syntax = "proto3"; package ethereum.beacon.rpc.v1; import "google/protobuf/empty.proto"; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; import "proto/beacon/p2p/v1/types.proto"; import "google/api/annotations.proto"; import "protoc-gen-swagger/options/annotations.proto"; option (grpc.gateway.protoc_gen_swagger.options.openapiv2_swagger) = { info: { title: "Prysm"; version: "0.0.0"; contact: { name: "Prysmatic Labs"; url: ""; email: ""; }; license: { name: "GNU General Public License v3.0"; url: ""; }; description: "JSON RPC services provided by Prysm." }; external_docs: { url: ""; description : "Prysm Github"; }; host: "", schemes: HTTPS; consumes: "application/json"; consumes: "application/grpc-web-text"; consumes: "application/grpc-web-json"; produces: "application/json"; produces: "application/grpc-web-text"; consumes: "application/grpc-web-json"; }; service BeaconService { rpc WaitForChainStart(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream ChainStartResponse); // CanonicalHead can be called on demand to fetch the current, head block of a beacon node. rpc CanonicalHead(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (ethereum.beacon.p2p.v1.BeaconBlock); // LatestAttestation streams the latest aggregated attestation to connected validator clients. rpc LatestAttestation(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream ethereum.beacon.p2p.v1.Attestation); rpc PendingDeposits(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (PendingDepositsResponse); rpc Eth1Data(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (Eth1DataResponse); rpc ForkData(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (ethereum.beacon.p2p.v1.Fork); rpc BlockTree(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (BlockTreeResponse) { option (grpc.gateway.protoc_gen_swagger.options.openapiv2_operation) = { summary: "Fetches block tree since last finalized block."; }; option (google.api.http) = { get: "/v1/beacon/blocktree"; }; } rpc BlockTreeBySlots(TreeBlockSlotRequest) returns (BlockTreeResponse); } service AttesterService { rpc AttestHead(ethereum.beacon.p2p.v1.Attestation) returns (AttestResponse); rpc AttestationDataAtSlot(AttestationDataRequest) returns (AttestationDataResponse); } service ProposerService { rpc ProposerIndex(ProposerIndexRequest) returns (ProposerIndexResponse); rpc PendingAttestations(PendingAttestationsRequest) returns (PendingAttestationsResponse); rpc ProposeBlock(ethereum.beacon.p2p.v1.BeaconBlock) returns (ProposeResponse); rpc ComputeStateRoot(ethereum.beacon.p2p.v1.BeaconBlock) returns (StateRootResponse); } service ValidatorService { rpc WaitForActivation(ValidatorActivationRequest) returns (stream ValidatorActivationResponse); rpc ValidatorIndex(ValidatorIndexRequest) returns (ValidatorIndexResponse); rpc CommitteeAssignment(CommitteeAssignmentsRequest) returns (CommitteeAssignmentResponse); rpc ValidatorStatus(ValidatorIndexRequest) returns (ValidatorStatusResponse); rpc ValidatorPerformance(ValidatorPerformanceRequest) returns (ValidatorPerformanceResponse); rpc ExitedValidators(ExitedValidatorsRequest) returns (ExitedValidatorsResponse); } message ValidatorPerformanceRequest { uint64 slot = 1; bytes public_key = 2; } message ValidatorPerformanceResponse { uint64 balance = 1; uint64 total_validators = 2; uint64 total_active_validators = 3; float average_active_validator_balance = 4; } message ValidatorActivationRequest { repeated bytes public_keys = 1; } message ValidatorActivationResponse { repeated bytes activated_public_keys = 1 [deprecated = true]; message Status { bytes public_key = 1; ValidatorStatusResponse status = 2; } repeated Status statuses = 2; } message ExitedValidatorsRequest { repeated bytes public_keys = 1; } message ExitedValidatorsResponse { repeated bytes public_keys = 1; } message AttestationDataRequest { uint64 shard = 1; uint64 slot = 2; } message AttestationDataResponse { bytes beacon_block_root_hash32 = 1; bytes epoch_boundary_root_hash32 = 2; uint64 justified_epoch = 3; bytes justified_block_root_hash32 = 4; ethereum.beacon.p2p.v1.Crosslink latest_crosslink = 5; uint64 head_slot = 6; } message PendingAttestationsRequest { bool filter_ready_for_inclusion = 1; uint64 proposal_block_slot = 2; } message PendingAttestationsResponse { repeated ethereum.beacon.p2p.v1.Attestation pending_attestations = 1; } message ChainStartResponse { bool started = 1; uint64 genesis_time = 2; } message ProposeRequest { bytes parent_hash = 1; uint64 slot_number = 2; bytes randao_reveal = 3; bytes attestation_bitmask = 4; repeated uint64 attestation_aggregate_sig = 5; google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 6; } message ProposeResponse { bytes block_root_hash32 = 1; } message ProposerIndexRequest { uint64 slot_number = 1; } message ProposerIndexResponse { uint64 index = 1; } message StateRootResponse { bytes state_root = 1; } message AttestResponse { bytes attestation_hash = 1; } enum ValidatorRole { UNKNOWN = 0; ATTESTER = 1; PROPOSER = 2; } message ValidatorIndexRequest { bytes public_key = 1; } message ValidatorIndexResponse { uint64 index = 1; } message CommitteeAssignmentsRequest { uint64 epoch_start = 1; repeated bytes public_keys = 2; } message PendingDepositsResponse { repeated ethereum.beacon.p2p.v1.Deposit pending_deposits = 1; } message CommitteeAssignmentResponse { repeated CommitteeAssignment assignment = 1; message CommitteeAssignment { repeated uint64 committee = 1; uint64 shard = 2; uint64 slot = 3; bool is_proposer = 4; bytes public_key = 5; ValidatorStatus status = 6; } } message ValidatorStatusResponse { ValidatorStatus status = 1; uint64 eth1_deposit_block_number = 2; uint64 deposit_inclusion_slot = 3; uint64 activation_epoch = 4; uint64 position_in_activation_queue = 5; } message Eth1DataResponse { ethereum.beacon.p2p.v1.Eth1Data eth1_data = 1; } message BlockTreeResponse { repeated TreeNode tree = 1; message TreeNode { ethereum.beacon.p2p.v1.BeaconBlock block = 1; bytes block_root = 2; uint64 participated_votes = 3; uint64 total_votes = 4; } } enum ValidatorStatus { UNKNOWN_STATUS = 0; PENDING_ACTIVE = 1; ACTIVE = 2; INITIATED_EXIT = 3; WITHDRAWABLE = 4; EXITED = 5; EXITED_SLASHED = 6; } message TreeBlockSlotRequest { uint64 slot_from = 1 ; uint64 slot_to = 2 ; }