#!/bin/bash # Continous Integration script to check that BUILD.bazel files have the correct # visibility. # Protected packages are: # //beacon-chain/... # //validator/... # Duplicate redirect 5 to stdout so that it can be captured, but still printed # nicely. exec 5>&1 # Run gazelle while piping a copy of the output to stdout via 5. changes=$( bazel query 'visible(//... except (//beacon-chain/... union //validator/...), (//beacon-chain/... union //validator/...))' | tee >(cat - >&5) ) # If the captured stdout is not empty then targets are exposed! if [ -z "$changes" ] then echo "OK: Visibility is good." exit 0 else echo "FAIL: The above targets belong to protected packages and the targets \ are visible outside of their package!" echo "Please reduce the target visibility." exit 1 fi