load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_library", "go_test") config_setting( name = "use_gmp", values = {"define": "BLS_USE_GMP=true"}, ) config_setting( name = "use_openssl", values = {"define": "BLS_USE_OPENSSL=true"}, ) OPTS = [ "-DMCL_LLVM_BMI2=0", "-DMCL_USE_LLVM=1", "-DMCL_VINT_FIXED_BUFFER", "-DMCL_SIZEOF_UNIT=8", "-DMCL_MAX_BIT_SIZE=384", "-DCYBOZU_DONT_USE_EXCEPTION", "-DCYBOZU_DONT_USE_STRING", "-DBLS_SWAP_G", "-DBLS_ETH", ] + select({ ":use_gmp": [], "//conditions:default": [ "-DMCL_USE_VINT", ], }) + select({ ":use_openssl": [], "//conditions:default": [ "-DMCL_DONT_USE_OPENSSL", ], }) genrule( name = "base64_ll", outs = ["src/base64.ll"], # llvm assembly language file. tools = [ "@herumi_mcl//:src_gen", ], cmd = "touch func.list && $(location @herumi_mcl//:src_gen) -u 64 -f func.list > $@", ) genrule( name = "base64_o", srcs = [ "src/base64.ll", ], outs = ["base64.o"], cmd = "external/llvm_toolchain/bin/clang++ -c -o $@ $(location src/base64.ll)", tools = ["@llvm_toolchain//:clang"], ) cc_library( name = "lib", srcs = [ "@herumi_mcl//:src/fp.cpp", "@herumi_bls//:src/bls_c384_256.cpp", "@herumi_bls//:src/bls_c_impl.hpp", ":base64_o", ], deps = ["@herumi_mcl//:bn"], includes = [ "bls/include", ], hdrs = [ "bls/include/bls/bls.h", "bls/include/bls/bls384_256.h", "bls/include/mcl/bn.h", "bls/include/mcl/bn_c384_256.h", "@herumi_mcl//:include/mcl/curve_type.h", ], copts = OPTS + [ "-std=c++03", ], linkopts = select({ ":use_gmp": ["-lgmp"], "//conditions:default": [], }) + select({ ":use_openssl": [ "-lssl", "-lcrypto", ], "//conditions:default": [], }), ) cc_library( name = "precompiled", srcs = select({ "@io_bazel_rules_go//go/platform:android_arm": [ "bls/lib/android/armeabi-v7a/libbls384_256.a", ], "@io_bazel_rules_go//go/platform:linux_arm64": [ "bls/lib/android/arm64-v8a/libbls384_256.a", ], "@io_bazel_rules_go//go/platform:android_arm64": [ "bls/lib/android/arm64-v8a/libbls384_256.a", ], "@io_bazel_rules_go//go/platform:darwin_amd64": [ "bls/lib/darwin/amd64/libbls384_256.a", ], "@io_bazel_rules_go//go/platform:linux_amd64": [ "bls/lib/linux/amd64/libbls384_256.a", ], "@io_bazel_rules_go//go/platform:windows_amd64": [ "bls/lib/windows/amd64/libbls384_256.a", ], "//conditions:default": [], }), hdrs = [ "bls/include/bls/bls.h", "bls/include/bls/bls384_256.h", "bls/include/mcl/bn.h", "bls/include/mcl/bn_c384_256.h", "bls/include/mcl/curve_type.h", ], includes = [ "bls/include", ], deprecation = "Using precompiled BLS archives. To build BLS from source with llvm, use --config=llvm.", ) config_setting( name = "llvm_compiler_enabled", define_values = { "compiler": "llvm", }, ) go_library( name = "go_default_library", importpath = "github.com/herumi/bls-eth-go-binary/bls", srcs = [ "bls/bls.go", "bls/callback.go", "bls/cast.go", "bls/mcl.go", ], cdeps = select({ ":llvm_compiler_enabled": [":lib"], "//conditions:default": [":precompiled"], }), copts = OPTS, cgo = True, visibility = [ # Additional access will require security approval. "@prysm//shared/bls:__pkg__", ], )