mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 19:50:37 +00:00
* remove exit-future usage, as it is non maintained, and replace with async-channel which is already in the repo. * Merge branch 'unstable' of https://github.com/sigp/lighthouse into remove-exit-future * Merge branch 'unstable' of https://github.com/sigp/lighthouse into remove-exit-future
245 lines
7.9 KiB
245 lines
7.9 KiB
use lighthouse_network::gossipsub;
use lighthouse_network::service::Network as LibP2PService;
use lighthouse_network::Enr;
use lighthouse_network::EnrExt;
use lighthouse_network::Multiaddr;
use lighthouse_network::{NetworkConfig, NetworkEvent};
use slog::{debug, error, o, Drain};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::Weak;
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::runtime::Runtime;
use types::{
ChainSpec, EnrForkId, Epoch, EthSpec, ForkContext, ForkName, Hash256, MinimalEthSpec, Slot,
type E = MinimalEthSpec;
type ReqId = usize;
use tempfile::Builder as TempBuilder;
/// Returns a dummy fork context
pub fn fork_context(fork_name: ForkName) -> ForkContext {
let mut chain_spec = E::default_spec();
let altair_fork_epoch = Epoch::new(1);
let merge_fork_epoch = Epoch::new(2);
let capella_fork_epoch = Epoch::new(3);
let deneb_fork_epoch = Epoch::new(4);
chain_spec.altair_fork_epoch = Some(altair_fork_epoch);
chain_spec.bellatrix_fork_epoch = Some(merge_fork_epoch);
chain_spec.capella_fork_epoch = Some(capella_fork_epoch);
chain_spec.deneb_fork_epoch = Some(deneb_fork_epoch);
let current_slot = match fork_name {
ForkName::Base => Slot::new(0),
ForkName::Altair => altair_fork_epoch.start_slot(E::slots_per_epoch()),
ForkName::Merge => merge_fork_epoch.start_slot(E::slots_per_epoch()),
ForkName::Capella => capella_fork_epoch.start_slot(E::slots_per_epoch()),
ForkName::Deneb => deneb_fork_epoch.start_slot(E::slots_per_epoch()),
ForkContext::new::<E>(current_slot, Hash256::zero(), &chain_spec)
pub struct Libp2pInstance(
LibP2PService<ReqId, E>,
// This field is managed for lifetime purposes may not be used directly, hence the `#[allow(dead_code)]` attribute.
impl std::ops::Deref for Libp2pInstance {
type Target = LibP2PService<ReqId, E>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl std::ops::DerefMut for Libp2pInstance {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.0
pub fn build_log(level: slog::Level, enabled: bool) -> slog::Logger {
let decorator = slog_term::TermDecorator::new().build();
let drain = slog_term::FullFormat::new(decorator).build().fuse();
let drain = slog_async::Async::new(drain).build().fuse();
if enabled {
slog::Logger::root(drain.filter_level(level).fuse(), o!())
} else {
slog::Logger::root(drain.filter(|_| false).fuse(), o!())
pub fn build_config(mut boot_nodes: Vec<Enr>) -> NetworkConfig {
let mut config = NetworkConfig::default();
// Find unused ports by using the 0 port.
let port = 0;
let random_path: u16 = rand::random();
let path = TempBuilder::new()
.prefix(&format!("libp2p_test_{}", random_path))
config.set_ipv4_listening_address(std::net::Ipv4Addr::UNSPECIFIED, port, port, port);
config.enr_address = (Some(std::net::Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST), None);
config.boot_nodes_enr.append(&mut boot_nodes);
config.network_dir = path.into_path();
// Reduce gossipsub heartbeat parameters
config.gs_config = gossipsub::ConfigBuilder::from(config.gs_config)
pub async fn build_libp2p_instance(
rt: Weak<Runtime>,
boot_nodes: Vec<Enr>,
log: slog::Logger,
fork_name: ForkName,
spec: &ChainSpec,
) -> Libp2pInstance {
let config = build_config(boot_nodes);
// launch libp2p service
let (signal, exit) = async_channel::bounded(1);
let (shutdown_tx, _) = futures::channel::mpsc::channel(1);
let executor = task_executor::TaskExecutor::new(rt, exit, log.clone(), shutdown_tx);
let libp2p_context = lighthouse_network::Context {
config: &config,
enr_fork_id: EnrForkId::default(),
fork_context: Arc::new(fork_context(fork_name)),
chain_spec: spec,
libp2p_registry: None,
LibP2PService::new(executor, libp2p_context, &log)
.expect("should build libp2p instance")
pub fn get_enr(node: &LibP2PService<ReqId, E>) -> Enr {
// Protocol for the node pair connection.
pub enum Protocol {
// Constructs a pair of nodes with separate loggers. The sender dials the receiver.
// This returns a (sender, receiver) pair.
pub async fn build_node_pair(
rt: Weak<Runtime>,
log: &slog::Logger,
fork_name: ForkName,
spec: &ChainSpec,
protocol: Protocol,
) -> (Libp2pInstance, Libp2pInstance) {
let sender_log = log.new(o!("who" => "sender"));
let receiver_log = log.new(o!("who" => "receiver"));
let mut sender = build_libp2p_instance(rt.clone(), vec![], sender_log, fork_name, spec).await;
let mut receiver = build_libp2p_instance(rt, vec![], receiver_log, fork_name, spec).await;
// let the two nodes set up listeners
let sender_fut = async {
loop {
if let NetworkEvent::NewListenAddr(addr) = sender.next_event().await {
// Only end once we've listened on the protocol we care about
match protocol {
Protocol::Tcp => {
if addr.iter().any(|multiaddr_proto| {
matches!(multiaddr_proto, libp2p::multiaddr::Protocol::Tcp(_))
}) {
return addr;
Protocol::Quic => {
if addr.iter().any(|multiaddr_proto| {
matches!(multiaddr_proto, libp2p::multiaddr::Protocol::QuicV1)
}) {
return addr;
let receiver_fut = async {
loop {
if let NetworkEvent::NewListenAddr(addr) = receiver.next_event().await {
match protocol {
Protocol::Tcp => {
if addr.iter().any(|multiaddr_proto| {
matches!(multiaddr_proto, libp2p::multiaddr::Protocol::Tcp(_))
}) {
return addr;
Protocol::Quic => {
if addr.iter().any(|multiaddr_proto| {
matches!(multiaddr_proto, libp2p::multiaddr::Protocol::QuicV1)
}) {
return addr;
let joined = futures::future::join(sender_fut, receiver_fut);
let receiver_multiaddr = joined.await.1;
match sender.testing_dial(receiver_multiaddr.clone()) {
Ok(()) => {
debug!(log, "Sender dialed receiver"; "address" => format!("{:?}", receiver_multiaddr))
Err(_) => error!(log, "Dialing failed"),
(sender, receiver)
// Returns `n` peers in a linear topology
pub async fn build_linear(
rt: Weak<Runtime>,
log: slog::Logger,
n: usize,
fork_name: ForkName,
spec: &ChainSpec,
) -> Vec<Libp2pInstance> {
let mut nodes = Vec::with_capacity(n);
for _ in 0..n {
nodes.push(build_libp2p_instance(rt.clone(), vec![], log.clone(), fork_name, spec).await);
let multiaddrs: Vec<Multiaddr> = nodes
.map(|x| get_enr(x).multiaddr()[1].clone())
for i in 0..n - 1 {
match nodes[i].testing_dial(multiaddrs[i + 1].clone()) {
Ok(()) => debug!(log, "Connected"),
Err(_) => error!(log, "Failed to connect"),