Age Manning aa1ed787e9 Logging via the HTTP API (#4074)
This PR adds the ability to read the Lighthouse logs from the HTTP API for both the BN and the VC. 

This is done in such a way to as minimize any kind of performance hit by adding this feature.

The current design creates a tokio broadcast channel and mixes is into a form of slog drain that combines with our main global logger drain, only if the http api is enabled. 

The drain gets the logs, checks the log level and drops them if they are below INFO. If they are INFO or higher, it sends them via a broadcast channel only if there are users subscribed to the HTTP API channel. If not, it drops the logs. 

If there are more than one subscriber, the channel clones the log records and converts them to json in their independent HTTP API tasks. 

Co-authored-by: Michael Sproul <>
2023-05-22 05:57:08 +00:00

173 lines
6.2 KiB

use crate::{checks, LocalNetwork};
use clap::ArgMatches;
use futures::prelude::*;
use node_test_rig::{
environment::{EnvironmentBuilder, LoggerConfig},
testing_client_config, testing_validator_config, ClientGenesis, ValidatorFiles,
use rayon::prelude::*;
use std::cmp::max;
use std::net::Ipv4Addr;
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
use tokio::time::sleep;
use types::{Epoch, EthSpec, MainnetEthSpec};
pub fn run_no_eth1_sim(matches: &ArgMatches) -> Result<(), String> {
let node_count = value_t!(matches, "nodes", usize).expect("missing nodes default");
let validators_per_node = value_t!(matches, "validators_per_node", usize)
.expect("missing validators_per_node default");
let speed_up_factor =
value_t!(matches, "speed_up_factor", u64).expect("missing speed_up_factor default");
let continue_after_checks = matches.is_present("continue_after_checks");
println!("Beacon Chain Simulator:");
println!(" nodes:{}", node_count);
println!(" validators_per_node:{}", validators_per_node);
println!(" continue_after_checks:{}", continue_after_checks);
// Generate the directories and keystores required for the validator clients.
let validator_files = (0..node_count)
.map(|i| {
"Generating keystores for validator {} of {}",
i + 1,
let indices =
(i * validators_per_node..(i + 1) * validators_per_node).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let mut env = EnvironmentBuilder::mainnet()
.initialize_logger(LoggerConfig {
path: None,
debug_level: String::from("debug"),
logfile_debug_level: String::from("debug"),
log_format: None,
logfile_format: None,
log_color: false,
disable_log_timestamp: false,
max_log_size: 0,
max_log_number: 0,
compression: false,
is_restricted: true,
sse_logging: false,
let eth1_block_time = Duration::from_millis(15_000 / speed_up_factor);
let spec = &mut env.eth2_config.spec;
let total_validator_count = validators_per_node * node_count;
spec.seconds_per_slot /= speed_up_factor;
spec.seconds_per_slot = max(1, spec.seconds_per_slot);
spec.eth1_follow_distance = 16;
spec.genesis_delay = eth1_block_time.as_secs() * spec.eth1_follow_distance * 2;
spec.min_genesis_time = 0;
spec.min_genesis_active_validator_count = total_validator_count as u64;
spec.seconds_per_eth1_block = 1;
let genesis_delay = Duration::from_secs(5);
let genesis_time = SystemTime::now()
.map_err(|_| "should get system time")?
+ genesis_delay;
let slot_duration = Duration::from_secs(spec.seconds_per_slot);
let context = env.core_context();
let mut beacon_config = testing_client_config();
beacon_config.genesis = ClientGenesis::Interop {
validator_count: total_validator_count,
genesis_time: genesis_time.as_secs(),
beacon_config.dummy_eth1_backend = true;
beacon_config.sync_eth1_chain = true; = (Some(Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST), None);
let main_future = async {
let network = LocalNetwork::new(context.clone(), beacon_config.clone()).await?;
* One by one, add beacon nodes to the network.
for _ in 0..node_count - 1 {
.add_beacon_node(beacon_config.clone(), false)
* Create a future that will add validator clients to the network. Each validator client is
* attached to a single corresponding beacon node. Spawn each validator in a new task.
let executor = context.executor.clone();
for (i, files) in validator_files.into_iter().enumerate() {
let network_1 = network.clone();
async move {
println!("Adding validator client {}", i);
.add_validator_client(testing_validator_config(), i, files, i % 2 == 0)
.expect("should add validator");
let duration_to_genesis = network.duration_to_genesis().await;
println!("Duration to genesis: {}", duration_to_genesis.as_secs());
let (finalization, block_prod) = futures::join!(
// Check that the chain finalizes at the first given opportunity.
checks::verify_first_finalization(network.clone(), slot_duration),
// Check that a block is produced at every slot.
// The `final_future` either completes immediately or never completes, depending on the value
// of `continue_after_checks`.
if continue_after_checks {
* End the simulation by dropping the network. This will kill all running beacon nodes and
* validator clients.
"Simulation complete. Finished with {} beacon nodes and {} validator clients",
network.beacon_node_count() + network.proposer_node_count(),
// Be explicit about dropping the network, as this kills all the nodes. This ensures
// all the checks have adequate time to pass.
Ok::<(), String>(())