from typing import Any from Crypto.Hash import ( SHA256 as _sha256, SHA512 as _sha512, ) from Crypto.Protocol.KDF import ( scrypt as _scrypt, HKDF as _HKDF, PBKDF2 as _PBKDF2, ) from Crypto.Cipher import ( AES as _AES ) def SHA256(x: bytes) -> bytes: return def scrypt(*, password: str, salt: str, n: int, r: int, p: int, dklen: int) -> bytes: if n * r * p < 2**20: # 128 MB memory usage raise ValueError("The Scrypt parameters chosen are not secure.") if n >= 2**(128 * r / 8): raise ValueError("The given `n` should be less than `2**(128 * r / 8)`." f"\tGot `n={n}`, r={r}, 2**(128 * r / 8)={2**(128 * r / 8)}") res = _scrypt(password=password, salt=salt, key_len=dklen, N=n, r=r, p=p) return res if isinstance(res, bytes) else res[0] # PyCryptodome can return Tuple[bytes] def PBKDF2(*, password: bytes, salt: bytes, dklen: int, c: int, prf: str) -> bytes: if 'sha' not in prf: raise ValueError(f"String 'sha' is not in `prf`({prf})") if 'sha256' in prf and c < 2**18: ''' Verify the number of rounds of SHA256-PBKDF2. SHA512 bot checked as use in BIP39 does not require and therefore doesn't use safe parameters (c=2048). Ref: ''' raise ValueError("The PBKDF2 parameters chosen are not secure.") _hash = _sha256 if 'sha256' in prf else _sha512 res = _PBKDF2(password=password, salt=salt, dkLen=dklen, count=c, hmac_hash_module=_hash) # type: ignore return res if isinstance(res, bytes) else res[0] # PyCryptodome can return Tuple[bytes] def HKDF(*, salt: bytes, IKM: bytes, L: int, info: bytes=b'') -> bytes: res = _HKDF(master=IKM, key_len=L, salt=salt, hashmod=_sha256, context=info) return res if isinstance(res, bytes) else res[0] # PyCryptodome can return Tuple[bytes] def AES_128_CTR(*, key: bytes, iv: bytes) -> Any: if len(key) != 16: raise ValueError(f"The key length should be 16. Got {len(key)}.") return, mode=_AES.MODE_CTR, initial_value=iv, nonce=b'')