use std::sync::{ Arc, RwLock }; use std::thread; use super::db::{ DB, open_db }; use super::config::LighthouseConfig; use super::futures::sync::mpsc::{ unbounded, }; use super::network_libp2p::service::listen as network_listen; use super::network_libp2p::state::NetworkState; use super::slog::Logger; use super::sync::run_sync_future; /// Represents the co-ordination of the /// networking, syncing and RPC (not-yet-implemented) threads. pub struct Client { pub db: Arc>, pub network_thread: thread::JoinHandle<()>, pub sync_thread: thread::JoinHandle<()>, } impl Client { /// Instantiates a new "Client". /// /// Presently, this means starting network and sync threads /// and plumbing them together. pub fn new(config: LighthouseConfig, log: Logger) -> Self { // Open the local db let db = { let db = open_db(&config.data_dir); Arc::new(RwLock::new(db)) }; // Start the network thread let network_state = NetworkState::new( &config.data_dir, &config.p2p_listen_port, &log).expect("Network setup failed"); let (network_thread, network_tx, network_rx) = { let (message_sender, message_receiver) = unbounded(); let (event_sender, event_receiver) = unbounded(); let network_log =!()); let thread = thread::spawn(move || { network_listen( network_state, event_sender, message_receiver, network_log, ); }); (thread, message_sender, event_receiver) }; // Start the sync thread let (sync_thread, _sync_tx, _sync_rx) = { let (sync_out_sender, sync_out_receiver) = unbounded(); let (sync_in_sender, sync_in_receiver) = unbounded(); let sync_log =!()); let sync_db = Arc::clone(&db); let thread = thread::spawn(move || { run_sync_future( sync_db, network_tx.clone(), network_rx, sync_out_sender, sync_in_receiver, sync_log, ); }); (thread, sync_in_sender, sync_out_receiver) }; // Return the client struct Self { db: db, network_thread, sync_thread, } } }