// Package params defines important constants that are essential to Prysm services. package params import ( "time" "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common" fieldparams "github.com/prysmaticlabs/prysm/v4/config/fieldparams" "github.com/prysmaticlabs/prysm/v4/consensus-types/primitives" "github.com/prysmaticlabs/prysm/v4/encoding/bytesutil" "github.com/prysmaticlabs/prysm/v4/runtime/version" ) // BeaconChainConfig contains constant configs for node to participate in beacon chain. type BeaconChainConfig struct { // Constants (non-configurable) GenesisSlot primitives.Slot `yaml:"GENESIS_SLOT"` // GenesisSlot represents the first canonical slot number of the beacon chain. GenesisEpoch primitives.Epoch `yaml:"GENESIS_EPOCH"` // GenesisEpoch represents the first canonical epoch number of the beacon chain. FarFutureEpoch primitives.Epoch `yaml:"FAR_FUTURE_EPOCH"` // FarFutureEpoch represents a epoch extremely far away in the future used as the default penalization epoch for validators. FarFutureSlot primitives.Slot `yaml:"FAR_FUTURE_SLOT"` // FarFutureSlot represents a slot extremely far away in the future. BaseRewardsPerEpoch uint64 `yaml:"BASE_REWARDS_PER_EPOCH"` // BaseRewardsPerEpoch is used to calculate the per epoch rewards. DepositContractTreeDepth uint64 `yaml:"DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_TREE_DEPTH"` // DepositContractTreeDepth depth of the Merkle trie of deposits in the validator deposit contract on the PoW chain. JustificationBitsLength uint64 `yaml:"JUSTIFICATION_BITS_LENGTH"` // JustificationBitsLength defines number of epochs to track when implementing k-finality in Casper FFG. // Misc constants. PresetBase string `yaml:"PRESET_BASE" spec:"true"` // PresetBase represents the underlying spec preset this config is based on. ConfigName string `yaml:"CONFIG_NAME" spec:"true"` // ConfigName for allowing an easy human-readable way of knowing what chain is being used. TargetCommitteeSize uint64 `yaml:"TARGET_COMMITTEE_SIZE" spec:"true"` // TargetCommitteeSize is the number of validators in a committee when the chain is healthy. MaxValidatorsPerCommittee uint64 `yaml:"MAX_VALIDATORS_PER_COMMITTEE" spec:"true"` // MaxValidatorsPerCommittee defines the upper bound of the size of a committee. MaxCommitteesPerSlot uint64 `yaml:"MAX_COMMITTEES_PER_SLOT" spec:"true"` // MaxCommitteesPerSlot defines the max amount of committee in a single slot. MinPerEpochChurnLimit uint64 `yaml:"MIN_PER_EPOCH_CHURN_LIMIT" spec:"true"` // MinPerEpochChurnLimit is the minimum amount of churn allotted for validator rotations. ChurnLimitQuotient uint64 `yaml:"CHURN_LIMIT_QUOTIENT" spec:"true"` // ChurnLimitQuotient is used to determine the limit of how many validators can rotate per epoch. ShuffleRoundCount uint64 `yaml:"SHUFFLE_ROUND_COUNT" spec:"true"` // ShuffleRoundCount is used for retrieving the permuted index. MinGenesisActiveValidatorCount uint64 `yaml:"MIN_GENESIS_ACTIVE_VALIDATOR_COUNT" spec:"true"` // MinGenesisActiveValidatorCount defines how many validator deposits needed to kick off beacon chain. MinGenesisTime uint64 `yaml:"MIN_GENESIS_TIME" spec:"true"` // MinGenesisTime is the time that needed to pass before kicking off beacon chain. TargetAggregatorsPerCommittee uint64 `yaml:"TARGET_AGGREGATORS_PER_COMMITTEE" spec:"true"` // TargetAggregatorsPerCommittee defines the number of aggregators inside one committee. HysteresisQuotient uint64 `yaml:"HYSTERESIS_QUOTIENT" spec:"true"` // HysteresisQuotient defines the hysteresis quotient for effective balance calculations. HysteresisDownwardMultiplier uint64 `yaml:"HYSTERESIS_DOWNWARD_MULTIPLIER" spec:"true"` // HysteresisDownwardMultiplier defines the hysteresis downward multiplier for effective balance calculations. HysteresisUpwardMultiplier uint64 `yaml:"HYSTERESIS_UPWARD_MULTIPLIER" spec:"true"` // HysteresisUpwardMultiplier defines the hysteresis upward multiplier for effective balance calculations. // Gwei value constants. MinDepositAmount uint64 `yaml:"MIN_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT" spec:"true"` // MinDepositAmount is the minimum amount of Gwei a validator can send to the deposit contract at once (lower amounts will be reverted). MaxEffectiveBalance uint64 `yaml:"MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE" spec:"true"` // MaxEffectiveBalance is the maximal amount of Gwei that is effective for staking. EjectionBalance uint64 `yaml:"EJECTION_BALANCE" spec:"true"` // EjectionBalance is the minimal GWei a validator needs to have before ejected. EffectiveBalanceIncrement uint64 `yaml:"EFFECTIVE_BALANCE_INCREMENT" spec:"true"` // EffectiveBalanceIncrement is used for converting the high balance into the low balance for validators. // Initial value constants. BLSWithdrawalPrefixByte byte `yaml:"BLS_WITHDRAWAL_PREFIX" spec:"true"` // BLSWithdrawalPrefixByte is used for BLS withdrawal and it's the first byte. ETH1AddressWithdrawalPrefixByte byte `yaml:"ETH1_ADDRESS_WITHDRAWAL_PREFIX" spec:"true"` // ETH1AddressWithdrawalPrefixByte is used for withdrawals and it's the first byte. ZeroHash [32]byte // ZeroHash is used to represent a zeroed out 32 byte array. // Time parameters constants. GenesisDelay uint64 `yaml:"GENESIS_DELAY" spec:"true"` // GenesisDelay is the minimum number of seconds to delay starting the Ethereum Beacon Chain genesis. Must be at least 1 second. MinAttestationInclusionDelay primitives.Slot `yaml:"MIN_ATTESTATION_INCLUSION_DELAY" spec:"true"` // MinAttestationInclusionDelay defines how many slots validator has to wait to include attestation for beacon block. SecondsPerSlot uint64 `yaml:"SECONDS_PER_SLOT" spec:"true"` // SecondsPerSlot is how many seconds are in a single slot. SlotsPerEpoch primitives.Slot `yaml:"SLOTS_PER_EPOCH" spec:"true"` // SlotsPerEpoch is the number of slots in an epoch. SqrRootSlotsPerEpoch primitives.Slot // SqrRootSlotsPerEpoch is a hard coded value where we take the square root of `SlotsPerEpoch` and round down. MinSeedLookahead primitives.Epoch `yaml:"MIN_SEED_LOOKAHEAD" spec:"true"` // MinSeedLookahead is the duration of randao look ahead seed. MaxSeedLookahead primitives.Epoch `yaml:"MAX_SEED_LOOKAHEAD" spec:"true"` // MaxSeedLookahead is the duration a validator has to wait for entry and exit in epoch. EpochsPerEth1VotingPeriod primitives.Epoch `yaml:"EPOCHS_PER_ETH1_VOTING_PERIOD" spec:"true"` // EpochsPerEth1VotingPeriod defines how often the merkle root of deposit receipts get updated in beacon node on per epoch basis. SlotsPerHistoricalRoot primitives.Slot `yaml:"SLOTS_PER_HISTORICAL_ROOT" spec:"true"` // SlotsPerHistoricalRoot defines how often the historical root is saved. MinValidatorWithdrawabilityDelay primitives.Epoch `yaml:"MIN_VALIDATOR_WITHDRAWABILITY_DELAY" spec:"true"` // MinValidatorWithdrawabilityDelay is the shortest amount of time a validator has to wait to withdraw. ShardCommitteePeriod primitives.Epoch `yaml:"SHARD_COMMITTEE_PERIOD" spec:"true"` // ShardCommitteePeriod is the minimum amount of epochs a validator must participate before exiting. MinEpochsToInactivityPenalty primitives.Epoch `yaml:"MIN_EPOCHS_TO_INACTIVITY_PENALTY" spec:"true"` // MinEpochsToInactivityPenalty defines the minimum amount of epochs since finality to begin penalizing inactivity. Eth1FollowDistance uint64 `yaml:"ETH1_FOLLOW_DISTANCE" spec:"true"` // Eth1FollowDistance is the number of eth1.0 blocks to wait before considering a new deposit for voting. This only applies after the chain as been started. DeprecatedSafeSlotsToUpdateJustified primitives.Slot `yaml:"SAFE_SLOTS_TO_UPDATE_JUSTIFIED" spec:"true"` // DeprecateSafeSlotsToUpdateJustified is the minimal slots needed to update justified check point. DeprecatedSafeSlotsToImportOptimistically primitives.Slot `yaml:"SAFE_SLOTS_TO_IMPORT_OPTIMISTICALLY" spec:"true"` // SafeSlotsToImportOptimistically is the minimal number of slots to wait before importing optimistically a pre-merge block SecondsPerETH1Block uint64 `yaml:"SECONDS_PER_ETH1_BLOCK" spec:"true"` // SecondsPerETH1Block is the approximate time for a single eth1 block to be produced. // Fork choice algorithm constants. ProposerScoreBoost uint64 `yaml:"PROPOSER_SCORE_BOOST" spec:"true"` // ProposerScoreBoost defines a value that is a % of the committee weight for fork-choice boosting. ReorgWeightThreshold uint64 `yaml:"REORG_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD" spec:"true"` // ReorgWeightThreshold defines a value that is a % of the committee weight to consider a block weak and subject to being orphaned. ReorgParentWeightThreshold uint64 `yaml:"REORG_PARENT_WEIGHT_THRESHOLD" spec:"true"` // ReorgParentWeightThreshold defines a value that is a % of the committee weight to consider a parent block strong and subject its child to being orphaned. ReorgMaxEpochsSinceFinalization primitives.Epoch `yaml:"REORG_MAX_EPOCHS_SINCE_FINALIZATION" spec:"true"` // This defines a limit to consider safe to orphan a block if the network is finalizing IntervalsPerSlot uint64 `yaml:"INTERVALS_PER_SLOT" spec:"true"` // IntervalsPerSlot defines the number of fork choice intervals in a slot defined in the fork choice spec. // Ethereum PoW parameters. DepositChainID uint64 `yaml:"DEPOSIT_CHAIN_ID" spec:"true"` // DepositChainID of the eth1 network. This used for replay protection. DepositNetworkID uint64 `yaml:"DEPOSIT_NETWORK_ID" spec:"true"` // DepositNetworkID of the eth1 network. This used for replay protection. DepositContractAddress string `yaml:"DEPOSIT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS" spec:"true"` // DepositContractAddress is the address of the deposit contract. // Validator parameters. RandomSubnetsPerValidator uint64 `yaml:"RANDOM_SUBNETS_PER_VALIDATOR" spec:"true"` // RandomSubnetsPerValidator specifies the amount of subnets a validator has to be subscribed to at one time. EpochsPerRandomSubnetSubscription uint64 `yaml:"EPOCHS_PER_RANDOM_SUBNET_SUBSCRIPTION" spec:"true"` // EpochsPerRandomSubnetSubscription specifies the minimum duration a validator is connected to their subnet. // State list lengths EpochsPerHistoricalVector primitives.Epoch `yaml:"EPOCHS_PER_HISTORICAL_VECTOR" spec:"true"` // EpochsPerHistoricalVector defines max length in epoch to store old historical stats in beacon state. EpochsPerSlashingsVector primitives.Epoch `yaml:"EPOCHS_PER_SLASHINGS_VECTOR" spec:"true"` // EpochsPerSlashingsVector defines max length in epoch to store old stats to recompute slashing witness. HistoricalRootsLimit uint64 `yaml:"HISTORICAL_ROOTS_LIMIT" spec:"true"` // HistoricalRootsLimit defines max historical roots that can be saved in state before roll over. ValidatorRegistryLimit uint64 `yaml:"VALIDATOR_REGISTRY_LIMIT" spec:"true"` // ValidatorRegistryLimit defines the upper bound of validators can participate in eth2. // Reward and penalty quotients constants. BaseRewardFactor uint64 `yaml:"BASE_REWARD_FACTOR" spec:"true"` // BaseRewardFactor is used to calculate validator per-slot interest rate. WhistleBlowerRewardQuotient uint64 `yaml:"WHISTLEBLOWER_REWARD_QUOTIENT" spec:"true"` // WhistleBlowerRewardQuotient is used to calculate whistle blower reward. ProposerRewardQuotient uint64 `yaml:"PROPOSER_REWARD_QUOTIENT" spec:"true"` // ProposerRewardQuotient is used to calculate the reward for proposers. InactivityPenaltyQuotient uint64 `yaml:"INACTIVITY_PENALTY_QUOTIENT" spec:"true"` // InactivityPenaltyQuotient is used to calculate the penalty for a validator that is offline. MinSlashingPenaltyQuotient uint64 `yaml:"MIN_SLASHING_PENALTY_QUOTIENT" spec:"true"` // MinSlashingPenaltyQuotient is used to calculate the minimum penalty to prevent DoS attacks. ProportionalSlashingMultiplier uint64 `yaml:"PROPORTIONAL_SLASHING_MULTIPLIER" spec:"true"` // ProportionalSlashingMultiplier is used as a multiplier on slashed penalties. // Max operations per block constants. MaxProposerSlashings uint64 `yaml:"MAX_PROPOSER_SLASHINGS" spec:"true"` // MaxProposerSlashings defines the maximum number of slashings of proposers possible in a block. MaxAttesterSlashings uint64 `yaml:"MAX_ATTESTER_SLASHINGS" spec:"true"` // MaxAttesterSlashings defines the maximum number of casper FFG slashings possible in a block. MaxAttestations uint64 `yaml:"MAX_ATTESTATIONS" spec:"true"` // MaxAttestations defines the maximum allowed attestations in a beacon block. MaxDeposits uint64 `yaml:"MAX_DEPOSITS" spec:"true"` // MaxDeposits defines the maximum number of validator deposits in a block. MaxVoluntaryExits uint64 `yaml:"MAX_VOLUNTARY_EXITS" spec:"true"` // MaxVoluntaryExits defines the maximum number of validator exits in a block. MaxWithdrawalsPerPayload uint64 `yaml:"MAX_WITHDRAWALS_PER_PAYLOAD" spec:"true"` // MaxWithdrawalsPerPayload defines the maximum number of withdrawals in a block. MaxBlsToExecutionChanges uint64 `yaml:"MAX_BLS_TO_EXECUTION_CHANGES" spec:"true"` // MaxBlsToExecutionChanges defines the maximum number of BLS-to-execution-change objects in a block. MaxValidatorsPerWithdrawalsSweep uint64 `yaml:"MAX_VALIDATORS_PER_WITHDRAWALS_SWEEP" spec:"true"` // MaxValidatorsPerWithdrawalsSweep bounds the size of the sweep searching for withdrawals per slot. // BLS domain values. DomainBeaconProposer [4]byte `yaml:"DOMAIN_BEACON_PROPOSER" spec:"true"` // DomainBeaconProposer defines the BLS signature domain for beacon proposal verification. DomainRandao [4]byte `yaml:"DOMAIN_RANDAO" spec:"true"` // DomainRandao defines the BLS signature domain for randao verification. DomainBeaconAttester [4]byte `yaml:"DOMAIN_BEACON_ATTESTER" spec:"true"` // DomainBeaconAttester defines the BLS signature domain for attestation verification. DomainDeposit [4]byte `yaml:"DOMAIN_DEPOSIT" spec:"true"` // DomainDeposit defines the BLS signature domain for deposit verification. DomainVoluntaryExit [4]byte `yaml:"DOMAIN_VOLUNTARY_EXIT" spec:"true"` // DomainVoluntaryExit defines the BLS signature domain for exit verification. DomainSelectionProof [4]byte `yaml:"DOMAIN_SELECTION_PROOF" spec:"true"` // DomainSelectionProof defines the BLS signature domain for selection proof. DomainAggregateAndProof [4]byte `yaml:"DOMAIN_AGGREGATE_AND_PROOF" spec:"true"` // DomainAggregateAndProof defines the BLS signature domain for aggregate and proof. DomainSyncCommittee [4]byte `yaml:"DOMAIN_SYNC_COMMITTEE" spec:"true"` // DomainVoluntaryExit defines the BLS signature domain for sync committee. DomainSyncCommitteeSelectionProof [4]byte `yaml:"DOMAIN_SYNC_COMMITTEE_SELECTION_PROOF" spec:"true"` // DomainSelectionProof defines the BLS signature domain for sync committee selection proof. DomainContributionAndProof [4]byte `yaml:"DOMAIN_CONTRIBUTION_AND_PROOF" spec:"true"` // DomainAggregateAndProof defines the BLS signature domain for contribution and proof. DomainApplicationMask [4]byte `yaml:"DOMAIN_APPLICATION_MASK" spec:"true"` // DomainApplicationMask defines the BLS signature domain for application mask. DomainApplicationBuilder [4]byte `yaml:"DOMAIN_APPLICATION_BUILDER" spec:"true"` // DomainApplicationBuilder defines the BLS signature domain for application builder. DomainBLSToExecutionChange [4]byte `yaml:"DOMAIN_BLS_TO_EXECUTION_CHANGE" spec:"true"` // DomainBLSToExecutionChange defines the BLS signature domain to change withdrawal addresses to ETH1 prefix DomainBlobSidecar [4]byte `yaml:"DOMAIN_BLOB_SIDECAR" spec:"true"` // DomainBlobSidecar defines the BLS signature domain for blob sidecar. // Prysm constants. GweiPerEth uint64 // GweiPerEth is the amount of gwei corresponding to 1 eth. BLSSecretKeyLength int // BLSSecretKeyLength defines the expected length of BLS secret keys in bytes. BLSPubkeyLength int // BLSPubkeyLength defines the expected length of BLS public keys in bytes. DefaultBufferSize int // DefaultBufferSize for channels across the Prysm repository. ValidatorPrivkeyFileName string // ValidatorPrivKeyFileName specifies the string name of a validator private key file. WithdrawalPrivkeyFileName string // WithdrawalPrivKeyFileName specifies the string name of a withdrawal private key file. RPCSyncCheck time.Duration // Number of seconds to query the sync service, to find out if the node is synced or not. EmptySignature [96]byte // EmptySignature is used to represent a zeroed out BLS Signature. DefaultPageSize int // DefaultPageSize defines the default page size for RPC server request. MaxPeersToSync int // MaxPeersToSync describes the limit for number of peers in round robin sync. SlotsPerArchivedPoint primitives.Slot // SlotsPerArchivedPoint defines the number of slots per one archived point. GenesisCountdownInterval time.Duration // How often to log the countdown until the genesis time is reached. BeaconStateFieldCount int // BeaconStateFieldCount defines how many fields are in the Phase0 beacon state. BeaconStateAltairFieldCount int // BeaconStateAltairFieldCount defines how many fields are in the beacon state post upgrade to Altair. BeaconStateBellatrixFieldCount int // BeaconStateBellatrixFieldCount defines how many fields are in beacon state post upgrade to Bellatrix. BeaconStateCapellaFieldCount int // BeaconStateCapellaFieldCount defines how many fields are in beacon state post upgrade to Capella. // Slasher constants. WeakSubjectivityPeriod primitives.Epoch // WeakSubjectivityPeriod defines the time period expressed in number of epochs were proof of stake network should validate block headers and attestations for slashable events. PruneSlasherStoragePeriod primitives.Epoch // PruneSlasherStoragePeriod defines the time period expressed in number of epochs were proof of stake network should prune attestation and block header store. // Slashing protection constants. SlashingProtectionPruningEpochs primitives.Epoch // SlashingProtectionPruningEpochs defines a period after which all prior epochs are pruned in the validator database. // Fork-related values. GenesisForkVersion []byte `yaml:"GENESIS_FORK_VERSION" spec:"true"` // GenesisForkVersion is used to track fork version between state transitions. AltairForkVersion []byte `yaml:"ALTAIR_FORK_VERSION" spec:"true"` // AltairForkVersion is used to represent the fork version for altair. AltairForkEpoch primitives.Epoch `yaml:"ALTAIR_FORK_EPOCH" spec:"true"` // AltairForkEpoch is used to represent the assigned fork epoch for altair. BellatrixForkVersion []byte `yaml:"BELLATRIX_FORK_VERSION" spec:"true"` // BellatrixForkVersion is used to represent the fork version for bellatrix. BellatrixForkEpoch primitives.Epoch `yaml:"BELLATRIX_FORK_EPOCH" spec:"true"` // BellatrixForkEpoch is used to represent the assigned fork epoch for bellatrix. CapellaForkVersion []byte `yaml:"CAPELLA_FORK_VERSION" spec:"true"` // CapellaForkVersion is used to represent the fork version for capella. CapellaForkEpoch primitives.Epoch `yaml:"CAPELLA_FORK_EPOCH" spec:"true"` // CapellaForkEpoch is used to represent the assigned fork epoch for capella. DenebForkVersion []byte `yaml:"DENEB_FORK_VERSION" spec:"true"` // DenebForkVersion is used to represent the fork version for deneb. DenebForkEpoch primitives.Epoch `yaml:"DENEB_FORK_EPOCH" spec:"true"` // DenebForkEpoch is used to represent the assigned fork epoch for deneb. ForkVersionSchedule map[[fieldparams.VersionLength]byte]primitives.Epoch // Schedule of fork epochs by version. ForkVersionNames map[[fieldparams.VersionLength]byte]string // Human-readable names of fork versions. // Weak subjectivity values. SafetyDecay uint64 // SafetyDecay is defined as the loss in the 1/3 consensus safety margin of the casper FFG mechanism. // New values introduced in Altair hard fork 1. // Participation flag indices. TimelySourceFlagIndex uint8 `yaml:"TIMELY_SOURCE_FLAG_INDEX" spec:"true"` // TimelySourceFlagIndex is the source flag position of the participation bits. TimelyTargetFlagIndex uint8 `yaml:"TIMELY_TARGET_FLAG_INDEX" spec:"true"` // TimelyTargetFlagIndex is the target flag position of the participation bits. TimelyHeadFlagIndex uint8 `yaml:"TIMELY_HEAD_FLAG_INDEX" spec:"true"` // TimelyHeadFlagIndex is the head flag position of the participation bits. // Incentivization weights. TimelySourceWeight uint64 `yaml:"TIMELY_SOURCE_WEIGHT" spec:"true"` // TimelySourceWeight is the factor of how much source rewards receives. TimelyTargetWeight uint64 `yaml:"TIMELY_TARGET_WEIGHT" spec:"true"` // TimelyTargetWeight is the factor of how much target rewards receives. TimelyHeadWeight uint64 `yaml:"TIMELY_HEAD_WEIGHT" spec:"true"` // TimelyHeadWeight is the factor of how much head rewards receives. SyncRewardWeight uint64 `yaml:"SYNC_REWARD_WEIGHT" spec:"true"` // SyncRewardWeight is the factor of how much sync committee rewards receives. WeightDenominator uint64 `yaml:"WEIGHT_DENOMINATOR" spec:"true"` // WeightDenominator accounts for total rewards denomination. ProposerWeight uint64 `yaml:"PROPOSER_WEIGHT" spec:"true"` // ProposerWeight is the factor of how much proposer rewards receives. // Validator related. TargetAggregatorsPerSyncSubcommittee uint64 `yaml:"TARGET_AGGREGATORS_PER_SYNC_SUBCOMMITTEE" spec:"true"` // TargetAggregatorsPerSyncSubcommittee for aggregating in sync committee. SyncCommitteeSubnetCount uint64 `yaml:"SYNC_COMMITTEE_SUBNET_COUNT" spec:"true"` // SyncCommitteeSubnetCount for sync committee subnet count. // Misc. SyncCommitteeSize uint64 `yaml:"SYNC_COMMITTEE_SIZE" spec:"true"` // SyncCommitteeSize for light client sync committee size. InactivityScoreBias uint64 `yaml:"INACTIVITY_SCORE_BIAS" spec:"true"` // InactivityScoreBias for calculating score bias penalties during inactivity InactivityScoreRecoveryRate uint64 `yaml:"INACTIVITY_SCORE_RECOVERY_RATE" spec:"true"` // InactivityScoreRecoveryRate for recovering score bias penalties during inactivity. EpochsPerSyncCommitteePeriod primitives.Epoch `yaml:"EPOCHS_PER_SYNC_COMMITTEE_PERIOD" spec:"true"` // EpochsPerSyncCommitteePeriod defines how many epochs per sync committee period. // Updated penalty values. This moves penalty parameters toward their final, maximum security values. // Note: We do not override previous configuration values but instead creates new values and replaces usage throughout. InactivityPenaltyQuotientAltair uint64 `yaml:"INACTIVITY_PENALTY_QUOTIENT_ALTAIR" spec:"true"` // InactivityPenaltyQuotientAltair for penalties during inactivity post Altair hard fork. MinSlashingPenaltyQuotientAltair uint64 `yaml:"MIN_SLASHING_PENALTY_QUOTIENT_ALTAIR" spec:"true"` // MinSlashingPenaltyQuotientAltair for slashing penalties post Altair hard fork. ProportionalSlashingMultiplierAltair uint64 `yaml:"PROPORTIONAL_SLASHING_MULTIPLIER_ALTAIR" spec:"true"` // ProportionalSlashingMultiplierAltair for slashing penalties' multiplier post Alair hard fork. MinSlashingPenaltyQuotientBellatrix uint64 `yaml:"MIN_SLASHING_PENALTY_QUOTIENT_BELLATRIX" spec:"true"` // MinSlashingPenaltyQuotientBellatrix for slashing penalties post Bellatrix hard fork. ProportionalSlashingMultiplierBellatrix uint64 `yaml:"PROPORTIONAL_SLASHING_MULTIPLIER_BELLATRIX" spec:"true"` // ProportionalSlashingMultiplierBellatrix for slashing penalties' multiplier post Bellatrix hard fork. InactivityPenaltyQuotientBellatrix uint64 `yaml:"INACTIVITY_PENALTY_QUOTIENT_BELLATRIX" spec:"true"` // InactivityPenaltyQuotientBellatrix for penalties during inactivity post Bellatrix hard fork. // Light client MinSyncCommitteeParticipants uint64 `yaml:"MIN_SYNC_COMMITTEE_PARTICIPANTS" spec:"true"` // MinSyncCommitteeParticipants defines the minimum amount of sync committee participants for which the light client acknowledges the signature. // Bellatrix TerminalBlockHash common.Hash `yaml:"TERMINAL_BLOCK_HASH" spec:"true"` // TerminalBlockHash of beacon chain. TerminalBlockHashActivationEpoch primitives.Epoch `yaml:"TERMINAL_BLOCK_HASH_ACTIVATION_EPOCH" spec:"true"` // TerminalBlockHashActivationEpoch of beacon chain. TerminalTotalDifficulty string `yaml:"TERMINAL_TOTAL_DIFFICULTY" spec:"true"` // TerminalTotalDifficulty is part of the experimental Bellatrix spec. This value is type is currently TBD. DefaultFeeRecipient common.Address // DefaultFeeRecipient where the transaction fee goes to. EthBurnAddressHex string // EthBurnAddressHex is the constant eth address written in hex format to burn fees in that network. the default is 0x0 DefaultBuilderGasLimit uint64 // DefaultBuilderGasLimit is the default used to set the gaslimit for the Builder APIs, typically at around 30M wei. // Mev-boost circuit breaker MaxBuilderConsecutiveMissedSlots primitives.Slot // MaxBuilderConsecutiveMissedSlots defines the number of consecutive skip slot to fallback from using relay/builder to local execution engine for block construction. MaxBuilderEpochMissedSlots primitives.Slot // MaxBuilderEpochMissedSlots is defines the number of total skip slot (per epoch rolling windows) to fallback from using relay/builder to local execution engine for block construction. LocalBlockValueBoost uint64 // LocalBlockValueBoost is the value boost for local block construction. This is used to prioritize local block construction over relay/builder block construction. // Execution engine timeout value ExecutionEngineTimeoutValue uint64 // ExecutionEngineTimeoutValue defines the seconds to wait before timing out engine endpoints with execution payload execution semantics (newPayload, forkchoiceUpdated). } // InitializeForkSchedule initializes the schedules forks baked into the config. func (b *BeaconChainConfig) InitializeForkSchedule() { // Reset Fork Version Schedule. b.ForkVersionSchedule = configForkSchedule(b) b.ForkVersionNames = configForkNames(b) } func configForkSchedule(b *BeaconChainConfig) map[[fieldparams.VersionLength]byte]primitives.Epoch { fvs := map[[fieldparams.VersionLength]byte]primitives.Epoch{} fvs[bytesutil.ToBytes4(b.GenesisForkVersion)] = b.GenesisEpoch fvs[bytesutil.ToBytes4(b.AltairForkVersion)] = b.AltairForkEpoch fvs[bytesutil.ToBytes4(b.BellatrixForkVersion)] = b.BellatrixForkEpoch fvs[bytesutil.ToBytes4(b.CapellaForkVersion)] = b.CapellaForkEpoch fvs[bytesutil.ToBytes4(b.DenebForkVersion)] = b.DenebForkEpoch return fvs } func configForkNames(b *BeaconChainConfig) map[[fieldparams.VersionLength]byte]string { cfv := ConfigForkVersions(b) fvn := map[[fieldparams.VersionLength]byte]string{} for k, v := range cfv { fvn[k] = version.String(v) } return fvn } // ConfigForkVersions returns a mapping between a fork version param and the version identifier // from the runtime/version package. func ConfigForkVersions(b *BeaconChainConfig) map[[fieldparams.VersionLength]byte]int { return map[[fieldparams.VersionLength]byte]int{ bytesutil.ToBytes4(b.GenesisForkVersion): version.Phase0, bytesutil.ToBytes4(b.AltairForkVersion): version.Altair, bytesutil.ToBytes4(b.BellatrixForkVersion): version.Bellatrix, bytesutil.ToBytes4(b.CapellaForkVersion): version.Capella, bytesutil.ToBytes4(b.DenebForkVersion): version.Deneb, } } // Eth1DataVotesLength returns the maximum length of the votes on the Eth1 data, // computed from the parameters in BeaconChainConfig. func (b *BeaconChainConfig) Eth1DataVotesLength() uint64 { return uint64(b.EpochsPerEth1VotingPeriod.Mul(uint64(b.SlotsPerEpoch))) } // PreviousEpochAttestationsLength returns the maximum length of the pending // attestation list for the previous epoch, computed from the parameters in // BeaconChainConfig. func (b *BeaconChainConfig) PreviousEpochAttestationsLength() uint64 { return uint64(b.SlotsPerEpoch.Mul(b.MaxAttestations)) } // CurrentEpochAttestationsLength returns the maximum length of the pending // attestation list for the current epoch, computed from the parameters in // BeaconChainConfig. func (b *BeaconChainConfig) CurrentEpochAttestationsLength() uint64 { return uint64(b.SlotsPerEpoch.Mul(b.MaxAttestations)) }