zelig 1024766514 refactor cli and gui wrapper code. Details:
- all cli functions shared between ethereum and ethereal abstracted to utils/ cmd.go (should be ethcommon or shared or sth)
- simplify main() now readable stepwise
- rename main wrapper files to main.go
- rename commmand line args definition file from config.go to flags.go
- rename Do -> Start to parallel option names
- register interrupt for rpc server stop
- fix interrupt stopping js repl and ethereum
- register interrupt for mining stop
- custom config file option from command line
- debug option from command line
- loglevel option from command line
- changed ethutil.Config API
- default datadir and default config file set together with other flag defaults in wrappers
- default assetpath set together with other command line flags defaults in gui wrapper (not in ethutil.Config or ui/ui_lib)
- options precedence: default < config file < environment variables < command line
2014-06-23 12:25:55 +01:00

44 lines
896 B

package main
import (
const Debug = true
func main() {
// precedence: code-internal flag default < config file < environment variables < command line
Init() // parsing command line
utils.InitConfig(ConfigFile, Datadir, Identifier, "ETH")
utils.InitLogging(Datadir, LogFile, LogLevel, DebugFile)
ethereum := utils.NewEthereum(UseUPnP, OutboundPort, MaxPeer)
// create, import, export keys
utils.KeyTasks(GenAddr, ImportKey, ExportKey, NonInteractive)
if ShowGenesis {
if StartRpc {
utils.StartRpc(ethereum, RpcPort)
utils.StartEthereum(ethereum, UseSeed)
gui := ethui.New(ethereum, logLevel)