pub use lighthouse_metrics::*; pub const HIT: &str = "hit"; pub const MISS: &str = "miss"; pub const GET_PAYLOAD: &str = "get_payload"; pub const GET_BLINDED_PAYLOAD: &str = "get_blinded_payload"; pub const GET_BLINDED_PAYLOAD_LOCAL: &str = "get_blinded_payload_local"; pub const GET_BLINDED_PAYLOAD_BUILDER: &str = "get_blinded_payload_builder"; pub const POST_BLINDED_PAYLOAD_BUILDER: &str = "post_blinded_payload_builder"; pub const NEW_PAYLOAD: &str = "new_payload"; pub const FORKCHOICE_UPDATED: &str = "forkchoice_updated"; pub const GET_TERMINAL_POW_BLOCK_HASH: &str = "get_terminal_pow_block_hash"; pub const IS_VALID_TERMINAL_POW_BLOCK_HASH: &str = "is_valid_terminal_pow_block_hash"; pub const LOCAL: &str = "local"; pub const BUILDER: &str = "builder"; pub const SUCCESS: &str = "success"; pub const FAILURE: &str = "failure"; lazy_static::lazy_static! { pub static ref EXECUTION_LAYER_PROPOSER_INSERTED: Result = try_create_int_counter( "execution_layer_proposer_inserted", "Count of times a new proposer is known", ); pub static ref EXECUTION_LAYER_PROPOSER_DATA_UPDATED: Result = try_create_int_counter( "execution_layer_proposer_data_updated", "Count of times new proposer data is supplied", ); pub static ref EXECUTION_LAYER_REQUEST_TIMES: Result = try_create_histogram_vec_with_buckets( "execution_layer_request_times", "Duration of calls to ELs", decimal_buckets(-2, 1), &["method"] ); pub static ref EXECUTION_LAYER_PAYLOAD_ATTRIBUTES_LOOKAHEAD: Result = try_create_histogram( "execution_layer_payload_attributes_lookahead", "Duration between an fcU call with PayloadAttributes and when the block should be produced", ); pub static ref EXECUTION_LAYER_PRE_PREPARED_PAYLOAD_ID: Result = try_create_int_counter_vec( "execution_layer_pre_prepared_payload_id", "Indicates hits or misses for already having prepared a payload id before payload production", &["event"] ); pub static ref EXECUTION_LAYER_GET_PAYLOAD_BY_BLOCK_HASH: Result = try_create_histogram( "execution_layer_get_payload_by_block_hash_time", "Time to reconstruct a payload from the EE using eth_getBlockByHash" ); pub static ref EXECUTION_LAYER_VERIFY_BLOCK_HASH: Result = try_create_histogram_with_buckets( "execution_layer_verify_block_hash_time", "Time to verify the execution block hash in Lighthouse, without the EL", Ok(vec![10e-6, 50e-6, 100e-6, 500e-6, 1e-3, 5e-3, 10e-3, 50e-3, 100e-3, 500e-3]), ); pub static ref EXECUTION_LAYER_PAYLOAD_STATUS: Result = try_create_int_counter_vec( "execution_layer_payload_status", "Indicates the payload status returned for a particular method", &["method", "status"] ); pub static ref EXECUTION_LAYER_GET_PAYLOAD_OUTCOME: Result = try_create_int_counter_vec( "execution_layer_get_payload_outcome", "The success/failure outcomes from calling get_payload", &["outcome"] ); pub static ref EXECUTION_LAYER_BUILDER_REVEAL_PAYLOAD_OUTCOME: Result = try_create_int_counter_vec( "execution_layer_builder_reveal_payload_outcome", "The success/failure outcomes from a builder un-blinding a payload", &["outcome"] ); pub static ref EXECUTION_LAYER_GET_PAYLOAD_SOURCE: Result = try_create_int_counter_vec( "execution_layer_get_payload_source", "The source of each payload returned from get_payload", &["source"] ); pub static ref EXECUTION_LAYER_GET_PAYLOAD_BUILDER_REJECTIONS: Result = try_create_int_counter_vec( "execution_layer_get_payload_builder_rejections", "The reasons why a payload from a builder was rejected", &["reason"] ); pub static ref EXECUTION_LAYER_PAYLOAD_BIDS: Result = try_create_int_gauge_vec( "execution_layer_payload_bids", "The gwei bid value of payloads received by local EEs or builders. Only shows values up to i64::max_value.", &["source"] ); }