@echo off SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion & REM All variables are set local to this run & expanded at execution time rather than at parse time (tip: echo !output!) set PRYLABS_SIGNING_KEY=0AE0051D647BA3C1A917AF4072E33E4DF1A5036E REM Complain if invalid arguments were provided. for %%a in (beacon-chain validator slasher) do ( if %1 equ %%a ( goto validprocess ) ) echo ERROR: PROCESS missing or invalid echo Usage: ./prysm.bat PROCESS FLAGS. echo. echo PROCESS can be beacon-chain, validator, or slasher. echo FLAGS are the flags or arguments passed to the PROCESS. echo. echo Use this script to download the latest Prysm release binaries. echo Downloaded binaries are saved to .\dist echo. echo To specify a specific release version: echo set USE_PRYSM_VERSION=v1.0.0-alpha3 echo to resume using the latest release: echo set USE_PRYSM_VERSION= echo. echo To automatically restart crashed processes: echo set PRYSM_AUTORESTART=true^& .\prysm.bat beacon-chain echo to stop autorestart run: echo set PRYSM_AUTORESTART= echo. exit /B 1 :validprocess REM Get full path to prysm.bat file (excluding filename) set wrapper_dir=%~dp1dist reg Query "HKLM\Hardware\Description\System\CentralProcessor\0" | find /i "x86" > NUL && set WinOS=32BIT || set WinOS=64BIT if %WinOS%==32BIT ( echo ERROR: prysm is only supported on 64-bit Operating Systems  exit /b 1 ) if %WinOS%==64BIT ( set arch=amd64.exe set system=windows ) mkdir %wrapper_dir% REM get_prysm_version - Find the latest Prysm version available for download. for /f %%i in ('curl -s https://prysmaticlabs.com/releases/latest') do set prysm_version=%%i echo Latest prysm release is %prysm_version%. IF defined USE_PRYSM_VERSION ( echo detected variable USE_PRYSM_VERSION=%USE_PRYSM_VERSION% set reason=as specified in USE_PRYSM_VERSION set prysm_version=%USE_PRYSM_VERSION% ) else ( set reason=automatically selected latest available release ) echo Using prysm version %prysm_version%. set BEACON_CHAIN_REAL=%wrapper_dir%\beacon-chain-%prysm_version%-%system%-%arch% set VALIDATOR_REAL=%wrapper_dir%\validator-%prysm_version%-%system%-%arch% set SLASHER_REAL=%wrapper_dir%\slasher-%prysm_version%-%system%-%arch% if [%1]==[beacon-chain] ( if exist %BEACON_CHAIN_REAL% ( Beacon chain is up to date. ) else ( echo Downloading beacon chain %prysm_version% to %BEACON_CHAIN_REAL% %reason% curl -L https://prysmaticlabs.com/releases/beacon-chain-%prysm_version%-%system%-%arch% -o %BEACON_CHAIN_REAL% curl --silent -L https://prysmaticlabs.com/releases/beacon-chain-%prysm_version%-%system%-%arch%.sha256 -o %wrapper_dir%\beacon-chain-%prysm_version%-%system%-%arch%.sha256 curl --silent -L https://prysmaticlabs.com/releases/beacon-chain-%prysm_version%-%system%-%arch%.sig -o %wrapper_dir%\beacon-chain-%prysm_version%-%system%-%arch%.sig ) ) if [%1]==[validator] ( if exist %VALIDATOR_REAL% ( Validator is up to date. ) else ( echo Downloading validator %prysm_version% to %VALIDATOR_REAL% %reason% curl -L https://prysmaticlabs.com/releases/validator-%prysm_version%-%system%-%arch% -o %VALIDATOR_REAL% curl --silent -L https://prysmaticlabs.com/releases/validator-%prysm_version%-%system%-%arch%.sha256 -o %wrapper_dir%\validator-%prysm_version%-%system%-%arch%.sha256 curl --silent -L https://prysmaticlabs.com/releases/validator-%prysm_version%-%system%-%arch%.sig -o %wrapper_dir%\validator-%prysm_version%-%system%-%arch%.sig ) ) if [%1]==[slasher] ( if exist %SLASHER_REAL% ( Slasher is up to date. ) else ( echo Downloading slasher %prysm_version% to %SLASHER_REAL% %reason% curl -L https://prysmaticlabs.com/releases/slasher-%prysm_version%-%system%-%arch% -o %SLASHER_REAL% curl --silent -L https://prysmaticlabs.com/releases/slasher-%prysm_version%-%system%-%arch%.sha256 -o %wrapper_dir%\slasher-%prysm_version%-%system%-%arch%.sha256 curl --silent -L https://prysmaticlabs.com/releases/slasher-%prysm_version%-%system%-%arch%.sig -o %wrapper_dir%\slasher-%prysm_version%-%system%-%arch%.sig ) ) if [%1]==[beacon-chain] ( set process=%BEACON_CHAIN_REAL%) if [%1]==[validator] ( set process=%VALIDATOR_REAL%) if [%1]==[slasher] ( set process=%SLASHER_REAL%) REM GPG not natively available on Windows, external module required echo WARN GPG verification is not natively available on Windows. echo WARN Skipping integrity verification of downloaded binary REM Check SHA256 File Hash before running echo Verifying binary authenticity with SHA256 Hash. for /f "delims=" %%A in ('certutil -hashfile %process% SHA256 ^| find /v "hash"') do ( set SHA256Hash=%%A ) set /p ExpectedSHA256=<%process%.sha256 if [%ExpectedSHA256:~0,64%]==[%SHA256Hash%] ( echo SHA256 Hash Match! ) else if [%PRYSM_ALLOW_UNVERIFIED_BINARIES%]==[1] ( echo WARNING Failed to verify Prysm binary. echo Detected PRYSM_ALLOW_UNVERIFIED_BINARIES=1 echo Proceeding... ) else ( echo ERROR Failed to verify Prysm binary. Please erase downloads in the echo dist directory and run this script again. Alternatively, you can use a echo A prior version by specifying environment variable USE_PRYSM_VERSION echo with the specific version, as desired. Example: set USE_PRYSM_VERSION=v1.0.0-alpha.5 echo If you must wish to continue running an unverified binary, use: echo set PRYSM_ALLOW_UNVERIFIED_BINARIES=1 exit /b 1 ) set processargs=%* echo Starting Prysm %processargs% set "processargs=!processargs:*%1=!" & REM remove process from the list of arguments :autorestart %process% %processargs% if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :ERROR REM process terminated gracefully pause exit /b 0 :ERROR Echo ERROR FAILED IF defined PRYSM_AUTORESTART ( echo PRYSM_autorestart is set, restarting GOTO autorestart ) else ( echo an error has occured, set PRYSM_AUTORESTART=1 to automatically restart ) :end REM Variables are set local to this run EndLocal