mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 05:17:22 +00:00
* WIP * Refactor to use iface.ValidatorClient instead of ethpb.BeaconNodeValidatorClient * Add mocks for iface.ValidatorClient * Fix mocks * Update update-mockgen.sh * Fix warnings * Fix config_setting syntax * Use custom build settings * WIP * WIP * WIP * WIP * WIP * WIP * Fix endpoint address and reduce timeout * Revert most e2e changes * Use e2e.TestParams.Ports.PrysmBeaconNodeGatewayPort * Fix BeaconRESTApiProviderFlag port * Revert e2e changes
390 lines
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390 lines
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// Package flags contains all configuration runtime flags for
// the validator service.
package flags
import (
const (
// WalletDefaultDirName for accounts.
WalletDefaultDirName = "prysm-wallet-v2"
// DefaultGatewayHost for the validator client.
DefaultGatewayHost = ""
var (
// DisableAccountMetricsFlag disables the prometheus metrics for validator accounts, default false.
DisableAccountMetricsFlag = &cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "disable-account-metrics",
Usage: "Disable prometheus metrics for validator accounts. Operators with high volumes " +
"of validating keys may wish to disable granular prometheus metrics as it increases " +
"the data cardinality.",
// BeaconRPCProviderFlag defines a beacon node RPC endpoint.
BeaconRPCProviderFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "beacon-rpc-provider",
Usage: "Beacon node RPC provider endpoint",
Value: "",
// BeaconRPCGatewayProviderFlag defines a beacon node JSON-RPC endpoint.
BeaconRPCGatewayProviderFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "beacon-rpc-gateway-provider",
Usage: "Beacon node RPC gateway provider endpoint",
Value: "",
// BeaconRESTApiProviderFlag defines a beacon node REST API endpoint.
BeaconRESTApiProviderFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "beacon-rest-api-provider",
Usage: "Beacon node REST API provider endpoint",
Value: "",
// CertFlag defines a flag for the node's TLS certificate.
CertFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "tls-cert",
Usage: "Certificate for secure gRPC. Pass this and the tls-key flag in order to use gRPC securely.",
// EnableRPCFlag enables controlling the validator client via gRPC (without web UI).
EnableRPCFlag = &cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "rpc",
Usage: "Enables the RPC server for the validator client (without Web UI)",
Value: false,
// RPCHost defines the host on which the RPC server should listen.
RPCHost = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "rpc-host",
Usage: "Host on which the RPC server should listen",
Value: "",
// RPCPort defines a validator client RPC port to open.
RPCPort = &cli.IntFlag{
Name: "rpc-port",
Usage: "RPC port exposed by a validator client",
Value: 7000,
// SlasherRPCProviderFlag defines a slasher node RPC endpoint.
SlasherRPCProviderFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "slasher-rpc-provider",
Usage: "Slasher node RPC provider endpoint",
Value: "",
// SlasherCertFlag defines a flag for the slasher node's TLS certificate.
SlasherCertFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "slasher-tls-cert",
Usage: "Certificate for secure slasher gRPC. Pass this and the tls-key flag in order to use gRPC securely.",
// DisablePenaltyRewardLogFlag defines the ability to not log reward/penalty information during deployment
DisablePenaltyRewardLogFlag = &cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "disable-rewards-penalties-logging",
Usage: "Disable reward/penalty logging during cluster deployment",
// GraffitiFlag defines the graffiti value included in proposed blocks
GraffitiFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "graffiti",
Usage: "String to include in proposed blocks",
// GrpcRetriesFlag defines the number of times to retry a failed gRPC request.
GrpcRetriesFlag = &cli.UintFlag{
Name: "grpc-retries",
Usage: "Number of attempts to retry gRPC requests",
Value: 5,
// GrpcRetryDelayFlag defines the interval to retry a failed gRPC request.
GrpcRetryDelayFlag = &cli.DurationFlag{
Name: "grpc-retry-delay",
Usage: "The amount of time between gRPC retry requests.",
Value: 1 * time.Second,
// GrpcHeadersFlag defines a list of headers to send with all gRPC requests.
GrpcHeadersFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "grpc-headers",
Usage: "A comma separated list of key value pairs to pass as gRPC headers for all gRPC " +
"calls. Example: --grpc-headers=key=value",
// GRPCGatewayHost specifies a gRPC gateway host for the validator client.
GRPCGatewayHost = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "grpc-gateway-host",
Usage: "The host on which the gateway server runs on",
Value: DefaultGatewayHost,
// GRPCGatewayPort enables a gRPC gateway to be exposed for the validator client.
GRPCGatewayPort = &cli.IntFlag{
Name: "grpc-gateway-port",
Usage: "Enable gRPC gateway for JSON requests",
Value: 7500,
// GPRCGatewayCorsDomain serves preflight requests when serving gRPC JSON gateway.
GPRCGatewayCorsDomain = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "grpc-gateway-corsdomain",
Usage: "Comma separated list of domains from which to accept cross origin requests " +
"(browser enforced). This flag has no effect if not used with --grpc-gateway-port.",
Value: "http://localhost:7500,,,http://localhost:4242,,http://localhost:4200,,,,http://localhost:3000,,"}
// MonitoringPortFlag defines the http port used to serve prometheus metrics.
MonitoringPortFlag = &cli.IntFlag{
Name: "monitoring-port",
Usage: "Port used to listening and respond metrics for prometheus.",
Value: 8081,
// WalletDirFlag defines the path to a wallet directory for Prysm accounts.
WalletDirFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "wallet-dir",
Usage: "Path to a wallet directory on-disk for Prysm validator accounts",
Value: filepath.Join(DefaultValidatorDir(), WalletDefaultDirName),
// AccountPasswordFileFlag is path to a file containing a password for a validator account.
AccountPasswordFileFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "account-password-file",
Usage: "Path to a plain-text, .txt file containing a password for a validator account",
// WalletPasswordFileFlag is the path to a file containing your wallet password.
WalletPasswordFileFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "wallet-password-file",
Usage: "Path to a plain-text, .txt file containing your wallet password",
// Mnemonic25thWordFileFlag defines a path to a file containing a "25th" word mnemonic passphrase for advanced users.
Mnemonic25thWordFileFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "mnemonic-25th-word-file",
Usage: "(Advanced) Path to a plain-text, .txt file containing a 25th word passphrase for your mnemonic for HD wallets",
// SkipMnemonic25thWordCheckFlag allows for skipping a check for mnemonic 25th word passphrases for HD wallets.
SkipMnemonic25thWordCheckFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "skip-mnemonic-25th-word-check",
Usage: "Allows for skipping the check for a mnemonic 25th word passphrase for HD wallets",
// ImportPrivateKeyFileFlag allows for directly importing a private key hex string as an account.
ImportPrivateKeyFileFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "import-private-key-file",
Usage: "Path to a plain-text, .txt file containing a hex string representation of a private key to import",
// MnemonicFileFlag is used to enter a file to mnemonic phrase for new wallet creation, non-interactively.
MnemonicFileFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "mnemonic-file",
Usage: "File to retrieve mnemonic for non-interactively passing a mnemonic phrase into wallet recover.",
// MnemonicLanguageFlag is used to specify the language of the mnemonic.
MnemonicLanguageFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "mnemonic-language",
Usage: "Allows specifying mnemonic language. Supported languages are: english|chinese_traditional|chinese_simplified|czech|french|japanese|korean|italian|spanish",
// ShowDepositDataFlag for accounts.
ShowDepositDataFlag = &cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "show-deposit-data",
Usage: "Display raw eth1 tx deposit data for validator accounts",
Value: false,
// ShowPrivateKeysFlag for accounts.
ShowPrivateKeysFlag = &cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "show-private-keys",
Usage: "Display the private keys for validator accounts",
Value: false,
// ListValidatorIndices for accounts.
ListValidatorIndices = &cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "list-validator-indices",
Usage: "List validator indices",
Value: false,
// NumAccountsFlag defines the amount of accounts to generate for derived wallets.
NumAccountsFlag = &cli.IntFlag{
Name: "num-accounts",
Usage: "Number of accounts to generate for derived wallets",
Value: 1,
// DeletePublicKeysFlag defines a comma-separated list of hex string public keys
// for accounts which a user desires to delete from their wallet.
DeletePublicKeysFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "delete-public-keys",
Usage: "Comma-separated list of public key hex strings to specify which validator accounts to delete",
Value: "",
// BackupPublicKeysFlag defines a comma-separated list of hex string public keys
// for accounts which a user desires to backup from their wallet.
BackupPublicKeysFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "backup-public-keys",
Usage: "Comma-separated list of public key hex strings to specify which validator accounts to backup",
Value: "",
// VoluntaryExitPublicKeysFlag defines a comma-separated list of hex string public keys
// for accounts on which a user wants to perform a voluntary exit.
VoluntaryExitPublicKeysFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "public-keys",
Usage: "Comma-separated list of public key hex strings to specify on which validator accounts to perform " +
"a voluntary exit",
Value: "",
// ExitAllFlag allows stakers to select all validating keys for exit. This will still require the staker
// to confirm a userprompt for this action given it is a dangerous one.
ExitAllFlag = &cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "exit-all",
Usage: "Exit all validators. This will still require the staker to confirm a userprompt for the action",
// ForceExitFlag to exit without displaying the confirmation prompt.
ForceExitFlag = &cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "force-exit",
Usage: "Exit without displaying the confirmation prompt",
// BackupPasswordFile for encrypting accounts a user wishes to back up.
BackupPasswordFile = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "backup-password-file",
Usage: "Path to a plain-text, .txt file containing the desired password for your backed up accounts",
Value: "",
// BackupDirFlag defines the path for the zip backup of the wallet will be created.
BackupDirFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "backup-dir",
Usage: "Path to a directory where accounts will be backed up into a zip file",
Value: DefaultValidatorDir(),
// SlashingProtectionJSONFileFlag is used to enter the file path of the slashing protection JSON.
SlashingProtectionJSONFileFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "slashing-protection-json-file",
Usage: "Path to an EIP-3076 compliant JSON file containing a user's slashing protection history",
// KeysDirFlag defines the path for a directory where keystores to be imported at stored.
KeysDirFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "keys-dir",
Usage: "Path to a directory where keystores to be imported are stored",
// GrpcRemoteAddressFlag defines the host:port address for a remote keymanager to connect to.
GrpcRemoteAddressFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "grpc-remote-address",
Usage: "Host:port of a gRPC server for a remote keymanager",
Value: "",
// DisableRemoteSignerTlsFlag disables TLS when connecting to a remote signer.
DisableRemoteSignerTlsFlag = &cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "disable-remote-signer-tls",
Usage: "Disables TLS when connecting to a remote signer. (WARNING! This will result in insecure requests!)",
Value: false,
// RemoteSignerCertPathFlag defines the path to a client.crt file for a wallet to connect to
// a secure signer via TLS and gRPC.
RemoteSignerCertPathFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "remote-signer-crt-path",
Usage: "/path/to/client.crt for establishing a secure, TLS gRPC connection to a remote signer server",
Value: "",
// RemoteSignerKeyPathFlag defines the path to a client.key file for a wallet to connect to
// a secure signer via TLS and gRPC.
RemoteSignerKeyPathFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "remote-signer-key-path",
Usage: "/path/to/client.key for establishing a secure, TLS gRPC connection to a remote signer server",
Value: "",
// RemoteSignerCACertPathFlag defines the path to a ca.crt file for a wallet to connect to
// a secure signer via TLS and gRPC.
RemoteSignerCACertPathFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "remote-signer-ca-crt-path",
Usage: "/path/to/ca.crt for establishing a secure, TLS gRPC connection to a remote signer server",
Value: "",
// Web3SignerURLFlag defines the URL for a web3signer to connect to.
// example:--validators-external-signer-url=http://localhost:9000
// web3signer documentation can be found in Consensys' web3signer project docs
Web3SignerURLFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "validators-external-signer-url",
Usage: "URL for consensys' web3signer software to use with the Prysm validator client",
Value: "",
// Web3SignerPublicValidatorKeysFlag defines a comma-separated list of hex string public keys or external url for web3signer to use for validator signing.
// example with external url: --validators-external-signer-public-keys= https://web3signer.com/api/v1/eth2/publicKeys
// example with public key: --validators-external-signer-public-keys=0xa99a...e44c,0xb89b...4a0b
// web3signer documentation can be found in Consensys' web3signer project docs```
Web3SignerPublicValidatorKeysFlag = &cli.StringSliceFlag{
Name: "validators-external-signer-public-keys",
Usage: "comma separated list of public keys OR an external url endpoint for the validator to retrieve public keys from for usage with web3signer",
// KeymanagerKindFlag defines the kind of keymanager desired by a user during wallet creation.
KeymanagerKindFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "keymanager-kind",
Usage: "Kind of keymanager, either imported, derived, or remote, specified during wallet creation",
Value: "",
// SkipDepositConfirmationFlag skips the y/n confirmation userprompt for sending a deposit to the deposit contract.
SkipDepositConfirmationFlag = &cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "skip-deposit-confirmation",
Usage: "Skips the y/n confirmation userprompt for sending a deposit to the deposit contract",
Value: false,
// EnableWebFlag enables controlling the validator client via the Prysm web ui. This is a work in progress.
EnableWebFlag = &cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "web",
Usage: "Enables the web portal for the validator client (work in progress)",
Value: false,
// SlashingProtectionExportDirFlag allows specifying the outpt directory
// for a validator's slashing protection history.
SlashingProtectionExportDirFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "slashing-protection-export-dir",
Usage: "Allows users to specify the output directory to export their slashing protection EIP-3076 standard JSON File",
Value: "",
// GraffitiFileFlag specifies the file path to load graffiti values.
GraffitiFileFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "graffiti-file",
Usage: "The path to a YAML file with graffiti values",
// ProposerSettingsFlag defines the path or URL to a file with proposer config.
ProposerSettingsFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "proposer-settings-file",
Usage: "Set path to a YAML or JSON file containing validator settings used when proposing blocks such as (fee recipient and gas limit) (i.e. --proposer-settings-file=/path/to/proposer.json). File format found in docs",
Value: "",
// ProposerSettingsURLFlag defines the path or URL to a file with proposer config.
ProposerSettingsURLFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "proposer-settings-url",
Usage: "Set URL to a REST endpoint containing validator settings used when proposing blocks such as (fee recipient) (i.e. --proposer-settings-url=https://example.com/api/getConfig). File format found in docs",
Value: "",
// SuggestedFeeRecipientFlag defines the address of the fee recipient.
SuggestedFeeRecipientFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "suggested-fee-recipient",
Usage: "Sets ALL validators' mapping to a suggested eth address to receive gas fees when proposing a block." +
" note that this is only a suggestion when integrating with a Builder API, which may choose to specify a different fee recipient as payment for the blocks it builds." +
" For additional setting overrides use the --" + ProposerSettingsFlag.Name + " or --" + ProposerSettingsURLFlag.Name + " Flags. ",
Value: params.BeaconConfig().EthBurnAddressHex,
// EnableBuilderFlag enables the periodic validator registration API calls that will update the custom builder with validator settings.
EnableBuilderFlag = &cli.BoolFlag{
Name: "enable-builder",
Usage: "Enables Builder validator registration APIs for the validator client to update settings such as fee recipient and gas limit. Note* this flag is not required if using proposer settings config file",
Value: false,
Aliases: []string{"enable-validator-registration"},
// BuilderGasLimitFlag defines the gas limit for the builder to use for constructing a payload.
BuilderGasLimitFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "suggested-gas-limit",
Usage: "Sets gas limit for the builder to use for constructing a payload for all the validators",
Value: fmt.Sprint(params.BeaconConfig().DefaultBuilderGasLimit),
// DefaultValidatorDir returns OS-specific default validator directory.
func DefaultValidatorDir() string {
// Try to place the data folder in the user's home dir
home := file.HomeDir()
if home != "" {
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
return filepath.Join(home, "Library", "Eth2Validators")
} else if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
return filepath.Join(home, "AppData", "Local", "Eth2Validators")
} else {
return filepath.Join(home, ".eth2validators")
// As we cannot guess a stable location, return empty and handle later
return ""