diff --git a/config/features/flags.go b/config/features/flags.go
index 119fcadc2..6e834803d 100644
--- a/config/features/flags.go
+++ b/config/features/flags.go
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ var (
 	EnableMinimalSlashingProtection = &cli.BoolFlag{
 		Name:  "enable-minimal-slashing-protection",
-		Usage: "Enables the minimal slashing protection. See EIP-3076 for more details.",
+		Usage: "(Experimental): Enables the minimal slashing protection. See EIP-3076 for more details.",
 	enableDoppelGangerProtection = &cli.BoolFlag{
 		Name: "enable-doppelganger",
diff --git a/validator/db/convert.go b/validator/db/convert.go
index 4b55db5f1..25126e9e9 100644
--- a/validator/db/convert.go
+++ b/validator/db/convert.go
@@ -124,13 +124,18 @@ func ConvertDatabase(ctx context.Context, sourceDataDir string, targetDataDir st
 	// -----------------
 	// Get the proposer settings.
 	proposerSettings, err := sourceDatabase.ProposerSettings(ctx)
-	if err != nil {
-		return errors.Wrap(err, "could not get proposer settings from source database")
-	}
-	// Save the proposer settings.
-	if err := targetDatabase.SaveProposerSettings(ctx, proposerSettings); err != nil {
-		return errors.Wrap(err, "could not save proposer settings")
+	switch err {
+	case nil:
+		// Save the proposer settings.
+		if err := targetDatabase.SaveProposerSettings(ctx, proposerSettings); err != nil {
+			return errors.Wrap(err, "could not save proposer settings")
+		}
+	case kv.ErrNoProposerSettingsFound, filesystem.ErrNoProposerSettingsFound:
+		// Nothing to do.
+	default:
+		return errors.Wrap(err, "could not get proposer settings from source database")
 	// Attestations
diff --git a/validator/db/convert_test.go b/validator/db/convert_test.go
index f3e06f6dd..012491f18 100644
--- a/validator/db/convert_test.go
+++ b/validator/db/convert_test.go
@@ -49,217 +49,224 @@ func TestDB_ConvertDatabase(t *testing.T) {
 	defaultFeeRecipient := getFeeRecipientFromString(t, defaultFeeRecipientString)
 	customFeeRecipient := getFeeRecipientFromString(t, customFeeRecipientString)
-	for _, minimalToComplete := range []bool{false, true} {
-		t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("minimalToComplete=%v", minimalToComplete), func(t *testing.T) {
-			// Create signing root
-			signingRoot := [fieldparams.RootLength]byte{}
-			var signingRootBytes []byte
-			if minimalToComplete {
-				signingRootBytes = signingRoot[:]
-			}
+	for _, minimalToComplete := range [...]bool{false, true} {
+		for _, withProposerSettings := range [...]bool{false, true} {
+			t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("minimalToComplete=%v", minimalToComplete), func(t *testing.T) {
+				// Create signing root
+				signingRoot := [fieldparams.RootLength]byte{}
+				var signingRootBytes []byte
+				if minimalToComplete {
+					signingRootBytes = signingRoot[:]
+				}
-			// Create database directoriy path.
-			datadir := t.TempDir()
+				// Create database directoriy path.
+				datadir := t.TempDir()
-			// Run source DB preparation.
-			// --------------------------
-			// Create the source database.
-			var (
-				sourceDatabase, targetDatabase iface.ValidatorDB
-				err                            error
-			)
+				// Run source DB preparation.
+				// --------------------------
+				// Create the source database.
+				var (
+					sourceDatabase, targetDatabase iface.ValidatorDB
+					err                            error
+				)
-			if minimalToComplete {
-				sourceDatabase, err = filesystem.NewStore(datadir, &filesystem.Config{
-					PubKeys: [][fieldparams.BLSPubkeyLength]byte{pubkey1, pubkey2},
-				})
-			} else {
-				sourceDatabase, err = kv.NewKVStore(ctx, datadir, &kv.Config{
-					PubKeys: [][fieldparams.BLSPubkeyLength]byte{pubkey1, pubkey2},
-				})
-			}
+				if minimalToComplete {
+					sourceDatabase, err = filesystem.NewStore(datadir, &filesystem.Config{
+						PubKeys: [][fieldparams.BLSPubkeyLength]byte{pubkey1, pubkey2},
+					})
+				} else {
+					sourceDatabase, err = kv.NewKVStore(ctx, datadir, &kv.Config{
+						PubKeys: [][fieldparams.BLSPubkeyLength]byte{pubkey1, pubkey2},
+					})
+				}
-			require.NoError(t, err, "could not create source database")
+				require.NoError(t, err, "could not create source database")
-			// Save the genesis validator root.
-			expectedGenesisValidatorRoot := []byte("genesis-validator-root")
-			err = sourceDatabase.SaveGenesisValidatorsRoot(ctx, expectedGenesisValidatorRoot)
-			require.NoError(t, err, "could not save genesis validator root")
+				// Save the genesis validator root.
+				expectedGenesisValidatorRoot := []byte("genesis-validator-root")
+				err = sourceDatabase.SaveGenesisValidatorsRoot(ctx, expectedGenesisValidatorRoot)
+				require.NoError(t, err, "could not save genesis validator root")
-			// Save the graffiti file hash.
-			// (Getting the graffiti ordered index will set the graffiti file hash)
-			expectedGraffitiFileHash := [32]byte{1}
-			_, err = sourceDatabase.GraffitiOrderedIndex(ctx, expectedGraffitiFileHash)
-			require.NoError(t, err, "could not get graffiti ordered index")
+				// Save the graffiti file hash.
+				// (Getting the graffiti ordered index will set the graffiti file hash)
+				expectedGraffitiFileHash := [32]byte{1}
+				_, err = sourceDatabase.GraffitiOrderedIndex(ctx, expectedGraffitiFileHash)
+				require.NoError(t, err, "could not get graffiti ordered index")
-			// Save the graffiti ordered index.
-			expectedGraffitiOrderedIndex := uint64(1)
-			err = sourceDatabase.SaveGraffitiOrderedIndex(ctx, expectedGraffitiOrderedIndex)
-			require.NoError(t, err, "could not save graffiti ordered index")
+				// Save the graffiti ordered index.
+				expectedGraffitiOrderedIndex := uint64(1)
+				err = sourceDatabase.SaveGraffitiOrderedIndex(ctx, expectedGraffitiOrderedIndex)
+				require.NoError(t, err, "could not save graffiti ordered index")
-			// Save the proposer settings.
-			var relays []string = nil
+				// Save the proposer settings.
+				var relays []string = nil
+				expectedProposerSettings := &proposer.Settings{}
-			expectedProposerSettings := &proposer.Settings{
-				ProposeConfig: map[[fieldparams.BLSPubkeyLength]byte]*proposer.Option{
-					pubkey1: {
-						FeeRecipientConfig: &proposer.FeeRecipientConfig{
-							FeeRecipient: customFeeRecipient,
+				if withProposerSettings {
+					expectedProposerSettings = &proposer.Settings{
+						ProposeConfig: map[[fieldparams.BLSPubkeyLength]byte]*proposer.Option{
+							pubkey1: {
+								FeeRecipientConfig: &proposer.FeeRecipientConfig{
+									FeeRecipient: customFeeRecipient,
+								},
+								BuilderConfig: &proposer.BuilderConfig{
+									Enabled:  true,
+									GasLimit: 42,
+									Relays:   relays,
+								},
+							},
-						BuilderConfig: &proposer.BuilderConfig{
-							Enabled:  true,
-							GasLimit: 42,
-							Relays:   relays,
+						DefaultConfig: &proposer.Option{
+							FeeRecipientConfig: &proposer.FeeRecipientConfig{
+								FeeRecipient: defaultFeeRecipient,
+							},
+							BuilderConfig: &proposer.BuilderConfig{
+								Enabled:  false,
+								GasLimit: 43,
+								Relays:   relays,
+							},
+						},
+					}
+					err = sourceDatabase.SaveProposerSettings(ctx, expectedProposerSettings)
+					require.NoError(t, err, "could not save proposer settings")
+				}
+				// Save some attestations.
+				completeAttestations := []*ethpb.IndexedAttestation{
+					{
+						Data: &ethpb.AttestationData{
+							Source: &ethpb.Checkpoint{
+								Epoch: 1,
+							},
+							Target: &ethpb.Checkpoint{
+								Epoch: 2,
+							},
-				},
-				DefaultConfig: &proposer.Option{
-					FeeRecipientConfig: &proposer.FeeRecipientConfig{
-						FeeRecipient: defaultFeeRecipient,
-					},
-					BuilderConfig: &proposer.BuilderConfig{
-						Enabled:  false,
-						GasLimit: 43,
-						Relays:   relays,
-					},
-				},
-			}
-			err = sourceDatabase.SaveProposerSettings(ctx, expectedProposerSettings)
-			require.NoError(t, err, "could not save proposer settings")
-			// Save some attestations.
-			completeAttestations := []*ethpb.IndexedAttestation{
-				{
-					Data: &ethpb.AttestationData{
-						Source: &ethpb.Checkpoint{
-							Epoch: 1,
-						},
-						Target: &ethpb.Checkpoint{
-							Epoch: 2,
+					{
+						Data: &ethpb.AttestationData{
+							Source: &ethpb.Checkpoint{
+								Epoch: 2,
+							},
+							Target: &ethpb.Checkpoint{
+								Epoch: 3,
+							},
-				},
-				{
-					Data: &ethpb.AttestationData{
-						Source: &ethpb.Checkpoint{
-							Epoch: 2,
-						},
-						Target: &ethpb.Checkpoint{
-							Epoch: 3,
-						},
+				}
+				expectedAttestationRecords1 := []*common.AttestationRecord{
+					{
+						PubKey:      pubkey1,
+						Source:      primitives.Epoch(2),
+						Target:      primitives.Epoch(3),
+						SigningRoot: signingRootBytes,
-				},
-			}
+				}
-			expectedAttestationRecords1 := []*common.AttestationRecord{
-				{
-					PubKey:      pubkey1,
-					Source:      primitives.Epoch(2),
-					Target:      primitives.Epoch(3),
-					SigningRoot: signingRootBytes,
-				},
-			}
+				expectedAttestationRecords2 := []*common.AttestationRecord{
+					{
+						PubKey:      pubkey2,
+						Source:      primitives.Epoch(2),
+						Target:      primitives.Epoch(3),
+						SigningRoot: signingRootBytes,
+					},
+				}
-			expectedAttestationRecords2 := []*common.AttestationRecord{
-				{
-					PubKey:      pubkey2,
-					Source:      primitives.Epoch(2),
-					Target:      primitives.Epoch(3),
-					SigningRoot: signingRootBytes,
-				},
-			}
+				err = sourceDatabase.SaveAttestationsForPubKey(ctx, pubkey1, [][]byte{{1}, {2}}, completeAttestations)
+				require.NoError(t, err, "could not save attestations")
-			err = sourceDatabase.SaveAttestationsForPubKey(ctx, pubkey1, [][]byte{{1}, {2}}, completeAttestations)
-			require.NoError(t, err, "could not save attestations")
+				err = sourceDatabase.SaveAttestationsForPubKey(ctx, pubkey2, [][]byte{{1}, {2}}, completeAttestations)
+				require.NoError(t, err, "could not save attestations")
-			err = sourceDatabase.SaveAttestationsForPubKey(ctx, pubkey2, [][]byte{{1}, {2}}, completeAttestations)
-			require.NoError(t, err, "could not save attestations")
+				// Save some block proposals.
+				err = sourceDatabase.SaveProposalHistoryForSlot(ctx, pubkey1, 42, []byte{})
+				require.NoError(t, err, "could not save block proposal")
-			// Save some block proposals.
-			err = sourceDatabase.SaveProposalHistoryForSlot(ctx, pubkey1, 42, []byte{})
-			require.NoError(t, err, "could not save block proposal")
+				err = sourceDatabase.SaveProposalHistoryForSlot(ctx, pubkey1, 43, []byte{})
+				require.NoError(t, err, "could not save block proposal")
-			err = sourceDatabase.SaveProposalHistoryForSlot(ctx, pubkey1, 43, []byte{})
-			require.NoError(t, err, "could not save block proposal")
+				expectedProposals := []*common.Proposal{
+					{
+						Slot:        43,
+						SigningRoot: signingRootBytes,
+					},
+				}
-			expectedProposals := []*common.Proposal{
-				{
-					Slot:        43,
-					SigningRoot: signingRootBytes,
-				},
-			}
+				// Close the source database.
+				err = sourceDatabase.Close()
+				require.NoError(t, err, "could not close source database")
-			// Close the source database.
-			err = sourceDatabase.Close()
-			require.NoError(t, err, "could not close source database")
+				// Source to target DB conversion.
+				// -------------------------------
+				err = ConvertDatabase(ctx, datadir, datadir, minimalToComplete)
+				require.NoError(t, err, "could not convert source to target database")
-			// Source to target DB conversion.
-			// ----------------------------------------
-			err = ConvertDatabase(ctx, datadir, datadir, minimalToComplete)
-			require.NoError(t, err, "could not convert source to target database")
+				// Check the target database.
+				// --------------------------
+				if minimalToComplete {
+					targetDatabase, err = kv.NewKVStore(ctx, datadir, nil)
+				} else {
+					targetDatabase, err = filesystem.NewStore(datadir, nil)
+				}
+				require.NoError(t, err, "could not get minimal database")
-			// Check the target database.
-			// --------------------------
-			if minimalToComplete {
-				targetDatabase, err = kv.NewKVStore(ctx, datadir, nil)
-			} else {
-				targetDatabase, err = filesystem.NewStore(datadir, nil)
-			}
-			require.NoError(t, err, "could not get minimal database")
+				// Check the genesis validator root.
+				actualGenesisValidatoRoot, err := targetDatabase.GenesisValidatorsRoot(ctx)
+				require.NoError(t, err, "could not get genesis validator root from target database")
+				require.DeepSSZEqual(t, expectedGenesisValidatorRoot, actualGenesisValidatoRoot, "genesis validator root should match")
-			// Check the genesis validator root.
-			actualGenesisValidatoRoot, err := targetDatabase.GenesisValidatorsRoot(ctx)
-			require.NoError(t, err, "could not get genesis validator root from target database")
-			require.DeepSSZEqual(t, expectedGenesisValidatorRoot, actualGenesisValidatoRoot, "genesis validator root should match")
+				// Check the graffiti file hash.
+				actualGraffitiFileHash, exists, err := targetDatabase.GraffitiFileHash()
+				require.NoError(t, err, "could not get graffiti file hash from target database")
+				require.Equal(t, true, exists, "graffiti file hash should exist")
+				require.Equal(t, expectedGraffitiFileHash, actualGraffitiFileHash, "graffiti file hash should match")
-			// Check the graffiti file hash.
-			actualGraffitiFileHash, exists, err := targetDatabase.GraffitiFileHash()
-			require.NoError(t, err, "could not get graffiti file hash from target database")
-			require.Equal(t, true, exists, "graffiti file hash should exist")
-			require.Equal(t, expectedGraffitiFileHash, actualGraffitiFileHash, "graffiti file hash should match")
+				// Check the graffiti ordered index.
+				actualGraffitiOrderedIndex, err := targetDatabase.GraffitiOrderedIndex(ctx, expectedGraffitiFileHash)
+				require.NoError(t, err, "could not get graffiti ordered index from target database")
+				require.Equal(t, expectedGraffitiOrderedIndex, actualGraffitiOrderedIndex, "graffiti ordered index should match")
-			// Check the graffiti ordered index.
-			actualGraffitiOrderedIndex, err := targetDatabase.GraffitiOrderedIndex(ctx, expectedGraffitiFileHash)
-			require.NoError(t, err, "could not get graffiti ordered index from target database")
-			require.Equal(t, expectedGraffitiOrderedIndex, actualGraffitiOrderedIndex, "graffiti ordered index should match")
+				if withProposerSettings {
+					// Check the proposer settings.
+					actualProposerSettings, err := targetDatabase.ProposerSettings(ctx)
+					require.NoError(t, err, "could not get proposer settings from target database")
+					require.DeepEqual(t, expectedProposerSettings, actualProposerSettings, "proposer settings should match")
+				}
-			// Check the proposer settings.
-			actualProposerSettings, err := targetDatabase.ProposerSettings(ctx)
-			require.NoError(t, err, "could not get proposer settings from target database")
-			require.DeepEqual(t, expectedProposerSettings, actualProposerSettings, "proposer settings should match")
+				// Check the attestations.
+				actualAttestationRecords, err := targetDatabase.AttestationHistoryForPubKey(ctx, pubkey1)
+				require.NoError(t, err, "could not get attestations from target database")
+				require.DeepEqual(t, expectedAttestationRecords1, actualAttestationRecords, "attestations should match")
-			// Check the attestations.
-			actualAttestationRecords, err := targetDatabase.AttestationHistoryForPubKey(ctx, pubkey1)
-			require.NoError(t, err, "could not get attestations from target database")
-			require.DeepEqual(t, expectedAttestationRecords1, actualAttestationRecords, "attestations should match")
+				actualAttestationRecords, err = targetDatabase.AttestationHistoryForPubKey(ctx, pubkey2)
+				require.NoError(t, err, "could not get attestations from target database")
+				require.DeepEqual(t, expectedAttestationRecords2, actualAttestationRecords, "attestations should match")
-			actualAttestationRecords, err = targetDatabase.AttestationHistoryForPubKey(ctx, pubkey2)
-			require.NoError(t, err, "could not get attestations from target database")
-			require.DeepEqual(t, expectedAttestationRecords2, actualAttestationRecords, "attestations should match")
+				// Check the block proposals.
+				actualProposals, err := targetDatabase.ProposalHistoryForPubKey(ctx, pubkey1)
+				require.NoError(t, err, "could not get block proposals from target database")
+				require.DeepEqual(t, expectedProposals, actualProposals, "block proposals should match")
-			// Check the block proposals.
-			actualProposals, err := targetDatabase.ProposalHistoryForPubKey(ctx, pubkey1)
-			require.NoError(t, err, "could not get block proposals from target database")
-			require.DeepEqual(t, expectedProposals, actualProposals, "block proposals should match")
+				// Close the target database.
+				err = targetDatabase.Close()
+				require.NoError(t, err, "could not close target database")
-			// Close the target database.
-			err = targetDatabase.Close()
-			require.NoError(t, err, "could not close target database")
+				// Check the source database does not exist anymore.
+				var existing bool
-			// Check the source database does not exist anymore.
-			var existing bool
+				if minimalToComplete {
+					databasePath := filepath.Join(datadir, filesystem.DatabaseDirName)
+					existing, err = file.Exists(databasePath, file.Directory)
+				} else {
+					databasePath := filepath.Join(datadir, kv.ProtectionDbFileName)
+					existing, err = file.Exists(databasePath, file.Regular)
+				}
-			if minimalToComplete {
-				databasePath := filepath.Join(datadir, filesystem.DatabaseDirName)
-				existing, err = file.Exists(databasePath, file.Directory)
-			} else {
-				databasePath := filepath.Join(datadir, kv.ProtectionDbFileName)
-				existing, err = file.Exists(databasePath, file.Regular)
-			}
-			require.NoError(t, err, "could not check if source database exists")
-			require.Equal(t, false, existing, "source database should not exist")
-		})
+				require.NoError(t, err, "could not check if source database exists")
+				require.Equal(t, false, existing, "source database should not exist")
+			})
+		}