package balances import ( "fmt" "" "" pb "" "" "" "" ) // baseRewardQuotient takes the total balance and calculates for // the quotient of the base reward. // // Spec pseudocode definition: // base_reward_quotient = // BASE_REWARD_QUOTIENT * integer_squareroot(total_balance // GWEI_PER_ETH) func baseRewardQuotient(totalBalance uint64) uint64 { baseRewardQuotient := params.BeaconConfig().BaseRewardQuotient * mathutil.IntegerSquareRoot( totalBalance/params.BeaconConfig().Gwei) return baseRewardQuotient } // baseReward takes state and validator index to calculate for // individual validator's base reward. // // Spec pseudocode definition: // base_reward(state, index) = // get_effective_balance(state, index) // base_reward_quotient // 5 func baseReward( state *pb.BeaconState, validatorIndex uint32, baseRewardQuotient uint64) uint64 { validatorBalance := validators.EffectiveBalance(state, validatorIndex) return validatorBalance / baseRewardQuotient / 5 } // inactivityPenalty takes state and validator index to calculate for // individual validator's penalty for being offline. // // Spec pseudocode definition: // inactivity_penalty(state, index, epochs_since_finality) = // base_reward(state, index) + get_effective_balance(state, index) // * epochs_since_finality // INACTIVITY_PENALTY_QUOTIENT // 2 func inactivityPenalty( state *pb.BeaconState, validatorIndex uint32, baseRewardQuotient uint64, epochsSinceFinality uint64) uint64 { baseReward := baseReward(state, validatorIndex, baseRewardQuotient) validatorBalance := validators.EffectiveBalance(state, validatorIndex) return baseReward + validatorBalance*epochsSinceFinality/params.BeaconConfig().InactivityPenaltyQuotient/2 } // FFGSrcRewardsPenalties applies rewards or penalties // for an expected FFG source. It uses total justified // attesting balances, total validator balances and base // reward quotient to calculate the reward amount. // Validators who voted for previous justified hash // will get a reward, everyone else will get a penalty. // // Spec pseudocode definition: // Any validator index in previous_epoch_justified_attester_indices // gains base_reward(state, index) * previous_epoch_justified_attesting_balance // total_balance. // Any active validator v not in previous_epoch_justified_attester_indices // loses base_reward(state, index). func FFGSrcRewardsPenalties( state *pb.BeaconState, justifiedAttesterIndices []uint32, justifiedAttestingBalance uint64, totalBalance uint64) *pb.BeaconState { baseRewardQuotient := baseRewardQuotient(totalBalance) for _, index := range justifiedAttesterIndices { state.ValidatorBalances[index] += baseReward(state, index, baseRewardQuotient) * justifiedAttestingBalance / totalBalance } allValidatorIndices := validators.ActiveValidatorIndices(state.ValidatorRegistry) didNotAttestIndices := slices.Not(justifiedAttesterIndices, allValidatorIndices) for _, index := range didNotAttestIndices { state.ValidatorBalances[index] -= baseReward(state, index, baseRewardQuotient) } return state } // FFGTargetRewardsPenalties applies rewards or penalties // for an expected FFG target. It uses total boundary // attesting balances, total validator balances and base // reward quotient to calculate the reward amount. // Validators who voted for epoch boundary block // will get a reward, everyone else will get a penalty. // // Spec pseudocode definition: // Any validator index in previous_epoch_boundary_attester_indices gains // base_reward(state, index) * previous_epoch_boundary_attesting_balance // total_balance. // Any active validator index not in previous_epoch_boundary_attester_indices loses // base_reward(state, index). func FFGTargetRewardsPenalties( state *pb.BeaconState, boundaryAttesterIndices []uint32, boundaryAttestingBalance uint64, totalBalance uint64) *pb.BeaconState { baseRewardQuotient := baseRewardQuotient(totalBalance) for _, index := range boundaryAttesterIndices { state.ValidatorBalances[index] += baseReward(state, index, baseRewardQuotient) * boundaryAttestingBalance / totalBalance } allValidatorIndices := validators.ActiveValidatorIndices(state.ValidatorRegistry) didNotAttestIndices := slices.Not(boundaryAttesterIndices, allValidatorIndices) for _, index := range didNotAttestIndices { state.ValidatorBalances[index] -= baseReward(state, index, baseRewardQuotient) } return state } // ChainHeadRewardsPenalties applies rewards or penalties // for an expected beacon chain head. It uses total head // attesting balances, total validator balances and base // reward quotient to calculate the reward amount. // Validators who voted for the canonical head block // will get a reward, everyone else will get a penalty. // // Spec pseudocode definition: // Any validator index in previous_epoch_head_attester_indices gains // base_reward(state, index) * previous_epoch_head_attesting_balance // total_balance). // Any active validator index not in previous_epoch_head_attester_indices loses // base_reward(state, index). func ChainHeadRewardsPenalties( state *pb.BeaconState, headAttesterIndices []uint32, headAttestingBalance uint64, totalBalance uint64) *pb.BeaconState { baseRewardQuotient := baseRewardQuotient(totalBalance) for _, index := range headAttesterIndices { state.ValidatorBalances[index] += baseReward(state, index, baseRewardQuotient) * headAttestingBalance / totalBalance } allValidatorIndices := validators.ActiveValidatorIndices(state.ValidatorRegistry) didNotAttestIndices := slices.Not(headAttesterIndices, allValidatorIndices) for _, index := range didNotAttestIndices { state.ValidatorBalances[index] -= baseReward(state, index, baseRewardQuotient) } return state } // InclusionDistRewards applies rewards based on // inclusion distance. It uses calculated inclusion distance // and base reward quotient to calculate the reward amount. // // Spec pseudocode definition: // Any validator index in previous_epoch_attester_indices gains // base_reward(state, index) * MIN_ATTESTATION_INCLUSION_DELAY // // inclusion_distance(state, index) func InclusionDistRewards( state *pb.BeaconState, attesterIndices []uint32, totalBalance uint64) (*pb.BeaconState, error) { baseRewardQuotient := baseRewardQuotient(totalBalance) for _, index := range attesterIndices { inclusionDistance, err := epoch.InclusionDistance(state, index) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get inclusion distance: %v", err) } state.ValidatorBalances[index] += baseReward(state, index, baseRewardQuotient) * params.BeaconConfig().MinAttestationInclusionDelay / inclusionDistance } return state, nil } // InactivityFFGSrcPenalties applies penalties to inactive // validators that missed to vote FFG source over an // extended of time. (epochs_since_finality > 4) // // Spec pseudocode definition: // Any active validator index not in previous_epoch_justified_attester_indices, // loses inactivity_penalty(state, index, epochs_since_finality) func InactivityFFGSrcPenalties( state *pb.BeaconState, justifiedAttesterIndices []uint32, totalBalance uint64, epochsSinceFinality uint64) *pb.BeaconState { baseRewardQuotient := baseRewardQuotient(totalBalance) allValidatorIndices := validators.ActiveValidatorIndices(state.ValidatorRegistry) didNotAttestIndices := slices.Not(justifiedAttesterIndices, allValidatorIndices) for _, index := range didNotAttestIndices { state.ValidatorBalances[index] -= inactivityPenalty(state, index, baseRewardQuotient, epochsSinceFinality) } return state } // InactivityFFGTargetPenalties applies penalties to inactive // validators that missed to vote FFG target over an // extended of time. (epochs_since_finality > 4) // // Spec pseudocode definition: // Any active validator index not in previous_epoch_boundary_attester_indices, // loses inactivity_penalty(state, index, epochs_since_finality) func InactivityFFGTargetPenalties( state *pb.BeaconState, boundaryAttesterIndices []uint32, totalBalance uint64, epochsSinceFinality uint64) *pb.BeaconState { baseRewardQuotient := baseRewardQuotient(totalBalance) allValidatorIndices := validators.ActiveValidatorIndices(state.ValidatorRegistry) didNotAttestIndices := slices.Not(boundaryAttesterIndices, allValidatorIndices) for _, index := range didNotAttestIndices { state.ValidatorBalances[index] -= inactivityPenalty(state, index, baseRewardQuotient, epochsSinceFinality) } return state } // InactivityHeadPenalties applies penalties to inactive validators // that missed to vote on canonical head over an extended of time. // (epochs_since_finality > 4) // // Spec pseudocode definition: // Any active validator index not in previous_epoch_head_attester_indices, // loses base_reward(state, index) func InactivityHeadPenalties( state *pb.BeaconState, headAttesterIndices []uint32, totalBalance uint64) *pb.BeaconState { baseRewardQuotient := baseRewardQuotient(totalBalance) allValidatorIndices := validators.ActiveValidatorIndices(state.ValidatorRegistry) didNotAttestIndices := slices.Not(headAttesterIndices, allValidatorIndices) for _, index := range didNotAttestIndices { state.ValidatorBalances[index] -= baseReward(state, index, baseRewardQuotient) } return state } // InactivityExitedPenalties applies additional (2x) penalties // to inactive validators with status EXITED_WITH_PENALTY. // // Spec pseudocode definition: // Any validator index with status == EXITED_WITH_PENALTY, // loses 2 * inactivity_penalty(state, index, epochs_since_finality) + // base_reward(state, index) func InactivityExitedPenalties( state *pb.BeaconState, totalBalance uint64, epochsSinceFinality uint64) *pb.BeaconState { baseRewardQuotient := baseRewardQuotient(totalBalance) allValidatorIndices := validators.AllValidatorsIndices(state) for _, index := range allValidatorIndices { if state.ValidatorRegistry[index].Status == pb.ValidatorRecord_EXITED_WITH_PENALTY { state.ValidatorBalances[index] -= 2*inactivityPenalty(state, index, baseRewardQuotient, epochsSinceFinality) + baseReward(state, index, baseRewardQuotient) } } return state } // InactivityInclusionPenalties applies penalties in relation with // inclusion delay to inactive validators. // // Spec pseudocode definition: // Any validator index in previous_epoch_attester_indices loses // base_reward(state, index) - base_reward(state, index) * // MIN_ATTESTATION_INCLUSION_DELAY // inclusion_distance(state, index) func InactivityInclusionPenalties( state *pb.BeaconState, attesterIndices []uint32, totalBalance uint64) (*pb.BeaconState, error) { baseRewardQuotient := baseRewardQuotient(totalBalance) for _, index := range attesterIndices { inclusionDistance, err := epoch.InclusionDistance(state, index) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get inclusion distance: %v", err) } baseReward := baseReward(state, index, baseRewardQuotient) state.ValidatorBalances[index] -= baseReward - baseReward*params.BeaconConfig().MinAttestationInclusionDelay/ inclusionDistance } return state, nil } // AttestationInclusionRewards awards the the beacon // proposers who included previous epoch attestations. // // Spec pseudocode definition: // For each index in previous_epoch_attester_indices, // we determine the proposer proposer_index = // get_beacon_proposer_index(state, inclusion_slot(state, index)) // and set state.validator_balances[proposer_index] += // base_reward(state, index) // INCLUDER_REWARD_QUOTIENT func AttestationInclusionRewards( state *pb.BeaconState, totalBalance uint64, prevEpochAttesterIndices []uint32) (*pb.BeaconState, error) { baseRewardQuotient := baseRewardQuotient(totalBalance) for _, index := range prevEpochAttesterIndices { slot, err := epoch.InclusionSlot(state, index) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get inclusion slot: %v", err) } proposerIndex, err := validators.BeaconProposerIndex(state, slot) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not get propoer index: %v", err) } state.ValidatorBalances[proposerIndex] += baseReward(state, proposerIndex, baseRewardQuotient) / params.BeaconConfig().IncluderRewardQuotient } return state, nil } // CrosslinksRewardsPenalties awards or penalizes attesters // for attesting shard cross links. // // Spec pseudocode definition: // For every shard_committee in state.shard_committees_at_slots[:EPOCH_LENGTH]: // For each index in shard_committee.committee, adjust balances as follows: // If index in attesting_validators(shard_committee), state.validator_balances[index] // += base_reward(state, index) * total_attesting_balance(shard_committee) // total_balance(shard_committee)). // If index not in attesting_validators(shard_committee), state.validator_balances[index] // -= base_reward(state, index). func CrosslinksRewardsPenalties( state *pb.BeaconState, totalAttestingBalance uint64, totalBalance uint64, attesterIndices []uint32) *pb.BeaconState { epochLength := params.BeaconConfig().EpochLength baseRewardQuotient := baseRewardQuotient(totalBalance) for _, shardCommitteesAtSlot := range state.ShardAndCommitteesAtSlots[:epochLength] { for _, shardCommitees := range shardCommitteesAtSlot.ArrayShardAndCommittee { for _, index := range shardCommitees.Committee { baseReward := baseReward(state, index, baseRewardQuotient) if slices.IsIn(index, attesterIndices) { state.ValidatorBalances[index] += baseReward * totalAttestingBalance / totalBalance } else { state.ValidatorBalances[index] -= baseReward * totalAttestingBalance / totalBalance } } } } return state }