import os import sys import click from eth2deposit.credentials import ( CredentialList, ) from eth2deposit.key_handling.key_derivation.mnemonic import ( get_languages, get_mnemonic, ) from eth2deposit.utils.validation import verify_deposit_data_json from eth2deposit.utils.constants import ( WORD_LISTS_PATH, MAX_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT, DEFAULT_VALIDATOR_KEYS_FOLDER_NAME, ) from eth2deposit.utils.ascii_art import RHINO_0 from eth2deposit.settings import ( ALL_CHAINS, MAINNET, get_setting, ) languages = get_languages(WORD_LISTS_PATH) def generate_mnemonic(language: str, words_path: str) -> str: mnemonic = get_mnemonic(language=language, words_path=words_path) test_mnemonic = '' while mnemonic != test_mnemonic: click.clear() click.echo('This is your seed phrase. Write it down and store it safely, it is the ONLY way to retrieve your deposit.') # noqa: E501 click.echo('\n\n%s\n\n' % mnemonic) click.pause('Press any key when you have written down your mnemonic.') click.clear() test_mnemonic = click.prompt('Please type your mnemonic (separated by spaces) to confirm you have written it down\n\n') # noqa: E501 test_mnemonic = test_mnemonic.lower() click.clear() return mnemonic def check_python_version() -> None: ''' Checks that the python version running is sufficient and exits if not. ''' if sys.version_info < (3, 7): click.pause('Your python version is insufficient, please install version 3.7 or greater.') sys.exit() @click.command() @click.option( '--num_validators', prompt='Please choose how many validators you wish to run', required=True, type=int, ) @click.option( '--mnemonic_language', prompt='Please choose your mnemonic language', type=click.Choice(languages, case_sensitive=False), default='english', ) @click.option( '--folder', type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False, dir_okay=True), default=os.getcwd() ) @click.option( '--chain', prompt='Please choose the (mainnet or testnet) network/chain name', type=click.Choice(ALL_CHAINS.keys(), case_sensitive=False), default=MAINNET, ) @click.password_option(prompt='Type the password that secures your validator keystore(s)') def main(num_validators: int, mnemonic_language: str, folder: str, chain: str, password: str) -> None: check_python_version() mnemonic = generate_mnemonic(mnemonic_language, WORD_LISTS_PATH) amounts = [MAX_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT] * num_validators folder = os.path.join(folder, DEFAULT_VALIDATOR_KEYS_FOLDER_NAME) setting = get_setting(chain) if not os.path.exists(folder): os.mkdir(folder) click.clear() click.echo(RHINO_0) click.echo('Creating your keys.') credentials = CredentialList.from_mnemonic( mnemonic=mnemonic, num_keys=num_validators, amounts=amounts, fork_version=setting.GENESIS_FORK_VERSION, ) click.echo('Saving your keystore(s).') keystore_filefolders = credentials.export_keystores(password=password, folder=folder) click.echo('Creating your deposit(s).') deposits_file = credentials.export_deposit_data_json(folder=folder) click.echo('Verifying your keystore(s).') assert credentials.verify_keystores(keystore_filefolders=keystore_filefolders, password=password) click.echo('Verifying your deposit(s).') assert verify_deposit_data_json(deposits_file) click.echo('\nSuccess!\nYour keys can be found at: %s' % folder) click.pause('\n\nPress any key.') if __name__ == '__main__': main()