/* Package featureconfig defines which features are enabled for runtime in order to selctively enable certain features to maintain a stable runtime. The process for implementing new features using this package is as follows: 1. Add a new CMD flag in flags.go, and place it in the proper list(s) var for its client. 2. Add a condition for the flag in the proper Configure function(s) below. 3. Place any "new" behavior in the `if flagEnabled` statement. 4. Place any "previous" behavior in the `else` statement. 5. Ensure any tests using the new feature fail if the flag isn't enabled. 5a. Use the following to enable your flag for tests: cfg := &featureconfig.FeatureFlagConfig{ VerifyAttestationSigs: true, } featureconfig.InitFeatureConfig(cfg) */ package featureconfig import ( "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" "github.com/urfave/cli" ) var log = logrus.WithField("prefix", "flags") // FeatureFlagConfig is a struct to represent what features the client will perform on runtime. type FeatureFlagConfig struct { NoGenesisDelay bool // NoGenesisDelay when processing a chain start genesis event. MinimalConfig bool // MinimalConfig as defined in the spec. WriteSSZStateTransitions bool // WriteSSZStateTransitions to tmp directory. InitSyncNoVerify bool // InitSyncNoVerify when initial syncing w/o verifying block's contents. // Cache toggles. EnableAttestationCache bool // EnableAttestationCache; see https://github.com/prysmaticlabs/prysm/issues/3106. EnableEth1DataVoteCache bool // EnableEth1DataVoteCache; see https://github.com/prysmaticlabs/prysm/issues/3106. } var featureConfig *FeatureFlagConfig // FeatureConfig retrieves feature config. func FeatureConfig() *FeatureFlagConfig { if featureConfig == nil { return &FeatureFlagConfig{} } return featureConfig } // InitFeatureConfig sets the global config equal to the config that is passed in. func InitFeatureConfig(c *FeatureFlagConfig) { featureConfig = c } // ConfigureBeaconFeatures sets the global config based // on what flags are enabled for the beacon-chain client. func ConfigureBeaconFeatures(ctx *cli.Context) { cfg := &FeatureFlagConfig{} if ctx.GlobalBool(MinimalConfigFlag.Name) { log.Warn("Using minimal config") cfg.MinimalConfig = true } if ctx.GlobalBool(NoGenesisDelayFlag.Name) { log.Warn("Using non standard genesis delay. This may cause problems in a multi-node environment.") cfg.NoGenesisDelay = true } if ctx.GlobalBool(writeSSZStateTransitionsFlag.Name) { log.Warn("Writing SSZ states and blocks after state transitions") cfg.WriteSSZStateTransitions = true } if ctx.GlobalBool(EnableAttestationCacheFlag.Name) { log.Warn("Enabled unsafe attestation cache") cfg.EnableAttestationCache = true } if ctx.GlobalBool(EnableEth1DataVoteCacheFlag.Name) { log.Warn("Enabled unsafe eth1 data vote cache") cfg.EnableEth1DataVoteCache = true } if ctx.GlobalBool(InitSyncNoVerifyFlag.Name) { log.Warn("Initial syncing without verifying block's contents") cfg.InitSyncNoVerify = true } InitFeatureConfig(cfg) } // ConfigureValidatorFeatures sets the global config based // on what flags are enabled for the validator client. func ConfigureValidatorFeatures(ctx *cli.Context) { cfg := &FeatureFlagConfig{} if ctx.GlobalBool(MinimalConfigFlag.Name) { log.Warn("Using minimal config") cfg.MinimalConfig = true } InitFeatureConfig(cfg) }