## compiled with v0.1.0-beta.8 ## DEPOSIT_TREE_DEPTH: constant(uint256) = 32 TWO_TO_POWER_OF_TREE_DEPTH: constant(uint256) = 4294967296 # 2**32 SECONDS_PER_DAY: constant(uint256) = 86400 MAX_64_BIT_VALUE: constant(uint256) = 18446744073709551615 # 2**64 - 1 Deposit: event({deposit_root: bytes32, data: bytes[528], merkle_tree_index: bytes[8], branch: bytes32[32]}) ChainStart: event({deposit_root: bytes32, time: bytes[8]}) CHAIN_START_FULL_DEPOSIT_THRESHOLD: public(uint256) MIN_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT: public(uint256) # Gwei MAX_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT: public(uint256) # Gwei zerohashes: bytes32[32] branch: bytes32[32] deposit_count: public(uint256) full_deposit_count: public(uint256) skip_chainstart_delay: public(bool) genesisTime: public(bytes[8]) @public def __init__(depositThreshold: uint256,minDeposit: uint256,maxDeposit: uint256, skipChainstartDelay: bool): self.CHAIN_START_FULL_DEPOSIT_THRESHOLD = depositThreshold self.MIN_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT = minDeposit self.MAX_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT = maxDeposit self.skip_chainstart_delay = skipChainstartDelay for i in range(31): self.zerohashes[i+1] = sha3(concat(self.zerohashes[i], self.zerohashes[i])) self.branch[i+1] = self.zerohashes[i+1] @private @constant def to_bytes8(value: uint256) -> bytes[8]: return slice(convert(value, bytes32), start=24, len=8) @public @constant def to_little_endian_64(value: uint256) -> bytes[8]: assert value <= MAX_64_BIT_VALUE big_endian_64: bytes[8] = self.to_bytes8(value) # array access for bytes[] not currently supported in vyper so # reversing bytes using bitwise uint256 manipulations x: uint256 = convert(big_endian_64, uint256) y: uint256 = 0 for i in range(8): y = shift(y, 8) y = y + bitwise_and(x, 255) x = shift(x, -8) return self.to_bytes8(y) @public @constant def get_deposit_root() -> bytes32: root:bytes32 = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 size:uint256 = self.deposit_count for h in range(32): if size % 2 == 1: root = sha3(concat(self.branch[h], root)) else: root = sha3(concat(root, self.zerohashes[h])) size /= 2 return root @payable @public def deposit(deposit_input: bytes[512]): deposit_amount: uint256 = msg.value / as_wei_value(1, "gwei") assert deposit_amount >= self.MIN_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT assert deposit_amount <= self.MAX_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT index: uint256 = self.deposit_count deposit_timestamp: uint256 = as_unitless_number(block.timestamp) deposit_data: bytes[528] = concat(self.to_little_endian_64(deposit_amount), self.to_little_endian_64(deposit_timestamp), deposit_input) # add deposit to merkle tree i: int128 = 0 power_of_two: uint256 = 2 for _ in range(32): if (index+1) % power_of_two != 0: break i += 1 power_of_two *= 2 value:bytes32 = sha3(deposit_data) for j in range(32): if j < i: value = sha3(concat(self.branch[j], value)) self.branch[i] = value self.deposit_count += 1 new_deposit_root: bytes32 = self.get_deposit_root() log.Deposit(new_deposit_root, deposit_data, self.to_little_endian_64(index), self.branch) if deposit_amount == self.MAX_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT: self.full_deposit_count += 1 if self.full_deposit_count == self.CHAIN_START_FULL_DEPOSIT_THRESHOLD: if self.skip_chainstart_delay: self.genesisTime = self.to_little_endian_64(deposit_timestamp) log.ChainStart(self.get_deposit_root(), self.genesisTime) else: timestamp_day_boundary: uint256 = as_unitless_number(block.timestamp) - as_unitless_number(block.timestamp) % SECONDS_PER_DAY + SECONDS_PER_DAY self.genesisTime = self.to_little_endian_64(timestamp_day_boundary) log.ChainStart(new_deposit_root, self.genesisTime)