package testdata func Equal() { x := []string{"a"} if len(x) == len(x) { // want "Boolean expression has identical expressions on both sides. The result is always true." } } func NotEqual() { x := []string{"a"} if len(x) != len(x) { // want "Boolean expression has identical expressions on both sides. The result is always true." } } func GreaterThanOrEqual() { x := []string{"a"} if len(x) >= len(x) { // want "Boolean expression has identical expressions on both sides. The result is always true." } } func LessThanOrEqual() { x := []string{"a"} if len(x) <= len(x) { // want "Boolean expression has identical expressions on both sides. The result is always true." } } func GreaterThan() { x := []string{"a"} if len(x) > len(x) { // want "Boolean expression has identical expressions on both sides. The result is always false." } } func LessThan() { x := []string{"a"} if len(x) < len(x) { // want "Boolean expression has identical expressions on both sides. The result is always false." } }