syntax = "proto3"; package ethereum.eth.v1alpha1; import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; import "proto/eth/v1alpha1/beacon_block.proto"; import "proto/eth/v1alpha1/attestation.proto"; option go_package = ";eth"; // Slasher service API // // Slasher service provides an interface for validators and beacon chain server to query // and subscribe for slashable events on the network as well as to make sure that the // attestation or proposal they are going to submit to the network are not going to // produce a slashable event. service Slasher { // Gets AttesterSlashing container if the attestation that // was received produces a slashable event. rpc IsSlashableAttestation(ethereum.eth.v1alpha1.Attestation) returns (ethereum.eth.v1alpha1.AttesterSlashing); // Gets ProposerSlashing container if the block header that // was received produces a slashable event. rpc IsSlashableBlock(ProposerSlashingRequest) returns (ProposerSlashingResponse); // Subscription to receive all slashable proposer slashing events found by the watchtower. rpc SlashableProposals(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream ethereum.eth.v1alpha1.ProposerSlashing); // Subscription to receive all slashable attester slashing events found by the watchtower. rpc SlashableAttestations(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream ethereum.eth.v1alpha1.AttesterSlashing); } message ValidatorIDToIdxAtt { repeated uint64 indices = 1 ; bytes data_root = 2; // 96 bytes aggregate signature. bytes signature = 3; } message ValidatorIDToIdxAttList { repeated ValidatorIDToIdxAtt indicesList = 1 ; } message ProposerSlashingRequest { ethereum.eth.v1alpha1.BeaconBlockHeader block_header=1; uint64 validator_index=2; } message ProposerSlashingResponse { repeated ethereum.eth.v1alpha1.ProposerSlashing proposer_slashing=1; }