# Minikube setup for Beacon-chain and 8 Validators ## Set up Kubernetes and Minikube ### Make sure you have kubectl installed https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-minikube/ ### For installing the hypervisor, it's recommended if you're on OS X to use hyperkit, install it here https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/blob/master/docs/drivers.md#hyperkit-driver ### Configure Hyperkit as your default `minikube config set vm-driver hyperkit` ## Running the beacon chain and validators in Minikube ### Start Minikube and the dashboard `minikube start --memory 4096` `minikube dashboard` ### Set up the beacon-chain config Deploy a new deposit contract with: ``` bazel run //contracts/deposit-contract/deployContract -- --httpPath=https://goerli.prylabs.net --privKey=$(cat /path/to/private/key/file) --chainStart=8 --minDeposit=100000 --maxDeposit=3200000 --customChainstartDelay 120 ``` Place the Goerli network deposit contract address from above in `k8s/beacon-chain/beacon-config.config.yaml` ### Apply the namespace and config yamls ``` cd k8s/ kubectl apply -f priority.yaml cd beacon-chain/ kubectl apply -f namespace.yaml kubectl apply -f beacon-config.config.yaml ``` ### Edit the beacon-chain.deploy.yaml to prepare it for a local instance Change the lines 40-53 to: ``` args: - --web3provider=ws://goerli.prylabs.com/websocket #- --verbosity=debug - --deposit-contract=$(DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS) - --rpc-port=4000 - --monitoring-port=9090 # - --bootstrap-node=/ip4/$(BOOTNODE_SERVICE_HOST)/tcp/$(BOOTNODE_SERVICE_PORT)/p2p/QmQEe7o6hKJdGdSkJRh7WJzS6xrex5f4w2SPR6oWbJNriw # - --relay-node=/ip4/ - --p2p-port=5000 - --demo-config # - --enable-tracing # - --tracing-endpoint=http://jaeger-collector.istio-system.svc.cluster.local:14268 # - --trace-sample-fraction=1.0 - --datadir=/data ``` (commenting out the 3 tracing items and the bootstrap/relay nodes, also changing the web3 provider to ws://goerli.prylabs.com/websocket) ### Apply the beacon chain yamls to start the beacon-chain ``` kubectl apply -f beacon-chain.service.yaml kubectl apply -f beacon-chain.deploy.yaml ``` ### Go into the minikube dashboard and set your namespace to "beacon-chain" in the middle of the left side You should see 3 beacon-chain node replicas ### Add your private key into the cluster manger config Convert a goerli private key with ETH to base64 in [a browser js console](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/246801/how-can-you-encode-a-string-to-base64-in-javascript) and set it in `k8s/beacon-chain/cluster-manager.encrypted_secret.yaml`. ### Edit the cluster-manager.yaml to use the Prylabs Goerli node endpoint Change lines 55-63 to: ``` args: - --deposit-contract=$(DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS) - --private-key=$(PRIVATE_KEY) - --rpc=ws://goerli.prylabs.com/websocket - --port=8000 - --metrics-port=9090 - --deposit-amount=3200000000000000 - --db-path=/data - --verbose ``` ### Edit the validator.deploy.yaml to prepare it for a local instance Change the lines 20-28 to: ``` args: - --keystore-path=/keystore - --password=nopass - --datadir=/data - --beacon-rpc-provider=beacon-chain:4000 - --demo-config # - --enable-tracing # - --tracing-endpoint=http://jaeger-collector.istio-system.svc.cluster.local:14268 # - --trace-sample-fraction=1.0 ``` (commenting out the bottom 3) ### Apply the cluster manager and validator yamls ``` kubectl apply -f cluster-manager.encrypted_secret.yaml kubectl apply -f cluster-manager.yaml kubectl apply -f validator.deploy.yaml ``` ### Check the beacon-chain namespace in the dashboard and you should see 8 validators loading # Minikube common commands ## To remove all the containers inside the minikube `kubectl delete -f k8s/beacon-chain/namespace.yaml` ## To stop the minikube instance `minikube stop` ## To delete the container `minikube delete`