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We have a # a fork that has resolved these issues by disabling HID/USB support and # some manual fixes for c imports in the crypto package. This is forked # branch should be updated from time to time with the latest go-ethereum # code. remote = "", vcs = "git", ) go_repository( name = "com_github_prysmaticlabs_go_ssz", commit = "e24db4d9e9637cf88ee9e4a779e339a1686a84ee", importpath = "", ) go_repository( name = "com_github_urfave_cli", commit = "e6cf83ec39f6e1158ced1927d4ed14578fda8edb", # v1.21.0 importpath = "", ) go_repository( name = "com_github_go_yaml_yaml", commit = "f221b8435cfb71e54062f6c6e99e9ade30b124d5", # v2.2.4 importpath = "", ) go_repository( name = "com_github_x_cray_logrus_prefixed_formatter", commit = "bb2702d423886830dee131692131d35648c382e2", # v0.5.2 importpath = "", ) go_repository( name = "com_github_mgutz_ansi", commit = "9520e82c474b0a04dd04f8a40959027271bab992", importpath = "", ) go_repository( name = "com_github_fjl_memsize", commit = "2a09253e352a56f419bd88effab0483f52da4c7d", importpath = "", ) go_repository( name = "com_github_libp2p_go_libp2p", commit = "c1687281a5c19b61ee5e0dc07fad15697c3bde94", # 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