
if asc == false {
panic("not supported yet")
if len(hc.ic.files) == 0 {
return iter.EmptyKV, nil
if fromTxNum >= 0 && hc.ic.files[len(hc.ic.files)-1].endTxNum <= uint64(fromTxNum) {
return iter.EmptyKV, nil
hi := &HistoryChangesIterF{
hc: hc,
compressVals: hc.h.compressVals,
startTxNum: cmp.Max(0, uint64(fromTxNum)),
endTxNum: toTxNum,
limit: limit,
if fromTxNum >= 0 {
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(hi.startTxKey[:], uint64(fromTxNum))
for _, item := range hc.ic.files {
if fromTxNum >= 0 && item.endTxNum <= uint64(fromTxNum) {
if toTxNum >= 0 && item.startTxNum >= uint64(toTxNum) {
g := item.src.decompressor.MakeGetter()
if g.HasNext() {
key, offset := g.NextUncompressed()
heap.Push(&hi.h, &ReconItem{g: g, key: key, startTxNum: item.startTxNum, endTxNum: item.endTxNum, txNum: item.endTxNum, startOffset: offset, lastOffset: offset})
if err := hi.advance(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return hi, nil
func (hc *HistoryContext) iterateChangedRecent(fromTxNum, toTxNum int, asc order.By, limit int, roTx kv.Tx) (iter.KV, error) {
if asc == order.Desc {
panic("not supported yet")
rangeIsInFiles := toTxNum >= 0 && len(hc.ic.files) > 0 && hc.ic.files[len(hc.ic.files)-1].endTxNum >= uint64(toTxNum)
if rangeIsInFiles {
return iter.EmptyKV, nil
if hc.h.largeValues {
dbi := &HistoryChangesIterDB{
hc: hc,
endTxNum: toTxNum,
roTx: roTx,
indexTable: hc.h.indexTable,
idxKeysTable: hc.h.indexKeysTable,
valsTable: hc.h.historyValsTable,
limit: limit,
if fromTxNum >= 0 {
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(dbi.startTxKey[:], uint64(fromTxNum))
if err := dbi.advance(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return dbi, nil
dbi := &HistoryChangesIterDBDup{
hc: hc,
endTxNum: toTxNum,
roTx: roTx,
indexTable: hc.h.indexTable,
idxKeysTable: hc.h.indexKeysTable,
valsTable: hc.h.historyValsTable,
if fromTxNum >= 0 {
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(dbi.startTxKey[:], uint64(fromTxNum))
if err := dbi.advance(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return dbi, nil
func (hc *HistoryContext) HistoryRange(fromTxNum, toTxNum int, asc order.By, limit int, roTx kv.Tx) (iter.KV, error) {
if asc == order.Desc {
panic("not supported yet")
itOnFiles, err := hc.iterateChangedFrozen(fromTxNum, toTxNum, asc, limit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
itOnDB, err := hc.iterateChangedRecent(fromTxNum, toTxNum, asc, limit, roTx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return iter.UnionKV(itOnFiles, itOnDB, limit), nil
type HistoryChangesIterF struct {
hc *HistoryContext
nextVal []byte
nextKey []byte
h ReconHeap
startTxNum uint64
endTxNum int
startTxKey [8]byte
txnKey [8]byte
compressVals bool
k, v, kBackup, vBackup []byte
err error
limit int
func (hi *HistoryChangesIterF) Close() {
func (hi *HistoryChangesIterF) advance() error {
for hi.h.Len() > 0 {
top := heap.Pop(&hi.h).(*ReconItem)
key := top.key
var idxVal []byte
if hi.compressVals {
idxVal, _ = top.g.Next(nil)
} else {
idxVal, _ = top.g.NextUncompressed()
if top.g.HasNext() {
if hi.compressVals {
top.key, _ = top.g.Next(nil)
} else {
top.key, _ = top.g.NextUncompressed()
heap.Push(&hi.h, top)
if bytes.Equal(key, hi.nextKey) {
ef, _ := eliasfano32.ReadEliasFano(idxVal)
n, ok := ef.Search(hi.startTxNum) //TODO: if startTxNum==0, can do ef.Get(0)
if !ok {
if int(n) >= hi.endTxNum {
hi.nextKey = key
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(hi.txnKey[:], n)
historyItem, ok := hi.hc.getFile(top.startTxNum, top.endTxNum)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("HistoryChangesIterF: no %s file found for [%x]", hi.hc.h.filenameBase, hi.nextKey)
reader := hi.hc.statelessIdxReader(historyItem.i)
offset := reader.Lookup2(hi.txnKey[:], hi.nextKey)
g := hi.hc.statelessGetter(historyItem.i)
if hi.compressVals {
hi.nextVal, _ = g.Next(nil)
} else {
hi.nextVal, _ = g.NextUncompressed()
return nil
hi.nextKey = nil
return nil
func (hi *HistoryChangesIterF) HasNext() bool {
if hi.err != nil { // always true, then .Next() call will return this error
return true
if hi.limit == 0 { // limit reached
return false
if hi.nextKey == nil { // EndOfTable
return false
return true
//if hi.toPrefix == nil { // s.nextK == nil check is above
// return true
func (hi *HistoryChangesIterF) Next() ([]byte, []byte, error) {
if hi.err != nil {
return nil, nil, hi.err
hi.k, hi.v = append(hi.k[:0], hi.nextKey...), append(hi.v[:0], hi.nextVal...)
// Satisfy iter.Dual Invariant 2
hi.k, hi.kBackup, hi.v, hi.vBackup = hi.kBackup, hi.k, hi.vBackup, hi.v
if err := hi.advance(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return hi.kBackup, hi.vBackup, nil
type HistoryChangesIterDB struct {
roTx kv.Tx
txNum2kCursor kv.CursorDupSort
idxCursor kv.CursorDupSort
hc *HistoryContext
valsTable string
idxKeysTable string
indexTable string
endTxNum int
startTxKey [8]byte
nextKey, nextVal []byte
k, v, kBackup, vBackup []byte
err error
limit int
func (hi *HistoryChangesIterDB) Close() {
if hi.idxCursor != nil {
if hi.txNum2kCursor != nil {
func (hi *HistoryChangesIterDB) advance() (err error) {
var k []byte
if hi.idxCursor == nil {
if hi.idxCursor, err = hi.roTx.CursorDupSort(hi.indexTable); err != nil {
return err
if hi.txNum2kCursor, err = hi.roTx.CursorDupSort(hi.idxKeysTable); err != nil {
return err
if k, _, err = hi.idxCursor.First(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if k, _, err = hi.idxCursor.NextNoDup(); err != nil {
return err
for ; k != nil; k, _, err = hi.idxCursor.NextNoDup() {
if err != nil {
return err
foundTxNumVal, err := hi.idxCursor.SeekBothRange(k, hi.startTxKey[:])
if err != nil {
return err
if foundTxNumVal == nil {
txNum := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(foundTxNumVal)
if hi.endTxNum >= 0 && int(txNum) >= hi.endTxNum {
hi.nextKey = k
vn, err := hi.txNum2kCursor.SeekBothRange(foundTxNumVal, k)
if err != nil {
return err
valNum := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(vn[len(vn)-8:])
if valNum == 0 {
// This is special valNum == 0, which is empty value
hi.nextVal = hi.nextVal[:0]
return err
hi.nextVal, err = hi.roTx.GetOne(hi.valsTable, vn[len(vn)-8:])
return err
hi.nextKey = nil
return nil
func (hi *HistoryChangesIterDB) HasNext() bool {
if hi.err != nil { // always true, then .Next() call will return this error
return true
if hi.limit == 0 { // limit reached
return false
if hi.nextKey == nil { // EndOfTable
return false
return true
func (hi *HistoryChangesIterDB) Next() ([]byte, []byte, error) {
if hi.err != nil {
return nil, nil, hi.err
hi.k, hi.v = append(hi.k[:0], hi.nextKey...), append(hi.v[:0], hi.nextVal...)
// Satisfy iter.Dual Invariant 2
hi.k, hi.kBackup, hi.v, hi.vBackup = hi.kBackup, hi.k, hi.vBackup, hi.v
if err := hi.advance(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return hi.kBackup, hi.vBackup, nil
type HistoryChangesIterDBDup struct {
roTx kv.Tx
txNum2kCursor kv.CursorDupSort
valsCursor kv.CursorDupSort
hc *HistoryContext
valsTable string
idxKeysTable string
indexTable string
endTxNum int
startTxKey [8]byte
nextKey, nextVal []byte
k, v []byte
err error
func (hi *HistoryChangesIterDBDup) Close() {
if hi.valsCursor != nil {
if hi.txNum2kCursor != nil {
func (hi *HistoryChangesIterDBDup) advance() (err error) {
var k []byte
if hi.txNum2kCursor == nil {
if hi.valsCursor, err = hi.roTx.CursorDupSort(hi.valsTable); err != nil {
return err
if hi.txNum2kCursor, err = hi.roTx.CursorDupSort(hi.idxKeysTable); err != nil {
return err
if k, _, err = hi.valsCursor.First(); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if k, _, err = hi.valsCursor.NextNoDup(); err != nil {
return err
for ; k != nil; k, _, err = hi.valsCursor.NextNoDup() {
if err != nil {
return err
foundTxNumVal, err := hi.valsCursor.SeekBothRange(k, hi.startTxKey[:])
if err != nil {
return err
if foundTxNumVal == nil {
txNum := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(foundTxNumVal)
if hi.endTxNum >= 0 && int(txNum) >= hi.endTxNum {
hi.nextKey = k
hi.nextVal = foundTxNumVal[8:]
return nil
hi.nextKey = nil
return nil
func (hi *HistoryChangesIterDBDup) HasNext() bool {
if hi.err != nil { // always true, then .Next() call will return this error
return true
//if hi.limit == 0 { // limit reached
// return false
if hi.nextKey == nil { // EndOfTable
return false
return true
func (hi *HistoryChangesIterDBDup) Next() ([]byte, []byte, error) {
if hi.err != nil {
return nil, nil, hi.err
hi.k, hi.v = hi.nextKey, hi.nextVal
if err := hi.advance(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return hi.k, hi.v, nil
func (h *History) DisableReadAhead() {
h.files.Walk(func(items []*filesItem) bool {
for _, item := range items {
if item.index != nil {
return true
func (h *History) EnableReadAhead() *History {
h.files.Walk(func(items []*filesItem) bool {
for _, item := range items {
if item.index != nil {
return true
return h
func (h *History) EnableMadvWillNeed() *History {
h.files.Walk(func(items []*filesItem) bool {
for _, item := range items {
if item.index != nil {
return true
return h
func (h *History) EnableMadvNormalReadAhead() *History {
h.files.Walk(func(items []*filesItem) bool {
for _, item := range items {
if item.index != nil {
return true
return h
// HistoryStep used for incremental state reconsitution, it isolates only one snapshot interval
type HistoryStep struct {
compressVals bool
indexItem *filesItem
indexFile ctxItem
historyItem *filesItem
historyFile ctxItem
// MakeSteps [0, toTxNum)
func (h *History) MakeSteps(toTxNum uint64) []*HistoryStep {
var steps []*HistoryStep
h.InvertedIndex.files.Walk(func(items []*filesItem) bool {
for _, item := range items {
if item.index == nil || !item.frozen || item.startTxNum >= toTxNum {
step := &HistoryStep{
compressVals: h.compressVals,
indexItem: item,
indexFile: ctxItem{
startTxNum: item.startTxNum,
endTxNum: item.endTxNum,
getter: item.decompressor.MakeGetter(),
reader: recsplit.NewIndexReader(item.index),
steps = append(steps, step)
return true
i := 0
h.files.Walk(func(items []*filesItem) bool {
for _, item := range items {
if item.index == nil || !item.frozen || item.startTxNum >= toTxNum {
steps[i].historyItem = item
steps[i].historyFile = ctxItem{
startTxNum: item.startTxNum,
endTxNum: item.endTxNum,
getter: item.decompressor.MakeGetter(),
reader: recsplit.NewIndexReader(item.index),
return true
return steps
func (hs *HistoryStep) Clone() *HistoryStep {
return &HistoryStep{
compressVals: hs.compressVals,
indexItem: hs.indexItem,
indexFile: ctxItem{
startTxNum: hs.indexFile.startTxNum,
endTxNum: hs.indexFile.endTxNum,
getter: hs.indexItem.decompressor.MakeGetter(),
reader: recsplit.NewIndexReader(hs.indexItem.index),
historyItem: hs.historyItem,
historyFile: ctxItem{
startTxNum: hs.historyFile.startTxNum,
endTxNum: hs.historyFile.endTxNum,
getter: hs.historyItem.decompressor.MakeGetter(),
reader: recsplit.NewIndexReader(hs.historyItem.index),
func (hc *HistoryContext) idxRangeRecent(key []byte, startTxNum, endTxNum int, asc order.By, limit int, roTx kv.Tx) (iter.U64, error) {
var dbIt iter.U64
if hc.h.largeValues {
if asc {
from := make([]byte, len(key)+8)
copy(from, key)
var fromTxNum uint64
if startTxNum >= 0 {
fromTxNum = uint64(startTxNum)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(from[len(key):], fromTxNum)
to := common.Copy(from)
toTxNum := uint64(math.MaxUint64)
if endTxNum >= 0 {
toTxNum = uint64(endTxNum)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(to[len(key):], toTxNum)
it, err := roTx.RangeAscend(hc.h.historyValsTable, from, to, limit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dbIt = iter.TransformKV2U64(it, func(k, _ []byte) (uint64, error) {
return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(k[len(k)-8:]), nil
} else {
panic("implement me")
} else {
if asc {
var from, to []byte
if startTxNum >= 0 {
from = make([]byte, 8)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(from, uint64(startTxNum))
if endTxNum >= 0 {
to = make([]byte, 8)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(to, uint64(endTxNum))
it, err := roTx.RangeDupSort(hc.h.historyValsTable, key, from, to, asc, limit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dbIt = iter.TransformKV2U64(it, func(_, v []byte) (uint64, error) {
return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(v), nil
} else {
panic("implement me")
return dbIt, nil
func (hc *HistoryContext) IdxRange(key []byte, startTxNum, endTxNum int, asc order.By, limit int, roTx kv.Tx) (iter.U64, error) {
frozenIt, err := hc.ic.iterateRangeFrozen(key, startTxNum, endTxNum, asc, limit)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
recentIt, err := hc.idxRangeRecent(key, startTxNum, endTxNum, asc, limit, roTx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return iter.Union[uint64](frozenIt, recentIt, asc, limit), nil