# Lighthouse Documentation [![Build Status]][Build Link] [![Doc Status]][Doc Link] [![Chat Badge]][Chat Link] [Build Status]: https://gitlab.sigmaprime.io/sigp/lighthouse/badges/master/build.svg [Build Link]: https://gitlab.sigmaprime.io/sigp/lighthouse/pipelines [Chat Badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/chat-discord-%237289da [Chat Link]: https://discord.gg/cyAszAh [Doc Status]:https://img.shields.io/badge/rust--docs-master-orange [Doc Link]: http://lighthouse-docs.sigmaprime.io/ Lighthouse is an **Ethereum 2.0 client** that connects to other Ethereum 2.0 clients to form a resilient and decentralized proof-of-stake blockchain. It is written in Rust, maintained by Sigma Prime and funded by the Ethereum Foundation, Consensys and other individuals and organisations. ## Developer Resources Documentation is provided for **researchers and developers** working on Ethereum 2.0 and assumes prior knowledge on the topic. - Get started with [development environment setup](setup.html). - [Run a simple testnet](simple-testnet.html) in Only Three CLI Commands™. - Read about our interop workflow. - API? ## Release Ethereum 2.0 is not fully specified or implemented and as such, Lighthouse is still **under development**. We are on-track to provide a public, multi-client testnet in late-2019 and an initial production-grade blockchain in 2020. ## Features Lighthouse has been in development since mid-2018 and has an extensive feature set: - Libp2p networking stack, featuring Discovery v5. - Optimized `BeaconChain` state machine, up-to-date and passing all tests. - RESTful HTTP API. - Documented and feature-rich CLI interface. - Capable of running small, local testnets with 250ms slot times. - Detailed metrics exposed in the Prometheus format.