from eth2deposit.utils.crypto import ( HKDF, SHA256, ) from py_ecc.optimized_bls12_381 import curve_order as bls_curve_order from typing import List def _flip_bits_256(input: int) -> int: """ Flips 256 bits worth of `input`. """ return input ^ (2**256 - 1) def _IKM_to_lamport_SK(*, IKM: bytes, salt: bytes) -> List[bytes]: """ Derives the lamport SK for a given `IKM` and `salt`. """ OKM = HKDF(salt=salt, IKM=IKM, L=8160) lamport_SK = [OKM[i: i + 32] for i in range(0, 8160, 32)] return lamport_SK def _parent_SK_to_lamport_PK(*, parent_SK: int, index: int) -> bytes: """ Derives the `index`th child's lamport PK from the `parent_SK`. """ salt = index.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big') IKM = parent_SK.to_bytes(32, byteorder='big') lamport_0 = _IKM_to_lamport_SK(IKM=IKM, salt=salt) not_IKM = _flip_bits_256(parent_SK).to_bytes(32, byteorder='big') lamport_1 = _IKM_to_lamport_SK(IKM=not_IKM, salt=salt) lamport_SKs = lamport_0 + lamport_1 lamport_PKs = [SHA256(sk) for sk in lamport_SKs] compressed_PK = SHA256(b''.join(lamport_PKs)) return compressed_PK def _HKDF_mod_r(*, IKM: bytes) -> int: okm = HKDF(salt=b'BLS-SIG-KEYGEN-SALT-', IKM=IKM, L=48) return int.from_bytes(okm, byteorder='big') % bls_curve_order def derive_child_SK(*, parent_SK: int, index: int) -> int: assert(index >= 0 and index < 2**32) lamport_PK = _parent_SK_to_lamport_PK(parent_SK=parent_SK, index=index) return _HKDF_mod_r(IKM=lamport_PK) def derive_master_SK(seed: bytes) -> int: assert(len(seed) >= 16) return _HKDF_mod_r(IKM=seed)