import os from typing import ( Dict, List, ) ZERO_BYTES32 = b'\x00' * 32 # Execution-spec constants taken from DOMAIN_DEPOSIT = bytes.fromhex('03000000') BLS_WITHDRAWAL_PREFIX = bytes.fromhex('00') ETH1_ADDRESS_WITHDRAWAL_PREFIX = bytes.fromhex('01') ETH2GWEI = 10 ** 9 MIN_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT = 2 ** 0 * ETH2GWEI MAX_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT = 2 ** 5 * ETH2GWEI # File/folder constants WORD_LISTS_PATH = os.path.join('staking_deposit', 'key_handling', 'key_derivation', 'word_lists') DEFAULT_VALIDATOR_KEYS_FOLDER_NAME = 'validator_keys' # Internationalisation constants INTL_CONTENT_PATH = os.path.join('staking_deposit', 'intl') def _add_index_to_options(d: Dict[str, List[str]]) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: ''' Adds the (1 indexed) index (in the dict) to the first element of value list. eg. {'en': ['English', 'en']} -> {'en': ['1. English', '1', 'English', 'en']} Requires dicts to be ordered (Python > 3.6) ''' keys = list(d.keys()) # Force copy dictionary keys top prevent iteration over changing dict for i, key in enumerate(keys): d.update({key: ['%s. %s' % (i + 1, d[key][0]), str(i + 1)] + d[key]}) return d INTL_LANG_OPTIONS = _add_index_to_options({ 'ar': ['العربية', 'ar', 'Arabic'], 'el': ['ελληνικά', 'el', 'Greek'], 'en': ['English', 'en'], 'fr': ['Français', 'Francais', 'fr', 'French'], 'id': ['Bahasa melayu', 'Melayu', 'id', 'Malay'], 'it': ['Italiano', 'it', 'Italian'], 'ja': ['日本語', 'ja', 'Japanese'], 'ko': ['한국어', '조선말', '韓國語', 'ko', 'Korean'], 'pt-BR': ['Português do Brasil', 'Brasil', 'pt-BR', 'Brazilian Portuguese'], 'ro': ['român', 'limba română', 'ro', 'Romainian'], 'zh-CN': ['简体中文', 'zh-CN', 'zh', 'Chinease'], }) MNEMONIC_LANG_OPTIONS = _add_index_to_options({ 'chinese_simplified': ['简体中文', 'zh', 'zh-CN', 'Chinese Simplified'], 'chinese_traditional': ['繁體中文', 'zh-tw', 'Chinese Traditional'], 'czech': ['čeština', 'český jazyk', 'cs', 'Czech'], 'english': ['English', 'en'], 'italian': ['Italiano', 'it', 'Italian'], 'korean': ['한국어', '조선말', '韓國語', 'ko', 'Korean'], # Portuguese mnemonics are in both pt & pt-BR 'portuguese': ['Português', 'Português do Brasil', 'pt', 'pt-BR', 'Portuguese'], 'spanish': ['Español', 'es', 'Spanish'], }) # Sundry constants UNICODE_CONTROL_CHARS = list(range(0x00, 0x20)) + list(range(0x7F, 0xA0))