pragma solidity ^0.4.19; import "RLP.sol"; interface SigHasherContract { // function () returns(bytes32); } contract VMC { using RLP for RLP.RLPItem; using RLP for RLP.Iterator; using RLP for bytes; struct Validator { // Amount of wei the validator holds uint deposit; // The validator's address address addr; // Addess to withdraw to address returnAddr; // The cycle number which the validator would be included after int cycle; } struct CollationHeader { bytes32 parentCollationHash; int score; } struct Receipt { int shardId; uint txStartgas; uint txGasprice; uint value; address sender; address to; bytes32 data; } mapping (int => Validator) validators; mapping (int => mapping (bytes32 => CollationHeader)) collationHeaders; mapping (int => Receipt) receipts; mapping (int => bytes32) shardHead; int numValidators; int numReceipts; // Indexs of empty slots caused by the function `withdraw` mapping (int => int) emptySlotsStack; // The top index of the stack in empty_slots_stack int emptySlotsStackTop; // Is a valcode addr deposited now? mapping (address => bool) isValcodeDeposited; // Constant values uint constant periodLength = 5; int constant numValidatorsPerCycle = 100; int constant shardCount = 100; // The exact deposit size which you have to deposit to become a validator uint constant depositSize = 100 ether; // Any given validator randomly gets allocated to some number of shards every SHUFFLING_CYCLE int constant shufflingCycleLength = 5; // FIXME: just modified temporarily for test; bytes32 addHeaderLogTopic; SigHasherContract sighasher; // Log the latest period number of the shard mapping (int => int) periodHead; function VMC() public { numValidators = 0; emptySlotsStackTop = 0; addHeaderLogTopic = keccak256("add_header()"); sighasher = SigHasherContract(0xDFFD41E18F04Ad8810c83B14FD1426a82E625A7D); } function isStackEmpty() internal view returns(bool) { return emptySlotsStackTop == 0; } function stackPush(int index) internal { emptySlotsStack[emptySlotsStackTop] = index; ++emptySlotsStackTop; } function stackPop() internal returns(int) { if (isStackEmpty()) return -1; --emptySlotsStackTop; return emptySlotsStack[emptySlotsStackTop]; } function getValidatorsMaxIndex() public view returns(int) { int activateValidatorNum = 0; int currentCycle = int(block.number) / shufflingCycleLength; int allValidatorSlotsNum = numValidators + emptySlotsStackTop; // TODO: any better way to iterate the mapping? for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) { if (i >= allValidatorSlotsNum) break; if (validators[i].cycle <= currentCycle) activateValidatorNum += 1; } return activateValidatorNum + emptySlotsStackTop; } function deposit(address _returnAddr) public payable returns(int) { require(!isValcodeDeposited[msg.sender]); require(msg.value == depositSize); // Find the empty slot index in validators set int index; int nextCycle = 0; if (!isStackEmpty()) index = stackPop(); else { index = int(numValidators); nextCycle = (int(block.number) / shufflingCycleLength) + 1; validators[index] = Validator({ deposit: msg.value, addr: msg.sender, returnAddr: _returnAddr, cycle: nextCycle }); } ++numValidators; isValcodeDeposited[msg.sender] = true; log2(keccak256("deposit()"), bytes32(msg.sender), bytes32(index)); return index; } function withdraw(int _validatorIndex) public { var msgHash = keccak256("withdraw"); require(msg.sender == validators[_validatorIndex].addr); validators[_validatorIndex].returnAddr.transfer(validators[_validatorIndex].deposit); isValcodeDeposited[validators[_validatorIndex].addr] = false; delete validators[_validatorIndex]; stackPush(_validatorIndex); --numValidators; log1(msgHash, bytes32(_validatorIndex)); } function sample(int _shardId) public constant returns(address) { require(block.number >= periodLength); var cycle = int(block.number) / shufflingCycleLength; int cycleStartBlockNumber = cycle * shufflingCycleLength - 1; if (cycleStartBlockNumber < 0) cycleStartBlockNumber = 0; int cycleSeed = int(block.blockhash(uint(cycleStartBlockNumber))); // originally, error occurs when block.number <= 4 because // `seed_block_number` becomes negative in these cases. int seed = int(block.blockhash(block.number - (block.number % uint(periodLength)) - 1)); uint indexInSubset = uint(keccak256(seed, bytes32(_shardId))) % uint(numValidatorsPerCycle); uint validatorIndex = uint(keccak256(cycleSeed, bytes32(_shardId), bytes32(indexInSubset))) % uint(getValidatorsMaxIndex()); if (validators[int(validatorIndex)].cycle > cycle) return 0x0; else return validators[int(validatorIndex)].addr; } // Get all possible shard ids that the given _valcodeAddr // may be sampled in the current cycle function getShardList(address _validatorAddr) public constant returns(bool[shardCount]) { bool[shardCount] memory shardList; int cycle = int(block.number) / shufflingCycleLength; int cycleStartBlockNumber = cycle * shufflingCycleLength - 1; if (cycleStartBlockNumber < 0) cycleStartBlockNumber = 0; var cycleSeed = block.blockhash(uint(cycleStartBlockNumber)); int validatorsMaxIndex = getValidatorsMaxIndex(); if (numValidators != 0) { for (uint8 shardId = 0; shardId < shardCount; ++shardId) { shardList[shardId] = false; for (uint8 possibleIndexInSubset = 0; possibleIndexInSubset < shardCount; ++possibleIndexInSubset) { uint validatorIndex = uint(keccak256(cycleSeed, bytes32(shardId), bytes32(possibleIndexInSubset))) % uint(validatorsMaxIndex); if (_validatorAddr == validators[int(validatorIndex)].addr) { shardList[shardId] = true; break; } } } } return shardList; } struct Header { int shardId; uint expectedPeriodNumber; bytes32 periodStartPrevhash; bytes32 parentCollationHash; bytes32 txListRoot; address collationCoinbase; bytes32 postStateRoot; bytes32 receiptRoot; int collationNumber; bytes sig; } function addHeader(bytes _header) public returns(bool) { // require(_header.length <= 4096); // TODO // values = RLPList(header, [num, num, bytes32, bytes32, bytes32, address, bytes32, bytes32, num, bytes]) // return True bytes memory mHeader = _header; var RLPList = mHeader.toRLPItem(true).iterator(); var header = Header({ shardId:, expectedPeriodNumber:, periodStartPrevhash:, parentCollationHash:, txListRoot:, collationCoinbase:, postStateRoot:, receiptRoot:, collationNumber:, sig: }); // Check if the header is valid require((header.shardId >= 0) && (header.shardId < shardCount)); require(block.number >= periodLength); require(header.expectedPeriodNumber == (block.number / periodLength)); require(header.periodStartPrevhash == block.blockhash(header.expectedPeriodNumber * periodLength - 1)); // Check if this header already exists var entireHeaderHash = keccak256(header); assert(entireHeaderHash != 0x0); assert(collationHeaders[header.shardId][entireHeaderHash].score == 0); // Check whether the parent exists. // if (parent_collation_hash == 0), i.e., is the genesis, // then there is no need to check. if (header.parentCollationHash != 0x0) assert ((header.parentCollationHash == 0x0) || (collationHeaders[header.shardId][header.parentCollationHash].score > 0)); // Check if only one colllation in one period assert (periodHead[header.shardId] < int(header.expectedPeriodNumber)); // Check the signature with validation_code_addr var collatorValcodeAddr = sample(header.shardId); if (collatorValcodeAddr == 0x0) return false; // assembly { // TODO next block // } // sighash = extract32(raw_call(self.sighasher_addr, header, gas=200000, outsize=32), 0) // assert extract32(raw_call(collator_valcode_addr, concat(sighash, sig), gas=self.sig_gas_limit, outsize=32), 0) == as_bytes32(1) // Check score == collation_number var _score = collationHeaders[header.shardId][header.parentCollationHash].score + 1; assert(header.collationNumber == _score); // Add the header collationHeaders[header.shardId][entireHeaderHash] = CollationHeader({ parentCollationHash: header.parentCollationHash, score: _score }); // Update the latest period number periodHead[header.shardId] = int(header.expectedPeriodNumber); // Determine the head if (_score > collationHeaders[header.shardId][shardHead[header.shardId]].score) { var previousHeadHash = shardHead[header.shardId]; shardHead[header.shardId] = entireHeaderHash; // Logs only when `change_head` happens due to the fork // TODO LOG // log1([addHeaderLogTopic, keccak256("change_head"), entireHeaderHash], previousHeadHash); } // Emit log // TODO LOG // log1(addHeaderLogTopic, _header); return true; } function getPeriodStartPrevhash(uint _expectedPeriodNumber) public constant returns(bytes32) { uint blockNumber = _expectedPeriodNumber * periodLength - 1; require(block.number > blockNumber); return block.blockhash(blockNumber); } // Returns the difference between the block number of this hash and the block // number of the 10000th ancestor of this hash. function getAncestorDistance(bytes32 /*_hash*/) public pure returns(bytes32) { // TODO } // Returns the gas limit that collations can currently have (by default make // this function always answer 10 million). function getCollationGasLimit() public pure returns(uint) { return 10000000; } // Records a request to deposit msg.value ETH to address to in shard shard_id // during a future collation. Saves a `receipt ID` for this request, // also saving `msg.sender`, `msg.value`, `to`, `shard_id`, `startgas`, // `gasprice`, and `data`. function txToShard(address _to, int _shardId, uint _txStartgas, uint _txGasprice, bytes12 _data) public payable returns(int) { receipts[numReceipts] = Receipt({ shardId: _shardId, txStartgas: _txStartgas, txGasprice: _txGasprice, value: msg.value, sender: msg.sender, to: _to, data: _data }); var receiptId = numReceipts; ++numReceipts; log3(keccak256("tx_to_shard()"), bytes32(_to), bytes32(_shardId), bytes32(receiptId)); return receiptId; } function updataGasPrice(int _receiptId, uint _txGasprice) public payable returns(bool) { require(receipts[_receiptId].sender == msg.sender); receipts[_receiptId].txGasprice = _txGasprice; return true; } }