syntax = "proto3"; package ethereum.beacon.rpc.v1; import "eth/v1alpha1/node.proto"; import "proto/beacon/p2p/v1/messages.proto"; import "google/api/annotations.proto"; import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; // Debug service API // // The debug service in Prysm provides API access to various utilities // for debugging the beacon node's functionality at runtime, such as being able // to retrieve the beacon state by block root or state root from the node directly. service Debug { // Returns a beacon state by filter criteria from the beacon node. rpc GetBeaconState(BeaconStateRequest) returns (SSZResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { get: "/eth/v1alpha1/debug/state" }; } // Returns a beacon state by filter criteria from the beacon node. rpc GetBlock(BlockRequest) returns (SSZResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { get: "/eth/v1alpha1/debug/block" }; } // SetLoggingLevel sets the log-level of the beacon node programmatically. rpc SetLoggingLevel(LoggingLevelRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) { option (google.api.http) = { post: "/eth/v1alpha1/debug/logging" }; } // Returns a proto array fork choice object from the beacon node. rpc GetProtoArrayForkChoice(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (ProtoArrayForkChoiceResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { get: "/eth/v1alpha1/debug/forkchoice" }; } // Returns all the related data for every peer tracked by the host node. rpc ListPeers(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (DebugPeerResponses){ option (google.api.http) = { get: "/eth/v1alpha1/debug/peers" }; } // Returns requested peer with specified peer id if it exists. rpc GetPeer(ethereum.eth.v1alpha1.PeerRequest) returns (DebugPeerResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { get: "/eth/v1alpha1/debug/peer" }; } // Returns the inclusion slot of a given attester id and slot. rpc GetInclusionSlot(InclusionSlotRequest) returns (InclusionSlotResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { get: "/eth/v1alpha1/debug/inclusion" }; } } message InclusionSlotRequest { uint64 id = 1; uint64 slot = 2; } message InclusionSlotResponse { uint64 slot = 2; } message BeaconStateRequest { oneof query_filter { // The slot corresponding to a desired beacon state. uint64 slot = 1; // The block root corresponding to a desired beacon state. bytes block_root = 2; } } message BlockRequest { bytes block_root = 1; } message SSZResponse { // Returns an ssz-encoded byte slice as a response. bytes encoded = 1; } message LoggingLevelRequest { // The logging levels available in Prysm as an enum. enum Level { INFO = 0; DEBUG = 1; TRACE = 2; } Level level = 1; } message ProtoArrayForkChoiceResponse { // The prune threshold of how many nodes allowed in proto array store. uint64 prune_threshold = 1; // Latest justified epoch in proto array store. uint64 justified_epoch = 2; // Latest finalized epoch in proto array store. uint64 finalized_epoch = 3; // The list of the proto array nodes in store. repeated ProtoArrayNode proto_array_nodes = 4; // Root to indices mapping of the proto array nodes in store. map indices = 5; } message ProtoArrayNode { // Slot of the proto array node. uint64 slot = 1; // Root of the proto array node. bytes root = 2; // Parent of the proto array node. uint64 parent = 3; // Justified epoch of the current proto array node. uint64 justified_epoch = 4; // finalized epoch of the current proto array node. uint64 finalized_epoch = 5; // Current weight of the current proto array node. uint64 weight = 6; // Best child of the current proto array node. uint64 best_child = 7; // Best descendant of the proto array node. uint64 best_descendant = 8; } message DebugPeerResponses { repeated DebugPeerResponse responses = 1; } message DebugPeerResponse { // Peer related metadata that is useful for debugging. message PeerInfo { // Metadata of the peer, containing their bitfield // and sequence number. ethereum.beacon.p2p.v1.MetaData metadata = 1; // List of protocols the peer supports. repeated string protocols = 2; // Number of times peer has been penalised. uint64 fault_count = 3; // Protocol Version peer is running. string protocol_version = 4; // Agent Version peer is running. string agent_version = 5; // Latency of responses from peer(in ms). uint64 peer_latency = 6; } // Listening addresses know of the peer. repeated string listening_addresses = 1; // Direction of current connection. ethereum.eth.v1alpha1.PeerDirection direction = 2; // Current connection between host and peer. ethereum.eth.v1alpha1.ConnectionState connection_state = 3; // Peer ID of peer. string peer_id = 4; // ENR of peer at the current moment. string enr = 5; // Peer Info of the peer containing all relevant metadata. PeerInfo peer_info = 6; // Peer Status of the peer. ethereum.beacon.p2p.v1.Status peer_status = 7; // Last know update time for peer status. uint64 last_updated = 8; }